本文整理汇总了Python中Tkinter.Tk.bell方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Tk.bell方法的具体用法?Python Tk.bell怎么用?Python Tk.bell使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Tkinter.Tk
示例1: test_tabs
# 需要导入模块: from Tkinter import Tk [as 别名]
# 或者: from Tkinter.Tk import bell [as 别名]
def test_tabs():
a = Tk()
n = Notebook( a, TOP )
# uses the Notebook's frame
f1 = Frame( n() )
b1 = Button( f1, text="Ignore me" )
e1 = Entry( f1 )
# pack your widgets before adding the frame
# to the Notebook (but not the frame itself)!
b1.pack( fill=BOTH, expand=1 )
e1.pack( fill=BOTH, expand=1 )
# keeps the reference to the radiobutton (optional)
x1 = n.add_screen( f1, "Tab 1" )
f2 = Frame( n() )
# this button destroys the 1st screen radiobutton
b2 = Button( f2, text='Remove Tab 1', command=lambda:x1.destroy() )
b3 = Button( f2, text='Beep...', command=lambda:Tk.bell( a ) )
b2.pack( fill=BOTH, expand=1 )
b3.pack( fill=BOTH, expand=1 )
f3 = Frame( n() )
n.add_screen( f2, "Tab 2" )
n.add_screen( f3, "Minimize" )
示例2: Cap
# 需要导入模块: from Tkinter import Tk [as 别名]
# 或者: from Tkinter.Tk import bell [as 别名]
self.video = None
def restart_video(self, *args):
' restart video (if device changes or hangs) '
self.root.after(1, self.do_start_video)
def do_start_video(self, *args):
' init video and start live view '
if self.video is None:
self.video = Video_device(self.videodevice.get())
_, _, self.fourcc = self.video.get_format()
caps = sorted(self.video.get_framesizes(self.fourcc), cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(a['size_x']*a['size_y'], b['size_x']*b['size_y']))
self.previewsize, self.highressize = caps[0], caps[-1]
self.previewsize['size_x'], self.previewsize['size_y'] = self.video.set_format(
self.previewsize['size_x'], self.previewsize['size_y'], 0, 'MJPEG')
try: self.video.set_auto_white_balance(True)
except: pass
try: self.video.set_exposure_auto(True)
except: pass
try: self.video.set_focus_auto(True)
except: pass
self.root.after(1, self.do_live_view)
#self.x_canvas.config(width=640, height=480)
def do_live_view(self, *args):
' show single pic live view and ask tk to call us again later '
if self.video is not None:
select((self.video, ), (), ())
data = self.video.read_and_queue()
self.image = frombytes('RGB', (self.previewsize['size_x'], self.previewsize['size_y']), data)
if self.invert.get():
self.image = invert(self.image)
if self.grayscale.get():
self.image = grayscale(self.image)
if self.autocontrast.get():
self.image = autocontrast(self.image)
if self.equalize.get():
self.image = equalize(self.image)
if self.solarize.get():
self.image = solarize(self.image)
if self.degree.get():
self.image = self.image.rotate(self.degree.get())
self.photo = PhotoImage(self.image)
self.x_canvas.create_image(640/2, 640/2, image=self.photo)
self.root.after(3, self.do_live_view)
def do_single_shot(self, *args):
' do a high res single shot and store it '
def _go():
self.video = Video_device(self.videodevice.get())
self.highressize['size_x'], self.highressize['size_y'] = self.video.set_format(
self.highressize['size_x'], self.highressize['size_y'], 0, 'MJPEG')
try: self.video.set_auto_white_balance(True)
except: pass
try: self.video.set_exposure_auto(True)
except: pass
try: self.video.set_focus_auto(True)
except: pass
stop_time = time() + 3.0
# wait for auto
while stop_time >= time():
select((self.video, ), (), ())
data = self.video.read_and_queue()
image = frombytes('RGB', (self.highressize['size_x'], self.highressize['size_y'], ), data)
if self.invert.get():
image = invert(image)
if self.grayscale.get():
image = grayscale(image)
if self.autocontrast.get():
image = autocontrast(image)
if self.equalize.get():
self.image = equalize(self.image)
if self.solarize.get():
self.image = solarize(self.image)
if self.degree.get():
image = image.rotate(self.degree.get())
self.video = None
self.root.after(1, self.do_start_video)
self.root.after(1, _go)
示例3: NvimTk
# 需要导入模块: from Tkinter import Tk [as 别名]
# 或者: from Tkinter.Tk import bell [as 别名]
self._tk_tag_region('move', move_top, move_bot, left, right)
self._canvas.move('move', 0, -count * self._rowsize)
self._canvas.dtag('move', 'move')
# self._tk_fill_region(fill_top, fill_bot, left, right)
def _tk_nvim_highlight_set(self, attrs):
self._attrs = attrs
def _tk_nvim_put(self, data):
# choose a Font instance
font = self._fnormal
if self._attrs.get('bold', False):
font = self._fbold
if self._attrs.get('italic', False):
font = self._fbolditalic if font == self._fbold else self._fitalic
# colors
fg = "#{0:0{1}x}".format(self._attrs.get('foreground', self._fg), 6)
bg = "#{0:0{1}x}".format(self._attrs.get('background', self._bg), 6)
# get the "text" and "rect" which correspond to the current cell
x, y = self._tk_get_coords(self._cursor_row, self._cursor_col)
items = self._canvas.find_overlapping(x, y, x + 1, y + 1)
if len(items) != 2:
# caught part the double-width character in the cell to the left,
# filter items which dont have the same horizontal coordinate as
# "x"
predicate = lambda item: self._canvas.coords(item)[0] == x
items = filter(predicate, items)
# rect has lower id than text, sort to unpack correctly
rect, text = sorted(items)
self._canvas.itemconfig(text, fill=fg, font=font, text=data or ' ')
self._canvas.itemconfig(rect, fill=bg)
self._tk_nvim_cursor_goto(self._cursor_row, self._cursor_col + 1)
def _tk_nvim_bell(self):
def _tk_nvim_update_fg(self, fg):
self._fg = "#{0:0{1}x}".format(fg, 6)
def _tk_nvim_update_bg(self, bg):
self._bg = "#{0:0{1}x}".format(bg, 6)
def _tk_redraw_canvas(self, width, height):
if self._canvas:
self._fnormal = Font(family='Monospace', size=13)
self._fbold = Font(family='Monospace', weight='bold', size=13)
self._fitalic = Font(family='Monospace', slant='italic', size=13)
self._fbolditalic = Font(family='Monospace', weight='bold',
slant='italic', size=13)
self._colsize = self._fnormal.measure('A')
self._rowsize = self._fnormal.metrics('linespace')
self._canvas = Canvas(self._root, width=self._colsize * width,
height=self._rowsize * height)
self._tk_fill_region(0, height - 1, 0, width - 1)
self._cursor_row = 0
self._cursor_col = 0
self._scroll_top = 0
self._scroll_bot = height - 1
self._scroll_left = 0
self._scroll_right = width - 1
self._width, self._height = (width, height,)
def _tk_fill_region(self, top, bot, left, right):
# create columns from right to left so the left columns have a