本文整理汇总了Python中ParmedTools.ParmedActions类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ParmedActions类的具体用法?Python ParmedActions怎么用?Python ParmedActions使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: strip
def strip(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Strips a mask from the topology file """
if amber_prmtop.parm.chamber:
showerror('Not Implemented', 'The strip command does not yet work with ' +
'chamber topologies')
# We need a mask, new radius, new epsilon, and for chamber topologies,
# a new radius-1-4 and epsilon-1-4. Don't add the latter ones until we
# know if we have a chamber prmtop or not.
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'Atoms to strip from topology')]
# We need 5 string variables, then get the description.
var_list = [StringVar()]
description=('Strips the selected atoms from the topology file. All\n' +
'remaining atoms and parameters remain unchanged. Any\n' +
'parameters associated with stripped atoms are removed.')
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('addLJType', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
var = var_list[0]
if not var.get(): return
action = ParmedActions.strip(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var.get()))
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例2: printinfo
def printinfo(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Prints all of the info in a given FLAG """
# Set up the window
# variables we need for printInfo
widget_list = [('Entry', '%FLAG you want info from')]
# Variable list -- we need a single string
var_list = [StringVar()]
# description
description = ' '.join(ParmedActions.printinfo.__doc__.split())
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('printInfo', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# Make sure we didn't cancel (or just press OK with no input), or just leave
var = var_list[0].get()
if not var: return
# Now that we did something, do it
action = ParmedActions.printinfo(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var))
if not action.found:
showerror('Not Found!', '%%FLAG %s not found!' % var.upper())
window = Toplevel(root)
window.resizable(True, True)
window.title('%%FLAG %s Info in %s' % (var.upper(), amber_prmtop))
text = _guiwidgets.ExitingScrollText(window, None, spacing3=5, padx=5,
pady=5, width=82, height=20)
text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
messages.write('Wrote info for flag %s\n' % var.upper())
示例3: change
def change(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Allows us to change a specific atomic property """
# The spinbox is sent with the Spinbox, label, and then a list of all of the
# values to give to it
widget_list = [('Spinbox', 'Property to change', 'CHARGE', 'MASS',
('MaskEntry', 'Atoms to change'),
('Entry', 'New Value for Property')]
# We need 3 string variables, then get the description
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar()]
description = 'Changes the property of given atoms to a new value'
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('change', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_found: return
# If we did, store them and pass it to the class
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action = ParmedActions.change(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var_list))
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例4: writeoff
def writeoff(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Dumps an OFF library to a given filename """
fname = save_file_chooser('OFF library', '.lib')
if fname:
action = ParmedActions.writeoff(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(fname))
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
示例5: writefrcmod
def writefrcmod(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Dumps an frcmod file to a given filename """
fname = save_file_chooser('frcmod', '.frcmod')
if fname:
action = ParmedActions.writefrcmod(amber_prmtop, fname)
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
示例6: changelj14pair
def changelj14pair(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Changes specific 1-4 Lennard Jones pairs """
# Only good for chamber topologies
if not amber_prmtop.parm.chamber:
'changeLJ14Pair is only valid for chamber topologies!')
# variables we need for changelj14pair
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'Atom(s) Type 1 Mask'),
('MaskEntry', 'Atom(s) Type 2 Mask'),
('Entry', 'Combined Radius'),
('Entry', 'Combined Well Depth')]
# Variable list -- we need 2 masks and 2 floats
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar()]
# description
description = ' '.join(ParmedActions.changeljpair.__doc__.split())
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('changeLJ14Pair', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# Make sure we didn't cancel (or just press OK with no input), or just leave
vars_exist = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_exist: return
# Now that we did something, do it
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action=ParmedActions.changelj14pair(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var_list))
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例7: changeljsingletype
def changeljsingletype(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Changes radius/well depth of a single LJ type given by the mask """
# We need a mask, radius, and well depth
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'Mask to change LJ Type'),
('Entry', 'New LJ Radius'), ('Entry', 'New LJ Depth')]
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar()]
description = "Change a given atom type's LJ radius and well depth"
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('changeLJSingleType', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_found: return
# addljtype expects any _non_specified variables to be None
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
for i, v in enumerate(var_list):
if not v: var_list[i] = None
# If we did, store them and pass it to the class
action = ParmedActions.changeljsingletype(amber_prmtop,
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例8: addexclusions
def addexclusions(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Adds atoms to other atoms' exclusion list """
# We need 2 masks
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'Atoms to add excluded atoms to'),
('MaskEntry', 'Atoms to exclude from other mask')]
# We have 2 mask variables
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar()]
# Description
description=('Allows you to add arbitrary excluded atoms to exclusion\n' +
'lists. This omits all non-bonded interactions in the direct-space\n' +
'calculation, but does not omit interactions from adjacent cells in\n' +
'periodic simulations')
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('addExclusions', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# Bail out if we didn't get any variables
if not True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]: return
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action = ParmedActions.addexclusions(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var_list))
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例9: setangle
def setangle(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Sets (adds or changes) an angle in the topology file """
# We need 3 masks, a force constant, and an equilibrium angle
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'First atom in angle'),
('MaskEntry', 'Second (middle) atom in angle'),
('MaskEntry', 'Third atom in angle'),
('Entry', 'Force constant (kcal/mol rad**2)'),
('Entry', 'Equilibrium Angle (Degrees)')]
# We need 5 variables
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar()]
description = ('Sets an angle in the topology file with the given Force ' +
'constant in kcal/mol/rad**2\nand the given equilibrium ' +
'angle in Degrees. All three masks must specify only a\n' +
'single atom. If the angle exists, it will be replaced. If ' +
'it doesn\'t, it will be added.')
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('setAngle', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_found: return
# If we did, pass them through
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action = ParmedActions.setangle(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var_list))
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例10: addpdb
def addpdb(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Adds PDB information to a topology file """
# Get the name of the file
type_list = [('PDB', '*.pdb'), ('All Files', '*')]
fname = file_chooser('PDB File', type_list)
if not fname: return
widget_list = [('Checkbutton', 'Require all residue names be consistent.'),
('Checkbutton', 'Print element names in %FLAG ELEMENT'),
('Checkbutton', 'Print all insertion codes, even if all are '
var_list = [StringVar(value='no') for i in range(3)]
description = ('Adds information from the PDB file (e.g., CHAIN IDs) to '
'the topology file')
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('addPDB', amber_prmtop, widget_list,
var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_found: return
newvars = [fname]
# If we did, pass them through
if var_list[0] == 'yes': newvars.append('strict')
if var_list[1] == 'yes': newvars.append('elem')
if var_list[1] == 'yes': newvars.append('allicodes')
action = ParmedActions.addpdb(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(newvars))
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例11: deletedihedral
def deletedihedral(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Deletes a dihedral between 4 given atoms """
# We need 4 masks
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'First (end) atom in dihedral'),
('MaskEntry', 'Second (middle) atom in dihedral'),
('MaskEntry', 'Third (middle) atom in dihedral'),
('MaskEntry', 'Fourth (end) atom in dihedral')]
# We need 4 variables
var_list = [StringVar() for i in range(4)]
description = ('Deletes dihedrals between the atoms specified in mask1, ' +
'mask2, mask3, and mask4.\nIt will try to match dihedrals ' +
'only in the order given or reverse order. Dihedrals are\n' +
'specified by atom N in mask1, mask2, mask3, and mask4,' +
'where N is the selected\natom in that mask.')
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('deleteDihedral', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_found: return
# If we did, pass them through
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action = ParmedActions.deletedihedral(amber_prmtop,ArgumentList(var_list))
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例12: hmassrepartition
def hmassrepartition(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
Repartitions mass by making H-atoms heavier and attached heteroatoms
lighter by the same amount to preserve the same total mass
# The spinbox is sent with the Spinbox, label, and then a list of all of the
# values to give to it
widget_list = [('Entry', 'New hydrogen mass (daltons)'),
('Checkbutton', 'Repartition waters?')]
# We need 2 string variables, then get the description
var_list = [StringVar(value='3.024'), StringVar(value='no')]
description = ('Repartitions atomic masses to keep total mass the same '
'while increasing H-atom masses to allow using a larger '
'time step.')
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('HMassChange', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = var_list[0].get() or var_list[1].get()
if not vars_found: return
# If we did, store them and pass it to the class
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
# Convert the check button into the correct keyword
if var_list[1] == 'yes':
var_list[1] = 'dowater'
var_list[1] = ''
action = ParmedActions.hmassrepartition(amber_prmtop,
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例13: scale
def scale(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Allows us to scale every value in a particular prmtop section """
# The spinbox is sent with the Spinbox, label, and then a list of all of the
# values to give to it
changeable_properties = ['Spinbox', 'Property to scale']
for flag in amber_prmtop.parm.flag_list:
if amber_prmtop.parm.formats[flag].type is float:
widget_list = [changeable_properties, ('Entry', 'Value to scale by')]
# We need 2 string variables, then get the description
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar()]
description = 'Scales all values in a given prmtop section by a given value'
# Create the window, open it, then wait for it to close
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('scale', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# See if we got any variables back
vars_found = var_list[0].get() or var_list[1].get()
if not vars_found: return
# If we did, store them and pass it to the class
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action = ParmedActions.scale(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var_list))
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))
示例14: printdetails
def printdetails(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Prints details about a given Amber mask """
title = 'Print Details'
mask = StringVar()
cmd_window = Toplevel(root)
mask_entry = _guiwidgets.MaskEntry(cmd_window, amber_prmtop,
'Input an Amber Mask', mask, cmd_window)
mask_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+E+S+W)
button = Button(cmd_window, text='OK / Quit', command=cmd_window.destroy)
button.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N+E+S+W)
if not mask.get(): return
# Print our mask
window = Toplevel(root)
window.resizable(True, True)
window.title('Atom information for mask %s' % mask.get())
text = _guiwidgets.ExitingScrollText(window, None, spacing3=5, padx=5,
pady=5, width=100, height=20)
text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
action = ParmedActions.printdetails(amber_prmtop, mask.get())
messages.write('Printed Amber Mask details on [%s]\n' % mask.get())
示例15: changeljpair
def changeljpair(root, amber_prmtop, messages):
""" Changes a pair-wise LJ interaction for pre-combined epsilon/Rmin """
# The variables we need for changeljpair
widget_list = [('MaskEntry', 'Atom(s) Type 1 Mask'),
('MaskEntry', 'Atom(s) Type 2 Mask'),
('Entry', 'Combined Radius'),
('Entry', 'Combined Well Depth')]
# Variable list -- we need 2 masks and 2 floats
var_list = [StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar()]
# description
description = ' '.join(ParmedActions.changeljpair.__doc__.split())
cmd_window = _guiwidgets.ActionWindow('changeLJPair', amber_prmtop,
widget_list, var_list, description)
# Make sure we didn't cancel (or just press OK with no input), or just leave
vars_exist = True in [bool(v.get()) for v in var_list]
if not vars_exist: return
# Now that we did something, do it
var_list = [v.get() for v in var_list]
action = ParmedActions.changeljpair(amber_prmtop, ArgumentList(var_list))
messages.write('%s\n' % action)
except Exception, err:
showerror('Unexpected Error!', '%s: %s' % (type(err).__name__, err))