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Python AttachFile.size方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MoinMoin.action.AttachFile.size方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python AttachFile.size方法的具体用法?Python AttachFile.size怎么用?Python AttachFile.size使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MoinMoin.action.AttachFile的用法示例。


示例1: history

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import size [as 别名]
    def history(page, pagename, request):
        # show history as default
        _ = request.getText
        default_count, limit_max_count = request.cfg.history_count
            max_count = int(request.form.get('max_count', [default_count])[0])
            max_count = default_count
        max_count = min(max_count, limit_max_count)

        # open log for this page
        from MoinMoin.util.dataset import TupleDataset, Column

        history = TupleDataset()
        history.columns = [
            Column('rev', label='#', align='right'),
            Column('mtime', label=_('Date'), align='right'),
            Column('size', label=_('Size'), align='right'),
            Column('diff', label='<input type="submit" value="%s">' % (_("Diff"))),
            Column('editor', label=_('Editor'), hidden=not request.cfg.show_names),
            Column('comment', label=_('Comment')),
            Column('action', label=_('Action')),

        # generate history list

        def render_action(text, query, **kw):
            return page.link_to(request, text, querystr=query, **kw)

        # read in the complete log of this page
        log = editlog.EditLog(request, rootpagename=pagename)
        count = 0
        pgactioncount = 0
        for line in log.reverse():
            rev = int(line.rev)
            actions = []
            if line.action in ('SAVE', 'SAVENEW', 'SAVE/REVERT', 'SAVE/RENAME', ):
                size = page.size(rev=rev)
                actions.append(render_action(_('view'), {'action': 'recall', 'rev': '%d' % rev}))
                if pgactioncount == 0:
                    rchecked = ' checked="checked"'
                    lchecked = ''
                elif pgactioncount == 1:
                    lchecked = ' checked="checked"'
                    rchecked = ''
                    lchecked = rchecked = ''
                diff = '<input type="radio" name="rev1" value="%d"%s><input type="radio" name="rev2" value="%d"%s>' % (rev, lchecked, rev, rchecked)
                if rev > 1:
                    diff += render_action(' ' + _('to previous'), {'action': 'diff', 'rev1': rev-1, 'rev2': rev})
                comment = line.comment
                if not comment:
                    if '/REVERT' in line.action:
                        comment = _("Revert to revision %(rev)d.") % {'rev': int(line.extra)}
                    elif '/RENAME' in line.action:
                        comment = _("Renamed from '%(oldpagename)s'.") % {'oldpagename': line.extra}
                pgactioncount += 1
            else: # ATT*
                rev = '-'
                diff = '-'

                filename = wikiutil.url_unquote(line.extra)
                comment = "%s: %s %s" % (line.action, filename, line.comment)
                size = 0
                if line.action != 'ATTDEL':
                    from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile
                    if AttachFile.exists(request, pagename, filename):
                        size = AttachFile.size(request, pagename, filename)
                    if line.action == 'ATTNEW':
                        actions.append(render_action(_('view'), {'action': 'AttachFile', 'do': 'view', 'target': '%s' % filename}))
                    elif line.action == 'ATTDRW':
                        actions.append(render_action(_('edit'), {'action': 'AttachFile', 'drawing': '%s' % filename.replace(".draw", "")}))

                    actions.append(render_action(_('get'), {'action': 'AttachFile', 'do': 'get', 'target': '%s' % filename}))
                    if request.user.may.delete(pagename):
                        actions.append(render_action(_('del'), {'action': 'AttachFile', 'do': 'del', 'target': '%s' % filename}))

                line.getEditor(request) or _("N/A"),
                wikiutil.escape(comment) or '&nbsp;',
            count += 1
            if count >= max_count:

        # print version history
        from MoinMoin.widget.browser import DataBrowserWidget

        request.write(unicode(html.H2().append(_('Revision History'))))

        if not count: # there was no entry in logfile
            request.write(_('No log entries found.'))


示例2: history

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import size [as 别名]
    def history(page, pagename, request):
        # show history as default
        _ = request.getText
        default_count, limit_max_count = request.cfg.history_count[0:2]
        paging = request.cfg.history_paging

            max_count = int(request.values.get('max_count', default_count))
        except ValueError:
            max_count = default_count
        max_count = max(1, min(max_count, limit_max_count))

        # read in the complete log of this page
        log = editlog.EditLog(request, rootpagename=pagename)

        offset = 0
        paging_info_html = ""
        paging_nav_html = ""
        count_select_html = ""

        f = request.formatter

        if paging:
            log_size = log.lines()

                offset = int(request.values.get('offset', 0))
            except ValueError:
                offset = 0
            offset = max(min(offset, log_size - 1), 0)

            paging_info_html += f.paragraph(1, css_class="searchstats info-paging-info") + _("Showing page edit history entries from '''%(start_offset)d''' to '''%(end_offset)d''' out of '''%(total_count)d''' entries total.", wiki=True) % {
                'start_offset': log_size - min(log_size, offset + max_count) + 1,
                'end_offset': log_size - offset,
                'total_count': log_size,
            } + f.paragraph(0)

            # generating offset navigating links
            if max_count < log_size or offset != 0:
                offset_links = []
                cur_offset = max_count
                near_count = 5 # request.cfg.pagination_size

                min_offset = max(0, (offset + max_count - 1) / max_count - near_count)
                max_offset = min((log_size - 1) / max_count, offset / max_count + near_count)
                offset_added = False

                def add_offset_link(offset, caption=None):
                    offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-item") +
                        page.link_to(request, on=1, querystr={
                            'action': 'info',
                            'offset': str(offset),
                            'max_count': str(max_count),
                            }, css_class="info-offset-nav-link", rel="nofollow") + f.text(caption or str(log_size - offset)) + page.link_to(request, on=0) +

                # link to previous page - only if not at start
                if offset > 0:
                    add_offset_link(((offset - 1) / max_count) * max_count, _("Newer"))

                # link to beggining of event log - if min_offset is not minimal
                if min_offset > 0:
                    # adding gap only if min_offset not explicitly following beginning
                    if min_offset > 1:
                        offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-gap") + f.text(u'\u2026') + f.table_cell(0))

                # generating near pages links
                for cur_offset in range(min_offset, max_offset + 1):
                    # note that current offset may be not multiple of max_count,
                    # so we check whether we should add current offset marker like this
                    if not offset_added and offset <= cur_offset * max_count:
                        # current info history view offset
                        offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-item info-cur-offset") + f.text(str(log_size - offset)) + f.table_cell(0))
                        offset_added = True

                    # add link, if not at this offset
                    if offset != cur_offset * max_count:
                        add_offset_link(cur_offset * max_count)

                # link to the last page of event log
                if max_offset < (log_size - 1) / max_count:
                    if max_offset < (log_size - 1) / max_count - 1:
                        offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-gap") + f.text(u'\u2026') + f.table_cell(0))
                    add_offset_link(((log_size - 1) / max_count) * max_count)

                # special case - if offset is greater than max_offset * max_count
                if offset > max_offset * max_count:
                    offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-item info-cur-offset") + f.text(str(log_size - offset)) + f.table_cell(0))

                # link to next page
                if offset < (log_size - max_count):
                    add_offset_link(((offset + max_count) / max_count) * max_count, _("Older"))

                # generating html
                paging_nav_html += "".join([
                    f.table(1, css_class="searchpages"),
