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Python AttachFile.add_attachment方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MoinMoin.action.AttachFile.add_attachment方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python AttachFile.add_attachment方法的具体用法?Python AttachFile.add_attachment怎么用?Python AttachFile.add_attachment使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MoinMoin.action.AttachFile的用法示例。


示例1: test_cache_key_attachment

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import add_attachment [as 别名]
    def test_cache_key_attachment(self):
        request = self.request
        pagename = self.pagename
        attachname = 'foo.txt'

        create_page(request, pagename, u"Foo!")

        AttachFile.add_attachment(request, pagename, attachname, "Test content1", True)

        result1 = cache.key(request, itemname=pagename, attachname=attachname, secret='bar')
        result2 = cache.key(request, itemname=pagename, attachname=attachname, secret='baz')
        assert result1  # not empty
        assert result1 != result2  # different for different secret

        # test below does not work, because mtime is often same, inode can be same due to how add_attachment
        # works, file size is same, attachment name is same, wikiname/pagename is same.
        # In practice, this should rather rarely cause problems:
        #AttachFile.add_attachment(request, pagename, attachname, "Test content2", True)
        #result3 = cache.key(request, itemname=pagename, attachname=attachname, secret='baz')
        #assert result3 != result2  # different for different content

        AttachFile.add_attachment(request, pagename, attachname, "Test content33333", True)
        result4 = cache.key(request, itemname=pagename, attachname=attachname, secret='baz')
        assert len(result4) == len(result2)  # same length of key for different input lengths
        nuke_page(request, pagename)

示例2: test_attachment

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import add_attachment [as 别名]
    def test_attachment(self):
        page_name = u'TestAttachment'
        self.pages[page_name] = 'some text' # Moin search must search this page

        filename = "AutoCreatedSillyAttachmentForSearching.png"
        data = "Test content"
        filecontent = StringIO.StringIO(data)

        result = self.search(filename)
        found_attachments = set([(hit.page_name, hit.attachment) for hit in result.hits])
        assert not found_attachments

            create_page(self.request, page_name, self.pages[page_name])
            AttachFile.add_attachment(self.request, page_name, filename, filecontent, True)
            append_page(self.request, page_name, '[[attachment:%s]]' % filename)
            result = self.search(filename)
            found_attachments = set([(hit.page_name, hit.attachment) for hit in result.hits])
            assert (page_name, '') in found_attachments
            assert 1 <= len(found_attachments) <= 2
            # Note: moin search returns (page_name, '') as only result
            #       xapian search returns 2 results: (page_name, '') and (page_name, filename)
            # TODO: make behaviour the same, if possible
            nuke_page(self.request, page_name)
            del self.pages[page_name]
            result = self.search(filename)
            found_attachments = set([(hit.page_name, hit.attachment) for hit in result.hits])
            assert not found_attachments

示例3: addAttachment

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import add_attachment [as 别名]
 def addAttachment(self, name, content):
     """add image to attachment"""
     if os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower() not in \
        ['.' + x for x in self.image_extenstions]:
         name += '.jpg' # if the url didn't contain a image extention
     return wikiutil.taintfilename(name)

示例4: test_add_attachment

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import add_attachment [as 别名]
    def test_add_attachment(self):
        """Test if add_attachment() works"""

        filename = "AutoCreatedSillyAttachment"

        create_page(self.request, self.pagename, u"Foo!")

        AttachFile.add_attachment(self.request, self.pagename, filename, "Test content", True)
        exists = AttachFile.exists(self.request, self.pagename, filename)

        nuke_page(self.request, self.pagename)

        assert exists

示例5: setup_class

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import add_attachment [as 别名]
 def setup_class(self):
     request = self.request
     pagename = self.pagename
     self.page = create_page(request, pagename, u"Foo")
     AttachFile.getAttachDir(request, pagename)
     test_files = [
         ('test.ogg', 'vorbis'),
         ('test.svg', 'SVG'),
         ('test.mpg', 'MPG'),
         ('test.pdf', 'PDF'),
         ('test.mp3', 'MP3'),
     for filename, filecontent in test_files:
         AttachFile.add_attachment(request, pagename, filename, filecontent, overwrite=0)

示例6: test_add_attachment_for_file_object

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.action.AttachFile import add_attachment [as 别名]
    def test_add_attachment_for_file_object(self):
        """Test if add_attachment() works with file like object"""


        filename = "AutoCreatedSillyAttachment.png"

        create_page(self.request, self.pagename, u"FooBar!")
        data = "Test content"

        filecontent = StringIO.StringIO(data)

        AttachFile.add_attachment(self.request, self.pagename, filename, filecontent, True)
        exists = AttachFile.exists(self.request, self.pagename, filename)
        path = AttachFile.getAttachDir(self.request, self.pagename)
        imagef = os.path.join(path, filename)
        file_size = os.path.getsize(imagef)

        nuke_page(self.request, self.pagename)

        assert exists and file_size == len(data)
