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Python Page.isConflict方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MoinMoin.Page.Page.isConflict方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Page.isConflict方法的具体用法?Python Page.isConflict怎么用?Python Page.isConflict使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MoinMoin.Page.Page的用法示例。


示例1: format_page_edits

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.Page import Page [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.Page.Page import isConflict [as 别名]
def format_page_edits(macro, lines, bookmark_usecs):
    request = macro.request
    _ = request.getText
    d = {}  # dict for passing stuff to theme
    line = lines[0]
    pagename = line.pagename
    rev = int(line.rev)
    tnow = time.time()
    is_new = lines[-1].action == "SAVENEW"
    is_renamed = lines[-1].action == "SAVE/RENAME"
    # check whether this page is newer than the user's bookmark
    hilite = line.ed_time_usecs > (bookmark_usecs or line.ed_time_usecs)
    page = Page(request, pagename)

    html_link = ""
    if not page.exists():
        img = request.theme.make_icon("deleted")
        revbefore = rev - 1
        if revbefore and page.exists(rev=revbefore, domain="standard"):
            # indicate page was deleted and show diff to last existing revision of it
            html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={"action": "diff"}, rel="nofollow")
            # just indicate page was deleted
            html_link = img
    elif page.isConflict():
        img = request.theme.make_icon("conflict")
        html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={"action": "edit"}, rel="nofollow")
    elif hilite:
        # show special icons if change was after the user's bookmark
        if is_new:
            img = "new"
        elif is_renamed:
            img = "renamed"
            img = "updated"
        img = request.theme.make_icon(img)
        html_link = page.link_to_raw(
            request, img, querystr={"action": "diff", "date": "%d" % bookmark_usecs}, rel="nofollow"
        # show "DIFF" icon else
        img = request.theme.make_icon("diffrc")
        html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={"action": "diff"}, rel="nofollow")

    # print name of page, with a link to it
    force_split = len(page.page_name) > _MAX_PAGENAME_LENGTH

    d["icon_html"] = html_link
    d["pagelink_html"] = page.link_to(request, text=page.split_title(force=force_split))

    # print time of change
    d["time_html"] = None
    if request.cfg.changed_time_fmt:
        tdiff = long(tnow - wikiutil.version2timestamp(long(line.ed_time_usecs))) / 60  # has to be long for py 2.2.x
        if tdiff < 100:
            d["time_html"] = _("%(mins)dm ago") % {"mins": tdiff}
            d["time_html"] = time.strftime(request.cfg.changed_time_fmt, line.time_tuple)

    # print editor name or IP
    d["editors"] = None
    if request.cfg.show_names:
        if len(lines) > 1:
            counters = {}
            editorcache = {}
            for idx in range(len(lines)):
                editorkey = lines[idx].addr, lines[idx].hostname, lines[idx].userid
                if editorkey not in editorcache:
                    editorcache[editorkey] = lines[idx].getEditor(request)
                name = editorcache[editorkey]
                if not name in counters:
                    counters[name] = []
                counters[name].append(idx + 1)
            poslist = [(v, k) for k, v in counters.items()]
            d["editors"] = []
            for positions, name in poslist:
                d["editors"].append("%s&nbsp;[%s]" % (name, util.rangelist(positions)))
            d["editors"] = [line.getEditor(request)]

    comments = []
    for idx in range(len(lines)):
        comment = format_comment(request, lines[idx])
        if comment:
            comments.append((idx + 1, wikiutil.escape(comment)))

    d["changecount"] = len(lines)
    d["comments"] = comments

    img = request.theme.make_icon("info")
    d["info_html"] = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={"action": "info"}, rel="nofollow")

    return request.theme.recentchanges_entry(d)

示例2: format_page_edits

# 需要导入模块: from MoinMoin.Page import Page [as 别名]
# 或者: from MoinMoin.Page.Page import isConflict [as 别名]
def format_page_edits(macro, lines, bookmark_usecs):
    request = macro.request
    _ = request.getText
    d = {} # dict for passing stuff to theme
    line = lines[0]
    pagename = line.pagename
    rev = int(line.rev)
    tnow = time.time()
    is_new = lines[-1].action == 'SAVENEW'
    is_renamed = lines[-1].action == 'SAVE/RENAME'
    # check whether this page is newer than the user's bookmark
    hilite = line.ed_time_usecs > (bookmark_usecs or line.ed_time_usecs)
    page = Page(request, pagename)

    html_link = ''
    if not page.exists():
        img = request.theme.make_icon('deleted')
        revbefore = rev - 1
        if revbefore and page.exists(rev=revbefore, domain='standard'):
            # indicate page was deleted and show diff to last existing revision of it
            html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={'action': 'diff'}, rel='nofollow')
            # just indicate page was deleted
            html_link = img
    elif page.isConflict():
        img = request.theme.make_icon('conflict')
        html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={'action': 'edit'}, rel='nofollow')
    elif hilite:
        # show special icons if change was after the user's bookmark
        if is_new:
            img = 'new'
        elif is_renamed:
            img = 'renamed'
            img = 'updated'
        img = request.theme.make_icon(img)
        html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={'action': 'diff', 'date': '%d' % bookmark_usecs}, rel='nofollow')
        # show "DIFF" icon else
        img = request.theme.make_icon('diffrc')
        html_link = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={'action': 'diff'}, rel='nofollow')

    # print name of page, with a link to it
    force_split = len(page.page_name) > _MAX_PAGENAME_LENGTH

    d['icon_html'] = html_link
    d['pagelink_html'] = page.link_to(request, text=page.split_title(force=force_split))

    # print time of change
    d['time_html'] = None
    if request.cfg.changed_time_fmt:
        tdiff = long(tnow - wikiutil.version2timestamp(long(line.ed_time_usecs))) / 60 # has to be long for py 2.2.x
        if tdiff < 100:
            d['time_html'] = _("%(mins)dm ago") % {
                'mins': tdiff}
            d['time_html'] = time.strftime(request.cfg.changed_time_fmt, line.time_tuple)

    # print editor name or IP
    d['editors'] = None
    if request.cfg.show_names:
        if len(lines) > 1:
            counters = {}
            for idx in range(len(lines)):
                name = lines[idx].getEditor(request)
                if not name in counters:
                    counters[name] = []
            poslist = [(v, k) for k, v in counters.items()]
            d['editors'] = []
            for positions, name in poslist:
                d['editors'].append("%s&nbsp;[%s]" % (
                    name, util.rangelist(positions)))
            d['editors'] = [line.getEditor(request)]

    comments = []
    for idx in range(len(lines)):
        comment = format_comment(request, lines[idx])
        if comment:
            comments.append((idx+1, wikiutil.escape(comment)))

    d['changecount'] = len(lines)
    d['comments'] = comments

    img = request.theme.make_icon('info')
    d['info_html'] = page.link_to_raw(request, img, querystr={'action': 'info'}, rel='nofollow')

    return request.theme.recentchanges_entry(d)
