本文整理汇总了Python中GUI.Window.position方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Window.position方法的具体用法?Python Window.position怎么用?Python Window.position使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类GUI.Window
示例1: open_search_menu
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_search_menu(window_x, window_y, db_dict, attr_dict=None, attr_list=None, settings=None):
num_results = 20
general_display = []
if attr_dict is None:
attr_dict = {}
if attr_list is None:
attr_list = []
if settings is None:
settings = {
"window": "search",
"mode": "players",
"p_db_rg": "player_db",
"f_db_rg": "formation_db",
"order_rg": True,
"messages": {"search": [], "sort": [], "results": []},
# ========== Window ==========
win_search = Window()
win_search.title = search_win_title
win_search.auto_position = False
win_search.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_search.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_search.resizable = 0
win_search.name = search_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class FormationsWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = FormationsWindowImageView(size=win_search.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=search_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = "center"
# ========== Action Button Declarations ==========
start_btn = Button("Start")
back_btn = Button("Back")
# ========== Search Type Button Declarations ==========
players_btn = Button("Players")
formations_btn = Button("Formations")
teams_btn = Button("Teams")
search_type_button_list = [players_btn, formations_btn, teams_btn]
# ========== Tool Button Declarations ==========
attribute_btn = Button("Add Search Attribute")
sort_btn = Button("Add Sort Attribute")
reset_btn = Button("Reset Results")
# ========== Action Button Functions ==========
def start_btn_func():
# Start button corresponds to players
if settings["mode"] == "players":
# Search - if no attribute selected, return all
if len(attr_dict) == 0:
search_results = db_dict[p_db_radio_group.value][1]
search_results = db_dict[p_db_radio_group.value][1].search(attr_dict)
search_results = PlayerDB.PlayerDB(search_results)
# Sort - if no attribute selected, use rating
if len(attr_list) == 0:
search_results.sort(["rating"], sort_order_radio_group.value)
search_results.sort(attr_list, sort_order_radio_group.value)
# Get attributes list and avoid duplicates
attributes_list = []
for attr in attr_list:
if attributes_list.count(attr) == 0:
for attr_key in attr_dict.iterkeys():
if attributes_list.count(attr_key) == 0:
display_players(search_results, attributes_list, (0, num_results))
# Start button corresponds to formations
elif settings["mode"] == "formations":
# Search - if no attribute selected, return all
if len(attr_dict) == 0:
search_results = db_dict[f_db_radio_group.value][1]
示例2: open_pick_formation_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_pick_formation_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, win_previous):
general_display = []
# ========== Window ==========
win_pick_formation = Window()
win_pick_formation.title = pick_formation_win_title
win_pick_formation.auto_position = False
win_pick_formation.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_pick_formation.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_pick_formation.resizable = 0
win_pick_formation.name = enter_text_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_pick_formation.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=pick_formation_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_pick_formation.width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Button Functions ==========
def formation_btn_func(formation):
AssignPlayers.open_assign_players_window(win_pick_formation.x, win_pick_formation.y,
db_dict, formation, win_pick_formation)
def formation_list_btn_func():
generic_formation = {"style": "Generic",
"name": "Generic",
"description": "Generic formation for picking players to be used with list of formations.",
"num_links": 17,
"num_defenders": 4,
"num_midfielders": 4,
"num_attackers": 2,
"positions": {
"11": {"index": 0, "symbol": "11", "name": "Spot 11", "links": []},
"10": {"index": 1, "symbol": "10", "name": "Spot 10", "links": []},
"9": {"index": 2, "symbol": "9", "name": "Spot 9", "links": []},
"8": {"index": 3, "symbol": "8", "name": "Spot 8", "links": []},
"7": {"index": 4, "symbol": "7", "name": "Spot 7", "links": []},
"6": {"index": 5, "symbol": "6", "name": "Spot 6", "links": []},
"5": {"index": 6, "symbol": "5", "name": "Spot 5", "links": []},
"4": {"index": 7, "symbol": "4", "name": "Spot 4", "links": []},
"3": {"index": 8, "symbol": "3", "name": "Spot 3", "links": []},
"2": {"index": 9, "symbol": "2", "name": "Spot 2", "links": []},
"1": {"index": 10, "symbol": "1", "name": "Spot 1", "links": []}}}
AssignPlayers.open_assign_players_window(win_pick_formation.x, win_pick_formation.y,
db_dict, generic_formation, win_pick_formation)
def back_btn_func():
# ========== Formation Button Declarations ==========
formation_button_width = 200
msg_y = title.bottom
# Sort DB so it is consistent
for formation in db_dict['formation_db'][1].db:
formation_btn = Button(title=formation['name'],
width=formation_button_width, height=std_tf_height,
x=(win_pick_formation.width - formation_button_width)/2, y=msg_y,
action=(formation_btn_func, formation))
msg_y += std_tf_height + 1
msg_y += 9
formation_list_btn = Button(title='Use Formation List',
width=formation_button_width, height=std_tf_height,
x=(win_pick_formation.width - formation_button_width)/2, y=msg_y,
msg_y += std_tf_height + 10
back_btn = Button('Back',
示例3: open_start_menu
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_start_menu(window_x, window_y, db_dict):
view_item_list = []
# Load console type
settings = {'console_type': ''}
with open(config_filename, 'r') as f:
settings["console_type"] = json.load(f)['console_type']
# ========== Window ==========
win_start = Window()
win_start.title = start_win_title
win_start.auto_position = False
win_start.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_start.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_start.resizable = 0
win_start.name = start_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
image_pos = ((win_start.width - start_window_image.width)/2, search_btn.bottom + title_border)
src_rect = start_window_image.bounds
dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(src_rect, image_pos)
start_window_image.draw(c, src_rect, dst_rect)
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_start.size)
# ========== Start Window Image ==========
start_window_image = Image(file='Images/start_menu_image.jpg')
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=start_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Sort Order Radio Buttons ==========
def save_console_type():
Save the console type
# Load configurations
from AppConfig import config_filename
with open(config_filename, 'r') as config_file:
configurations = json.load(config_file)
# Edit configurations
configurations['console_type'] = settings["console_type"]
# Save the settings
with open(config_filename, 'w') as config_file:
json.dump(configurations, config_file)
def get_attribute_console_rg():
settings["console_type"] = console_radio_group.value
console_radio_group = RadioGroup(action=get_attribute_console_rg)
console_radio_btn_width = 75
console_label_width = 80
radio_btn_space = 5
console_rg_label = Label(text="Sort Order:", font=std_tf_font, width=console_label_width, height=std_tf_height,
console_rg_label.x = (win_start.width - 2 * console_radio_btn_width - radio_btn_space - console_label_width) / 2
console_rg_label.y = title.bottom + radio_btn_space
playstation_radio_btn = RadioButton("PlayStation")
playstation_radio_btn.width = console_radio_btn_width
playstation_radio_btn.x = console_rg_label.right
playstation_radio_btn.y = console_rg_label.top
playstation_radio_btn.group = console_radio_group
playstation_radio_btn.value = 'PLAYSTATION'
xbox_radio_btn = RadioButton("Xbox")
xbox_radio_btn.width = console_radio_btn_width
xbox_radio_btn.x = playstation_radio_btn.right + radio_btn_space
xbox_radio_btn.y = playstation_radio_btn.top
xbox_radio_btn.group = console_radio_group
xbox_radio_btn.value = 'XBOX'
if settings["console_type"] in ['PLAYSTATION', 'XBOX']:
console_radio_group.value = settings["console_type"]
示例4: open_enter_text_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_enter_text_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings, box_type, fill_text='', file_prefix=''):
general_display = []
if box_type == 'rename':
title = 'Rename File'
old_file_name = fill_text
message_text = 'Enter new file name.'
elif box_type == 'duplicate':
title = 'Duplicate File'
old_file_name = fill_text
message_text = 'Enter new file name.'
elif box_type == 'download':
title = 'Download Player Database'
message_text = 'Enter player database name.'
download_settings = {'overwrite_counter': 0, 'last_entered_text': ''}
title = 'Enter Text'
message_text = 'Enter text.'
# ========== Window ==========
win_enter_text = Window()
win_enter_text.title = title
win_enter_text.auto_position = False
win_enter_text.position = (window_x+100, window_y+100)
win_enter_text.size = (win_width-200, win_height-400)
win_enter_text.resizable = 0
win_enter_text.name = enter_text_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_enter_text.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_enter_text.width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Message Label ==========
message = Label(font=title_font_2, width=win_enter_text.width - 50, height=title_height,
x=25, y=title.bottom + top_border, color=title_color, just='center')
message.text = message_text
# ========== Button Declarations ==========
enter_btn = Button("Enter")
back_btn = Button("Back")
# ========== Button Functions ==========
def enter_btn_func():
# Rename file
if box_type == 'rename':
# Get new name
new_file_name = value_tf.value
if len(new_file_name) > 0:
if not isfile('JSONs/' + file_prefix + new_file_name + '.json'):
# Rename file
rename('JSONs/' + file_prefix + old_file_name + '.json',
'JSONs/' + file_prefix + new_file_name + '.json')
# Disable pick file back button in case the selected file has changed
settings['file_changes'] = True
PickFile.open_pick_file_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings)
message.text = "A file with that name already exists."
message.text = "File name must be at least 1 character."
# Duplicate file
elif box_type == 'duplicate':
# Get new name
duplicate_file_name = value_tf.value
if len(duplicate_file_name) > 0:
if not isfile('JSONs/' + file_prefix + duplicate_file_name + '.json'):
# Create duplicate file
copyfile('JSONs/' + file_prefix + old_file_name + '.json',
'JSONs/' + file_prefix + duplicate_file_name + '.json')
PickFile.open_pick_file_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings)
示例5: open_player_bio_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_player_bio_window(window_x, window_y, player, win_previous, db_dict=None, file_name=None, current_list=None,
roster=None, pos_symbol=None, input_formation=None, pick_formations_page=None):
if current_list is None:
current_list = PlayerDB.PlayerDB()
# ========== Window ==========
win_player_bio = Window()
win_player_bio.title = player_bio_win_title
win_player_bio.auto_position = False
win_player_bio.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_player_bio.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_player_bio.resizable = 0
win_player_bio.name = player_bio_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class PlayerBioWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
# Background image
image_pos = ((player_name_label.left - player_background.width)/2, 5)
src_rect = player_background.bounds
dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(src_rect, image_pos)
player_background.draw(c, src_rect, dst_rect)
# Lines between summary stats
c.forecolor = stat_line_color
c.fill_rect((dst_rect[0]+22, dst_rect[1]+stat_line_y,
dst_rect[2]-22, dst_rect[1]+stat_line_y+1))
c.fill_rect((dst_rect[0]+22, dst_rect[1]+stat_line_y+stat_line_spacing,
dst_rect[2]-22, dst_rect[1]+stat_line_y+stat_line_spacing+1))
# Headshot
image_pos = (image_pos[0]+player_headshot_pos[0], player_headshot_pos[1])
src_rect = player_headshot.bounds
headshot_dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(src_rect, image_pos)
player_headshot.draw(c, src_rect, headshot_dst_rect)
# Club
if 'normal' in player['club']['imageUrls']:
image_url = player['club']['imageUrls']['normal']['large']
# FIFA 15 compatibility
elif 'dark' in player['club']['imageUrls']:
image_url = player['club']['imageUrls']['dark']['large']
ratio = 0.75
image_file_name = 'club_' + str(player['club']['id']) + '_' + str(ratio)
image_file_name = save_small_image(image_url, image_file_name, ratio)
club_image = Image(file=image_file_name)
club_image_pos = club_pos
club_rect = club_image.bounds
club_dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(club_rect, club_image_pos)
club_image.draw(c, club_rect, club_dst_rect)
# Nation
if 'imageUrls' in player['nation']:
image_url = player['nation']['imageUrls']['large']
# FIFA 15 compatibility
elif 'imageUrl' in player['nation']:
image_url = player['nation']['imgUrl']
ratio = 0.75
image_file_name = 'nation_' + str(player['nation']['id']) + '_' + str(ratio)
image_file_name = save_small_image(image_url, image_file_name, ratio)
nation_image = Image(file=image_file_name)
nation_image_pos = (club_image_pos[0], club_image_pos[1]+club_image.size[1]+nation_spacing)
nation_rect = nation_image.bounds
nation_dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(nation_rect, nation_image_pos)
nation_image.draw(c, nation_rect, nation_dst_rect)
# Coins symbol
image_file_name = 'Images/coins.png'
coins_image = Image(file=image_file_name)
coins_image_pos = coins_pos
coins_rect = coins_image.bounds
coins_dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(coins_rect, coins_image_pos)
coins_image.draw(c, coins_rect, coins_dst_rect)
view = PlayerBioWindowImageView(size=win_player_bio.size)
# ========== Player Headshot ==========
image_url = player['headshotImgUrl']
image_file_name = player['id'] + '_full'
# FIFA 15 compatibility
if "130x130" in image_url:
ratio = 120.0/130.0
image_file_name = save_small_image(image_url, image_file_name, ratio)
elif "120x120" in image_url:
image_file_name = save_image(image_url, image_file_name)
player_headshot = Image(file=image_file_name)
# ========== Player Background ==========
# Assign player background card
if player['color'] in ['award_winner', 'bronze', 'confederation_champions_motm', 'easports', 'fut_champions_bronze',
'fut_champions_gold', 'fut_champions_silver', 'gold', 'green', 'halloween', 'legend', 'motm',
'motm_2', 'movember', 'ones_to_watch', 'pink_gold', 'pink', 'purple', 'rare_bronze',
'rare_gold', 'rare_silver', 'red_blue', 'silver', 'sbc_base', 'squad_building_challenge',
'teal', 'tott', 'tots_bronze', 'tots_gold', 'tots_silver', 'totw_bronze', 'totw_gold',
'totw_silver', 'toty']:
示例6: open_attribute_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_attribute_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, attr_dict, attr_list, attr_type, settings):
# ========== Window ==========
win_attribute = Window()
win_attribute.title = attribute_win_title
win_attribute.auto_position = False
win_attribute.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_attribute.size = (win_width, 500)
win_attribute.resizable = 0
win_attribute.name = attribute_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class AddAttributeWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = AddAttributeWindowImageView(size=win_attribute.size)
attribute_display_list = []
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=attribute_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Button Declarations ==========
enter_btn = Button("Enter")
erase_btn = Button("Erase List")
back_btn = Button("Back")
# ========== Radio Button Action ==========
def selection_made():
enter_btn.enabled = 1
def comp_selection_made():
def attribute_button_func(attr_value):
# Check for doubles
if attr_list.count(attr_value) == 0:
erase_btn.enabled = 1
# ========== Attribute Radio Buttons ==========
radio_group = RadioGroup(action=selection_made)
radio_button_list = []
buttons_per_column = 11
config_file = '_attributes'
if attr_type[:4] == 'play':
config_file = 'player' + config_file
elif attr_type[:4] == 'form':
config_file = 'formation' + config_file
elif attr_type[:4] == 'team':
config_file = 'team' + config_file
print "Invalid attribute type."
with open(config_filename, 'r') as f:
attributes_list = json.load(f)[config_file]['all']
for idx, attribute in enumerate(attributes_list):
if attr_type[-6:] == 'search':
button = RadioButton(attribute)
button.group = radio_group
button.value = attribute
button.title = format_attr_name(attribute)
elif attr_type[-4:] == 'sort':
button = Button()
button.action = (attribute_button_func, attribute)
button.title = format_attr_name(attribute)
print "Invalid attribute type."
if attr_type[:4] == 'play':
if idx < buttons_per_column:
button.width = 45
button.x = (idx / buttons_per_column) * (button.width + 5) + 5
elif idx < 3*buttons_per_column:
button.width = 100
button.x = (idx / buttons_per_column) * (button.width + 5) - 50
elif idx < 4*buttons_per_column:
button.width = 110
button.x = (idx / buttons_per_column) * (button.width + 5) - 80
button.width = 100
button.x = (idx / buttons_per_column) * (button.width + 5) - 40
示例7: open_pick_player_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_pick_player_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, input_formation, win_previous, roster, pos_symbol,
pick_formations_page, attr_dict=None, attr_list=None, settings=None):
num_results = 20
general_display = []
if attr_dict is None:
attr_dict = {}
if attr_list is None:
attr_list = []
if settings is None:
settings = {
'window': 'pick_player',
'p_db_rg': 'player_list',
'pos_search_rg': 'green',
'order_rg': True,
'messages': {
'search': [],
'sort': [],
'results': []
'input_formation': input_formation,
'roster': roster,
'pos_symbol': pos_symbol,
'win_previous': win_previous,
'pick_formations_page': pick_formations_page}
# Assign exact position as default position to search for.
attr_dict['position'] = (input_formation['positions'][pos_symbol]['symbol'], 'exact')
# Not position dependent - search all.
if input_formation['name'] == 'Generic':
settings['pos_search_rg'] = 'red'
attr_dict.pop('position', None)
# ========== Window ==========
win_pick_player = Window()
win_pick_player.title = pick_player_win_title + ' - ' + pos_symbol
win_pick_player.auto_position = False
win_pick_player.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_pick_player.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_pick_player.resizable = 0
win_pick_player.name = pick_player_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class PickPlayerWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = PickPlayerWindowImageView(size=win_pick_player.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=pick_player_title + ' - ' + pos_symbol)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Action Button Declarations ==========
start_btn = Button("Start")
back_btn = Button("Back")
# ========== Tool Button Declarations ==========
attribute_btn = Button("Add Search Attribute")
sort_btn = Button("Add Sort Attribute")
reset_btn = Button("Reset Results")
# ========== Action Button Functions ==========
def start_btn_func():
# Search - if no attribute selected, return all
if len(attr_dict) == 0:
search_results = db_dict[p_db_radio_group.value][1]
search_results = db_dict[p_db_radio_group.value][1].search(attr_dict)
search_results = PlayerDB.PlayerDB(search_results)
# Sort - if no attribute selected, use rating
if len(attr_list) == 0:
search_results.sort(['rating'], sort_order_radio_group.value)
search_results.sort(attr_list, sort_order_radio_group.value)
# Get attributes list and avoid duplicates
attributes_list = []
for attr in attr_list:
if attributes_list.count(attr) == 0:
for attr_key in attr_dict.iterkeys():
if attributes_list.count(attr_key) == 0:
示例8: open_confirm_prompt_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_confirm_prompt_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings, file_path, file_name):
# ========== Window ==========
win_confirm_prompt = Window()
win_confirm_prompt.title = confirm_prompt_win_title
win_confirm_prompt.auto_position = False
win_confirm_prompt.position = (window_x+100, window_y+100)
win_confirm_prompt.size = (win_width-200, win_height-400)
win_confirm_prompt.resizable = 0
win_confirm_prompt.name = confirm_prompt_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_confirm_prompt.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=confirm_prompt_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_confirm_prompt.width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Message Label ==========
message = Label(font=title_font_2, width=win_confirm_prompt.width - 50, height=title_height,
x=25, y=title.bottom + top_border, color=title_color, just='center')
message.text = "Delete \"%s\"?" % file_name
# ========== Button Declarations ==========
yes_btn = Button("Yes")
cancel_btn = Button("Cancel")
# ========== Button Functions ==========
def yes_btn_func():
# Disable back button in case the selected file has changed
settings['file_changes'] = True
# Delete file
except Exception as err:
message.text = "Error: " + err.args[1]
PickFile.open_pick_file_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings)
def cancel_btn_func():
PickFile.open_pick_file_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings)
# ========== Buttons ==========
yes_btn.x = (win_confirm_prompt.width - 2*button_width - button_spacing) / 2
yes_btn.y = win_confirm_prompt.height - 70
yes_btn.height = button_height
yes_btn.width = button_width
yes_btn.font = button_font
yes_btn.action = yes_btn_func
yes_btn.style = 'default'
yes_btn.color = button_color
yes_btn.just = 'right'
cancel_btn.x = yes_btn.right + button_spacing
cancel_btn.y = yes_btn.top
cancel_btn.height = button_height
cancel_btn.width = button_width
cancel_btn.font = button_font
cancel_btn.action = cancel_btn_func
cancel_btn.style = 'default'
cancel_btn.color = button_color
cancel_btn.just = 'right'
# ========== Add buttons to window ==========
示例9: open_pick_file_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_pick_file_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings):
# ========== Window ==========
win_pick_file = Window()
win_pick_file.title = pick_file_win_title
win_pick_file.auto_position = False
win_pick_file.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_pick_file.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_pick_file.resizable = 0
win_pick_file.name = pick_file_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_pick_file.size)
display_list = []
file_type = settings['file_type']
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=pick_file_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Sub Title ==========
def get_sub_title_text():
if file_type == 'default_player_db':
text = "default player database"
elif file_type == 'default_player_list':
text = "default player list"
elif file_type == 'default_formation_db':
text = "default formation database"
elif file_type == 'default_formation_list':
text = "default formation list"
elif file_type == 'default_team_list':
text = "default team list"
elif file_type == 'current_player_db':
text = "current player database"
elif file_type == 'current_player_list':
text = "current player list"
elif file_type == 'current_formation_db':
text = "current formation database"
elif file_type == 'current_formation_list':
text = "current formation list"
elif file_type == 'current_team_list':
text = "current team list"
text = "a"
return text
sub_title = Label(font=title_font_2, width=title_width, height=title_height,
x=(win_pick_file.width-title_width)/2, y=title.bottom, color=title_color, just='center')
sub_title_text = get_sub_title_text()
sub_title.text = "Select %s file:" % sub_title_text
# ========== Display Files ==========
def display_files():
file_prefix = HelperFunctions.get_file_prefix(file_type)
# Get corresponding file names
all_files = listdir('JSONs/')
file_list = []
# Truncate file paths to just the names
for filename in all_files:
if filename[:8] == file_prefix:
filename = filename[8:]
filename = filename[:-5]
# Button Functions
def select_file_func(file_name):
# Save new default to config file
if file_type[:7] == 'default':
# Load configs
from Window.AppConfig import config_filename
configs = {}
with open(config_filename, 'r') as config_file:
configs = json.load(config_file)
# Assign new file name to config
configs['default_databases'][file_type[8:]] = file_name
# Save configs
with open(config_file, 'w') as config_file:
json.dump(configs, config_file)
示例10: open_files_menu
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_files_menu(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings=None):
general_display_list = []
lists_display_list = []
databases_display_list = []
defaults_display_list = []
with open(config_filename, 'r') as f:
default_databases = json.load(f)['default_databases']
if settings is None:
settings = {
'mode': 'lists',
'file_changes': False
# ========== Window ==========
win_files = Window()
win_files.title = files_win_title
win_files.auto_position = False
win_files.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_files.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_files.resizable = 0
win_files.name = "Files Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class FormationsWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = FormationsWindowImageView(size=win_files.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=files_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_files.width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# Subtitle
subtitle = Label(font=title_font_2, width=title_width, height=title_height,
x=(win_files.width - title_width) / 2,
color=title_color, just = 'center')
# ========== Helper Functions ==========
def remove_old_display():
Remove previous displayed items
if settings['mode'] == 'lists':
for display_item in lists_display_list:
elif settings['mode'] == 'databases':
for display_item in databases_display_list:
elif settings['mode'] == 'defaults':
for display_item in defaults_display_list:
print "Settings mode is invalid."
def add_new_display():
Remove previous displayed items
if settings['mode'] == 'lists':
subtitle.text = "Current Lists"
for display_item in lists_display_list:
elif settings['mode'] == 'databases':
subtitle.text = "Current Databases"
for display_item in databases_display_list:
elif settings['mode'] == 'defaults':
subtitle.text = "Default Files"
for display_item in defaults_display_list:
print "Settings mode is invalid."
# ========== Button Toolbar Functions ==========
def lists_btn_func():
# Remove previous displayed items
settings['mode'] = 'lists'
# Add new display items
for btn in button_list:
btn.enabled = 1
lists_btn.enabled = 0
示例11: open_formation_bio_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_formation_bio_window(window_x, window_y, formation, win_previous, file_name, current_list):
# ========== Window ==========
win_formation_bio = Window()
win_formation_bio.title = formation_bio_win_title
win_formation_bio.auto_position = False
win_formation_bio.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_formation_bio.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_formation_bio.resizable = 0
win_formation_bio.name = formation_bio_title + " Window"
# ========== Load Formation Spacing ==========
# Get attribute lists
with open(config_filename, 'r') as f:
formation_spacing = json.load(f)['formation_coordinates'][formation['name']]
labels_list = []
# ========== Field Ratio ==========
y_to_x_ratio = 0.8
# Line specification
line_color = white
line_size = 2
# Field
field_color = dark_green
field_length = 600
field_width = field_length*y_to_x_ratio
# Field positioning on screen
field_x_offset = (win_formation_bio.width - field_width - button_width - 100) / 2
field_y_offset = top_border + title_height + title_border
# Center circle
center_spot_x = field_x_offset + field_width/2
center_spot_y = field_y_offset + field_length/2
circle_radius = int(field_length/10)
# Goal box
penalty_spot_height = int(field_length*12/100)
eighteen_box_height = int(field_length*18/100)
eighteen_box_width = int(field_length*44/100)
six_box_height = int(field_length*6/100)
six_box_width = int(field_length*20/100)
# Corner semi circles
corner_semi_circle_radius = int(field_length*2/100)
# ========== Player Spacing Values ==========
x_space = int(field_width/20)
y_space = int(field_length/24)
player_box_width = 80
player_box_height = 50
player_box_color = lighter
link_size = 5
link_color = red
# ========== Window Image View ==========
image_pos = (field_x_offset, field_y_offset)
src_rect = (0, 0, field_width, field_length)
dst_rect = Geometry.offset_rect(src_rect, image_pos)
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
# Field and sidelines
c.forecolor = field_color
c.fill_rect((dst_rect[0]-5, dst_rect[1]-5, dst_rect[2]+5, dst_rect[3]+5))
c.forecolor = line_color
c.fill_rect((dst_rect[0], dst_rect[1], dst_rect[2], dst_rect[3]))
c.forecolor = field_color
c.fill_rect((dst_rect[0]+line_size, dst_rect[1]+line_size, dst_rect[2]-line_size, dst_rect[3]-line_size))
# Center circle, center spot, and half-way line
c.forecolor = line_color
c.fill_oval((center_spot_x-circle_radius, center_spot_y-circle_radius,
center_spot_x+circle_radius, center_spot_y+circle_radius))
c.forecolor = field_color
c.fill_oval((center_spot_x-circle_radius+line_size, center_spot_y-circle_radius+line_size,
center_spot_x+circle_radius-line_size, center_spot_y+circle_radius-line_size))
c.forecolor = line_color
c.fill_rect((dst_rect[0], center_spot_y-line_size/2, dst_rect[2], center_spot_y+line_size/2))
c.fill_oval((center_spot_x-line_size*2, center_spot_y-line_size*2,
center_spot_x+line_size*2, center_spot_y+line_size*2))
# Goal box semi circle
c.forecolor = line_color
c.fill_oval((center_spot_x-circle_radius, dst_rect[1]+penalty_spot_height-circle_radius,
center_spot_x+circle_radius, dst_rect[1]+penalty_spot_height+circle_radius))
c.fill_oval((center_spot_x-circle_radius, dst_rect[3]-penalty_spot_height-circle_radius,
center_spot_x+circle_radius, dst_rect[3]-penalty_spot_height+circle_radius))
c.forecolor = field_color
示例12: open_attribute_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_attribute_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, attr_dict, attr_list, attr_type, settings):
# ========== Window ==========
win_attribute = Window()
win_attribute.title = attribute_win_title
win_attribute.auto_position = False
win_attribute.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_attribute.size = (win_width, 500)
win_attribute.resizable = 0
win_attribute.name = attribute_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_attribute.size)
attribute_display_list = []
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=attribute_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Button Declarations ==========
enter_btn = Button("Enter")
erase_btn = Button("Erase List")
back_btn = Button("Back")
# ========== Radio Button Action ==========
def selection_made():
enter_btn.enabled = 1
def comp_selection_made():
# ========== Attribute Radio Buttons ==========
radio_group = RadioGroup(action=selection_made)
radio_button_list = []
with open(config_filename, 'r') as f:
attributes_list = json.load(f)['player_attributes']['all']
for idx, attribute in enumerate(attributes_list):
button = RadioButton(attribute)
if idx < 10:
button.width = 45
button.x = (idx / 10) * (button.width + 5) + 5
elif idx < 30:
button.width = 100
button.x = (idx / 10) * (button.width + 5) - 50
elif idx < 40:
button.width = 110
button.x = (idx / 10) * (button.width + 5) - 80
button.width = 100
button.x = (idx / 10) * (button.width + 5) - 40
button.y = (idx % 10) * 25 + title.bottom + 5
button.group = radio_group
button.value = attribute
button.title = format_attr_name(attribute)
# ========== Button Functions ==========
def enter_btn_func():
valid = False
return_value = None
if attr_type == 'sort':
# Check for doubles
if attr_list.count(radio_group.value) == 0:
erase_btn.enabled = 1
elif attr_type == 'search':
# Value checks
if radio_group.value in ["PAC", "SHO", "PAS", "DRI", "DEF", "PHY", "DIV", "HAN", "KIC", "REF", "SPD", "POS",
"acceleration", "aggression", "agility", "balance", "ballcontrol", "crossing",
"curve", "dribbling", "finishing", "freekickaccuracy", "gkdiving", "gkhandling",
"gkkicking", "gkpositioning", "gkreflexes", "headingaccuracy", "interceptions",
"jumping", "longpassing", "longshots", "marking", "penalties", "positioning",
"potential", "rating", "reactions", "shortpassing", "shotpower", "skillMoves",
"slidingtackle", "sprintspeed", "stamina", "standingtackle", "strength", "vision",
"volleys", "weakFoot"]:
# Value should be an integer between 0 and 100
示例13: open_pick_position_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_pick_position_window(window_x, window_y, player, player_db, settings, btn, previous_window):
# ========== Window ==========
win_position = Window()
win_position.title = pick_position_win_title
win_position.auto_position = False
win_position.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_position.size = (win_width, 500)
win_position.resizable = 0
win_position.name = pick_position_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_position.size)
display_list = []
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=pick_position_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Button Function ==========
def pos_btn_func(position_short, position_full):
# Edit player's position
player_data = player_db.search({'id': (player['id'], 'exact')})
player_index = player_db.db.index(player_data[0])
player_db.db[player_index]['position'] = position_short
player_db.db[player_index]['positionFull'] = position_full
# Save
player_db.save(settings['file_name'], 'list', True)
# Change button symbol
btn.title = position_short
def back_btn_func():
# Go back
# ========== Position Buttons ==========
msg_x = (win_position.width - 5*button_width - 4*button_spacing) / 2
msg_y = title.bottom + title_border
positions = [
('LW', 'Left Wing'), ('LF', 'Left Forward'), ('ST', 'Striker'), ('RF', 'Right Forward'), ('RW', 'Right Wing'),
('CF', 'Centre Forward'),
('CAM', 'Centre Attacking Midfielder'),
('LM', 'Left Midfielder'), ('CM', 'Centre Midfielder'), ('RM', 'Right Midfielder'),
('CDM', 'Centre Defensive Midfielder'),
('LWB', 'Left Wing Back'), ('LB', 'Left Back'), ('CB', 'Centre Back'), ('RB', 'Right Back'),
('RWB', 'Right Wing Back'),
('GK', 'Goalkeeper')]
for index, pos in enumerate(positions):
if pos[0] in ['CAM', 'CDM']:
width = button_width + 65
width = button_width
if index == 5:
msg_x = (win_position.width - width) / 2
msg_y += small_button_height + button_spacing
elif index == 6:
msg_x = (win_position.width - width) / 2
msg_y += small_button_height + button_spacing
elif index == 7:
msg_x = (win_position.width - 3*width - 2*button_spacing) / 2
msg_y += small_button_height + button_spacing
elif index == 10:
msg_x = (win_position.width - width) / 2
msg_y += small_button_height + button_spacing
elif index == 11:
msg_x = (win_position.width - 5*width - 4*button_spacing) / 2
msg_y += small_button_height + button_spacing
elif index == 16:
msg_x = (win_position.width - width) / 2
msg_y += small_button_height + button_spacing
position_title = pos[0] + ' - ' + pos[1]
pos_btn = Button(title=position_title, width=width, height=small_button_height, x=msg_x, y=msg_y,
action=(pos_btn_func, pos[0], pos[1]), font=smaller_tf_font)
msg_x += width + button_spacing
# ========== Back Button ==========
示例14: open_create_list_window
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_create_list_window(window_x, window_y, db_dict, settings):
message_text = 'Select list type.'
create_list_settings = dict()
create_list_settings['results'] = []
create_list_settings['process_step'] = 'list type'
num_results = 5
# ========== Window ==========
win_create_list = Window()
win_create_list.title = create_list_win_title
win_create_list.auto_position = False
win_create_list.position = (window_x+100, window_y+100)
win_create_list.size = (win_width-100, win_height-200)
win_create_list.resizable = 0
win_create_list.name = create_list_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class StartWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = StartWindowImageView(size=win_create_list.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=create_list_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_create_list.width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Message Label ==========
message = Label(font=title_font_3, width=win_create_list.width - 50, height=title_height,
x=25, y=title.bottom + top_border, color=title_color, just='center')
message.text = message_text
# ========== Button Declarations ==========
enter_btn = Button("Enter")
undo_btn = Button("Undo Add")
back_btn = Button("Back")
player_list_btn = Button("Player")
formation_list_btn = Button("Formation")
team_list_btn = Button("Team")
# ========== Results Navigation Item Declarations ==========
previous_btn = Button("<<< Previous %d" % num_results)
next_btn = Button("Next %d >>>" % num_results)
total_num_results_label = Label()
pages_label = Label()
# ========== Button Functions ==========
def enter_btn_func():
# Get file name and save
if create_list_settings['process_step'] == 'file name':
# Get file name and file prefix
file_name = value_tf.value
file_prefix = get_file_prefix('current_' + create_list_settings['list_type'] + '_list')
if len(file_name) > 0:
if not isfile('JSONs/' + file_prefix + file_name + '.json'):
# Create list object, set message, and set process step
if create_list_settings['list_type'] == 'player':
new_list = PlayerDB()
message.text = "Enter player rating/name or just name."
create_list_settings['process_step'] = 'get player'
elif create_list_settings['list_type'] == 'formation':
new_list = FormationDB()
message.text = "Enter part or full formation name, or nothing for full list."
create_list_settings['process_step'] = 'get formation'
elif create_list_settings['list_type'] == 'team':
new_list = TeamDB()
message.text = "Blank team list created. Add teams from Search menu."
create_list_settings['process_step'] = 'get team'
back_btn.title = "Done"
enter_btn.enabled = 0
new_list = PlayerDB()
print "Invalid list type."
# Assign file name and file object
create_list_settings['list'] = new_list
create_list_settings['file_name'] = file_name
# Clear box content
value_tf.value = ''
message.text = "A file with that name already exists."
示例15: open_teams_menu
# 需要导入模块: from GUI import Window [as 别名]
# 或者: from GUI.Window import position [as 别名]
def open_teams_menu(window_x, window_y, db_dict):
# ========== Window ==========
win_teams = Window()
win_teams.title = teams_win_title
win_teams.auto_position = False
win_teams.position = (window_x, window_y)
win_teams.size = (win_width, win_height)
win_teams.resizable = 0
win_teams.name = teams_title + " Window"
# ========== Window Image View ==========
class FormationsWindowImageView(View):
def draw(self, c, r):
c.backcolor = view_backcolor
view = FormationsWindowImageView(size=win_teams.size)
# ========== Title ==========
title = Label(text=teams_title)
title.font = title_font
title.width = title_width
title.height = title_height
title.x = (win_width - title_width) / 2
title.y = top_border
title.color = title_color
title.just = 'center'
# ========== Button Declarations ==========
create_ultimate_teams_btn = Button("Generate Ultimate Teams")
manually_create_teams_btn = Button("Build Ultimate Teams")
back_btn = Button("Back")
# ========== Button Functions ==========
def create_ultimate_teams_btn_func():
CreateUltimateTeams.open_create_ultimate_teams_window(win_teams.x, win_teams.y, db_dict, win_teams)
def manually_create_teams_btn_func():
PickFormation.open_pick_formation_window(win_teams.x, win_teams.y, db_dict, win_teams)
def back_btn_func():
StartMenu.open_start_menu(win_teams.x, win_teams.y, db_dict)
# ========== Buttons ==========
create_ultimate_teams_btn.x = (win_width - file_btn_width) / 2
create_ultimate_teams_btn.y = title.bottom + top_border
create_ultimate_teams_btn.height = button_height
create_ultimate_teams_btn.width = file_btn_width
create_ultimate_teams_btn.font = button_font
create_ultimate_teams_btn.action = create_ultimate_teams_btn_func
create_ultimate_teams_btn.style = 'default'
create_ultimate_teams_btn.color = button_color
create_ultimate_teams_btn.just = 'right'
manually_create_teams_btn.x = (win_width - file_btn_width) / 2
manually_create_teams_btn.y = create_ultimate_teams_btn.bottom + top_border
manually_create_teams_btn.height = button_height
manually_create_teams_btn.width = file_btn_width
manually_create_teams_btn.font = button_font
manually_create_teams_btn.action = manually_create_teams_btn_func
manually_create_teams_btn.style = 'default'
manually_create_teams_btn.color = button_color
manually_create_teams_btn.just = 'right'
back_btn.x = (win_width - button_width) / 2
back_btn.y = manually_create_teams_btn.bottom + top_border*2
back_btn.height = button_height
back_btn.width = button_width
back_btn.font = button_font
back_btn.action = back_btn_func
back_btn.style = 'default'
back_btn.color = button_color
back_btn.just = 'right'
# ========== Add components to view and add view to window ==========