本文整理汇总了Python中Core.IdSet.IdSet.write方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IdSet.write方法的具体用法?Python IdSet.write怎么用?Python IdSet.write使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Core.IdSet.IdSet
示例1: ids
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import write [as 别名]
class ExampleBuilder:
structureAnalyzer = None
ExampleBuilder is the abstract base class for specialized example builders.
Example builders take some data and convert it to examples usable by e.g. SVMs.
An example builder writes three files, an example-file (in extended Joachim's
SVM format) and .class_names and .feature_names files, which contain the names
for the class and feature id-numbers. An example builder can also be given
pre-existing sets of class and feature ids (optionally in files) so that the
generated examples are consistent with other, previously generated examples.
def __init__(self, classSet=None, featureSet=None):
if(type(classSet) == types.StringType):
self.classSet = IdSet(filename=classSet)
self.classSet = classSet
if(type(featureSet) == types.StringType):
self.featureSet = IdSet(filename=featureSet)
self.featureSet = featureSet
self.featureTag = ""
self.exampleStats = ExampleStats()
self.parse = None
self.tokenization = None
#self.idFileTag = None
self.classIdFilename = None
self.featureIdFilename = None
self.styles = None
self._defaultParameters = None
self._parameterValueLimits = None
self.debug = False
def _setDefaultParameters(self, defaults=None, valueLimits=None):
# Initialize
if self._defaultParameters == None:
self._defaultParameters = {}
if self._parameterValueLimits == None:
self._parameterValueLimits = {}
newParameters = Utils.Parameters.get({}, defaults, valueLimits=valueLimits)
if valueLimits != None:
def getParameters(self, parameters):
return Utils.Parameters.get(parameters, defaults=self._defaultParameters, valueLimits=self._parameterValueLimits)
def setFeature(self, name, value):
self.features[self.featureSet.getId(self.featureTag+name)] = value
def getElementCounts(self, filename):
print >> sys.stderr, "Counting elements:",
if filename.endswith(".gz"):
f = gzip.open(filename, "rt")
f = open(filename, "rt")
counts = {"documents":0, "sentences":0}
for line in f:
if "<document" in line:
counts["documents"] += 1
elif "<sentence" in line:
counts["sentences"] += 1
print >> sys.stderr, counts
return counts
def saveIds(self):
if self.classIdFilename != None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Saving class names to", self.classIdFilename
print >> sys.stderr, "Class names not saved"
if self.featureIdFilename != None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Saving feature names to", self.featureIdFilename
print >> sys.stderr, "Feature names not saved"
def processCorpus(self, input, output, gold=None, append=False, allowNewIds=True, structureAnalyzer=None):
# Create intermediate paths if needed
if os.path.dirname(output) != "" and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)):
# Open output file
openStyle = "wt"
if append:
#print "Appending examples"
openStyle = "at"
if output.endswith(".gz"):
outfile = gzip.open(output, openStyle)
outfile = open(output, openStyle)
# Build examples
self.exampleCount = 0
if type(input) in types.StringTypes:
self.elementCounts = self.getElementCounts(input)
if self.elementCounts["sentences"] > 0:
示例2: OptionParser
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import write [as 别名]
ExampleUtils.appendExamples(exampleCache, outFile)
exampleCache = []
ExampleUtils.appendExamples(exampleCache, outFile)
print "Added", addCount, "polynomial features"
if __name__=="__main__":
# Import Psyco if available
import psyco
print >> sys.stderr, "Found Psyco, using"
except ImportError:
print >> sys.stderr, "Psyco not installed"
from optparse import OptionParser # For using command line options
optparser = OptionParser()
optparser.add_option("-i", "--ids", default=None, dest="ids", help="")
optparser.add_option("-e", "--examples", default=None, dest="examples", help="")
optparser.add_option("-j", "--idOutput", default=None, dest="idOutput", help="")
optparser.add_option("-o", "--output", default=None, dest="output", help="")
optparser.add_option("-w", "--weights", default=None, dest="weights", help="")
optparser.add_option("-c", "--cutoff", type="float", default=10.0, dest="cutoff", help="")
(options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
#classIds = IdSet(filename="/usr/share/biotext/GeniaChallenge/extension-data/genia/edge-examples/genia-edge-ids.class_names")
featureIds = IdSet(filename=options.ids)
weightFeatures = readWeights(options.weights, options.cutoff)
polynomizeExamples(options.examples, options.output, weightFeatures, featureIds)
示例3: IdSet
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import write [as 别名]
classSet = IdSet(filename=TRIGGER_IDS+".class_names")
for triggerClass in triggerClasses:
makeOneClassExamples(TRIGGER_TRAIN_EXAMPLE_FILE, TRIGGER_TRAIN_EXAMPLE_FILE + "-" + triggerClass, triggerClass, classSet)
makeOneClassExamples(TRIGGER_TEST_EXAMPLE_FILE, TRIGGER_TEST_EXAMPLE_FILE + "-" + triggerClass, triggerClass, classSet)
d = {"neg":1, triggerClass:classSet.getId(triggerClass, False)}
triggerClassIds = IdSet(idDict = d)
TRIGGER_CLASS_IDS = "trigger-ids-"+triggerClass+".class_names"
print >> sys.stderr, "Trigger models for parse", PARSE_TAG, "for class", triggerClass
TRIGGER_CLASSIFIER_PARAMS="c:" + options.triggerParams
if "local" not in options.csc:
clear = False
if "clear" in options.csc: clear = True
if "louhi" in options.csc:
c = CSCConnection(CSC_WORKDIR+"/trigger-models-"+triggerClass, "[email protected]", clear)
c = CSCConnection(CSC_WORKDIR+"/trigger-models-"+triggerClass, "[email protected]", clear)
c = None
bestTriggerModel = optimize(CLASSIFIER, Ev, TRIGGER_TRAIN_EXAMPLE_FILE+"-"+triggerClass, TRIGGER_TEST_EXAMPLE_FILE+"-"+triggerClass,\
TRIGGER_CLASS_IDS, TRIGGER_CLASSIFIER_PARAMS, "trigger-models-"+triggerClass, None, c, False)[1]