本文整理汇总了Python中Core.IdSet.IdSet.getName方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IdSet.getName方法的具体用法?Python IdSet.getName怎么用?Python IdSet.getName使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Core.IdSet.IdSet
示例1: addExamples
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import getName [as 别名]
def addExamples(exampleFile, predictionFile, classFile, matrix):
classSet = IdSet(filename=classFile)
f = open(predictionFile, "rt")
for example in ExampleUtils.readExamples(exampleFile, False):
pred = int(f.readline().split()[0])
predClasses = classSet.getName(pred)
goldClasses = classSet.getName(example[1])
for predClass in predClasses.split("---"):
for goldClass in goldClasses.split("---"):
matrix[goldClass][predClass] += 1
示例2: devectorizePredictions
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import getName [as 别名]
def devectorizePredictions(self, predictions):
Converts a dense Numpy array of [examples][width][height][features] into
the corresponding Python list matrices where features are stored in a key-value
targetIds = IdSet(filename=self.model.get(self.tag+"ids.classes"), locked=True)
dimMatrix = int(self.model.getStr("dimMatrix"))
dimLabels = int(self.model.getStr("dimLabels"))
predictions = reshape(predictions, (predictions.shape[0], dimMatrix, dimMatrix, dimLabels))
rangeMatrix = range(dimMatrix)
labels = np.argmax(predictions, axis=-1)
values = np.max(predictions, axis=-1)
minValue = np.min(values)
maxValue = np.max(values)
valRange = maxValue - minValue
print "MINMAX", minValue, maxValue
devectorized = []
for exampleIndex in range(predictions.shape[0]):
#print predictions[exampleIndex]
for i in rangeMatrix:
for j in rangeMatrix:
features = {}
maxFeature = labels[exampleIndex][i][j]
predValue = predictions[exampleIndex][i][j][maxFeature]
features[targetIds.getName(maxFeature)] = float(predValue)
features["color"] = self.getColor((predValue - minValue) / valRange)
return devectorized
示例3: readARFF
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import getName [as 别名]
def readARFF(filename):
featureSet = IdSet(1)
classSet = IdSet(0)
f = open(filename,"rt")
inData = False
lines = f.readlines()
counter = ProgressCounter(len(lines),"ARFFLine")
examples = []
for line in lines:
counter.update(string="Processing line " + str(counter.current + 1) + ": ")
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "%":
elif line[0] == "@":
#print line
category = line.split()[0].lower()
if category == "@attribute":
category, name, type = line.split()
assert(not inData)
if name.lower() == "class":
name = name.lower()
classNames = type[1:-1].split(",")
elif category.lower() == "@relation":
assert(not inData)
elif category == "@data":
inData = True
count = 1
features = {}
for column in line.split(","):
if featureSet.getName(count) != "class":
features[count] = float(column)
classId = classSet.getId(column, False)
assert(classId != None)
count += 1
exampleCount = str(len(examples))
exampleId = "BreastCancer.d" + exampleCount + ".s0.x0"
return examples
示例4: OptionParser
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import getName [as 别名]
defaultAnalysisFilename = "/usr/share/biotext/ComplexPPI/BioInferForComplexPPIVisible.xml"
optparser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]\nCreate an html visualization for a corpus.")
optparser.add_option("-i", "--invariant", default=None, dest="invariant", help="Corpus in analysis format", metavar="FILE")
optparser.add_option("-v", "--variant", default=None, dest="variant", help="Corpus in analysis format", metavar="FILE")
(options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
#invariantExamples = ExampleUtils.readExamples(os.path.join(options.invariant, "examples.txt"))
variantExamples = ExampleUtils.readExamples(os.path.join(options.variant, "test-triggers.examples"))
invariantFeatureSet = IdSet()
invariantFeatureSet.load(os.path.join(options.invariant, "feature_names.txt"))
invariantClassSet = IdSet()
invariantClassSet.load(os.path.join(options.invariant, "class_names.txt"))
variantFeatureSet = IdSet()
variantFeatureSet.load(os.path.join(options.variant, "test-triggers.examples.feature_names"))
variantClassSet = IdSet()
variantClassSet.load(os.path.join(options.variant, "test-triggers.examples.class_names"))
counter = ProgressCounter(len(variantExamples))
for example in variantExamples:
example[1] = invariantClassSet.getId(variantClassSet.getName(example[1]))
newFeatures = {}
for k,v in example[2].iteritems():
newFeatures[ invariantFeatureSet.getId(variantFeatureSet.getName(k)) ] = v
example[2] = newFeatures
ExampleUtils.writeExamples(variantExamples, os.path.join(options.variant, "realignedExamples.txt"))
示例5: writeXML
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import getName [as 别名]
def writeXML(self, examples, predictions, corpus, outputFile, classSet=None, parse=None, tokenization=None, goldCorpus=None, exampleStyle=None):
Writes task 3 examples to interaction XML. Assumes task 3 classification
is done with SVMMulticlass Classifier, used for two classes.
print >> sys.stderr, "Adding task 3 to Interaction XML"
examples, predictions = self.loadExamples(examples, predictions)
if type(classSet) == types.StringType: # class names are in file
classSet = IdSet(filename=classSet)
classIds = None
if classSet != None:
classIds = classSet.getIds()
corpusTree = ETUtils.ETFromObj(corpus)
corpusRoot = corpusTree.getroot()
# Determine subtask
task3Type = None
for example in examples:
assert example[3].has_key("t3type")
task3Type = example[3]["t3type"]
if task3Type == None:
if outputFile != None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Writing corpus to", outputFile
ETUtils.write(corpusRoot, outputFile)
return corpusTree
assert task3Type in ["multiclass", "speculation", "negation"]
# Remove the task 3 subtask information if it already exists
for entity in corpusRoot.getiterator("entity"):
if task3Type == "multiclass":
entity.set("speculation", "False")
entity.set("negation", "False")
elif task3Type == "speculation":
entity.set("speculation", "False")
else: # task3Type == "negation"
entity.set("negation", "False")
specMap = {}
negMap = {}
for example, prediction in itertools.izip(examples, predictions):
assert example[3]["xtype"] == "task3"
if example[3]["t3type"] == "multiclass":
predictedClassName = classSet.getName(prediction[0])
if predictedClassName != "neg":
predictedModifiers = predictedClassName.split("---")
if "negation" in predictedModifiers:
assert not negMap.has_key(example[3]["entity"])
negMap[example[3]["entity"]] = (True, prediction)
if "speculation" in predictedModifiers:
assert not specMap.has_key(example[3]["entity"])
specMap[example[3]["entity"]] = (True, prediction)
if example[3]["t3type"] == "speculation":
map = specMap
map = negMap
if prediction[0] != 1:
assert not map.has_key(example[3]["entity"])
map[example[3]["entity"]] = (True, prediction)
assert not map.has_key(example[3]["entity"])
map[example[3]["entity"]] = (False, prediction)
for entity in corpusRoot.getiterator("entity"):
eId = entity.get("id")
if task3Type == "multiclass":
if specMap.has_key(eId):
entity.set("speculation", str(specMap[eId][0]))
entity.set("modPred", self.getPredictionStrengthString(specMap[eId][1], classSet, classIds))
if negMap.has_key(eId):
entity.set("negation", str(negMap[eId][0]))
entity.set("modPred", self.getPredictionStrengthString(negMap[eId][1], classSet, classIds))
if task3Type == "speculation":
if specMap.has_key(eId):
entity.set("speculation", str(specMap[eId][0]))
entity.set("specPred", self.getPredictionStrengthString(specMap[eId][1], classSet, classIds, [""]))
elif task3Type == "negation":
if negMap.has_key(eId):
entity.set("negation", str(negMap[eId][0]))
entity.set("negPred", self.getPredictionStrengthString(negMap[eId][1], classSet, classIds, ["","speculation"]))
# Write corpus
if outputFile != None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Writing corpus to", outputFile
ETUtils.write(corpusRoot, outputFile)
return corpusTree
示例6: threshold
# 需要导入模块: from Core.IdSet import IdSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from Core.IdSet.IdSet import getName [as 别名]
def threshold(examples, predictionsDir=None, classSet=None):
if type(classSet) == types.StringType: # class names are in file
classSet = IdSet(filename=classSet)
classIds = set()
if type(examples) == types.StringType: # examples are in file
examplesTemp = ExampleUtils.readExamples(examples, False)
examples = []
for example in examplesTemp:
classIds = list(classIds)
#multilabel = MultiLabelMultiClassEvaluator(None, None, classSet)
#multilabel._calculate(examples, predictions)
#print multilabel.toStringConcise(title="multilabel")
bestThrF = [0]
bestBaseF = [0]
predFileNames = []
for filename in os.listdir(predictionsDir):
if "predictions" in filename:
predFileNames.append( (int(filename.rsplit("_")[-1]), filename) )
for predFileName in predFileNames:
predictionsTemp = ExampleUtils.loadPredictions(os.path.join(predictionsDir, predFileName[1]))
predictions = []
for prediction in predictionsTemp:
baseEv = AveragingMultiClassEvaluator(None, None, classSet)
baseEv._calculate(examples, predictions)
print "============================"
print predFileName[1]
print "============================"
#print baseEv.toStringConcise(title="baseline")
baseLineF = baseEv.microF.fscore
for step in [0]:
for classId in [1]: #classIds:
cls = None
if classSet != None:
cls = classSet.getName(classId)
cls = str(classId)
bestF = thresholdClass(examples, predictions, classId, baseLineF)
for prediction in predictions:
prediction[classId] -= bestF[2][0] + 0.00000001
changed = 0
for prediction in predictions:
maxVal = -999999
maxClass = None
for i in range(1, len(prediction)):
if prediction[i] > maxVal:
maxVal = prediction[i]
maxClass = i
if maxClass != prediction[0]:
prediction[0] = maxClass
changed += 1
print step, cls, "changed", changed, bestF[0]
baseLineF = bestF[0]
if bestF[0] > bestThrF[0]:
bestThrF = (bestF[0], predFileName[1], bestF[1], bestF[2], bestF[3])
if baseEv.microF.fscore > bestBaseF[0]:
bestBaseF = (baseEv.microF.fscore, predFileName[1], baseEv.microF.toStringConcise())
print "-------- Baseline ------------"
print baseEv.toStringConcise()
print "-------- Best ------------"
print bestF[0], bestF[1], bestF[2]
print bestF[3]
thEv = AveragingMultiClassEvaluator(None, None, classSet)
thEv._calculate(examples, predictions)
print thEv.toStringConcise()
print "=============== All Best ==============="
print "Threshold", bestThrF
print "Base", bestBaseF
memPredictions = []
bestEv = baseEv
bestPair = [None, None, None]
for p in predictions:
for pair in pairs:
modifier = pair[0] + 0.00000001
changedClass = 0
for pred in memPredictions:
negPred = pred[1] - modifier
maxVal = negPred
maxClass = 1
for i in range(2, len(pred)):
if pred[i] > maxVal:
maxVal = pred[i]
maxClass = i
if pred[0] != maxClass:
changedClass += 1
pred[0] = maxClass