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Python IO.writeData方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ClearMap.IO.writeData方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IO.writeData方法的具体用法?Python IO.writeData怎么用?Python IO.writeData使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ClearMap.IO的用法示例。


示例1: writeData

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def writeData(filename, data, startIndex=0):
    """Write image stack to single or multiple image files
        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        data (array): image data
        startIndex (int): index of first z-slice
        str: file name as regular expression

    # create directory if not exsits

    # check for the \d{xx} part of the regular expression -> if not assume file header
    (fileheader, fileext, digitfrmt) = splitFileExpression(filename)

    d = len(data.shape)
    if d == 2:
        fname = fileheader + (digitfrmt % startIndex) + fileext
        io.writeData(fname, data)
        return fname
        nz = data.shape[2]
        for i in range(nz):
            fname = fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i + startIndex)) + fileext
            io.writeData(fname, data[:, :, i])
        return filename

示例2: openData3D

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def openData3D(dataSource, x = all, y = all, z = all, cleanUp = True):
    """Open image in ImageJ 
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        inverse (bool):invert image
        (object): figure handle

    if isinstance(dataSource, numpy.ndarray):
      filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix = '.mhd', prefix = 'CM_ImageJ');
      io.writeData(filename, dataSource, x = x, y = y, z = z); 
      filepath, imagename = os.path.split(filename);
      imagename = imagename[:-4] + '.raw';
      temp = True; 
      dSize = dataSource.shape;
      filename = dataSource;
      filepath, imagename = os.path.split(filename);
      temp = False;
    if len(dSize) == 4:
      colorImage = True;
      colorImage = False;
    if colorImage:
      macro = ('open("%s"); ' % filename) + \
               'run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "order=xyzct channels=%d slices=%d frames=1 display=Color"); ' % (dSize[3], dSize[2]) + \
               'Stack.setDisplayMode("composite"); ' + \
               'run("3D Viewer"); call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.setCoordinateSystem", "false"); ' + \
               'call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.add", "%s", "None", "%s", "0", "true", "true", "true", "1", "0");' % (imagename, imagename);
      macro = ('open("%s");' % filename) + ' run("RGB Color"); run("3D Viewer"); call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.setCoordinateSystem", "false"); ' + \
               'call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.add", "%s", "None", "%s", "0", "true", "true", "true", "1", "0");' % (imagename, imagename);
    cmd = ImageJBinary + " -eval '%s'" % macro;
    print 'running: %s' % cmd
    res = os.system(cmd);
    if res != 0:
      raise RuntimeError('openData3D: failed executing: ' + cmd);
    if cleanUp and temp:
      os.remove(os.path.join(filepath, imagename));
    return macro;

示例3: writeSubStack

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def writeSubStack(filename, img, subStack = None):
    """Write the non-redundant part of a sub-stack to disk
    The routine is used to write out images when porcessed in parallel.
    It assumes that the filename is a patterned file name.
        filename (str or None): file name pattern as described in 
                        :mod:`~ClearMap.Io.FileList`, if None return as array
        img (array): image data of sub-stack
        subStack (dict or None): sub-stack information, if None write entire image
                                 see :ref:`SubStack`
       str or array: the file name pattern or image
    if not subStack is None:
        ii = subStack["zSubStackCenterIndices"][0];
        ee = subStack["zSubStackCenterIndices"][1];
        si = subStack["zCenterIndices"][0];
        si = 0;
        ii = 0;
        ee = -1;
    return io.writeData(filename, img[:,:,ii:ee], startIndex = si );     

示例4: test

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def test():
  import os;
  import ClearMap.IO as io
  import ClearMap.Settings as settings
  import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Ilastik as il;
  ilp = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Ilastik/Test.ilp')
  src = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
  #out = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/Ilastik/image.npy');
  out = None;
  #out = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/Ilastik/result\d*.tif');
  cls = il.classifyPixel(ilp, src, out);
  print io.dataSize(src)
  print cls.shape
  io.writeData('/home/ckirst/result.raw', cls);

示例5: _cropParallel

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def _cropParallel(arg):
    """Cropping helper function to use for parallel cropping of image slices"""

    fileSource = arg[0]
    fileSink = arg[1]
    x = arg[2]
    y = arg[3]
    ii = arg[4]
    nn = arg[5]

    if ii is not None:
        pw = ProcessWriter(ii)
        pw.write("cropData: corpping image %d / %d" % (ii, nn))
        # pw.write('%s -> %s' % (fileSource, fileSink));

    data = io.readData(fileSource, x=x, y=y)
    io.writeData(fileSink, data)

示例6: test

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def test():
    """Test Elastix module"""
    import ClearMap.Alignment.Elastix as self
    from ClearMap.Settings import ClearMapPath;
    import os, numpy
    p = ClearMapPath;
    resultdir = os.path.join(p, 'Test/Elastix/Output');
    print 'Searching for transformation parameter file in ' + resultdir;
    pf = self.getTransformParameterFile(resultdir)
    print 'Found: ' + pf;
    #replace path in trasform parameter files:

    #transform points
    pts = numpy.random.rand(5,3);    
    print 'Transforming points: '
    tpts = self.transformPoints(pts, transformParameterFile = pf, indices = False);
    print pts
    print 'Transformed points: '
    print tpts
    #deformation and distance fields     
    df = self.deformationField(transformParameterFile = pf, resultDirectory = None);
    #df = '/tmp/elastix_output/deformationField.mhd';

    import ClearMap.IO as io
    data = io.readData('/tmp/elastix_output/deformationField.mhd');
    ds = self.deformationDistance(data);
    io.writeData(os.path.join(p, 'Test/Elastix/Output/distances.raw'), ds);

示例7: overlayLabel

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def overlayLabel(dataSource, labelSource, sink = None,  alpha = False, labelColorMap = 'jet', x = all, y = all, z = all):
    """Overlay a gray scale image with colored labeled image
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        labelSource (str or array): labeled image to be overlayed on the image data
        sink (str or None): destination for the overlayed image
        alpha (float or False): transparency
        labelColorMap (str or object): color map for the labels
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        (array or str): figure handle
    See Also:
    label = io.readData(labelSource, x= x, y = y, z = z);
    image = io.readData(dataSource, x= x, y = y, z = z);
    lmax = label.max();
    if lmax <= 1:
        carray = numpy.array([[1,0,0,1]]);
        cm = mpl.cm.get_cmap(labelColorMap);
        cNorm  = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax = int(lmax));
        carray = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm);
        carray = carray.to_rgba(numpy.arange(1, int(lmax + 1)));

    if alpha == False:
        carray = numpy.concatenate(([[0,0,0,1]], carray), axis = 0);
        carray = numpy.concatenate(([[1,1,1,1]], carray), axis = 0);
    cm = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(carray);
    carray = cm(label);
    carray = carray.take([0,1,2], axis = -1);

    if alpha == False:
        cimage = (label == 0) * image;
        cimage = numpy.repeat(cimage, 3);
        cimage = cimage.reshape(image.shape + (3,)); 
        cimage = cimage.astype(carray.dtype);
        cimage += carray;
        cimage = numpy.repeat(image, 3);
        cimage = cimage.reshape(image.shape + (3,));
        cimage = cimage.astype(carray.dtype);
        cimage *= carray;

    return io.writeData(sink, cimage);

示例8: makeColorAnnotations

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def makeColorAnnotations(filename, labeledImage=None):
    if labeledImage is None:
        labeledImage = DefaultLabeledImageFile

    li = io.readData(labeledImage)
    dsize = li.shape

    lr = numpy.zeros(dsize, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    lg = lr.copy()
    lb = lr.copy()

    global Label
    maxlabel = max(Label.ids)
    colarray = numpy.zeros((maxlabel, 3))
    for i in Label.ids:
        colarray[i - 1, :] = Label.color(i)

    for i in Label.ids:
        ll = li == i
        lr[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 0]
        lg[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 1]
        lb[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 2]

    io.writeData(filename + "_r.tif", lr)
    io.writeData(filename + "_g.tif", lg)
    io.writeData(filename + "_b.tif", lb)

    return (lr, lg, lb)

示例9: voxelize

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def voxelize(points, dataSize = None, sink = None, voxelizeParameter = None,  method = 'Spherical', size = (5,5,5), weights = None):
    """Converts a list of points into an volumetric image array
        points (array): point data array
        dataSize (tuple): size of final image
        sink (str, array or None): the location to write or return the resulting voxelization image, if None return array
        voxelizeParameter (dict):
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
            Name       Type                 Descritption
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
            *method*   (str or None)        method for voxelization: 'Spherical', 'Rectangular' or 'Pixel'
            *size*     (tuple)              size parameter for the voxelization
            *weights*  (array or None)      weights for each point, None is uniform weights                          
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================      
        (array): volumetric data of smeared out points
    if dataSize is None:
        dataSize = tuple(int(math.ceil(points[:,i].max())) for i in range(points.shape[1]));
    elif isinstance(dataSize, basestring):
        dataSize = io.dataSize(dataSize);
    points = io.readPoints(points);
    if method.lower() == 'spherical':
        if weights is None:
            data = vox.voxelizeSphere(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);
            data = vox.voxelizeSphereWithWeights(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2], weights);
    elif method.lower() == 'rectangular':
        if weights is None:
            data = vox.voxelizeRectangle(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);
            data = vox.voxelizeRectangleWithWeights(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2], weights);
    elif method.lower() == 'pixel':
        data = voxelizePixel(points, dataSize, weights);
        raise RuntimeError('voxelize: mode: %s not supported!' % method);
    return io.writeData(sink, data);

示例10: overlayPoints

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def overlayPoints(dataSource, pointSource, sink = None, pointColor = [1,0,0], x = all, y = all, z = all):
    """Overlay points on 3D data and return as color image
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        pointSource (str or array): point data to be overlayed on the image data
        pointColor (array): RGB color for the overlayed points
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        (str or array): image overlayed with points
    See Also:
    data = io.readData(dataSource, x = x, y = y, z = z);
    points = io.readPoints(pointSource, x = x, y = y, z = z, shift = True);
    #print data.shape
    if not pointColor is None:
        dmax = data.max(); dmin = data.min();
        if dmin == dmax:
            dmax = dmin + 1;
        cimage = numpy.repeat( (data - dmin) / (dmax - dmin), 3);
        cimage = cimage.reshape(data.shape + (3,));    
        if data.ndim == 2:
            for p in points: # faster version using voxelize ?
                cimage[p[0], p[1], :] = pointColor;
        elif data.ndim == 3:
            for p in points: # faster version using voxelize ?
                cimage[p[0], p[1], p[2], :] = pointColor;
            raise RuntimeError('overlayPoints: data dimension %d not suported' % data.ndim);
        cimage = vox.voxelize(points, data.shape, method = 'Pixel');
        cimage = cimage.astype(data.dtype) * data.max();
        data.shape = data.shape + (1,);
        cimage.shape =  cimage.shape + (1,);
        cimage = numpy.concatenate((data, cimage), axis  = 3);
    #print cimage.shape    
    return io.writeData(sink, cimage);   

示例11: deformationDistance

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def deformationDistance(deformationField, sink = None, scale = None):
    """Compute the distance field from a deformation vector field
        deformationField (str or array): source of the deformation field determined by :func:`deformationField`
        sink (str or None): image sink to save the deformation field to
        scale (tuple or None): scale factor for each dimension, if None = (1,1,1)
        array or str: array or file name of the transformed data
    deformationField = io.readData(deformationField);
    df = numpy.square(deformationField);
    if not scale is None:
        for i in range(3):
            df[:,:,:,i] = df[:,:,:,i] * (scale[i] * scale[i]);
    return io.writeData(sink, numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(df, axis = 3)));

示例12: transformData

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def transformData(source, sink = [], transformParameterFile = None, transformDirectory = None, resultDirectory = None):
    """Transform a raw data set to reference using the elastix alignment results
    If the map determined by elastix is 
    :math:`T \\mathrm{fixed} \\rightarrow \\mathrm{moving}`, 
    transformix on data works as :math:`T^{-1}(\\mathrm{data})`.
        source (str or array): image source to be transformed
        sink (str, [] or None): image sink to save transformed image to. if [] return the default name of the data file generated by transformix.
        transformParameterFile (str or None): parameter file for the primary transformation, if None, the file is determined from the transformDirectory.
        transformDirectory (str or None): result directory of elastix alignment, if None the transformParameterFile has to be given.
        resultDirectory (str or None): the directorty for the transformix results
        array or str: array or file name of the transformed data
    global TransformixBinary;    
    if isinstance(source, numpy.ndarray):
        imgname = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'elastix_input.tif');
        io.writeData(source, imgname);
    elif isinstance(source, basestring):
        if io.dataFileNameToType(source) == "TIF":
            imgname = source;
            imgname = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'elastix_input.tif');
            io.transformData(source, imgname);
        raise RuntimeError('transformData: source not a string or array');

    if resultDirectory == None:
        resultdirname = os.path.join(tempfile.tempdir, 'elastix_output');
        resultdirname = resultDirectory;
    if not os.path.exists(resultdirname):
    if transformParameterFile == None:
        if transformDirectory == None:
            raise RuntimeError('neither alignment directory and transformation parameter file specified!'); 
        transformparameterdir = transformDirectory
        transformParameterFile = getTransformParameterFile(transformparameterdir);
        transformparameterdir = os.path.split(transformParameterFile);
        transformparameterdir = transformparameterdir[0];
    #make path in parameterfiles absolute
    #transformix -in inputImage.ext -out outputDirectory -tp TransformParameters.txt
    cmd = TransformixBinary + ' -in ' + imgname + ' -out ' + resultdirname + ' -tp ' + transformParameterFile;
    res = os.system(cmd);
    if res != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('transformData: failed executing: ' + cmd);
    if not isinstance(source, basestring):

    if sink == []:
        return getResultDataFile(resultdirname);
    elif sink is None:
        resultfile = getResultDataFile(resultdirname);
        return io.readData(resultfile);
    elif isinstance(sink, basestring):
        resultfile = getResultDataFile(resultdirname);
        return io.convertData(resultfile, sink);
        raise RuntimeError('transformData: sink not valid!');

示例13: cropData

# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
def cropData(source, sink=None, x=all, y=all, z=all, adjustOverlap=False, verbose=True, processes=all):
    """Crop source from start to stop point
    source (str or array): filename or data array of source
    sink (str or None): filename or sink
    x,y,z (tuple or all): the range to crop the data to
    adjustOverlap (bool): correct overlap meta data if exists
    str or array: array or filename with cropped data

    if sink is None:
        return readDataFiles(source, x=x, y=y, z=z)
    else:  # sink assumed to be file expression

        if not io.isFileExpression(sink):
            raise RuntimeError("cropping data to different format not supported!")

        fileheader, fileext, digitfrmt = splitFileExpression(sink)

        # read first image to get data size and type
        fp, fl = readFileList(source)
        nz = len(fl)
        rz = io.toDataRange(nz, r=z)

        if adjustOverlap:  # change overlap in first file
                fn = os.path.join(fp, fl[0])
                info = io.readMetaData(fn, info=["description", "overlap", "resolution"])
                description = str(info["description"])
                overlap = numpy.array(info["overlap"], dtype=float)
                resolution = numpy.array(info["resolution"], dtype=float)

                raise RuntimeWarning("could not modify overlap!")

            fullsize = io.dataSize(fn)
            data = io.readData(fn, x=x, y=y)

            # overlap in pixels
            poverlap = overlap[:2] / resolution[:2]
            print poverlap

            # cropped pixel
            xr = io.toDataRange(fullsize[0], r=x)
            yr = io.toDataRange(fullsize[1], r=y)

            print xr
            print yr
            print fullsize

            poverlap[0] = poverlap[0] - xr[0] - (fullsize[0] - xr[1])
            poverlap[1] = poverlap[1] - yr[0] - (fullsize[1] - yr[1])
            print poverlap

            # new overlap in microns
            overlap = poverlap * resolution[:2]

            # check for consistency
            if numpy.abs(fullsize[0] - xr[1] - xr[0]) > 1 or numpy.abs(fullsize[1] - yr[1] - yr[0]) > 1:
                raise RuntimeWarning("cropping is inconsistent with overlap )modification!")

            # change image description
            import ClearMap.IO.TIF as CMTIF

            description = CMTIF.changeOMEMetaDataString(description, {"overlap": overlap})
            print len(description)

            # write first file
            fnout = fileheader + (digitfrmt % 0) + fileext
            io.writeData(fnout, data, info=description)

            zr = range(rz[0] + 1, rz[1])
            zr = range(rz[0], rz[1])

        print zr
        nZ = len(zr)

        if processes is None:
            processes = 1
        if processes is all:
            processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

        if processes > 1:  # parallel processing
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)
            argdata = []

            for i, z in enumerate(zr):
                if verbose:
                        (os.path.join(fp, fl[z]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i + 1)) + fileext, x, y, (i + 1), (nZ + 1))
                        (os.path.join(fp, fl[z]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i + 1)) + fileext, x, y, None, None)



# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import writeData [as 别名]
rd.plot(ridges, normals, points, image = gray_s);


res = wgn.detect_contour(gray, level = 140)

for r in res:
  plt.plot(*r.T, c = 'm');


io.writeData('/home/ckirst/test4.tif', gray);

#%% Gaussian kernels for derivatives 

sigma = 1.5;

import imageprocessing.ridge_detection as rd;

n,p,evals,evecs = rd.ridge_points(gray_s, sigma);
cplt.plot([gray, evals[:,:,0], evals[:,:,1], evals[:,:,0]> 0], fig = 3)
cplt.plot([gray, n[:,:,0], n[:,:,1]], fig = 4)

