本文整理汇总了Python中ClearMap.IO.isFileExpression方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IO.isFileExpression方法的具体用法?Python IO.isFileExpression怎么用?Python IO.isFileExpression使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ClearMap.IO
示例1: fileNameToIlastikOuput
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def fileNameToIlastikOuput(filename):
"""Converts *ClearMap* file name to an argument string for use with Ilastik headless mode
filename (str): image file name or expression
str: Ilastik headless ouput specifications
The output is formated accroding to the Ilastik pixel calssification output specifications
if not isValidOutputFileName(filename):
raise RuntimeError('Ilastik: file format not compatibel with Ilastik output');
if io.isFileExpression(filename):
o = '--output_format="' + io.fileExtension(filename) + ' sequence" '+ \
'--output_filename_format="' + filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(filename, '{slice_index}') + '"';
return o;
else: # single file
extensionToOuput = {'bmp' : 'bmp', 'gif' : 'gif', 'hdr' : 'hrd',
'jpg' : 'jpg', 'jpeg': 'jpeg','pbm' : 'pbm',
'pgm' : 'pgm', 'png' : 'png', 'pnm' : 'pnm', 'ppm' : 'ppm',
'ras' : 'ras', 'tif' : 'tif', 'tiff': 'tiff','xv' : 'xv',
'h5' : 'hdf5' , 'npy' : 'numpy'};
ext = extensionToOuput[io.fileExtension(filename)];
o = '--output_format="' + ext +'" ' + \
'--output_filename_format="' + filename + '"';
return o;
示例2: fileNameToIlastikOuput
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def fileNameToIlastikOuput(filename):
"""Converts *ClearMap* file name to an argument string for use with Ilastik headless mode
filename (str): image file name or expression
str: Ilastik headless ouput specifications
The output is formated accroding to the Ilastik pixel calssification output specifications
if not isValidOutputFileName(filename):
raise RuntimeError("Ilastik: file format not compatibel with Ilastik output")
if io.isFileExpression(filename):
o = (
+ io.fileExtension(filename)
+ ' sequence" '
+ '--output_filename_format="'
+ filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(filename, "{slice_index}")
+ '"'
return o
else: # single file
extensionToOuput = {
"bmp": "bmp",
"gif": "gif",
"hdr": "hrd",
"jpg": "jpg",
"jpeg": "jpeg",
"pbm": "pbm",
"pgm": "pgm",
"png": "png",
"pnm": "pnm",
"ppm": "ppm",
"ras": "ras",
"tif": "tif",
"tiff": "tiff",
"xv": "xv",
"h5": "hdf5",
"npy": "numpy",
ext = extensionToOuput[io.fileExtension(filename)]
o = '--output_format="' + ext + '" ' + '--output_filename_format="' + filename + '"'
return o
示例3: isValidOutputFileName
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def isValidOutputFileName(filename):
"""Checks if the file is a valid format for use with Ilastik ouput
filename (str): image file name or expression
bool: True if the image file can be written by Ilastik
if io.isFileExpression(filename):
validExtensions = [
return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions
validExtensions = [
return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions
示例4: isValidOutputFileName
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def isValidOutputFileName(filename):
"""Checks if the file is a valid format for use with Ilastik ouput
filename (str): image file name or expression
bool: True if the image file can be written by Ilastik
if io.isFileExpression(filename):
validExtensions = ['bmp', 'gif', 'hdr', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pbm', 'pgm', 'png', 'pnm', 'ppm', 'ras', 'tif', 'tiff', 'xv'];
return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions;
validExtensions = ['bmp', 'gif', 'hdr', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pbm', 'pgm', 'png', 'pnm', 'ppm', 'ras', 'tif', 'tiff', 'xv', 'h5', 'npy'];
return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions;
示例5: fileNameToIlastikInput
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def fileNameToIlastikInput(filename):
"""Converts *ClearMap* file name to a string for use with Ilastik input
filename (str): image file name or expression
str: Ilastik conform file name
file expressions in *ClearMap* are regular expressions but shell expressions in Ilastik.
if not isValidInputFileName(filename):
raise RuntimeError('Ilastik: file format not compatibel with Ilastik');
if io.isFileExpression(filename):
return '"' + filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(filename, '*') + '"';
return '"' + filename + '"';
示例6: cropData
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def cropData(source, sink=None, x=all, y=all, z=all, adjustOverlap=False, verbose=True, processes=all):
"""Crop source from start to stop point
source (str or array): filename or data array of source
sink (str or None): filename or sink
x,y,z (tuple or all): the range to crop the data to
adjustOverlap (bool): correct overlap meta data if exists
str or array: array or filename with cropped data
if sink is None:
return readDataFiles(source, x=x, y=y, z=z)
else: # sink assumed to be file expression
if not io.isFileExpression(sink):
raise RuntimeError("cropping data to different format not supported!")
fileheader, fileext, digitfrmt = splitFileExpression(sink)
# read first image to get data size and type
fp, fl = readFileList(source)
nz = len(fl)
rz = io.toDataRange(nz, r=z)
if adjustOverlap: # change overlap in first file
fn = os.path.join(fp, fl[0])
info = io.readMetaData(fn, info=["description", "overlap", "resolution"])
description = str(info["description"])
overlap = numpy.array(info["overlap"], dtype=float)
resolution = numpy.array(info["resolution"], dtype=float)
raise RuntimeWarning("could not modify overlap!")
fullsize = io.dataSize(fn)
data = io.readData(fn, x=x, y=y)
# overlap in pixels
poverlap = overlap[:2] / resolution[:2]
print poverlap
# cropped pixel
xr = io.toDataRange(fullsize[0], r=x)
yr = io.toDataRange(fullsize[1], r=y)
print xr
print yr
print fullsize
poverlap[0] = poverlap[0] - xr[0] - (fullsize[0] - xr[1])
poverlap[1] = poverlap[1] - yr[0] - (fullsize[1] - yr[1])
print poverlap
# new overlap in microns
overlap = poverlap * resolution[:2]
# check for consistency
if numpy.abs(fullsize[0] - xr[1] - xr[0]) > 1 or numpy.abs(fullsize[1] - yr[1] - yr[0]) > 1:
raise RuntimeWarning("cropping is inconsistent with overlap )modification!")
# change image description
import ClearMap.IO.TIF as CMTIF
description = CMTIF.changeOMEMetaDataString(description, {"overlap": overlap})
print len(description)
# write first file
fnout = fileheader + (digitfrmt % 0) + fileext
io.writeData(fnout, data, info=description)
zr = range(rz[0] + 1, rz[1])
zr = range(rz[0], rz[1])
print zr
nZ = len(zr)
if processes is None:
processes = 1
if processes is all:
processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if processes > 1: # parallel processing
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)
argdata = []
for i, z in enumerate(zr):
if verbose:
(os.path.join(fp, fl[z]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i + 1)) + fileext, x, y, (i + 1), (nZ + 1))
(os.path.join(fp, fl[z]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i + 1)) + fileext, x, y, None, None)
示例7: stitchData
# 需要导入模块: from ClearMap import IO [as 别名]
# 或者: from ClearMap.IO import isFileExpression [as 别名]
def stitchData(
"""Runs the final stiching step of TeraSticher
xmlPlacementFile (str or None): the xml placement descriptor
resultPath (str): result path, file name or file expression for the stiched data
algorithm (str or None): optional algorithm to use for placement:
'NOBLEND' for no blending
'SINBLEND' for sinusoidal blending
resolutions (tuple or None): the different resolutions to produce
form (str or None): the output form, if None determined automatically
channel (str or None): the channels to use, 'R', 'G', 'B' or 'all'
subRegion (tuple or None): optional sub region in the form ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax), (zmin, zmax))
bitDepth (int or None): the pits per pixel to use, default is 8
blockSize (tuple): the sizes of various blocks to save stiched image into
cleanup (bool): if True delete the TeraSticher file structure
compress (bool): if True compress final tif images
str : the result path or file name of the stiched data
See also:
`TeraStitcher project step <https://github.com/abria/TeraStitcher/wiki/Step-6:-Merge>`_.
global TeraStitcherBinary
cmd = TeraStitcherBinary + ' --merge --imout_format="tif" '
cmd = cmd + '--projin="' + xmlPlacementFile + '" '
if len(resultPath) > 3 and resultPath[-4:] == ".tif":
if io.isFileExpression(resultPath):
form = "TiledXY|2Dseries"
resultPath, filename = os.path.split(resultPath)
form = "TiledXY|3Dseries"
resultPath, filename = os.path.split(resultPath)
filename = None
cmd = cmd + '--volout="' + resultPath + '" '
if algorithm is not None:
cmd = cmd + ' --algorithm="' + algorithm + '" '
if resolutions is not None:
cmd = cmd + '--resolutions="'
for r in sorted(resolutions):
cmd = cmd + str(r)
cmd = cmd + " "
if form is not None:
cmd = cmd + '--volout_plugin="' + form + '" '
if channel is not None:
cmd = cmd + '--imin_channel="' + channel + '" '
if subRegion is not None:
sns = (("--R0=", "--R1="), ("--C0=", "--C1="), ("--D0=", "--D1-"))
for d in range(3):
for m in range(2):
if subRegion[d][m] is not None:
cmd = cmd + sns[d][m] + str(subRegion[d][m]) + " "
if blockSize is not None:
bs = ("--slicewidth=", "--sliceheight=", "--slicedepth=")
for d in range(3):
if blockSize[d] is not None:
cmd = cmd + bs[d] + str(blockSize[d]) + " "
if bitDepth is not None:
cmd = cmd + "--imout_depth=" + str(bitDepth) + " "
if not compress:
cmd = cmd + "--libtiff_uncompress "
# print resultPath
io.createDirectory(resultPath, split=False)
print "running: " + cmd
res = os.system(cmd)
if res != 0:
raise RuntimeError("stitchData: failed executing: " + cmd)
if filename is not None: