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Python IIBTree.IITreeSet类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中BTrees.IIBTree.IITreeSet的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python IITreeSet类的具体用法?Python IITreeSet怎么用?Python IITreeSet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _combine_union

 def _combine_union(self, values, object):
   if not values: return
   set= None
   for v in values:
     sv= self._standardizeValue_(v, object)
     if not sv: continue
     if set is None: set = IITreeSet(sv)
     else: set.update(sv)
   return set

示例2: getPositions

    def getPositions(self, docid, wordid):
        """ return a sequence of positions of occurrences of wordid within
            a document given by its docid.

        encoded_wid = encode((wordid,))
        encoded_document = self._doc2wid[docid].get()

        positions = IITreeSet()
        for pos, wid in enumerate(decode(encoded_document)):
            if wid == wordid:
        return positions

示例3: _finalize_index

    def _finalize_index(self, result, start, end, used_fields):
        filtered_result = IITreeSet()
        # used_recurrence = False

        for documentId in result:
            recurrence = self._uid2recurrence.get(documentId)
            if recurrence is None:
                # This event isn't recurring, so it's a match:

            # used_recurrence = True
            match = False
            # This is a possible place where optimizations can be done if
            # necessary. For example, for periods where the start and end
            # date is the same, we can first check if the start time and
            # and time of the date falls inbetween the start and end times
            # of the period, so to avoid expansion. But most likely this
            # will have a very small impact on speed, so I skip this until
            # it actually becomes a problem.

            if start is not None:
                event_start = datetime(*self._uid2start[documentId][:6])
                event_start = None
            if end is not None:
                event_duration = self._uid2duration[documentId]
                event_end = event_start + event_duration
                event_end = None

            for occurrence in recurrence._iter():
                utc_occurrence = datetime(*occurrence.utctimetuple()[:6])
                if event_start is not None and utc_occurrence < event_start:
                    # XXX we should add a counter and break after 10000 occurrences.
                if event_end is not None and utc_occurrence > event_end:

                # The start of this occurrence starts between the start and end date of
                # the query:
                match = True

            if match:
            # if used_recurrence:
            used_fields += (self.recurrence_attr,)
        return filtered_result, used_fields

示例4: group

 def group(self, seq):
   sortIndex = self._sortIndex; sortReverse = self._sortReverse
   ns = len(seq); ni = len(sortIndex)
   if ns >= 0.1 * ni:
     # result large compared to index -- sort via index
     handled = IISet(); hn = 0
     _load = getattr(sortIndex, '_load', None)
     if _load is None:
       # not an optimized index
       items = sortIndex.items()
       _load = lambda (x1, x2): x2
       if sortReverse: items.reverse()
     elif sortReverse:
       gRO = getattr(sortIndex, 'getReverseOrder', None)
       items = gRO and gRO()
       if items is None:
         items = list(sortIndex._index.keys()); items.reverse()
     else: items = sortIndex._index.keys()
     for i in items:
       ids = intersection(seq, _load(i))
       if ids:
         handled.update(ids); hn += len(ids)
         yield i, ids
     if hn != len(seq): yield None, difference(seq, handled)
     # result relatively small -- sort via result
     m = OOBTree()
     keyFor = getattr(sortIndex, 'keyForDocument', None)
     # work around "nogopip" bug: it defines "keyForDocument" as an integer
     if not callable(keyFor):
       # this will fail, when the index neither defines a reasonable
       # "keyForDocument" nor "documentToKeyMap". In this case,
       # the index cannot be used for sorting.
       keyFor = lambda doc, map=sortIndex.documentToKeyMap(): map[doc]
     noValue = IITreeSet()
     for doc in seq.keys():
       try: k = keyFor(doc)
       except KeyError: noValue.insert(doc); continue
       l = m.get(k)
       if l is None: l = m[k] = IITreeSet()
     items = m.items()
     if sortReverse: items = list(items); items.reverse()
     for i in items: yield i
     if noValue: yield None, noValue

示例5: __init__

    def __init__(self, principalId):
        self.index = OIBTree()
        self.messages = IOBTree()
        self.services = OOBTree()
        self.readstatus = IITreeSet()
        self.principalId = principalId

        self._next = Length(1)

示例6: FilteredSetBase

class FilteredSetBase(Persistent):
    # A pre-calculated result list based on an expression.

    def __init__(self, id, expr):
        self.id = id
        self.expr = expr

    def clear(self):
        self.ids = IITreeSet()

    def index_object(self, documentId, obj):
        raise NotImplementedError('index_object not defined')

    def unindex_object(self, documentId):
        except KeyError:

    def getId(self):
        return self.id

    def getExpression(self):
        # Get the expression.
        return self.expr

    def getIds(self):
        # Get the IDs of all objects for which the expression is True.
        return self.ids

    def getType(self):
        return self.meta_type

    def setExpression(self, expr):
        # Set the expression.
        self.expr = expr

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{0}: ({1}) {2}'.format(
            self.id, self.expr,
            list(map(None, self.ids))

    __str__ = __repr__

示例7: clear

 def clear(self):
     """Start over fresh."""
     self._always = IITreeSet()
     self._since_only = IOBTree()
     self._until_only = IOBTree()
     self._since = IOBTree()
     self._until = IOBTree()
     self._unindex = IOBTree()  # 'datum' will be a tuple of date ints
     self._length = Length()

示例8: clear

 def clear(self):
     self._index = IITreeSet()
     self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length()
     self._index_value = 1
     self._unindex = IIBTree()
     self._length = BTrees.Length.Length()
     if self._counter is None:
         self._counter = BTrees.Length.Length()

示例9: group

 def group(self, seq):
   sortIndex = self._sortIndex; sortReverse = self._sortReverse
   ns = len(seq); ni = len(sortIndex)
   if ns >= 0.1 * ni:
     # result large compared to index -- sort via index
     handled = IISet(); hn = 0
     _load = getattr(sortIndex, '_load', None)
     if _load is None:
       # not an optimized index
       items = sortIndex.items()
       _load = lambda (x1, x2): x2
       if sortReverse: items.reverse()
     elif sortReverse:
       gRO = getattr(sortIndex, 'getReverseOrder', None)
       items = gRO and gRO()
       if items is None:
         items = list(sortIndex._index.keys()); items.reverse()
     else: items = sortIndex._index.keys()
     for i in items:
       ids = intersection(seq, _load(i))
       if ids:
         handled.update(ids); hn += len(ids)
         yield i, ids
     if hn != len(seq): yield None, difference(seq, handled)
     # result relatively small -- sort via result
     keyFor = sortIndex.keyForDocument; m = OOBTree()
     noValue = IITreeSet()
     for doc in seq.keys():
       try: k = keyFor(doc)
       except KeyError: noValue.insert(doc); continue
       l = m.get(k)
       if l is None: l = m[k] = IITreeSet()
     items = m.items()
     if sortReverse: items = list(items); items.reverse()
     for i in items: yield i
     if noValue: yield None, noValue

示例10: clear

 def clear(self):
     """Start over fresh."""
     self._always = IITreeSet()
     self._since_only = IOBTree()
     self._until_only = IOBTree()
     self._since = IOBTree()
     self._until = IOBTree()
     self._unindex = IOBTree()  # 'datum' will be a tuple of date ints
     self._length = Length()
     if self._counter is None:
         self._counter = Length()

示例11: BooleanIndex

class BooleanIndex(UnIndex):
    """Index for booleans

       self._index = set([documentId1, documentId2])
       self._unindex = {documentId:[True/False]}

       self._length is the length of the unindex
       self._index_length is the length of the index

       False doesn't have actual entries in _index.

    meta_type = "BooleanIndex"

    manage_options = (
        {'label': 'Settings',
         'action': 'manage_main'},
        {'label': 'Browse',
         'action': 'manage_browse'},

    query_options = ["query"]

    manage = manage_main = DTMLFile('dtml/manageBooleanIndex', globals())
    manage_browse = DTMLFile('../dtml/browseIndex', globals())

    _index_value = 1
    _index_length = None

    def clear(self):
        self._index = IITreeSet()
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length()
        self._index_value = 1
        self._unindex = IIBTree()
        self._length = BTrees.Length.Length()
        if self._counter is None:
            self._counter = BTrees.Length.Length()

    def histogram(self):
        """Return a mapping which provides a histogram of the number of
        elements found at each point in the index.
        histogram = {}
        indexed = bool(self._index_value)
        histogram[indexed] = self._index_length.value
        histogram[not indexed] = self._length.value - self._index_length.value
        return histogram

    def _invert_index(self, documentId=None):
        self._index_value = indexed = int(not self._index_value)
        length = 0
        for rid, value in self._unindex.iteritems():
            if value == indexed:
                length += 1
        # documentId is the rid of the currently processed object that
        # triggered the invert. in the case of unindexing, the rid hasn't
        # been removed from the unindex yet. While indexing, the rid will
        # be added to the index and unindex after this method is done
        if documentId is not None:
            length -= 1
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length(length)

    def insertForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId):
        """If the value matches the indexed one, insert into treeset
        # When we get the first entry, decide to index the opposite of what
        # we got, as indexing zero items is fewer than one.
        if self._length.value == 0:
            self._index_value = int(not bool(entry))

        # if the added entry value is index value, insert it into index
        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):

        # insert value into global unindex (before computing index invert)
        self._unindex[documentId] = entry

        # is the index (after adding the current entry) larger than 60%
        # of the total length? than switch the indexed value
        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):
            if (self._index_length.value) >= ((self._length.value) * 0.6):

    def removeForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId, check=True):
        """Take the entry provided and remove any reference to documentId
        in its entry in the index.
        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):
            except ConflictError:

示例12: _wrapLookup

def _wrapLookup(r):
    if not isinstance(r, (IISet, IITreeSet)):
        r = IITreeSet(r.keys())
    return r

示例13: clear

 def clear(self):
     self.ids  = IITreeSet()

示例14: readstatus

 def readstatus(self):
     self.readstatus = IITreeSet()
     return self.readstatus

示例15: index_object

    def index_object(self, documentId, obj, threshold=None):
        """Index an object.

        - ``documentId`` is the integer ID of the document.

        - ``obj`` is the object to be indexed.

        - ``threshold`` is the number of words to process between committing
          subtransactions.  If None, subtransactions are disabled.

        For each name in ``getIndexSourceNames``, try to get the named
        attribute from ``obj``.

        - If the object does not have the attribute, do not add it to the
          index for that name.

        - If the attribute is a callable, call it to get the value.  If
          calling it raises an AttributeError, do not add it to the index.
          for that name.
        # Clear the data structures before indexing the object. This will ensure
        # we don't leave any stale data behind when an object gets reindexed.

        ### 1. Get the values.
        start = self._getattr(self.start_attr, obj)
        end = self._getattr(self.end_attr, obj)
        if start is None:
            # Ignore calls if the obj does not have the start field.
            return False

        if end is None:
            # Singular event
            end = start

        recurrence = self._getattr(self.recurrence_attr, obj)
        if not recurrence:
            rule = None
        elif isinstance(recurrence, basestring):
            # XXX trap and log errors
            rule = rrule.rrulestr(recurrence, dtstart=start)
        elif isinstance(recurrence, rrule.rrulebase):
            rule = recurrence
            #XXX Log error
            rule = None

        # Strip out times from the recurrence:
        if rule is not None:
            sync_timezone(rule, start.tzinfo)

        ### 2. Make them into what should be indexed.
        # XXX Naive events are not comparable to timezoned events, so we convert
        # everything to utctimetuple(). This means naive events are assumed to
        # be GMT, but we can live with that at the moment.
        start_value = start.utctimetuple()
        end_value = end.utctimetuple()

        # The end value should be the end of the recurrence, if any:
        if rule is not None:
            if is_open_ended(rule):
                # This recurrence is open ended
                end_value = None
                duration = end - start
                allrecs = [x for x in rule._iter()]
                if allrecs:
                    last = allrecs[-1] + duration
                    # Real data may have invalud recurrence rules,
                    # which end before the start for example.
                    # Then we end up here.
                    last = end
                end_value = last.utctimetuple()

        ### 3. Store everything in the indexes:
        row = self._start2uid.get(start_value, None)
        if row is None:
            row = IITreeSet((documentId,))
            self._start2uid[start_value] = row

        row = self._end2uid.get(end_value, None)
        if row is None:
            row = IITreeSet((documentId,))
            self._end2uid[end_value] = row

        self._uid2start[documentId] = start_value
        self._uid2recurrence[documentId] = rule
        self._uid2end[documentId] = end_value
        self._uid2duration[documentId] = end - start

        return True
