本文整理汇总了Python中Quaternion类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Quaternion类的具体用法?Python Quaternion怎么用?Python Quaternion使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: calibrateInertialTransform
def calibrateInertialTransform(self, pos1, att1, other, pos2, att2, B_r_BC, q_CB, calIDs=[0]):
posID1 = self.getColIDs(pos1)
attID1 = self.getColIDs(att1)
posID2 = other.getColIDs(pos2)
attID2 = other.getColIDs(att2)
# Make timing calculation
dt1 = self.getLastTime()-self.getFirstTime()
dt2 = other.getLastTime()-other.getFirstTime()
first = max(self.getFirstTime(),other.getFirstTime())
last = min(self.getLastTime(),other.getLastTime())
timeIncrement = min(dt1/(self.length()-1), dt2/(other.length()-1))
td1 = TimedData(8);
td2 = TimedData(8);
self.interpolateColumns(td1, posID1, [1,2,3])
other.interpolateColumns(td2, posID2, [1,2,3])
self.interpolateQuaternion(td1, attID1, [4,5,6,7])
other.interpolateQuaternion(td2, attID2, [4,5,6,7])
if(not calIDs):
calIDs = range(td1.length())
newIDs = np.arange(0,Utils.getLen(calIDs))
q_CB_vec = np.kron(np.ones([Utils.getLen(calIDs),1]),q_CB)
q_JC_vec = Quaternion.q_inverse(td2.D()[newIDs,4:8])
q_BI_vec = td1.D()[newIDs,4:8]
B_r_BC_vec = np.kron(np.ones([Utils.getLen(calIDs),1]),B_r_BC)
J_r_JC = td2.D()[newIDs,1:4];
J_r_BC = Quaternion.q_rotate(Quaternion.q_mult(q_JC_vec,q_CB_vec), B_r_BC_vec)
J_r_IB = Quaternion.q_rotate(Quaternion.q_mult(q_JC_vec,Quaternion.q_mult(q_CB_vec,q_BI_vec)),td1.D()[newIDs,1:4])
rotation = Quaternion.q_mean(Quaternion.q_inverse(Quaternion.q_mult(Quaternion.q_mult(q_JC_vec,q_CB_vec),q_BI_vec)))
translation = np.mean(J_r_JC-J_r_BC-J_r_IB, axis=0)
return translation.flatten(), rotation.flatten()
示例2: trinterp
def trinterp(T0, T1, r):
Interpolate homogeneous transformations.
Compute a homogeneous transform interpolation between C{T0} and C{T1} as
C{r} varies from 0 to 1 such that::
trinterp(T0, T1, 0) = T0
trinterp(T0, T1, 1) = T1
Rotation is interpolated using quaternion spherical linear interpolation.
@type T0: 4x4 homogeneous transform
@param T0: Initial value
@type T1: 4x4 homogeneous transform
@param T1: Final value
@type r: number
@param r: Interpolation index, in the range 0 to 1 inclusive
@rtype: 4x4 homogeneous transform
@return: Interpolated value
@see: L{quaternion}, L{ctraj}
q0 = Quaternion(T0)
q1 = Quaternion(T1)
p0 = transl(T0)
p1 = transl(T1)
qr = q0.interp(q1, r)
pr = p0*(1-r) + r*p1
return vstack( (concatenate((qr.R(),pr),1), mat([0,0,0,1])) )
示例3: applyBodyTransformToTwist
def applyBodyTransformToTwist(self, velID, rorID, translation, rotation):
newVel = Quaternion.q_rotate(np.kron(np.ones([self.length(),1]),rotation),
self.cols(velID) \
+ np.cross(self.cols(rorID),np.kron(np.ones([self.length(),1]),translation)))
newRor = Quaternion.q_rotate(np.kron(np.ones([self.length(),1]),rotation),
for i in np.arange(0,3):
示例4: applyInertialTransform
def applyInertialTransform(self, posID, attID, translation, rotation):
newTranslation = np.kron(np.ones([self.length(),1]),translation) \
+ Quaternion.q_rotate(np.kron(np.ones([self.length(),1]),Quaternion.q_inverse(rotation)),
newRotation = Quaternion.q_mult(self.cols(attID),
for i in np.arange(0,3):
for i in np.arange(0,4):
示例5: alignBodyFrame
def alignBodyFrame(self):
if(self.extraTransformPos != None or self.extraTransformAtt != None):
if(self.alignMode == 0 or self.alignMode == 2):
self.tdgt.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', self.extraTransformPos, self.extraTransformAtt)
if(self.alignMode == 1 or self.alignMode == 3):
self.td.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', self.extraTransformPos, self.extraTransformAtt)
self.td.applyBodyTransformToAttCov('attCov', self.extraTransformAtt)
if((self.extraTransformPos != np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])).any()):
print('Warning: Covariance are not properly mapped if there is a translational component on the Body transform')
if(self.alignMode == 0):
B_r_BC_est, qCB_est = self.td.calibrateBodyTransform('vel', 'ror', self.tdgt, 'vel','ror')
print('Align Body Transform (estimate to GT):')
print('Quaternion Rotation qCB_est:\tw:' + str(qCB_est[0]) + '\tx:' + str(qCB_est[1]) + '\ty:' + str(qCB_est[2]) + '\tz:' + str(qCB_est[3]))
print('Translation Vector B_r_BC_est:\tx:' + str(B_r_BC_est[0]) + '\ty:' + str(B_r_BC_est[1]) + '\tz:' + str(B_r_BC_est[2]))
self.td.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', B_r_BC_est, qCB_est)
print('Warning: Covariance are not properly for Body alignment of estimate to GT, please use the other direction')
if(self.alignMode == 1):
B_r_BC_est, qCB_est = self.tdgt.calibrateBodyTransform('vel', 'ror', self.td, 'vel','ror')
print('Align Body Transform (GT to estimate):')
print('Quaternion Rotation qCB_est:\tw:' + str(qCB_est[0]) + '\tx:' + str(qCB_est[1]) + '\ty:' + str(qCB_est[2]) + '\tz:' + str(qCB_est[3]))
print('Translation Vector B_r_BC_est:\tx:' + str(B_r_BC_est[0]) + '\ty:' + str(B_r_BC_est[1]) + '\tz:' + str(B_r_BC_est[2]))
self.tdgt.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', B_r_BC_est, qCB_est)
if(self.alignMode == 2):
B_r_BC_est = self.MrMV
qCB_est = self.qVM
print('Fixed Body Alignment (estimate to GT):')
print('Quaternion Rotation qCB_est:\tw:' + str(qCB_est[0]) + '\tx:' + str(qCB_est[1]) + '\ty:' + str(qCB_est[2]) + '\tz:' + str(qCB_est[3]))
print('Translation Vector B_r_BC_est:\tx:' + str(B_r_BC_est[0]) + '\ty:' + str(B_r_BC_est[1]) + '\tz:' + str(B_r_BC_est[2]))
self.td.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', B_r_BC_est, qCB_est)
print('Warning: Covariance are not properly for Body alignment of estimate to GT, please use the other direction')
if(self.extraTransformPos != None or self.extraTransformAtt != None):
self.td.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', self.extraTransformPos, self.extraTransformAtt)
self.td.applyBodyTransformToAttCov('attCov', self.extraTransformAtt)
if(self.extraTransformPos != np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])):
print('Warning: Covariance are not properly mapped if there is a translational component on the Body transform')
if(self.alignMode == 3):
B_r_BC_est = -Quaternion.q_rotate(self.qVM, self.MrMV)
qCB_est = Quaternion.q_inverse(self.qVM)
print('Fixed Body Alignment (GT to estimate):')
print('Quaternion Rotation qCB_est:\tw:' + str(qCB_est[0]) + '\tx:' + str(qCB_est[1]) + '\ty:' + str(qCB_est[2]) + '\tz:' + str(qCB_est[3]))
print('Translation Vector B_r_BC_est:\tx:' + str(B_r_BC_est[0]) + '\ty:' + str(B_r_BC_est[1]) + '\tz:' + str(B_r_BC_est[2]))
self.tdgt.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', B_r_BC_est, qCB_est)
if(self.extraTransformPos != None or self.extraTransformAtt != None):
self.tdgt.applyBodyTransformFull('pos', 'att','vel', 'ror', self.extraTransformPos, self.extraTransformAtt)
示例6: computeRotationalRateFromAttitude
def computeRotationalRateFromAttitude(self, attitudeID, rotationalrateID, a=1, b=0):
dv = Quaternion.q_boxMinus(self.d[a+b:self.end(),attitudeID],self.d[0:self.end()-(a+b),attitudeID])
dt = self.getTime()[a+b:self.end()]-self.getTime()[0:self.end()-(a+b)]
for i in np.arange(0,3):
self.d[a:self.end()-b,rotationalrateID[i]] = np.divide(dv[:,i],dt);
示例7: applyBodyTransform
def applyBodyTransform(self, pos, att, translation, rotation):
posID = self.getColIDs(pos)
attID = self.getColIDs(att)
if translation == None:
translation = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
if rotation == None:
rotation = np.array([1.0, 0, 0, 0])
newTranslation = self.col(posID) \
+ Quaternion.q_rotate(Quaternion.q_inverse(self.col(attID)),
newRotation = Quaternion.q_mult(np.kron(np.ones([self.length(),1]),rotation),
for i in np.arange(0,3):
for i in np.arange(0,4):
示例8: insertVisual
def insertVisual(parentNode, solid, color):
node = parentNode.createChild("node_"+solid.name)
rotation = Quaternion.to_euler(solid.position[3:]) * 180.0 / math.pi
for m in solid.mesh:
Tools.meshLoader(node, m.source, name="loader_"+m.id)
node.createObject("OglModel",src="@loader_"+m.id, translation=concat(translation),rotation=concat(rotation), color=color)
示例9: invertTransform
def invertTransform(self, pos, att):
posID = self.getColIDs(pos)
attID = self.getColIDs(att)
newTranslation = -Quaternion.q_rotate(self.col(attID),self.col(posID))
for i in np.arange(0,3):
示例10: quaternionToYprCov
def quaternionToYprCov(self, att, attCov, yprCov):
attIDs = self.getColIDs(att)
attCovIDs = self.getColIDs(attCov)
yprCovIDs = self.getColIDs(yprCov)
J = Quaternion.q_toYprJac(self.col(attIDs))
# Do the multiplication by hand, improve if possible
for i in xrange(0,self.length()):
self.d[i,yprCovIDs] = np.resize(np.dot(np.dot(np.resize(J[i,:],(3,3)),np.resize(self.col(attCovIDs)[i,:],(3,3))),np.resize(J[i,:],(3,3)).T),(9))
示例11: computeRotationalRateFromAttitude
def computeRotationalRateFromAttitude(self, colAtt, colRor, a=1, b=0):
colAttIDs = self.getColIDs(colAtt)
colRorIDs = self.getColIDs(colRor)
dv = Quaternion.q_boxMinus(self.d[a+b:self.end(),colAttIDs],self.d[0:self.end()-(a+b),colAttIDs])
dt = self.getTime()[a+b:self.end()]-self.getTime()[0:self.end()-(a+b)]
for i in np.arange(0,3):
self.d[a:self.end()-b,colRorIDs[i]] = np.divide(dv[:,i],dt);
示例12: applyRotationToCov
def applyRotationToCov(self, cov, att, doInverse=False):
covIDs = self.getColIDs(cov)
attIDs = self.getColIDs(att)
# Do the multiplication by hand, improve if possible
for i in xrange(0,self.length()):
R = np.resize(Quaternion.q_toRotMat(self.d[i,attIDs]),(3,3))
self.d[i,covIDs] = np.resize(np.dot(np.dot(R.T,np.resize(self.d[i,covIDs],(3,3))),R),(9))
self.d[i,covIDs] = np.resize(np.dot(np.dot(R,np.resize(self.d[i,covIDs],(3,3))),R.T),(9))
示例13: calibrateBodyTransform
def calibrateBodyTransform(self, vel1, ror1, other, vel2, ror2):
velID1 = self.getColIDs(vel1)
rorID1 = self.getColIDs(ror1)
velID2 = other.getColIDs(vel2)
rorID2 = other.getColIDs(ror2)
# Make timing calculation
dt1 = self.getLastTime()-self.getFirstTime()
dt2 = other.getLastTime()-other.getFirstTime()
first = max(self.getFirstTime(),other.getFirstTime())
last = min(self.getLastTime(),other.getLastTime())
timeIncrement = min(dt1/(self.length()-1), dt2/(other.length()-1))
td1 = TimedData(7);
td2 = TimedData(7);
self.interpolateColumns(td1, velID1, [1,2,3])
self.interpolateColumns(td1, rorID1, [4,5,6])
other.interpolateColumns(td2, velID2, [1,2,3])
other.interpolateColumns(td2, rorID2, [4,5,6])
AA = np.zeros([4,4])
# TODO: Speed up by removing for loop
for i in np.arange(0,td1.length()):
q1 = np.zeros(4)
q2 = np.zeros(4)
q1[1:4] = td1.D()[i,4:7];
q2[1:4] = td2.D()[i,4:7];
A = Quaternion.q_Rmat(q1)-Quaternion.q_Lmat(q2)
AA += A.T.dot(A)
w, v = np.linalg.eigh(AA)
rotation = v[:,0]
# Find transformation
A = np.zeros([3*td1.length(),3])
b = np.zeros([3*td1.length()])
for i in np.arange(0,td1.length()):
A[3*i:3*i+3,] = np.resize(Utils.skew(td1.D()[i,4:7]),(3,3))
b[3*i:3*i+3] = Quaternion.q_rotate(Quaternion.q_inverse(rotation), td2.D()[i,1:4])-td1.D()[i,1:4]
translation = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]
return translation, rotation
示例14: calc_vis_values
def calc_vis_values(iproc, ephem_Times, chandra_ecis, q1s, q2s, q3s, q4s):
outvals = []
for t, chandra_eci, q1, q2, q3, q4 in zip(ephem_Times, chandra_ecis, q1s, q2s, q3s, q4s):
alt = np.sqrt(np.sum(chandra_eci**2))/1e3
date = re.sub(r'\.000$', '', DateTime(t).date)
q_att = Quaternion.normalize([q1,q2,q3,q4])
vis, illum, rays = taco.calc_earth_vis(chandra_eci, q_att, ngrid=opt.ngrid)
title = '%s alt=%6.0f illum=%6.4f' % (date, alt, illum)
outvals.append((t, illum, alt, q1, q2, q3, q4))
if opt.verbose:
print title, taco.norm(chandra_eci), q1, q2, q3, q4
elif iproc == 0:
print 'Progress: %d%%\r' % int((100. * len(outvals)) / len(ephem_Times) + 0.5),
示例15: computeLeutiScore
def computeLeutiScore(self, posID1, attID1, velID1, other, posID2, attID2, distances, spacings, start):
output = np.empty((len(distances),6))
outputFull = []
startIndex = np.nonzero(self.getTime() >= start)[0][0]
for j in np.arange(len(distances)):
tracks = [[startIndex, 0.0]]
lastAddedStart = 0.0
posErrors = []
attErrors = []
other_interp = TimedData(8)
other.interpolateColumns(other_interp, posID2, [1,2,3])
other.interpolateQuaternion(other_interp, attID2, [4,5,6,7])
it = startIndex
while it+1<self.last:
# Check for new seeds
tracks.append([it, 0.0])
lastAddedStart = 0.0
# Add travelled distance
d = np.asscalar(Utils.norm(self.d[it,velID1]*(self.d[it+1,0]-self.d[it,0])))
lastAddedStart += d
tracks = [[x[0], x[1]+d] for x in tracks]
# Check if travelled distance large enough
while len(tracks) > 0 and tracks[0][1] > distances[j]:
pos1 = Quaternion.q_rotate(self.d[tracks[0][0],attID1], self.d[it+1,posID1]-self.d[tracks[0][0],posID1])
pos2 = Quaternion.q_rotate(other_interp.d[tracks[0][0],[4,5,6,7]], other_interp.d[it+1,[1,2,3]]-other_interp.d[tracks[0][0],[1,2,3]])
att1 = Quaternion.q_mult(self.d[it+1,attID1], Quaternion.q_inverse(self.d[tracks[0][0],attID1]))
att2 = Quaternion.q_mult(other_interp.d[it+1,[4,5,6,7]], Quaternion.q_inverse(other_interp.d[tracks[0][0],[4,5,6,7]]))
it += 1
N = len(posErrors)
posErrorRMS = (np.sum(posErrors,axis=-1)/N)**(0.5)
posErrorMedian = np.median(posErrors)**(0.5)
posErrorStd = np.std(np.array(posErrors)**(0.5))
attErrorRMS = (np.sum(attErrors,axis=-1)/N)**(0.5)
attErrorMedian = np.median(attErrors)**(0.5)
attErrorStd = np.std(np.array(attErrors)**(0.5))
print('Evaluated ' + str(N) + ' segments with a travelled distance of ' + str(distances[j]) \
+ ':\n posRMS of ' + str(posErrorRMS) + ' (Median: ' + str(posErrorMedian) + ', Std: ' + str(posErrorStd) + ')' \
+ '\n attRMS of ' + str(attErrorRMS) + ' (Median: ' + str(attErrorMedian) + ', Std: ' + str(attErrorStd) + ')')
output[j,:] = [posErrorRMS, posErrorMedian, posErrorStd, attErrorRMS, attErrorMedian, attErrorStd]
return outputFull