本文整理汇总了Python中Polygon.boundingBox方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Polygon.boundingBox方法的具体用法?Python Polygon.boundingBox怎么用?Python Polygon.boundingBox使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Polygon
示例1: Polygon
# 需要导入模块: import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from Polygon import boundingBox [as 别名]
class Solid:
name = "solid"
id = 0
polygon = Polygon()
material = Material()
def __init__(self, points):
self.polygon = Polygon(points)
def fill(self, particles):
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.polygon.boundingBox()
d2 = 2 * self.material.d
x = xmin
while x < xmax:
x += d2
y = ymin
while y < ymax:
y += d2
if self.polygon.isInside(x, y):
id = len(particles)
particles.append(self.material.createParticle(x, y, id))
def setInfo(self, name, id):
self.name = name
self.id = id
def setMaterial(self, material):
self.material = material
def scaleIn(self, scale):
self.polygon.scale(scale, scale, 0.0, 0.0)
def scaleOut(self, scale):
self.polygon.scale(1.0 / scale, 1.0 / scale, 0.0, 0.0)
def points(self):
return self.polygon[0]
def len(self):
return self.polygon.nPoints(0)
示例2: reduceExample
# 需要导入模块: import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from Polygon import boundingBox [as 别名]
def reduceExample():
# read Polygon from file
p = Polygon('testpoly.gpf')
# use ireland only, I know it's contour 0
pnew = Polygon(p[0])
# number of points
l = len(pnew[0])
# get shift value to show many polygons in drawing
bb = pnew.boundingBox()
xs = 1.1 * (bb[1]-bb[0])
# list with polygons to plot
plist = [pnew]
while l > 30:
# reduce points to the half
l /= 2
print "Reducing contour to %d points" % l
pnew = Polygon(reducePoints(pnew[0], l))
pnew.shift(xs, 0)
# draw the results
print "Plotting ReduceExample.svg"
drawSVG(plist, height=400, ofile="ReduceTest.svg")
示例3: reduceExample
# 需要导入模块: import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from Polygon import boundingBox [as 别名]
def reduceExample():
# read Polygon from file
p = Polygon('testpoly.gpf')
# use ireland only, I know it's contour 0
pnew = Polygon(p[0])
# number of points
l = len(pnew[0])
# get shift value to show many polygons in drawing
bb = pnew.boundingBox()
xs = 1.1 * (bb[1]-bb[0])
# list with polygons to plot
plist = [pnew]
while l > 30:
# reduce points to the half
l /= 2
print 'Reducing contour to %d points' % l
pnew = Polygon(reducePoints(pnew[0], l))
pnew.shift(xs, 0)
# draw the results
writeSVG('ReducePoints.svg', plist, height=400)
if hasPDFExport:
writePDF('ReducePoints.pdf', plist)
示例4: postDividePolygons
# 需要导入模块: import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from Polygon import boundingBox [as 别名]
def postDividePolygons(self,areas,nAreas):
def getPointInFace(face,bbox):
if face == 0:
x = bbox[0]
y = numpy.random.uniform(bbox[2],bbox[3])
elif face == 1:
y = bbox[3]
x = numpy.random.uniform(bbox[0],bbox[1])
elif face == 2:
x = bbox[1]
y = numpy.random.uniform(bbox[2],bbox[3])
elif face == 3:
y = bbox[2]
x = numpy.random.uniform(bbox[0],bbox[1])
return x,y
def getCornersOfFace(face,bbox):
if face == 0:
c1 = (bbox[0],bbox[2])
c2 = (bbox[0],bbox[3])
elif face == 1:
c1 = (bbox[0],bbox[3])
c2 = (bbox[1],bbox[3])
elif face == 2:
c1 = (bbox[1],bbox[3])
c2 = (bbox[1],bbox[2])
elif face == 3:
c1 = (bbox[1],bbox[2])
c2 = (bbox[0],bbox[2])
return c1,c2
while len(areas) < nAreas:
end = False
while not end:
areaOrder = range(0,len(areas))
areaOrder.sort(key=lambda x: areas[x].area(),reverse=True)
na = areaOrder[0]
#na = numpy.random.randint(0,len(areas))
if areas[na][0][0] != areas[na][0][-1]:
areas[na] = Polygon([x for x in areas[na][0]] + [areas[na][0][0]])
area = areas[na]
bbox = area.boundingBox()
bboxp = Polygon([(bbox[0]-1,bbox[2]-1),(bbox[0]-1,bbox[3]+1),
bbox = bboxp.boundingBox()
inside = False
errors = 0
warnings = 0
i = 0
while not inside:
if errors == 20 and na +1 < len(areas):
i += 1
na = areaOrder[i]
if areas[na][0][0] != areas[na][0][-1]:
areas[na] = Polygon([x for x in areas[na][0]] + [areas[na][0][0]])
area = areas[na]
bbox = area.boundingBox()
bboxp = Polygon([(bbox[0]-1,bbox[2]-1),(bbox[0]-1,bbox[3]+1),
bbox = bboxp.boundingBox()
errors = 0
f1 = numpy.random.randint(0,4)
f2 = (f1 + numpy.random.randint(1,4))%4
faces = [f1,f2]
p1 = getPointInFace(faces[0],bbox)
if f1%2 == 0:
p2 = (p1[0],p1[1]+1)
p2 = (p1[0]+1,p1[1])
p3 = getPointInFace(faces[1],bbox)
if f2%2 == 0:
p4 = (p3[0],p3[1]+1)
p4 = (p3[0]+1,p3[1])
line = Polygon([p1,p2,p3,p4,p1])
inters = area & line
parts = line - area
if len(parts) == 2 and inters.area() >= line.area()*0.2 :
inside = True
errors += 1
divPolygon = [p1]
for i in range(*faces):
c1,c2 = getCornersOfFace(i,bbox)
divPolygon = Polygon(divPolygon)
polygon1 = divPolygon & area
divPolygon = bboxp - divPolygon
polygon2 = area - polygon1
if len(polygon1) == 1 and \
len(polygon2) == 1 and \
polygon1.area() > 0 and \
polygon2.area() > 0 and \
示例5: updateBbox
# 需要导入模块: import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from Polygon import boundingBox [as 别名]
# remove last redundant coordinate from each contour
# (Tangram doesn't like this - it needs the last coordinate
# to draw the last face properly)
# del c[-1]
# for each vertex
# for v in c:
# offset all verts in tile to arrange in scenespace
# this isn't necessary when the data is coming straight from the json,
# only when the data is coming from a tangram vbo
# v = [v[0]+(4096*(tilemax[0]-tile.x)), v[1]+(4096*(tilemax[1]-tile.y))]
# update tile's bbox with contour's bbox
t.bbox = updateBbox(t.bbox, list(poly.boundingBox()))
poly.tile = t
# make a list of all polys
# this list comprehension is the same as the nested for loops below
# neat, eh? ...but harder to read :/
# polys = [p for t in tiles for p in t.polys]
polys = []
for t in tiles:
for p in t.polys: