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Python Misc.time_in_ms_to_str方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Misc.time_in_ms_to_str方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Misc.time_in_ms_to_str方法的具体用法?Python Misc.time_in_ms_to_str怎么用?Python Misc.time_in_ms_to_str使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Misc的用法示例。


示例1: __repr__

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
    def __repr__(self):
        str = 'Transcript Object:\n'
        str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
        str = str + "ID = %s\n" % self.id
        str = str + "Episode Number = %s\n" % self.episode_num
        str = str + "Source Transcript = %s\n" % self.source_transcript
        str = str + "Clip Number = %s\n" % self.clip_num
        str = str + "Sort Order = %s\n" % self.sort_order
        str = str + "Transcriber = %s\n" % self.transcriber
        str = str + "Clip Start = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_start)
        str = str + "Clip Stop = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_stop)
        str = str + "Comment = %s\n" % self.comment
        str += "MinTranscriptWidth = %s\n" % self.minTranscriptWidth
        str = str + "LastSaveTime = %s\n" % self.lastsavetime
#        str += "isLocked = %s\n" % self._isLocked
#        str += "recordlock = %s\n" % self.recordlock
#        str += "locktime = %s\n" % self.locktime
        if len(self.text) > 250:
            str = str + "text[:50] = %s\n\n" % self.text[:50]
            str = str + "text = %s\n\n" % self.text
        return str.encode('utf8')

示例2: __repr__

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
 def __repr__(self):
     str = 'Episode Object:\n'
     str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
     str = str + "id = %s\n" % self.id
     str = str + "comment = %s\n" % self.comment
     str = str + "Media file 1 = %s\n" % self.media_filename
     str = str + "Media File 1 Length = %s\n" % self.tape_length
     str += "Media File 1 Offset = %s\n" % self.offset
     str = str + "Additional media file:\n"
     for addFile in self.additional_media_files:
         str += '  %s  %s %s %s\n' % (addFile['filename'], addFile['offset'], addFile['length'], addFile['audio'])
     str += "Total adjusted Episode Length = %d (%s)\n" % (self.episode_length(), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.episode_length()))
     str = str + "Date = %s\n" % self.tape_date
     str = str + "Series ID = %s\n" % self.series_id
     str = str + "Series Num = %s\n" % self.series_num
     str += "Keywords:\n"
     for kw in self._kwlist:
         str += '  ' + kw.keywordPair + '\n'
     return str.encode('utf8')

示例3: OnItemSelected

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
    def OnItemSelected(self, event):
        """ Process the selection of a clip to be merged with the original clip """
        # Identify the selected item
        self.mergeItemIndex = event.GetIndex()
        # Get the Clip Data for the selected item
        mergeClip = Clip.Clip(self.mergeList[self.mergeItemIndex][0])
        # re-initialize the TRANSCRIPT start and stop times
        self.transcript_clip_start = []
        self.transcript_clip_stop = []
        # Merge the clips.
        # First, determine whether the merging clip comes BEFORE or after the original
        if mergeClip.clip_start < self.obj.clip_start:
            # The start value comes from the merge clip
            # Update the merged clip Start Time
            self.clip_start = mergeClip.clip_start
            # The stop value comes from the original clip
            # Update the Clip Length
            self.clip_length_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.clip_stop - mergeClip.clip_start))
            # Update the merged clip Stop Time
            self.clip_stop = self.obj.clip_stop
            # For each of the original clip's Transcripts ...
            for x in range(len(self.obj.transcripts)):
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT start time from the merge clip
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT end time from the original clip
                # If we're using the Rich Text Ctrl ...
                if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    self.text_edit[x].ClearDoc(skipUnlock = True)
                    # ... turn off read-only ...
                    # Create the Transana XML to RTC Import Parser.  This is needed so that we can
                    # pull XML transcripts into the existing RTC.  Pass the RTC to be edited.
                    handler = PyXML_RTCImportParser.XMLToRTCHandler(self.text_edit[x])
                    # Parse the merge clip transcript text, adding it to the RTC
                    xml.sax.parseString(mergeClip.transcripts[x].text, handler)
                    # Add a blank line
                    # ... trap exceptions here ...
                        # ... insert a time code at the position of the clip break ...
                    # If there were exceptions (duplicating time codes, for example), just skip it.
                    # Parse the original transcript text, adding it to the RTC
                    xml.sax.parseString(self.obj.transcripts[x].text, handler)
                # If we're using the Styled Text Ctrl
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    # ... turn off read-only ...
                    # ... insert the merge clip's text, skipping whitespace at the end ...
                    # ... add a couple of line breaks ...
                    self.text_edit[x].InsertStyledText('\n\n', len('\n\n'))
                    # ... trap exceptions here ...
                        # ... insert a time code at the position of the clip break ...
                    # If there were exceptions (duplicating time codes, for example), just skip it.
                    # ... now add the original clip's text ...

                # ... signal that time codes will be visible, which they always are in the Clip Properties ...
                self.text_edit[x].codes_vis = 0
                # ... scan transcript for Time Codes ...
                # ... display the time codes
        # If the merging clip comes AFTER the original ...
            # The start value comes from the original clip
            # Update the merged clip Start Time
            self.clip_start = self.obj.clip_start
            # The stop value comes from the merge clip
            # Update the Clip Length
            self.clip_length_edit.SetValue(Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(mergeClip.clip_stop - self.obj.clip_start))
            # Update the merged clip Stop Time
            self.clip_stop = mergeClip.clip_stop
            # For each of the original clip's Transcripts ...
            for x in range(len(self.obj.transcripts)):
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT start time from the original clip
                # We get the TRANSCRIPT end time from the merge clip
                # If we're using the Rich Text Ctrl ...
                if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
                    # ... clear the transcript ...
                    self.text_edit[x].ClearDoc(skipUnlock = True)
                    # ... turn off read-only ...

示例4: OnSnapshot

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
    def OnSnapshot(self, event):
        """ Handle the Snapshot button press """

        # Just because the media file is showing doesn't mean it's the CURRENT item in the Transana interface.
        # Let's bring the Transcript forward, making the media file part of the CURRENT interface
        # Create the Media Conversion dialog, including Clip Information so we export only the clip segment
        convertDlg = MediaConvert.MediaConvert(self, self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.media_filename,
                                               self.parent.ControlObject.GetVideoPosition(), snapshot=True)
        # Show the Media Conversion Dialog
        # If the user took a snapshop and the image was successfully created ...
        if convertDlg.snapshotSuccess and os.path.exists(convertDlg.txtDestFileName.GetValue() % 1):
            imgFile = convertDlg.txtDestFileName.GetValue() % 1
            # Set the field value to the file name selected
            # If the form's ID field is empty ...
            if self.id_edit.GetValue() == '':
                # ... get the base filename
                tempFilename = os.path.basename(imgFile)
                # ... separate the filename root and extension
                (self.obj.id, tempExt) = os.path.splitext(tempFilename)
                # ... and set the ID to match the base file name
            # If the Snapshot comes from an Episode ...
            if isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Episode.Episode):
                self.obj.series_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.series_num
                self.obj.series_id = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.series_id
                self.obj.episode_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.number
                self.obj.episode_id = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.id
                self.obj.transcript_num = self.parent.ControlObject.TranscriptWindow.dlg.editor.TranscriptObj.number
                self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id)
                tmpTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num)
                self.obj.episode_start = self.parent.ControlObject.GetVideoPosition()
                self.obj.episode_duration = 10000
            # If the Snapshot comes from a Clip ...
            elif isinstance(self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj, Clip.Clip):
                self.obj.episode_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.episode_num
                tmpEpisode = Episode.Episode(self.obj.episode_num)
                self.obj.series_num = tmpEpisode.series_num
                self.obj.series_id = tmpEpisode.series_id
                self.obj.episode_id = tmpEpisode.id
                # We need the Clip's SOURCE TRANSCRIPT for the Active Transcript
                self.obj.transcript_num = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.transcripts[self.parent.ControlObject.activeTranscript].source_transcript
                self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id)
                tmpTranscript = Transcript.Transcript(self.obj.transcript_num)
                self.obj.episode_start = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_start
                self.obj.episode_duration = self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_stop - self.parent.ControlObject.currentObj.clip_start - 0.1

        # We need to explicitly Close the conversion dialog here to force cleanup of temp files in some circumstances
        # Destroy the Media Conversion Dialog

示例5: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]

        self.episode_cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnEpisodeChoice)

        self.episodeList = []
        if self.obj.series_id != '':

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r4Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r5Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode ID
        self.transcript_cb = self.new_choice_box(_("Transcript ID"), v6, [''])
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v6, 2, wx.EXPAND)
        self.transcript_cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnTranscriptChoice)

        self.transcriptList = []
        if self.obj.episode_id != '':
            self.PopulateTranscriptChoiceBasedOnEpisode(self.obj.series_id, self.obj.episode_id)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r5Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v7 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode Time Code.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.episode_start_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Episode Position"), v7, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_start))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v7, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        if self.episode_cb.GetStringSelection() == '':

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r5Sizer.Add((10, 0))

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v8 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Episode Duration.  Convert to HH:MM:SS.mm
        self.episode_duration_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Duration"), v8, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.obj.episode_duration))
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r5Sizer.Add(v8, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        if self.episode_cb.GetStringSelection() == '':

        # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
        mainSizer.Add(r5Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
        mainSizer.Add((0, 10))
        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the next row
        r6Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v9 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Comment
        comment_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Comment"), v9, self.obj.comment, maxLen=255)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r6Sizer.Add(v9, 1, wx.EXPAND)

示例6: Export

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]

                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    quoteID = quote.id
                        document = Document.Document(quote.source_document_num)
                        documentID = document.id
                        quoteSourceFilename = document.imported_file
                        # If we're doing a Library report, we need the Quote's source document and Library for Document Filter comparison.
                        if self.libraryNum != 0:
                            library = Library.Library(document.library_num)
                            libraryID = library.id
                    # If we have an orphaned Quote ...
                    except TransanaExceptions.RecordNotFoundError, e:
                        # ... then we don't know these values!
                        documentID = ''
                        quoteSourceFilename = _('Source Document unknown')
                        libraryID = 0
                    # Implement Document filtering if needed.  If we have a Library Report, we need to confirm that the Source Document
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Library Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.libraryNum == 0) or ((documentID == '') and (libraryID == '')) or ((documentID, libraryID, True) in documentList):
                        # Write the Quote's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                        f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d' % (collectionID, '1', quoteID, quoteSourceFilename,
                                                            quote.start_char, quote.end_char,
                                                            (quote.end_char - quote.start_char)))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Quote HAS the keyword.
                                if quote.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Quote record

            # Now iterate through the Clip List
            for clipRec in clipList:
                # See if the user has left the clip "checked" in the filter dialog.
                # Also, if we are using a collection report, either Nested Data should be requested OR the current
                # clip should be from the main collection if it is to be included in the report.
                if clipRec[2] and ((self.collectionNum == 0) or (showNested) or (clipRec[1] == self.collectionNum)):
                    # Load the Clip data.  The ClipLookup dictionary allows this easily.
                    # No need to load the Clip Transcripts, which can be slow to load.
                    clip = Clip.Clip(clipLookup[clipRec[0], clipRec[1]], skipText=True)
                    # Get the collection the clip is from.
                    collection = Collection.Collection(clip.collection_num)
                    # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    clipID = clip.id
                    clipMediaFilename = clip.media_filename
                    # If we're doing a Library report, we need the clip's source episode and Library for Episode Filter comparison.
                    if self.libraryNum != 0:
                        episode = Episode.Episode(clip.episode_num)
                        library = Library.Library(episode.series_num)
                    # Implement Episode filtering if needed.  If we have a Library Report, we need to confirm that the Source Episode
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Library Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.libraryNum == 0) or ((episode.id, library.id, True) in episodeList):
                        # Write the Clip's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                        f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%10.4f' % (collectionID, '2', clipID, clipMediaFilename,
                                                            Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clip.clip_start), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clip.clip_stop),
                                                            (clip.clip_stop - clip.clip_start) / 1000.0))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Clip HAS the keyword.
                                if clip.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Clip record

            # Flush the output file's buffer (probably unnecessary)
            # Close the output file.
            # Restore the cursor when we're done.
            # If so, create a prompt to inform the user and ask to overwrite the file.
            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                prompt = unicode(_('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".'), 'utf8')
                prompt = _('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".')
            # Create the dialog to inform the user
            dlg2 = Dialogs.InfoDialog(self, prompt % fs)
            # Show the Info dialog.
            # Destroy the Information dialog

示例7: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, clip_object, mergeList=None):
        # If no Merge List is passed in ...
        if mergeList == None:
            # ... use the default Clip Properties Dialog size passed in from the config object.  (This does NOT get saved.)
            size = TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize
            # ... we can enable Clip Change Propagation
            propagateEnabled = True
            HelpContext='Clip Properties'
        # If we DO have a merge list ...
            # ... increase the size of the dialog to allow for the list of mergeable clips.
            size = (TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize[0], TransanaGlobal.configData.clipPropertiesSize[1] + 130)
            # ... and Clip Change Propagation should be disabled
            propagateEnabled = False
            HelpContext='Clip Merge'

        # Make the Keyword Edit List resizable by passing wx.RESIZE_BORDER style.  Signal that Propogation is included.
        Dialogs.GenForm.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=size, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER,
                                 propagateEnabled=propagateEnabled, useSizers = True, HelpContext=HelpContext)
        if mergeList == None:
            # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the initial size
            minWidth = 750
            minHeight = 570
            # Define the minimum size for this dialog as the initial size
            minWidth = 750
            minHeight = 650
        # Remember the Parent Window
        self.parent = parent
        # Remember the original Clip Object passed in
        self.obj = clip_object
        # Add a placeholder to the clip object for the merge clip number
        self.obj.mergeNumber = 0
        # Remember the merge list, if one is passed in
        self.mergeList = mergeList
        # Initialize the merge item as unselected
        self.mergeItemIndex = -1
        # if Keywords that server as Keyword Examples are removed, we will need to remember them.
        # Then, when OK is pressed, the Keyword Example references in the Database Tree can be removed.
        # We can't remove them immediately in case the whole Clip Properties Edit process is cancelled.
        self.keywordExamplesToDelete = []
        # Initialize a variable to hold merged keyword examples.
        self.mergedKeywordExamples = []

        # Create the form's main VERTICAL sizer
        mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # If we're merging Clips ...
        if self.mergeList != None:

            # ... display a label for the Merge Clips ...
            lblMergeClip = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, _("Clip to Merge"))
            mainSizer.Add(lblMergeClip, 0)
            # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
            mainSizer.Add((0, 3))

            # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the merge information
            mergeSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
            # ... display a ListCtrl for the Merge Clips ...
            self.mergeClips = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel, -1, size=(300, 100), style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL)
            # Add the element to the sizer
            mergeSizer.Add(self.mergeClips, 1, wx.EXPAND)
            # ... bind the Item Selected event for the List Control ...
            self.mergeClips.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnItemSelected)

            # ... define the columns for the Merge Clips ...
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(0, _('Clip Name'))
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(1, _('Collection'))
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(2, _('Start Time'))
            self.mergeClips.InsertColumn(3, _('Stop Time'))
            self.mergeClips.SetColumnWidth(0, 244)
            self.mergeClips.SetColumnWidth(1, 244)
            # ... and populate the Merge Clips list from the mergeList data
            for (ClipNum, ClipID, CollectNum, CollectID, ClipStart, ClipStop, transcriptCount) in self.mergeList:
                index = self.mergeClips.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, ClipID)
                self.mergeClips.SetStringItem(index, 1, CollectID)
                self.mergeClips.SetStringItem(index, 2, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(ClipStart))
                self.mergeClips.SetStringItem(index, 3, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(ClipStop))

            # Add the row sizer to the main vertical sizer
            mainSizer.Add(mergeSizer, 3, wx.EXPAND)

            # Add a vertical spacer to the main sizer        
            mainSizer.Add((0, 10))

        # Create a HORIZONTAL sizer for the first row
        r1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

        # Create a VERTICAL sizer for the next element
        v1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        # Clip ID
        self.id_edit = self.new_edit_box(_("Clip ID"), v1, self.obj.id, maxLen=100)
        # Add the element to the sizer
        r1Sizer.Add(v1, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        # Add a horizontal spacer to the row sizer        
        r1Sizer.Add((10, 0))


示例8: tape_length_str

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
 def tape_length_str(self):
     """Return a string representation (HH:MM:SS) of tape length."""
     return Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.episode_length())

示例9: DisplayCells

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]

                cellData[(snapshot['SnapshotStart'], snapshot['SnapshotStop'], tmpObj.GetNodeString(True).upper())] = tmpObj

        # Get the Keys for the cellData
        sortedKeys = cellData.keys()
        # Sort the keys for the cellData into the right order
        # Add rows to the Grid to accomodate the amount of data returned, or delete rows if we have too many
        if len(cellData) > self.gridClips.GetNumberRows():
            self.gridClips.AppendRows(len(cellData) - self.gridClips.GetNumberRows(), False)
        elif len(cellData) < self.gridClips.GetNumberRows():
            self.gridClips.DeleteRows(numRows = self.gridClips.GetNumberRows() - len(cellData))

        # Initialize the Row Counter
        loop = 0
        # Add the data to the Grid
        for keyVals in sortedKeys:
            # If we have a Clip ...
            if isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Clip.Clip):
                # ... get the start, stop times and the object type
                startTime = cellData[keyVals].clip_start
                stopTime = cellData[keyVals].clip_stop
                objType = 'Clip'
                # Initialize the string for all the Keywords to blank
                kwString = unicode('', 'utf8')
                # Initialize the prompt for building the keyword string
                kwPrompt = '%s'
            # If we have a Snapshot ...
            elif isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Snapshot.Snapshot):
                # ... get the start, stop times and the object type
                startTime = cellData[keyVals].episode_start
                stopTime = cellData[keyVals].episode_start + cellData[keyVals].episode_duration
                objType = 'Snapshot'
                # if there are whole snapshot keywords ...
                if len(cellData[keyVals].keyword_list) > 0:
                    # ... initialize the string for all the Keywords to indicate this
                    kwString = unicode(_('Whole:'), 'utf8') + '\n'
                # If there are NOT whole snapshot keywords ...
                    # ... initialize the string for all the Keywords to blank
                    kwString = unicode('', 'utf8')
                # Initialize the prompt for building the keyword string
                kwPrompt = '  %s'
            # For each Keyword in the Keyword List ...
            for kws in cellData[keyVals].keyword_list:
                # ... add the Keyword to the Keyword List
                kwString += kwPrompt % kws.keywordPair
                # If we have a Clip ...
                if isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Clip.Clip):
                    # After the first keyword, we need a NewLine in front of the Keywords.  This accompishes that!
                    kwPrompt = '\n%s'
                # If we have a Snapshot ...
                elif isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Snapshot.Snapshot):
                    # After the first keyword, we need a NewLine in front of the Keywords.  This accompishes that!
                    kwPrompt = '\n  %s'

            # If we have a Snapshot, we also want to display CODED Keywords in addition to the WHOLE Snapshot keywords
            # we've already included
            if isinstance(cellData[keyVals], Snapshot.Snapshot):
                # Keep a list of the coded keywords we've already displayed
                codedKeywords = []
                # Modify the template for additional keywords
                kwPrompt = '\n  %s : %s'
                # For each of the Snapshot's Coding Objects ...
                for x in range(len(cellData[keyVals].codingObjects)):
                    # ... if the Coding Object is visible and if it is not already in the codedKeywords list ...
                    if (cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['visible']) and \
                      (not (cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keywordGroup'], cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keyword']) in codedKeywords):
                        # ... if this is the FIRST Coded Keyword ...
                        if len(codedKeywords) == 0:
                            # ... and if there WERE Whole Snapshot Keywords ...
                            if len(kwString) > 0:
                                # ... then add a line break to the Keywords String ...
                                kwString += '\n'
                            # ... add the indicator to the Keywords String that we're starting to show Coded Keywords
                            kwString += unicode(_('Coded:'), 'utf8')
                        # ... add the coded keyword to the Keywords String ...
                        kwString += kwPrompt % (cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keywordGroup'], cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keyword'])
                        # ... add the keyword to the Coded Keywords list
                        codedKeywords.append((cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keywordGroup'], cellData[keyVals].codingObjects[x]['keyword']))

            # Insert the data values into the Grid Row
            # Start and Stop time in column 0
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 0, "%s -\n %s" % (Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(startTime), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(stopTime)))
            # Node String (including Item name) in column 1
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 1, cellData[keyVals].GetNodeString(True))
            # make the Collection / Item ID line auto-word-wrap
            self.gridClips.SetCellRenderer(loop, 1, grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer())
            # Keywords in column 2
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 2, kwString)
            # Item Number (hidden) in column 3.  Convert value to a string
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 3, "%s" % cellData[keyVals].number)
            # Item Type (hidden) in column 4
            self.gridClips.SetCellValue(loop, 4, "%s" % objType)
            # Auto-size THIS row
            self.gridClips.AutoSizeRow(loop, True)
            # Increment the Row Counter
            loop += 1
        # Select the first cell
        self.gridClips.SetGridCursor(0, 0)

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]

        # Initialize and fill the initial data structure that will be turned into the report
        self.data = []
        # Create a Dictionary Data Structure to accumulate Keyword Counts
        keywordCounts = {}

        # The majorList and minorList are constructed differently for the Episode version of the report,
        # and so the report must be built differently here too!
        if episodeName == None:
            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                majorLabel = unicode(majorLabel, 'utf8')
            # Iterate through the major list
            for (groupNo, group, parentCollNo) in majorList:
                # Use the group name as a Heading
                self.data.append((('Subheading', '%s %s' % (majorLabel, group)),))
                # Iterate through the list of Keywords for the group
                for (keywordGroup, keyword, example) in minorList[group]:
                    # Use the Keyword name as a Subheading
                    self.data.append((('Subtext', '%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)),))
                    # Add this Keyword to the Keyword Counts
                    if keywordCounts.has_key('%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)):
                        keywordCounts['%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)] = keywordCounts['%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)] + 1
                        keywordCounts['%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)] = 1
                # Add a blank line after each group
                self.data.append((('Normal', ''),))
            # Iterate through the major list
            for clipRecord in majorList:
                # Use the group name as a Heading
                if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                    # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                    prompt = unicode(_('Collection: %s, Clip: %s'), 'utf8')
                    prompt = _('Collection: %s, Clip: %s')
                self.data.append((('Subheading', prompt % (clipRecord['CollectID'], clipRecord['ClipID'])), ('NormalRight', '(%s - %s)' % (Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clipRecord['ClipStart']), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clipRecord['ClipStop'])))))  
                # Iterate through the list of Keywords for the group
                for (keywordGroup, keyword, example) in minorList[(clipRecord['ClipID'], clipRecord['CollectID'], clipRecord['ParentCollectNum'])]:
                    # Use the Keyword name as a Subheading
                    self.data.append((('Subtext', '%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)),))
                    # Add this Keyword to the Keyword Counts
                    if keywordCounts.has_key('%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)):
                        keywordCounts['%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)] = keywordCounts['%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)] + 1
                        keywordCounts['%s : %s' % (keywordGroup, keyword)] = 1
                # Add a blank line after each group
                self.data.append((('Normal', ''),))

        # If there's data in the majorList ...
        if len(majorList) != 0:
            # Now add the Report Summary
            self.data.append((('Subheading', _('Summary')),))
            # Get a list of the Keyword Group : Keyword pairs that have been used
            countKeys = keywordCounts.keys()
            # Sort the list
            # Add the sorted keywords to the summary with their counts
            for key in countKeys:
                self.data.append((('Subtext', key), ('NormalRight', '%s' % keywordCounts[key])))
            # The initial data structure needs to be prepared.  What PrepareData() does is to create a graphic
            # object that is the correct size and dimensions for the type of paper selected, and to create
            # a datastructure that breaks the data sent in into separate pages, again based on the dimensions
            # of the paper currently selected.
            (self.graphic, self.pageData) = ReportPrintoutClass.PrepareData(TransanaGlobal.printData, self.title, self.data, self.subtitle)

            # Send the results of the PrepareData() call to the MyPrintout object, once for the print preview
            # version and once for the printer version.  
            printout = ReportPrintoutClass.MyPrintout(self.title, self.graphic, self.pageData, self.subtitle)
            printout2 = ReportPrintoutClass.MyPrintout(self.title, self.graphic, self.pageData, self.subtitle)

            # Create the Print Preview Object
            self.preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, printout2, TransanaGlobal.printData)
            # Check for errors during Print preview construction
            if not self.preview.Ok():
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, _("Print Preview Problem"))
            # Create the Frame for the Print Preview
            theWidth = max(wx.ClientDisplayRect()[2] - 180, 760)
            theHeight = max(wx.ClientDisplayRect()[3] - 200, 560)
            frame = wx.PreviewFrame(self.preview, None, _("Print Preview"), size=(theWidth, theHeight))
            # Initialize the Frame for the Print Preview
            # Display the Print Preview Frame
        # If there's NO data in the majorList ...
            # If there are no clips to report, display an error message.
            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                prompt = unicode(_('%s has no data for the Keyword Usage Report.'), 'utf8')
                prompt = _('%s has no data for the Keyword Usage Report.')
            dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, prompt % self.subtitle, style = wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)

示例11: Export

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]

                # if the specified file has no path specification ...
                if fs.find(os.sep) == -1:
                    # ... then prepend the HOME folder
                    fs = os.getenv("HOME") + os.sep + fs
            # Open the output file for writing.
            f = codecs.open(fs, 'w', 'utf8')    # file(fs, 'w')

            prompt = unicode(_('Collection Name\tClip Name\tMedia File\tClip Start\tClip End\tClip Length (seconds)'), 'utf8')
            # If the user does NOT want UTF-8 Encoding, then encode the data using EXPORT_ENCODING
##            if not utfEncodingRequested:
##                prompt = prompt.encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, 'backslashreplace')
            # Write the Header line.  We're creating a tab-delimited file, so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
            # Add keywords to the Header.  Iterate through the Keyword List.
            for keyword in keywordList:
                # See if the user has left the keyword "checked" in the filter dialog.
                if keyword[2]:
##                    # If the user does NOT want UTF-8 Encoding, then encode the data using EXPORT_ENCODING
##                    if not utfEncodingRequested:
##                        # Encode and write all "checked" keywords to the Header.
##                        kwg = keyword[0].encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, 'backslashreplace')
##                        kw = keyword[1].encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, 'backslashreplace')
##                    else:
                    # Encode and write all "checked" keywords to the Header.
                    kwg = keyword[0]
                    kw = keyword[1]
                    f.write('\t%s : %s' % (kwg, kw))
            # Add a line break to signal the end of the Header line. 

            # Now iterate through the Clip List
            for clipRec in clipList:
                # See if the user has left the clip "checked" in the filter dialog.
                # Also, if we are using a collection report, either Nested Data should be requested OR the current
                # clip should be from the main collection if it is to be included in the report.
                if clipRec[2] and ((self.collectionNum == 0) or (showNested) or (clipRec[1] == self.collectionNum)):
                    # Load the Clip data.  The ClipLookup dictionary allows this easily.
                    # No need to load the Clip Transcripts, which can be slow to load.
                    clip = Clip.Clip(clipLookup[clipRec[0], clipRec[1]], skipText=True)
                    # Get the collection the clip is from.
                    collection = Collection.Collection(clip.collection_num)
##                    # If the user does NOT want UTF-8 Encoding, then encode the data using EXPORT_ENCODING
##                    if not utfEncodingRequested:
##                        # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
##                        collectionID = collection.GetNodeString().encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, 'backslashreplace')  # clip.collection_id.encode(EXPORT_ENCODING)
##                        clipID = clip.id.encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, 'backslashreplace')
##                        clipMediaFilename = clip.media_filename.encode(EXPORT_ENCODING, 'backslashreplace')
##                    else:
                    # Encode string values using the Export Encoding
                    collectionID = collection.GetNodeString()
                    clipID = clip.id
                    clipMediaFilename = clip.media_filename
                    # If we're doing a Series report, we need the clip's source episode and Series for Episode Filter comparison.
                    if self.seriesNum != 0:
                        episode = Episode.Episode(clip.episode_num)
                        series = Series.Series(episode.series_num)
                    # Implement Episode filtering if needed.  If we have a Series Report, we need to confirm that the Source Episode
                    # is "checked" in the filter list.  (If we don't have a Series Report, this check isn't needed.)
                    if (self.seriesNum == 0) or ((episode.id, series.id, True) in episodeList):
                        # Write the Clip's data values to the output file.  We're creating a tab-delimited file,
                        # so we'll use tabs to separate the items.
                        f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%10.4f' % (collectionID, clipID, clipMediaFilename,
                                                            Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clip.clip_start), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(clip.clip_stop),
                                                            (clip.clip_stop - clip.clip_start) / 1000.0))

                        # Now we iterate through the keyword list ...
                        for keyword in keywordList:
                            # ... looking only at those keywords the user left "checked" in the filter dialog ...
                            if keyword[2]:
                                # ... and check to see if the Clip HAS the keyword.
                                if clip.has_keyword(keyword[0], keyword[1]):
                                    # If so, we write a "1", indicating True.
                                    # If not, we write a "0", indicating False.
                        # Add a line break to signal the end of the Clip record

            # Flush the output file's buffer (probably unnecessary)
            # Close the output file.
            # Restore the cursor when we're done.
            # If so, create a prompt to inform the user and ask to overwrite the file.
            if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
                prompt = unicode(_('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".'), 'utf8')
                prompt = _('Clip Data has been exported to file "%s".')
            # Create the dialog to inform the user
            dlg2 = Dialogs.InfoDialog(self, prompt % fs)
            # Show the Info dialog.
            # Destroy the Information dialog

        # Destroy the Filter Dialog.  We're done with it.

示例12: RunTests

# 需要导入模块: import Misc [as 别名]
# 或者: from Misc import time_in_ms_to_str [as 别名]
    def RunTests(self):
        # Tests defined:
        testsNotToSkip = []
        startAtTest = 1  # Should start at 1, not 0!
        endAtTest = 500   # Should be one more than the last test to be run!
        testsToRun = testsNotToSkip + range(startAtTest, endAtTest)

        t = datetime.datetime.now()

        if 10 in testsToRun:
            # dt_to_datestr
            testName = 'Misc.dt_to_datestr()'
            prompt = 'Raw Date/Time information:  %s\n\n  Is the correct M/D/Y formatted date string "%s"?' % (t, Misc.dt_to_datestr(t))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)

        if 20 in testsToRun:
            # time_in_ms_to_str
            testName = 'Misc.time_in_ms_to_str()'
            prompt = 'Are the following time to string conversions correct?\n\nTime in ms:\ttime_in_ms_to_str():\n'
            for x in [100, 200, 1000, 2000, 10000, 20000, 60000, 120000, 600000, 1200000, 3600000, 7200000]:
                prompt += "  %12d\t  %s\n" % (x, Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(x))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)

        if 30 in testsToRun:
            # TimeMsToStr
            testName = 'Misc.TimeMsToStr()'
            prompt = 'Are the following time to string conversions correct?\n\nTime in ms:\tTimeMsToStr():\n'
            for x in [1000, 2000, 10000, 20000, 60000, 120000, 600000, 1200000, 3600000, 7200000]:
                prompt += "  %12d\t  %s\n" % (x, Misc.TimeMsToStr(x))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)

        if 40 in testsToRun:
            # time_in_str_to_ms
            testName = 'Misc.time_in_str_to_ms()'
            prompt = 'Are the following string to time conversions correct?\n\nTime in string:\ttime_in_str_to_ms():\n'
            for x in ['0:00:00.1', '0:00:00.2', '0:00:01.0', '0:00:02.0', '0:00:10.0', '0:00:20.0', '0:01:00.0', '0:02:00.0', '0:10:00.0', '0:20:00.0', '1:00:00.0', '2:00:00.0']:
                prompt += "  %s\t  %12d\n" % (x, Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(x))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)

        if 100 in testsToRun:
            # English
            testName = 'English translation'

            langName = 'en'
            lang = wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH
            self.presLan_en = gettext.translation('Transana', 'locale', languages=['en']) # English
            self.locale = wx.Locale(lang)
            prompt  = '%s:  Series     = %s (%s)\n' % (langName, _('Series'),     type(_('Series')))
            prompt += '     Collection = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Collection'), type(_('Collection')))
            prompt += '     Keyword    = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Keyword'),    type(_('Keyword')))
            prompt += '     Search     = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Search'),     type(_('Search')))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)

        if 110 in testsToRun:
            # Arabic
            testName = 'Arabic translation'
            langName = 'ar'
            lang = wx.LANGUAGE_ARABIC
            self.presLan_ar = gettext.translation('Transana', 'locale', languages=['ar']) # Arabic
            self.locale = wx.Locale(lang)
            prompt  = '%s:  Series     = %s (%s)\n' % (langName, _('Series'),     type(_('Series')))
            prompt += '     Collection = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Collection'), type(_('Collection')))
            prompt += '     Keyword    = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Keyword'),    type(_('Keyword')))
            prompt += '     Search     = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Search'),     type(_('Search')))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)
        if 120 in testsToRun:
            # Danish
            testName = 'Danish translation'
            langName = 'da'
            lang = wx.LANGUAGE_DANISH
            self.presLan_da = gettext.translation('Transana', 'locale', languages=['da']) # Danish
            self.locale = wx.Locale(lang)
            prompt  = '%s:  Series     = %s (%s)\n' % (langName, _('Series'),     type(_('Series')))
            prompt += '     Collection = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Collection'), type(_('Collection')))
            prompt += '     Keyword    = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Keyword'),    type(_('Keyword')))
            prompt += '     Search     = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Search'),     type(_('Search')))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)

        if 130 in testsToRun:
            # German
            testName = 'German translation'
            langName = 'de'
            lang = wx.LANGUAGE_GERMAN
            self.presLan_de = gettext.translation('Transana', 'locale', languages=['de']) # German
            self.locale = wx.Locale(lang)
            prompt  = '%s:  Series     = %s (%s)\n' % (langName, _('Series'),     type(_('Series')))
            prompt += '     Collection = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Collection'), type(_('Collection')))
            prompt += '     Keyword    = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Keyword'),    type(_('Keyword')))
            prompt += '     Search     = %s (%s)\n' % (          _('Search'),     type(_('Search')))
            self.ConfirmTest(prompt, testName)
