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Python Misc类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Misc的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Misc类的具体用法?Python Misc怎么用?Python Misc使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: SelectCell

    def SelectCell(self, col, row):
        """ Handle the selection of an individual cell in the Grid """
        # If we're in the "Time" column ...
        if col == 0:
            # ... determine the time of the selected item
            times = self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, col).split('-')
            # ... and move to that time
            # Retain the program focus in the Data Window
        # If we're in the "ID" or "Keywords" column ...
            # ... if we have a Clip ...
            if self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 4) == 'Clip':
                # Load the Clip
                # Switched to CallAfter because of crashes on the Mac.
                wx.CallAfter(self.ControlObject.LoadClipByNumber, int(self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 3)))

                # NOTE:  LoadClipByNumber eliminates the DataItemsTab, so no further processing can occur!!
                #        There used to be code here to select the Clip in the Database window, but it stopped
                #        working when I added multiple transcripts, so I moved it to the ControlObject.LoadClipByNumber()
                #        method.

            # ... if we have a Snapshot ...
            elif self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 4) == 'Snapshot':
                tmpSnapshot = Snapshot.Snapshot(int(self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 3)))
                # ... load the Snapshot
                # ... determine the time of the selected item
                times = self.gridClips.GetCellValue(row, 0).split('-')
                # ... and move to that time
                # ... and set the program focus on the Snapshot
                self.ControlObject.SelectSnapshotWindow(tmpSnapshot.id, tmpSnapshot.number, selectInDataWindow=True)

示例2: predict_round

    def predict_round(self, tourney_round, analysis):
        :method: Predict winner of a single round of the tournament.

        :param int tourney_round: round of the tournament to predict.
        :param object analysis: Analysis object
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_slots")

        last_round_id_2digit = "R%02d" % (tourney_round - 1)
        current_round_id_1digit = "R%d" % tourney_round
        current_round_id_2digit = "R%02d" % tourney_round

        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_slots']
        tourney_slots = df[df.season == self.season_id]  # slice of tourney_slots DataFrame for current season
        for _id, row in tourney_slots.iterrows():
            if row.slot[:2] == current_round_id_1digit:
                if tourney_round == 6:
                    strongseed = row.strongseed[-2:]
                    weakseed = row.weakseed[-2:]
                    strongseed = self.zero_pad_seed(row.strongseed)
                    weakseed = self.zero_pad_seed(row.weakseed)
                team_1 = self.bracket[last_round_id_2digit][strongseed]
                team_2 = self.bracket[last_round_id_2digit][weakseed]
                if not team_1 or not team_2:
                    raise Exception("Cannot predict round '%s', do not have results from prior round." % tourney_round)
                winner = analysis.predict_winner(team_1, team_2, self.season_id)

                if tourney_round == 5:
                    slot = row.slot[-2:]
                    slot = self.zero_pad_seed(row.slot[-2:])
                self.bracket[current_round_id_2digit][slot] = winner

示例3: populate_1st_round

    def populate_1st_round(self, analysis):
        :method: Populate 1st round of bracket with teams.

        :param object analysis: Analysis object
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_slots")
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds")

        #variable init
        round_1 = "R00"

        # predict winners for play-in games
        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_slots']
        tourney_slots = df[df.season == self.season_id]  # slice of tourney_slots DataFrame for current season
        for _id, row in tourney_slots.iterrows():
            if row.slot[0] != "R":
                # play-in game
                team_1 = self.get_team_by_seed(row.strongseed)
                team_2 = self.get_team_by_seed(row.weakseed)
                winner = analysis.predict_winner(team_1, team_2, self.season_id)

                slot = self.zero_pad_seed(row.slot)
                self.bracket[round_1][slot] = winner

        # populate non-play-in teams
        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_seeds']
        tourney_seeds = df[df.season == self.season_id]  # slice of tourney_seeds DataFrame for current season
        for _id, row in tourney_seeds.iterrows():
            if len(row.seed) == 3:
                self.bracket[round_1][row.seed] = self.get_team_by_seed(row.seed)

示例4: data_available

    def data_available(self, season_id):
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds", raise_exception=True)

        tournament_year = Constants.SEASON_ID_TO_YEAR.get(season_id)
        file_name = 'summary%s' % str(tournament_year)[-2:]
        result = Misc.check_input_data("KenPomWithIds", file_name, raise_exception=False)

        return result

示例5: OnSSLButton

 def OnSSLButton(self, event):
     """ Handle the Browse buttons for the SSL Client Certificate and the SSL CLient Key file fields """
     # Define the File Type as *.pem files
     fileType = '*.pem'
     fileTypesString = _("SSL Certificate Files (*.pem)|*.pem|All files (*.*)|*.*")
     if event.GetId() == self.sslClientCertBrowse.GetId():
         prompt = _("Select the SSL Client Certificate file")
         fileName = self.sslClientCert.GetValue()
     elif event.GetId() == self.sslClientKeyBrowse.GetId():
         prompt = _("Select the SSL Client Key file")
         fileName = self.sslClientKey.GetValue()
     elif event.GetId() == self.sslMsgSrvCertBrowse.GetId():
         prompt = _("Select the SSL Message Server Certificate file")
         fileName = self.sslMsgSrvCert.GetValue()
     (path, flnm) = os.path.split(fileName)
     if path != '':
         self.sslDir = path
     # Invoke the File Selector with the proper default directory, filename, file type, and style
     fs = wx.FileSelector(prompt, self.sslDir, fileName, fileType, fileTypesString, wx.OPEN | wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST)
     # If user didn't cancel ..
     if fs != "":
         # Mac Filenames use a different encoding system.  We need to adjust the string returned by the FileSelector.
         # Surely there's an easier way, but I can't figure it out.
         if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             import Misc
             fs = Misc.convertMacFilename(fs)
         if event.GetId() == self.sslClientCertBrowse.GetId():
         elif event.GetId() == self.sslClientKeyBrowse.GetId():
         elif event.GetId() == self.sslMsgSrvCertBrowse.GetId():
         (path, flnm) = os.path.split(fs)
         if path != '':
             self.sslDir = path

示例6: get_team_by_seed

    def get_team_by_seed(self, seed):
        :method: Get team object from tournament seed string.

        :param string seed: tournament seed string
        :returns: Team object
        :rtype: object
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds")

        df = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_seeds']
        team_df = df[(df.season == self.season_id) & (df.seed == seed)]
        if not team_df.empty:
            team_id = team_df.team.iloc[0]
            team = self.team_factory.get_team(team_id)
            team = None

        return team

示例7: add_all_teams

    def add_all_teams(self):
        """:method: Build objects for all teams from Kaggle data & add them to factory."""
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "tourney_seeds")
        Misc.check_input_data("Kaggle", "teams")

        df_seeds = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['tourney_seeds']
        for _id, row in df_seeds.iterrows():
            # variable init
            season_id = row.season
            team_id = int(row.team)
            tourney_seed = row.seed
            df_teams = Constants.INPUT_DATA['Kaggle']['teams']
            team_name = df_teams[df_teams.id == team_id].name.iloc[0]

            # create Team object
            team = self.get_team(team_id)
            if not team:
                team = self.add_team(team_id, team_name)
            season = team.add_season(season_id)

示例8: testDot

def testDot(fpath):

        cmd = "%s -V" % (fpath)
        (sts,sout,serr) = Misc.safeCommandOutput(cmd)
        if sts != -1:
            if "version" in sout + serr:
                return True
    return False

示例9: __repr__

    def __repr__(self):
        str = 'Transcript Object:\n'
        str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
        str = str + "ID = %s\n" % self.id
        str = str + "Episode Number = %s\n" % self.episode_num
        str = str + "Source Transcript = %s\n" % self.source_transcript
        str = str + "Clip Number = %s\n" % self.clip_num
        str = str + "Sort Order = %s\n" % self.sort_order
        str = str + "Transcriber = %s\n" % self.transcriber
        str = str + "Clip Start = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_start)
        str = str + "Clip Stop = %s\n" % Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.clip_stop)
        str = str + "Comment = %s\n" % self.comment
        str += "MinTranscriptWidth = %s\n" % self.minTranscriptWidth
        str = str + "LastSaveTime = %s\n" % self.lastsavetime
#        str += "isLocked = %s\n" % self._isLocked
#        str += "recordlock = %s\n" % self.recordlock
#        str += "locktime = %s\n" % self.locktime
        if len(self.text) > 250:
            str = str + "text[:50] = %s\n\n" % self.text[:50]
            str = str + "text = %s\n\n" % self.text
        return str.encode('utf8')

示例10: ScytherIcon

def ScytherIcon(window):
        """ Set a nice Scyther icon """
        import os,inspect

        # Determine base directory (taking symbolic links into account)
        cmd_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() )))
        basedir = os.path.split(cmd_file)[0]

        path = os.path.join(basedir,"Images")
        iconfile = Misc.mypath(os.path.join(path,"scyther-gui-32.ico"))
        if os.path.isfile(iconfile):
            icon = wx.Icon(iconfile,wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)

示例11: findDot

def findDot():
    global DOTLOCATION

    # Cache the results
    if DOTLOCATION != None:
        return DOTLOCATION

    DOTLOCATION = scanLocations()
    if DOTLOCATION == None:
Could not find the required 'dot' program, which is part of the Graphviz suite.
Please install it from http://www.graphviz.org/

Ubuntu users: install the 'graphviz' package.

Windows users: make sure that Graphviz is installed and 
   that the location of the 'dot' program is in
   the PATH environment variable.

Restarting your system may be needed for Scyther to locate any newly installed
    return DOTLOCATION

示例12: get_input

    def get_input(self):
        """Custom input routine."""
        # Inherit base input routine
        gen_input = Dialogs.GenForm.get_input(self)
        # If OK ...
        if gen_input:
            # Get main data values from the form, ID, Comment, and Image Filename
            self.obj.id = gen_input[_('Snapshot ID')]
            self.obj.image_filename = gen_input[_('Image Filename')]
            if gen_input[_('Episode Position')] == '':
                self.obj.episode_start = 0.0
                self.obj.episode_start = Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(gen_input[_('Episode Position')])
            if gen_input[_('Duration')] == '':
                self.obj.episode_duration = 0.0
                self.obj.episode_duration = Misc.time_in_str_to_ms(gen_input[_('Duration')])
            self.obj.comment = gen_input[_('Comment')]

            self.obj = None

        return self.obj

示例13: _set_keyword

 def _set_keyword(self, keyword):
     # Make sure parenthesis characters are not allowed in Keywords
     if (string.find(keyword, '(') > -1) or (string.find(keyword, ')') > -1):
         keyword = string.replace(keyword, '(', '')
         keyword = string.replace(keyword, ')', '')
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
             prompt = unicode(_('Keywords cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword has been renamed to "%s".'), 'utf8') % keyword
             prompt = _('Keywords cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword has been renamed to "%s".') % keyword
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, prompt)
     self._keyword = Misc.unistrip(keyword)

示例14: _set_keywordGroup

 def _set_keywordGroup(self, keywordGroup):
     # ALSO SEE Dialogs.add_kw_group_ui().  The same errors are caught there.
     # Make sure parenthesis characters are not allowed in Keyword Group.  Remove them if necessary.
     if (string.find(keywordGroup, '(') > -1) or (string.find(keywordGroup, ')') > -1):
         keywordGroup = string.replace(keywordGroup, '(', '')
         keywordGroup = string.replace(keywordGroup, ')', '')
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
             prompt = unicode(_('Keyword Groups cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword Group has been renamed to "%s".'), 'utf8') % keywordGroup
             prompt = _('Keyword Groups cannot contain parenthesis characters.\nYour Keyword Group has been renamed to "%s".') % keywordGroup
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, prompt)
     # Colons are not allowed in Keyword Groups.  Remove them if necessary.
     if keywordGroup.find(":") > -1:
         keywordGroup = keywordGroup.replace(':', '')
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             msg = unicode(_('You may not use a colon (":") in the Keyword Group name.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"'), 'utf8')
             msg = _('You may not use a colon (":") in the Keyword Group name.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"')
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg % keywordGroup)
     # Let's make sure we don't exceed the maximum allowed length for a Keyword Group.
     # First, let's see what the max length is.
     maxLen = TransanaGlobal.maxKWGLength
     # Check to see if we've exceeded the max length
     if len(keywordGroup) > maxLen:
         # If so, truncate the Keyword Group
         keywordGroup = keywordGroup[:maxLen]
         # Display a message to the user describing the trunctions
         if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo:
             # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data.
             msg = unicode(_('Keyword Group is limited to %d characters.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"'), 'utf8')
             msg = _('Keyword Group is limited to %d characters.  Your Keyword Group has been changed to\n"%s"')
         dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg % (maxLen, keywordGroup))
     # Remove white space from the Keyword Group.
     self._keywordGroup = Misc.unistrip(keywordGroup)

示例15: __repr__

 def __repr__(self):
     str = 'Episode Object:\n'
     str = str + "Number = %s\n" % self.number
     str = str + "id = %s\n" % self.id
     str = str + "comment = %s\n" % self.comment
     str = str + "Media file 1 = %s\n" % self.media_filename
     str = str + "Media File 1 Length = %s\n" % self.tape_length
     str += "Media File 1 Offset = %s\n" % self.offset
     str = str + "Additional media file:\n"
     for addFile in self.additional_media_files:
         str += '  %s  %s %s %s\n' % (addFile['filename'], addFile['offset'], addFile['length'], addFile['audio'])
     str += "Total adjusted Episode Length = %d (%s)\n" % (self.episode_length(), Misc.time_in_ms_to_str(self.episode_length()))
     str = str + "Date = %s\n" % self.tape_date
     str = str + "Series ID = %s\n" % self.series_id
     str = str + "Series Num = %s\n" % self.series_num
     str += "Keywords:\n"
     for kw in self._kwlist:
         str += '  ' + kw.keywordPair + '\n'
     return str.encode('utf8')
