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Python Debug.printi方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Debug.printi方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Debug.printi方法的具体用法?Python Debug.printi怎么用?Python Debug.printi使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Debug的用法示例。


示例1: _end_node_drag

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def _end_node_drag(self, coords):
        Performs actions to complete a node drag operation

        Validates node location, and other associated object information and updates the cache
        when a node drag is completed

        :coords:            The coordinates associated with this event
        if self._cache["item"] is None:

        # Obtain the final points
        x = coords[0]
        y = coords[1]
        item = self._cache["item"]

        container = self._manager.request(DataStore.DATATYPE.NODE, item)
        container.x_coordinate = x
        container.y_coordinate = y
        self._manager.inform(DataStore.EVENT.NODE_EDIT, container.empty_container(), self._cache["item"])
        Debug.printi("Node " + str(self._cache["item"]) + " has been moved", Debug.Level.INFO)
        # Clean the cache

示例2: _add_new_wall_pic

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def _add_new_wall_pic(self, pic=None):
        Adds a new wall picture to the node definition

        Launches a dialog, and validates and posts the entered information
        to the repository for the creation of a new wall picture for the
        node that is being edited
        # Display the dialogue
        results = pic
        if results is None:
            results = NodePictureDialog(self)
            results = results._entries

        item_id = results["name"]
        item = results
        # Extract the return values
            self.add_new(item, item_id)
        except DuplicateListHeapItemException:
            Debug.printi("Unable to add duplicate picture", Debug.Level.ERROR)

        except MaxItemLimitReachedException:
            Debug.printi("Maximum number of pictures for this room reached", Debug.Level.ERROR)

示例3: _handle_mot

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def _handle_mot(self, m_event, event):
        Callback function to handle movement of the mouse

        Function updates the mouse location status bar as well as setting cache values to the current location
        of the mouse

        :m_event:           The specifier for the type of event that has been generated
        :event:             The tk provided event object
        event.x = int(self._canvas.canvasx(event.x))
        event.y = int(self._canvas.canvasy(event.y))
        self._status.set_text("Mouse X:" + str(event.x) + "\tMouse Y:" + str(event.y))
        item = self._get_current_item((event.x, event.y))
        if self._is_node(item):
            Debug.printi("Node: " + str(item), Debug.Level.INFO)
        if self._is_edge(item):
            d_x = self._edge_bindings[item].x_start - self._edge_bindings[item].x_end
            d_y = self._edge_bindings[item].y_start - self._edge_bindings[item].y_end
            square = (d_x * d_x) + (d_y * d_y)
            distance = int(math.sqrt(square))
            Debug.printi("Edge: " + str(item) + " | Source: "
                         + str(self._edge_bindings[item].item_start) + " | Target: "
                         + str(self._edge_bindings[item].item_end) + " | Length: "
                         + str(distance))
        self._cache["x"] = event.x
        self._cache["y"] = event.y

示例4: _selection_operation

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def _selection_operation(self, coords):
        Contextually create or edit a node
        :param coords:
        # Determine the item ID
        item = self._get_current_item(coords)
        self._cache["item"] = item
        true_coords = self._canvas_to_screen((self._cache["x"], self._cache["y"]))

        if self._is_node(item):
            Debug.printi("Node Selected : " + str(item) + " | Launching Editor", Debug.Level.INFO)
            # Make request from object manager using the tag assigned
            populator = self._manager.request(DataStore.DATATYPE.NODE, item)
            updated_node = NodeDialog(self, true_coords[0] + 10, true_coords[1] + 10, populator=populator)
            # post information to object manager, or let the dialog handle it, or whatever
            self._manager.inform(DataStore.EVENT.NODE_EDIT, updated_node._entries, item)

        if self._is_edge(item):
            Debug.printi("Edge Selected : " + str(item) + " | Launching Editor", Debug.Level.INFO)
            # Make a request from the object manager to populate the dialog
            populator = self._manager.request(DataStore.DATATYPE.EDGE, item)
            updated_edge = EdgeDialog(self, true_coords[0] + 10, true_coords[1] + 10, populator=populator)
            # Make sure that information is posted to the object manager
            self._manager.inform(DataStore.EVENT.EDGE_EDIT, updated_edge._entries, item)


        if self._is_object(item):

示例5: _load_control_file

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
def  _load_control_file(file_path):
        control_file = open(file_path)
        Debug.printi("Control file " + file_path + " successfully loaded", Debug.Level.INFO)
        return control_file
    except IOError as e:
        Debug.printi(e.message, Debug.Level.FATAL)

示例6: _delete_object

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
 def _delete_object(self, item):
     if item not in self._object_listing:
         Debug.printi("Object does not exist to delete", Debug.Level.ERROR)
     del self._object_listing[item]
     self._manager.inform(DataStore.EVENT.OBJECT_DELETE, data_id=item)
     self._canvas.itemconfig(item, outline="red", fill="black", activeoutline="black", activefill="red")

示例7: validate

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def validate(event, data):

        if DEBUG:
            return True, ""
            return DataValidator().VALIDATE_MAP[event](data)
        except KeyError as error:
            Debug.printi(error.message, Debug.Level.FATAL)

示例8: _display_img

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
 def _display_img(self):
     Display a loaded image in a dialog
     if self._file_path is None:
         Debug.printi("No picture has been loaded to preview", Debug.Level.ERROR)
     photo = self._open_img(self._file_path)
     ImageViewDialog(self._parent, self._file_name, photo)

示例9: _toggle_windowed

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
 def _toggle_windowed(self):
     Toggle the windowed flag
     self._win_var.set(0 if self._win_var.get() == 1 else 1)
     val = self._entries["windowed"]
     self._entries["windowed"] = not val
     Debug.printi("Windowing toggled to " + (str(not val)), Debug.Level.INFO)

示例10: _toggle_distortion

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
 def _toggle_distortion(self):
     Toggle the distortion flag
     self._distortion_var.set(0 if self._distortion_var.get() == 1 else 1)
     val = self._entries["distortion"]
     self._entries["distortion"] = not val
     Debug.printi("Distortion toggled to " + (str(not val)), Debug.Level.INFO)

示例11: _open_img

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def _open_img(self, img_name):
        Open an image from its location on disk

        Retrieves an image in ImageTk form from a given file path
        and loads it for application use

        :img_name: The path/name (?) of the image to open
            img = Image.open(img_name)
            photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
            return photo
        except IOError:
            Debug.printi("Unable to find image " + img_name, Debug.Level.ERROR)

示例12: dump_file

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def dump_file(self):

        # Validate, abort if invalid
        result, message = self._subject.export_finalize()
        if result  is False:
            # throw error, return
            tkMessageBox.showerror("Invalid Data", message)

        # Obtain the file handle to print to
        handle = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', defaultextension=".xml")
        if handle is None:  # asksaveasfile return `None` if dialog closed with "cancel".
        handle.close()  # `()` was missing.
        Debug.printi("File " + handle.name + " has been saved")

示例13: _move_img

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
 def _move_img(self):
     if self._auto_move is False:
     # Else, move the image to the given folder that is in the same dir as this module
         src = self._file_path
         dest = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +"/" + self._file_name
         shutil.copy(src, dest)
         Debug.printi("Moving file " + self._file_path + " to location "
                      + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
                      + self._file_name, Debug.Level.INFO)
     # eg. src and dest are the same file
     except shutil.Error as e:
         print('Error: %s' % e + " " +dest)
     # eg. source or destination doesn't exist
     except IOError as e:
         print('Error: %s' % e.strerror +" "+ dest)

示例14: _load_mesh

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def _load_mesh(self):
        Open a file dialog to load a mesh filepath
        Debug.printi("Load Mesh called", Debug.Level.INFO)
        types = \
                ("DirectX", "*.x")
        dialog = tkFileDialog.Open(self, filetypes=types)
        file_path = dialog.show()

        file_path = self._move_img(file_path)

        self._mesh.delete(0, END)
        self._mesh.insert(0, str(file_path))
        Debug.printi("Mesh Filepath:" + file_path, Debug.Level.INFO)

示例15: update

# 需要导入模块: import Debug [as 别名]
# 或者: from Debug import printi [as 别名]
    def update(self):
        Debug.printi("The state of the datastore has been updated", Debug.Level.INFO)

        # Retrieve the update details from the datastore, and then dispatch the changes to
        # the XML container
        update_event = (self._subject._cache["EVENT"], self._subject._cache["ID"], self._subject._cache["DATA"])
        if update_event[0] == "Delete All":
            self._extract_xml_id(update_event[0], update_event[2]),

        self._text_area.delete(1.0, END)
        self._text_area.insert(END, self._xml_container.to_string())
