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Python DB.conn方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中DB.conn方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DB.conn方法的具体用法?Python DB.conn怎么用?Python DB.conn使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在DB的用法示例。


示例1: find_or_create

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def find_or_create(journo, hint_art=None, expected_journo=None):
    """ returns journo id """
    j_id = FindJourno(DB.conn(),journo['name'],hint_art,expected_journo)
    if j_id is None:
        j = create(journo['name'])
        ukmedia.DBUG2(" NEW journo: %s\n" % (j['ref'],))
        j_id = j['id']
    return j_id

示例2: update_activation

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def update_activation(journo_id):
    """ activate the journos status if they've got more than one active article and they've not been hidden """

    q = DB.conn().cursor()
    # count number of articles
    q.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journo_attr ja INNER JOIN article a ON (a.id=ja.article_id AND a.status='a') WHERE ja.journo_id=%s", (journo_id,))
    r = q.fetchone()
    if r[0] > 1:
        q.execute( "UPDATE journo SET status='a' WHERE id=%s AND status='i'",(journo_id,))

示例3: GetAttrLogStr

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def GetAttrLogStr(article_id ):
    """ return a list of attributed journos for logging eg "[a1234 fred blogs], [a4321 bob roberts]" """
    c = DB.conn().cursor()
    sql = """
SELECT j.id,j.ref,j.prettyname
    FROM ( JOURNO j INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON attr.journo_id=j.id )
    WHERE attr.article_id=%s
    c.execute( sql, (article_id,) )
    rows = c.fetchall()
    return ", ".join( [ "[j%d %s]" % (int(row['id']),row['prettyname']) for row in rows ] )

示例4: ArticleExists

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
    def ArticleExists( self, srcid ):
        """returns article id, if article is already in the DB"""
        article_id = None
        cursor = DB.conn().cursor()
        q = 'SELECT id FROM article WHERE srcid=%s'
        cursor.execute( q, ( srcid, ) )
        r = cursor.fetchone()
        if r:
            article_id = r[0]

        return article_id

示例5: upsert

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def upsert(article_id, commentlink):
    """insert/replace commentlink"""
    c = DB.conn().cursor()

    l = commentlink

    # fill in optional args
    if 'score' not in l:
        l['score'] = None
    if 'num_comments' not in l:
        l['num_comments'] = None

    c.execute( """DELETE FROM article_commentlink WHERE article_id=%s and source=%s""", (article_id, l['source']) )
    c.execute( """INSERT INTO article_commentlink (article_id,source,comment_url,num_comments,score ) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""",
        ( article_id, l['source'], l['comment_url'], l['num_comments'], l['score'] ) )

示例6: GetOrgID

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def GetOrgID(shortname):
    """Look up org id using shortname"""
    global cached_orgidmap

    if cached_orgidmap == None:
        cached_orgidmap = {}
        c = DB.conn().cursor()
        c.execute( "SELECT id,shortname FROM organisation" )
        while 1:
            row = c.fetchone()
            if row == None:
            cached_orgidmap[ row['shortname'] ] = row['id']

    return cached_orgidmap[ shortname ]

示例7: generate

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def generate(article_id, article_content):
    """ Generate tags for an article """

    txt = ukmedia.StripHTML(article_content)

    tags = ExtractFromText(txt)

    # write the tags into the DB
    c2 = DB.conn().cursor()
    c2.execute("DELETE FROM article_tag WHERE article_id=%s", (article_id,))
    for tagkey, tagfreq in tags.items():

        tagname = tagkey[0].encode("utf-8")
        tagkind = tagkey[1]
            "INSERT INTO article_tag (article_id, tag, kind, freq) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)",
            (article_id, tagname, tagkind, tagfreq),

示例8: GetBlacklist

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def GetBlacklist():
    """get the list of banned tags from the db"""

    global blacklist_cached

    # don't hit db more often that necessary
    if blacklist_cached != None:
        return blacklist_cached

    c = DB.conn().cursor()
    c.execute("SELECT bannedtag FROM tag_blacklist")

    blacklist_cached = []
    while 1:
        r = c.fetchone()
        if not r:
        tag = r[0].decode("utf-8")

    return blacklist_cached

示例9: scrape_articles

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]

                context['permalink'] = canonical_url

            # strip off "?rss=yes" etc from permalink
            tidied_url = tidy_url(context['permalink'])
            if tidied_url != context['permalink']:
                context['permalink'] = tidied_url

            context['urls'] = known_urls

            # check that all urls are OK (eg express.co.uk have a habit of publishing borked ones for blogs)
            for url in known_urls:
                url.encode('utf-8') # will raise an exception if dud

            # repeat url-based existence check with the urls we now have
            # TODO: if so, add any new urls... maybe rescrape and update article? 
            article_id = None
            got = store.find_article(known_urls)
            if len(got) > 0:
                if extralogging:
                    for article_id in got:
                        ukmedia.DBUG( u"already got %s [a%s] (attributed to: %s)\n" % (context['srcurl'], article_id,GetAttrLogStr(article_id)))
                if not opts.force_rescrape:
                    had_count += 1
                    continue;   # skip it - we've already got it
                    assert(len(got) == 1)
                    article_id = got[0]

            # some extra, last minute context :-)
            context[ 'lastscraped' ] = datetime.now()

            art = extract(html, context, **kwargs)

            if art:
                # set the srcorg id for the article
                if 'srcorgname' in art and art['srcorgname'] is not None:
                    srcorg = Misc.GetOrgID( art[ 'srcorgname' ] )
                    # no publication specified - look up using domain name
                    o = urlparse.urlparse(art['permalink'])
                    domain = o[1].lower()
                    srcorg = Publication.find_or_create(domain)
                art['srcorg'] = srcorg

                # resolve bylined authors to journo ids
                authors = Byline.CrackByline(art['byline'])
                attributed = []
                for author in authors:
                    attributed.append(Journo.find_or_create(author, art, expected_journo))
                art['journos'] = attributed

                if opts.test:
                    ukmedia.PrettyDump( art )

                if article_id:
                    # rescraping existing article
                    art['id'] = article_id
                    article_id = store.upsert( art )
                    rescrape_count += 1
                    article_id = store.upsert( art )
                    newcount += 1

                if opts.test:

        except Exception, err:

            # always just bail out upon ctrl-c
            if isinstance( err, KeyboardInterrupt ):

            failcount = failcount+1
            # TODO: phase out NonFatal! just get scraper to print out a warning message instead
            if isinstance( err, ukmedia.NonFatal ):

            report = traceback.format_exc()

            if 'title' in context:
                msg = u"FAILED (%s): '%s' (%s)" % (err, context['title'], context['srcurl'])
                msg = u"FAILED (%s): (%s)" % (err,context['srcurl'])
            ukmedia.DBUG( msg + "\n" )
            ukmedia.DBUG2( report + "\n" )
            ukmedia.DBUG2( '-'*60 + "\n" )

            abortcount = abortcount + 1
            if abortcount > max_errors:
                print >>sys.stderr, "Too many errors - ABORTING"

示例10: upsert

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
    def upsert( self, art ):
        """Insert or update an article"""

        # if no separate 'urls' set, create it
        if not 'urls' in art:
            art['urls'] = set((art['permalink'], art['srcurl']))

        # fill in some defaults if missing
        if 'lastscraped' not in art:
            art['lastscraped'] = datetime.now()
        if 'lastseen' not in art:
            art['lastseen'] = datetime.now()
        if 'description' not in art:
            art['description'] = ukmedia.FirstPara(art['content'])

        CheckArticle( art )

        # send text to the DB as utf-8
        title = art['title'].encode( 'utf-8' )
        byline = art[ 'byline' ].encode( 'utf-8' )
        description = art['description'].encode( 'utf-8' )
        pubdate = "%s" %(art['pubdate'])
        lastscraped = "%s" % (art['lastscraped'])
        lastseen = "%s" % (art['lastseen'])
        firstseen = lastseen    # it's a new entry
        srcurl = art['srcurl']
        permalink = art['permalink']
        srcorg = art['srcorg']

        # phasing out srcid...
        if 'srcid' in art:
            srcid = art['srcid']
            srcid = art['permalink']

        wordcount = None
        content = None
        # does article include content?
        if 'content' in art:
            content = art['content'].encode( 'utf-8' )
            # noddy wordcount
            txt = ukmedia.StripHTML( art['content'] )
            wordcount = len( txt.split() );

        # send to db!
        cursor = DB.conn().cursor()

        updating = False
        if 'id' in art:
            updating = True

        if updating:
            # update existing
            article_id = art['id']
            q = 'UPDATE article SET (title, byline, description, lastscraped, pubdate, lastseen, permalink, srcurl, srcorg, srcid, wordcount, last_comment_check) = (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) WHERE id=%s'
            cursor.execute(q, (title, byline, description, lastscraped, pubdate, lastseen, permalink, srcurl, srcorg, srcid, wordcount, lastscraped, article_id))
            # insert new
            q = 'INSERT INTO article (title, byline, description, lastscraped, pubdate, firstseen, lastseen, permalink, srcurl, srcorg, srcid, wordcount, last_comment_check) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'
            cursor.execute( q, ( title, byline, description, lastscraped, pubdate, firstseen, lastseen, permalink, srcurl, srcorg, srcid, wordcount, lastscraped ) )
            # get the newly-allocated id
            cursor.execute( "select currval('article_id_seq')" )
            article_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

        # add the known urls for the article
        if updating:
            cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM article_url WHERE article_id=%s", (article_id,))
        for url in set(art['urls']):
            cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO article_url (url,article_id) VALUES (%s,%s)", (url,article_id))

        # update content, if included
        if content is None:
            insert_content = False
            insert_content = True
            if updating:
                # TODO: keep multiple revisions to track changes
                # has the content actually changed?
                cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM article_content WHERE article_id=%s AND content=%s", (article_id,content))
                foo = cursor.fetchall()     # gah... couldn't get cursor.rowcount to work...
                if len(foo)>=1:
                    # no change, so just leave it as is
                    insert_content = False

        if insert_content:
            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM article_content WHERE article_id=%s", (article_id,))
            q = 'INSERT INTO article_content (article_id, content,scraped) VALUES ( %s,%s,%s )'
            cursor.execute(q, (article_id, content, lastscraped))

        # queue it for xapian indexing
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM article_needs_indexing WHERE article_id=%s", (article_id,))
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO article_needs_indexing (article_id) VALUES (%s)", (article_id,))

        # if there was a scraper error entry for this article, delete it now
        cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM error_articlescrape WHERE srcid=%s", (srcid,) )


示例11: find_article

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
 def find_article(self,known_urls):
     sql = "SELECT article_id FROM article_url WHERE url IN (" + ','.join(['%s' for u in known_urls]) + ")"
     c = DB.conn().cursor()
     return [row['article_id'] for row in c]

示例12: create

# 需要导入模块: import DB [as 别名]
# 或者: from DB import conn [as 别名]
def create(rawname ):

    conn = DB.conn()

#gtb    alias = DefaultAlias( rawname )
    prettyname = GetPrettyNameFromRawName( conn, rawname )
#   (firstname,lastname) = prettyname.split(None,1) 

    # gtb, this is a hack! until we sort out what we are doing with journalists who want to opt out of being in the database:
    if prettyname==u'Jini Reddy':
        raise Exception, "Not creating New Journo who has opted out"

    parts = prettyname.lower().split()
    if len(parts) == 0:
        raise "Empty journo name!"
    elif len(parts) == 1:
        firstname = parts[0]
        lastname = parts[0]
        firstname = parts[0]
        lastname = parts[-1]

    # get metaphone versions of names (as calculated by php metaphone())
    # 4 chars seems like the magic length for fuzzy matching.
    # (utf-8 encoding a little silly, but consistent assumptions on the web side of things)
    firstname_metaphone = metaphone.php_metaphone( firstname.encode('utf-8') )[:4]
    lastname_metaphone = metaphone.php_metaphone( lastname.encode('utf-8') )[:4]

    ref = GenerateUniqueRef( conn, prettyname )

    #print("CreateNewJourno: ",rawname," = ",prettyname," = ",ref);

    # TODO: maybe need to filter out some chars from ref?
    q = conn.cursor()
    q.execute( "select nextval('journo_id_seq')" )
    (journo_id,) = q.fetchone()
    q.execute( "INSERT INTO journo (id,ref,prettyname,firstname,lastname,firstname_metaphone,lastname_metaphone,"
            "created) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,now())",
            ( journo_id,
            lastname_metaphone ) )
#gtb    q.execute( "INSERT INTO journo_alias (journo_id,alias) VALUES (%s,%s)",
#           journo_id,
#           alias.encode('utf-8') )

    journo = {
        'lastname': lastname,
        'firstname_metaphone': firstname_metaphone,
        'lastname_metaphone': lastname_metaphone,

    return journo
