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PHP type::getData方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中type::getData方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP type::getData方法的具体用法?PHP type::getData怎么用?PHP type::getData使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在type的用法示例。


示例1: applyCmsBlock

  * CMS block cache, must use the block id from the database
  * @param type $block
 public function applyCmsBlock($block)
     // The "messages" block is session-dependent, don't cache
     if (Mage::helper('cache')->responseHasMessages()) {
         $block->setData('cache_lifetime', null);
     // Set cache tags
     $tags = array();
     $blockId = $block->getData('block_id');
     if ($blockId) {
         $cmsBlock = Mage::getModel('cms/block')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())->load($blockId);
         if ($cmsBlock->getIsActive()) {
             $tags = $block->getCacheTags();
             $tags[] = Mage_Cms_Model_Block::CACHE_TAG . '_' . $cmsBlock->getId();
     $block->setData('cache_tags', $tags);
     // Set cache key
     $keys = $block->getCacheKeys();
     $blockId = $block->getData('block_id');
     if ($blockId) {
         $cmsBlock = Mage::getModel('cms/block')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())->load($blockId);
         if ($cmsBlock->getIsActive()) {
             $keys = $block->getCacheKeyInfo();
             if (!is_array($keys)) {
                 $keys = array();
             $keys[] = $blockId;
             $keys[] = $block->getLayout()->getUpdate()->getCacheId();
     $block->setData('cache_keys', $keys);

示例2: saveData

  * Saves form data, including document saving
  * @param type $form
  * @return JsonResponse
 public function saveData($form)
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $data = $form->getData();
         try {
             $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
             // Subo el fichero y luego lo guardo
             $response['success'] = true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $response['success'] = false;
             $response['cause'] = $e->getMessage();
     } else {
         $response['success'] = false;
         $response['cause'] = $form->getErrorsAsString();
     return new JsonResponse($response);

示例3: setTierPrice

  * Set tier price
  * @param type $product
  * @return Innoexts_StorePricing_Helper_Catalog_Product_Price
 public function setTierPrice($product)
     $attribute = $this->getTierPriceAttribute();
     if (!$attribute) {
         return $this;
     $backend = $attribute->getBackend();
     if (!$backend) {
         return $this;
     $helper = $this->getStorePricingHelper();
     $store = $helper->getCurrentStore();
     $isEditMode = $product->getData('_edit_mode');
     $websiteId = null;
     $storeId = null;
     if ($this->isGlobalScope()) {
         $websiteId = null;
         $storeId = null;
     } else {
         if ($this->isWebsiteScope() && $store->getId()) {
             $websiteId = $store->getWebsiteId();
             $storeId = null;
         } else {
             if ($this->isStoreScope() && $store->getId()) {
                 $websiteId = $store->getWebsiteId();
                 $storeId = $store->getId();
     $typeId = $product->getTypeId();
     $tierPrices = $product->getTierPrices();
     if (!empty($tierPrices) && !$isEditMode) {
         $tierPrices = $backend->preparePriceData2($tierPrices, $typeId, $websiteId, $storeId);
     $product->setData('tier_price', $tierPrices);
     return $this;

示例4: syncOrder

  * @param type $order
  * @param type $origData
 public function syncOrder($order = false, $debug = false)
     // get order item collection
     $orderItems = $order->getItemsCollection();
     if ($debug) {
         echo '<h4>Inserting ' . count($orderItems) . ' order lines</h4>';
     $ii = 0;
     foreach ($orderItems as $i => $line) {
         if ($debug) {
             echo "<strong>Order Line {$i}</strong><table border='1' style='background-color:#eee'>";
         $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($line->product_id);
         //            $_categories = $_product->getCategoryIds();
         //            var_dump($line->getData());var_dump($_product->getData());
         //            File Name........ Z1OB4SSOL
         //            Library........   ID2662AFLV
         //            Format Descr.....
         //            Format Name...... Z1B4SSOL
         //            File Type........ PF            Unique Keys - N
         //            Field Name         FMT      Start       Lngth         Dec       Key      Field        Description
         //            var_dump($line->getData());die;
         $data = array('OLTORN' => $order->getId(), 'OLLIN6' => $ii++, 'OLSROM' => 'B4S', 'OLPRDC' => $_product->getData('sku'), 'OLUNIT' => 'CS', 'OLQT15' => round($line->getData('qty_ordered'), 0), 'OLSALP' => round($line->getData('base_price'), 2), 'OLFOCC' => 'N', 'OLDELT' => '0', 'OLRDDT' => '0', 'OLTDCD' => 'N', 'OLDDCD' => 'N', 'OLFICC' => 'N', 'OLBALC' => 'N', 'OLCOSP' => '0', 'OLDSPC' => 'N', 'OLCONO' => '0', 'OLSTRU' => '0', 'OLGWGT' => round($line->getData('weight'), 0), 'OLNWGT' => '0', 'OLGVOL' => '0', 'OLNVOL' => '0', 'OLCONV' => '0', 'OLTXKY' => '0', 'OLWTKY' => '0', 'OLFOCO' => '0', 'OLGDSQ' => '0', 'OLTAM1' => round($line->getData('tax_amount'), 2));
         $this->tr('structured insert data', $data, $debug);
         Mage::getModel('idpas400/db')->insert_row($data, 'Z1OB4SSOL', $debug);
         if ($debug) {
             echo '</table>';
     //        File Name........ Z1OB4SSOH
     //        Library........   ID2662AFB4
     //        Format Descr.....
     //        Format Name...... Z1B4SSOH
     //        File Type........ PF            Unique Keys - N
     //          Field Name            FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
     if ($debug) {
         echo '<h4>Inserting order header</h4><table border="1" style="background-color:#e1e1e1">';
     $data = array('OHTORN' => $order->getId(), 'OHCRED' => date('Ymd', strtotime($order->getData('created_at'))), 'OHCRTM' => date('His', strtotime($order->getData('created_at'))), 'OHUSER' => 'B4SUSER', 'OHCUNO' => $order->getData('customer_id'), 'OHORDT' => 'B4', 'OHSALE' => 'ASA', 'OHHAND' => 'ASA', 'OHSROM' => 'B4S', 'OHPCUR' => $order->getData('order_currency_code'), 'OHNAME' => $order->getData('customer_firstname') . ' ' . $order->getData('customer_lastname'), 'OHODAT' => date('Ymd', strtotime($order->getData('created_at'))), 'OHDANO' => '00', 'OHCANO' => '00', 'OHICNO' => $order->getData('customer_id'), 'OHCOPE' => $order->hasData('po_number') ? $order->getData('po_number') : is_object($order->getQuote()) ? $order->getQuote()->getData('po_number') : 0, 'OHINCO' => '00', 'OHLANG' => 'EN', 'OHTAXC' => 'N', 'OHBALC' => 'N', 'OHPINC' => 'N', 'OHMINC' => 'N', 'OHHORD' => 'N', 'OHCDAY' => '000', 'OHTODC' => 'NA', 'OHMOTC' => 'UPG', 'OHFREF' => $order->getData('shipping_amount') + $order->getData('shipping_tax_amount'), 'OHPOSF' => '0', 'OHINSF' => '0', 'OHADMF' => '0', 'OHINVF' => '0', 'OHOREF' => $order->getIncrementId(), 'OHHINV' => 'N', 'OHIORD' => 'N', 'OHEANO' => '000', 'OHIANO' => '000', 'OHWOCD' => 'Y', 'OHCONF' => 'Y', 'OHCIDE' => $order->getData('remote_ip'), 'O1NAME' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('firstname') . ' ' . $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('lastname'), 'O1ADR1' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('street'), 'O1ADR2' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('company'), 'O1ADR3' => 'Telephone: ' . $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('telephone'), 'O1ADR4' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('city'), 'O1POCD' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('postcode'), 'O1CNTY' => '', 'O1SPCD' => $this->convert_state($order->getShippingAddress()->getData('region')), 'O1COUN' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('country_id'), 'O1MAIL' => $order->getShippingAddress()->getData('email'), 'O2NAME' => '', 'O2ADR1' => '', 'O2ADR2' => '', 'O2ADR3' => '', 'O2ADR4' => '', 'O2POCD' => '', 'O2CNTY' => '', 'O2SPCD' => '', 'O2COUN' => '', 'O2MAIL' => '', 'O3NAME' => '', 'O3ADR1' => '', 'O3ADR2' => '', 'O3ADR3' => '', 'O3ADR4' => '', 'O3POCD' => '', 'O3CNTY' => '', 'O3SPCD' => '', 'O3COUN' => '', 'O3MAIL' => '', 'O4NAME' => '', 'O4ADR1' => '', 'O4ADR2' => '', 'O4ADR3' => '', 'O4ADR4' => '', 'O4POCD' => '', 'O4CNTY' => '', 'O4SPCD' => '', 'O4COUN' => '', 'OHERCD' => '', 'OHMODU' => 'NETSTORE', 'OHAUTF' => 'N', 'OHOFRU' => '1', 'OHCMPD' => 'N', 'OHMAIL' => $order->getData('customer_email'), 'OHPCDT' => date('Ymd', strtotime($order->getData('created_at'))), 'OHTAM1' => $order->getData('tax_amount'));
     $this->tr('structured insert data', $data, $debug);
     Mage::getModel('idpas400/db')->insert_row($data, 'Z1OB4SSOH', $debug);
     if ($debug) {
         echo '</table>';

示例5: createInvoice

  * @desc Create invoice
  * @param type $order
  * @param type $response
  * @return type
 public function createInvoice($order, $response)
     $payment = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance();
     $pspReference = trim($response->getData('pspReference'));
     $success = trim($response->getData('success'));
     $eventCode = trim($response->getData('eventCode'));
     $reason = trim($response->getData('reason'));
     $invoiceAutoMail = (bool) $this->_getConfigData('send_invoice_update_mail');
     $_mail = (bool) $this->_getConfigData('send_update_mail');
     //create invoice
     if (strcmp($order->getState(), Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PAYMENT_REVIEW) == 0) {
     //capture mode
     if (!$this->isAutoCapture($response, $order)) {
         $order->addStatusHistoryComment(Mage::helper('adyen')->__('Capture Mode set to Manual'));
         return false;
     //$order->addStatusHistoryComment(Mage::helper('adyen')->__('Adyen Payment Successfully completed'), $status);
     if ($order->canInvoice()) {
         $invoice = $order->prepareInvoice();
         // set transaction id so you can do a online refund this is used instead of online capture
         // because it is already auto capture in Adyen Backoffice
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         //selected adyen status
         $this->setPaymentAuthorized($order, $success, $response);
         if ($invoiceAutoMail) {

示例6: merge

  * Merge data attributes between $this and $page.
  * Merging result is stored into $this and $this must be also returned
  * Merging is performed only upon pages' data storage
  * @param type $page
 public function merge($page)
     // merge $this <- $page
     //if ($this->loadingState < $page->loadingState) {
     $this->loadingState = $page->loadingState;
     if ($page->loadingState == self::CUSTOM) {
     return $this;

示例7: getDeliverInvoiceRequest

 public function getDeliverInvoiceRequest($invoice, $auth, $sveaOrderId)
     $conf = new SveaMageConfigProvider($auth);
     $sveaObject = WebPay::deliverOrder($conf);
     $order = $invoice->getOrder();
     $countryCode = $order->getBillingAddress()->getCountryId();
     $storeId = $order->getStoreId();
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId);
     $taxCalculationModel = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
     $taxConfig = Mage::getSingleton('tax/config');
     // Add invoiced items
     foreach ($invoice->getAllItems() as $item) {
         $orderItem = $item->getOrderItem();
         if ($orderItem->getProductType() === Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_CONFIGURABLE) {
         // Default to the item price
         $name = $item->getName();
         $price = $orderItem->getPrice();
         $priceInclTax = $orderItem->getPriceInclTax();
         $taxPercent = $orderItem->getTaxPercent();
         if (!(int) $taxPercent) {
             $taxPercent = false;
         $parentItem = $orderItem->getParentItem();
         if ($parentItem) {
             switch ($parentItem->getProductType()) {
                 case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_CONFIGURABLE:
                     $price = $parentItem->getPrice();
                     $priceInclTax = $parentItem->getPriceInclTax();
                     $taxPercent = $parentItem->getTaxPercent();
                 case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_BUNDLE:
                     $taxPercent = $priceInclTax = $price = 0;
                     $name = '- ' . $name;
         if ($taxPercent === false) {
             // If it's a bundle item we have to calculate the tax from
             // the including/excluding tax values
             $taxPercent = round(100 * ($priceInclTax / $price - 1));
         switch (get_class($item)) {
             case 'Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item':
             case 'Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Invoice_Item':
             case 'Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo_Item':
                 $qty = $item->getQty();
                 $qty = $item->getQtyOrdered();
         $orderRow = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setArticleNumber($item->getSku())->setQuantity((int) $qty)->setName($name)->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setVatPercent((int) $taxPercent);
         if ($taxConfig->priceIncludesTax($storeId)) {
             $orderRow->setAmountIncVat((double) $priceInclTax);
         } else {
             $orderRow->setAmountExVat((double) $price);
     $request = $taxCalculationModel->getRateRequest($order->getShippingAddress(), $order->getBillingAddress(), null, $store);
     // Add shipping fee
     if ($invoice->getShippingAmount() > 0) {
         $shippingFee = WebPayItem::shippingFee()->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setName($order->getShippingDescription());
         // We require shipping tax to be set
         $shippingTaxClass = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Tax_Model_Config::CONFIG_XML_PATH_SHIPPING_TAX_CLASS, $storeId);
         $rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($request->setProductClassId($shippingTaxClass));
         $shippingFee->setVatPercent((int) $rate);
         if ($taxConfig->shippingPriceIncludesTax($storeId)) {
         } else {
     // Possible discount
     $discount = abs($invoice->getDiscountAmount());
     if ($discount) {
         $discountRow = WebPayItem::fixedDiscount()->setAmountIncVat($discount)->setName(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('discount'))->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'));
     // Gift card(s)
     if (abs($order->getGiftCardsAmount())) {
         $giftCardRow = WebPayItem::fixedDiscount()->setAmountIncVat(abs($order->getGiftCardsAmount()))->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'));
     // Invoice fee
     $paymentFee = $invoice->getSveaPaymentFeeAmount();
     $paymentFeeInclTax = $invoice->getSveaPaymentFeeInclTax();
     $invoiced = $invoice->getOrder()->getSveaPaymentFeeInvoiced();
     if ($paymentFee > 0 && $invoiced == 0) {
         $invoiceFee = WebPayItem::invoiceFee()->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setName(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('invoice_fee'))->setAmountExVat($paymentFee)->setAmountIncVat($paymentFeeInclTax);
     $sveaObject = $sveaObject->setCountryCode($countryCode)->setOrderId($sveaOrderId)->setInvoiceDistributionType(Mage::getStoreConfig("payment/svea_invoice/deliver_method"));
     $invoice->setData('svea_deliver_request', $sveaObject);
     return $invoice->getData('svea_deliver_request');

示例8: drawSplitPath

     * Create the encoded string
     * @param type $Object
     * @param type $Values
     * @param type $Format
    public function drawSplitPath($Object,$Values,$Format="")
        $this->pChartObject = $Object;

        $Spacing	= isset($Format["Spacing"]) ? $Format["Spacing"] : 20;
        $TextPadding	= isset($Format["TextPadding"]) ? $Format["TextPadding"] : 2;
        $TextPos	= isset($Format["TextPos"]) ? $Format["TextPos"] : TEXT_POS_TOP;
        $Surrounding    = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
        $Force		= isset($Format["Force"]) ? $Format["Force"] : 70;
        $Segments	= isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 15;
        $FontSize	= $Object->FontSize;
        $X1		= $Object->GraphAreaX1;
        $Y1		= $Object->GraphAreaY1;
        $X2		= $Object->GraphAreaX2;
        $Y2		= $Object->GraphAreaY2;

        /* Data Processing */
        $Data    = $Values->getData();
        $Palette = $Values->getPalette();

        $LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"];
        $DataSerie  = "";

        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Value) { 
            if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie && $DataSerie == "" ) { 
                $DataSerie = $SerieName;                 

        $DataSerieSum   = array_sum($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]);
        $DataSerieCount = count($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]);

        /* Scale Processing */
        if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) {
            $YScale = (($Y2-$Y1) - (($DataSerieCount+1)*$Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum;
        } else {
            $YScale = (($Y2-$Y1) - ($DataSerieCount*$Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum;
        $LeftHeight = $DataSerieSum * $YScale;

        /* Re-compute graph width depending of the text mode choosen */
        if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) {
            $MaxWidth = 0;
            foreach($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Label) {
                $Boundardies = $Object->getTextBox(0,0,$Object->FontName,$Object->FontSize,0,$Label);
                if ( $Boundardies[1]["X"] > $MaxWidth ) { 
                    $MaxWidth = $Boundardies[1]["X"] + $TextPadding*2;                     
            $X2 = $X2 - $MaxWidth;

        /* Drawing */
        $LeftY    = ((($Y2-$Y1) / 2) + $Y1) - ($LeftHeight/2);
        $RightY   = $Y1;
        $VectorX  = (($X2-$X1) / 2);

        foreach($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
            if ( isset($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key]) ) {
                $Label = $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key];
            } else {
                $Label = "-";
            $LeftY1 = $LeftY;
            $LeftY2 = $LeftY + $Value * $YScale;

            $RightY1 = $RightY + $Spacing;
            $RightY2 = $RightY + $Spacing + $Value * $YScale;

            $Settings = array(

            $PolyGon = "";

            $Angle    = $Object->getAngle($X2,$RightY1,$X1,$LeftY1);
            $VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
            $VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($RightY1-$LeftY1)/2 + $LeftY1;
            $VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
            $VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($RightY1-$LeftY1)/2 + $LeftY1;

            $Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1,$LeftY1,$X2,$RightY1,$VectorX1,$VectorY1,$VectorX2,$VectorY2,$Settings);
            foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) { 
                $PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"]; 
                $PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"];                 

            $Angle    = $Object->getAngle($X2,$RightY2,$X1,$LeftY2);

示例9: syncCustomerDataForRapidmail

  * Prepare the edit data for customer
  * @param type $mail
  * @param type $customer 
 private function syncCustomerDataForRapidmail($mail, $customer)
     // prepare data which can be saved
     $gender = '';
     $dob = '';
     $postcode = '';
     $addressId = $customer->getData('default_shipping');
     $address = Mage::getModel('customer/address')->load($addressId);
     $checkgender = $customer->getData('gender');
     if (!empty($checkgender)) {
         $gender = Mage::helper('rapidmail')->convertGender($checkgender);
     $checkdob = $customer->getData('dob');
     if (!empty($checkdob)) {
         $dob = Mage::helper('rapidmail')->convertDob($checkdob);
     if ($address) {
         $postcode = $address->getPostcode();
     // submit the new customer data to rapidmail
     Mage::helper('rapidmail')->editRecipient($mail, $customer->getFirstname(), $customer->getLastname(), $gender, $postcode, $dob);

示例10: getSveaPaymentObject

  * Add values and rows to Svea CreateOrder object
  * Configurable products:
  *  Calculate prices using the parent price, to take price variations into concern
  * Simple products:
  *  Just use their prices as is
  * Bundle products:
  *  The main parent product has the price, but the associated products
  *  need to be transferred on separate 0 amount lines so the invoice is
  *  verbose enough
  * Grouped products:
  *  These are treated the same way as simple products
  * @param type $order
  * @param type $additionalInfo
  * @return type Svea CreateOrder object
 public function getSveaPaymentObject($order, $additionalInfo = null)
     //Get Request and billing addres
     $svea = $order->getData('svea_payment_request');
     $billingAddress = $order->getBillingAddress();
     $storeId = $order->getStoreId();
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId);
     $taxCalculationModel = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
     $taxConfig = Mage::getSingleton('tax/config');
     // Build the rows for request
     foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
         if ($item->getProductType() === Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_CONFIGURABLE) {
         // Default to the item price
         $name = $item->getName();
         $price = $item->getPrice();
         $priceInclTax = $item->getPriceInclTax();
         $taxPercent = $item->getTaxPercent();
         if (!(int) $taxPercent) {
             $taxPercent = false;
         $parentItem = $item->getParentItem();
         if ($parentItem) {
             switch ($parentItem->getProductType()) {
                 case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_CONFIGURABLE:
                     $priceInclTax = $parentItem->getPriceInclTax();
                     $taxPercent = $parentItem->getTaxPercent();
                 case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_BUNDLE:
                     $taxPercent = $priceInclTax = $price = 0;
                     $name = '- ' . $name;
         if ($taxPercent === false) {
             if ((double) $price === 0.0) {
                 if ((double) $priceInclTax === 0.0) {
                     $taxPercent = 0;
                 } else {
                     throw new Mage_Exception("Price is 0 but priceIncTax is not");
             } else {
                 // If it's a bundle item we have to calculate the tax from
                 // the including/excluding tax values
                 $taxPercent = round(100 * ($priceInclTax / $price - 1));
         $qty = get_class($item) == 'Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item' ? $item->getQty() : $item->getQtyOrdered();
         $orderRow = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setArticleNumber($item->getSku())->setQuantity((int) $qty)->setName($name)->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setVatPercent((int) $taxPercent)->setAmountIncVat((double) $priceInclTax);
     $request = $taxCalculationModel->getRateRequest($order->getShippingAddress(), $order->getBillingAddress(), null, $store);
     // Shipping
     if ($order->getShippingAmount() > 0) {
         $shippingFee = WebPayItem::shippingFee()->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setName($order->getShippingDescription());
         // We require shipping tax to be set
         $shippingTaxClass = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Tax_Model_Config::CONFIG_XML_PATH_SHIPPING_TAX_CLASS, $storeId);
         $rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($request->setProductClassId($shippingTaxClass));
         $shippingFee->setVatPercent((int) $rate);
     // Discount
     $discount = abs($order->getDiscountAmount());
     if ($discount > 0) {
         $discountRow = WebPayItem::fixedDiscount()->setName(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('discount'))->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setAmountIncVat($discount);
     // Gift cards
     if (abs($order->getGiftCardsAmount()) > 0) {
         $giftCardRow = WebPayItem::fixedDiscount()->setUnit(Mage::helper('svea_webpay')->__('unit'))->setAmountIncVat(abs($order->getGiftCardsAmount()));
     // Invoice fee
     $paymentFeeInclTax = $order->getSveaPaymentFeeInclTax();
     if ($paymentFeeInclTax > 0) {
         $paymentFeeTaxClass = $this->getConfigData('handling_fee_tax_class');
         $rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($request->setProductClassId($paymentFeeTaxClass));

示例11: drawPolar

     * Draw a radar chart
     * @param type $Object
     * @param type $Values
     * @param type $Format
    public function drawPolar($Object,$Values,$Format="")
        $this->pChartObject = $Object;

        $FixedMax       = isset($Format["FixedMax"]) ? $Format["FixedMax"] : VOID;
        $AxisR		= isset($Format["AxisR"]) ? $Format["AxisR"] : 60;
        $AxisG		= isset($Format["AxisG"]) ? $Format["AxisG"] : 60;
        $AxisB		= isset($Format["AxisB"]) ? $Format["AxisB"] : 60;
        $AxisAlpha	= isset($Format["AxisAlpha"]) ? $Format["AxisAlpha"] : 50;
        $AxisRotation   = isset($Format["AxisRotation"]) ? $Format["AxisRotation"] : -90;
        $DrawTicks	= isset($Format["DrawTicks"]) ? $Format["DrawTicks"] : true;
        $TicksLength	= isset($Format["TicksLength"]) ? $Format["TicksLength"] : 2;
        $DrawAxisValues	= isset($Format["DrawAxisValues"]) ? $Format["DrawAxisValues"] : true;
        $AxisBoxRounded	= isset($Format["AxisBoxRounded"]) ? $Format["AxisBoxRounded"] : true;
        $AxisFontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
        $AxisFontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
        $WriteValues	= isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : false;
        $WriteValuesInBubble = isset($Format["WriteValuesInBubble"]) ? $Format["WriteValuesInBubble"] : true;
        $ValueFontName	= isset($Format["ValueFontName"]) ? $Format["ValueFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
        $ValueFontSize	= isset($Format["ValueFontSize"]) ? $Format["ValueFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
        $ValuePadding	= isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 4;
        $OuterBubbleRadius = isset($Format["OuterBubbleRadius"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleRadius"] : 2;
        $OuterBubbleR	= isset($Format["OuterBubbleR"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleR"] : VOID;
        $OuterBubbleG	= isset($Format["OuterBubbleG"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleG"] : VOID;
        $OuterBubbleB	= isset($Format["OuterBubbleB"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleB"] : VOID;
        $OuterBubbleAlpha = isset($Format["OuterBubbleAlpha"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleAlpha"] : 100;
        $InnerBubbleR	= isset($Format["InnerBubbleR"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleR"] : 255;
        $InnerBubbleG	= isset($Format["InnerBubbleG"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleG"] : 255;
        $InnerBubbleB	= isset($Format["InnerBubbleB"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleB"] : 255;
        $InnerBubbleAlpha = isset($Format["InnerBubbleAlpha"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleAlpha"] : 100;
        $DrawBackground	= isset($Format["DrawBackground"]) ? $Format["DrawBackground"] : true;
        $BackgroundR	= isset($Format["BackgroundR"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR"] : 255;
        $BackgroundG	= isset($Format["BackgroundG"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG"] : 255;
        $BackgroundB	= isset($Format["BackgroundB"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB"] : 255;
        $BackgroundAlpha = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha"] : 50;
        $BackgroundGradient= isset($Format["BackgroundGradient"]) ? $Format["BackgroundGradient"] : null;
        $AxisSteps	= isset($Format["AxisSteps"]) ? $Format["AxisSteps"] : 20;
        $SegmentHeight	= isset($Format["SegmentHeight"]) ? $Format["SegmentHeight"] : SEGMENT_HEIGHT_AUTO;
        $Segments	= isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 4;
        $WriteLabels	= isset($Format["WriteLabels"]) ? $Format["WriteLabels"] : true;
        $LabelsBackground = isset($Format["LabelsBackground"]) ? $Format["LabelsBackground"] : true;
        $LabelsBGR	= isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGR"] : 255;
        $LabelsBGG	= isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGG"] : 255;
        $LabelsBGB	= isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGB"] : 255;
        $LabelsBGAlpha	= isset($Format["LabelsBGAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGAlpha"] : 50;
        $LabelPos	= isset($Format["LabelPos"]) ? $Format["LabelPos"] : RADAR_LABELS_ROTATED;
        $LabelPadding	= isset($Format["LabelPadding"]) ? $Format["LabelPadding"] : 4;
        $DrawPoints	= isset($Format["DrawPoints"]) ? $Format["DrawPoints"] : true;
        $PointRadius	= isset($Format["PointRadius"]) ? $Format["PointRadius"] : 4;
        $PointSurrounding = isset($Format["PointRadius"]) ? $Format["PointRadius"] : -30;
        $DrawLines	= isset($Format["DrawLines"]) ? $Format["DrawLines"] : true;
        $LineLoopStart	= isset($Format["LineLoopStart"]) ? $Format["LineLoopStart"] : false;
        $DrawPoly	= isset($Format["DrawPoly"]) ? $Format["DrawPoly"] : false;
        $PolyAlpha	= isset($Format["PolyAlpha"]) ? $Format["PolyAlpha"] : null;
        $FontSize	= $Object->FontSize;
        $X1		= $Object->GraphAreaX1;
        $Y1		= $Object->GraphAreaY1;
        $X2		= $Object->GraphAreaX2;
        $Y2		= $Object->GraphAreaY2;
        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;

        if ( $AxisBoxRounded ) { 
            $DrawAxisValues = true;             

        /* Cancel default tick length if ticks not enabled */
        if ( $DrawTicks == false ) { 
            $TicksLength = 0;             

        /* Data Processing */
        $Data    = $Values->getData();
        $Palette = $Values->getPalette();

        /* Catch the number of required axis */
        $LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"];
        if ( $LabelSerie != "" ) { 
            $Points = count($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"]);             
        } else {
            $Points = 0;
            foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataArray) { 
                if ( count($DataArray["Data"]) > $Points ) { 
                    $Points = count($DataArray["Data"]);                     

        /* Draw the axis */
        $CenterX = ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
        $CenterY = ($Y2-$Y1)/2 + $Y1;

        $EdgeHeight = min(($X2-$X1)/2,($Y2-$Y1)/2);
        if ( $WriteLabels ) {
            $EdgeHeight = $EdgeHeight - $FontSize - $LabelPadding - $TicksLength;
