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PHP type::additional方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中type::additional方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP type::additional方法的具体用法?PHP type::additional怎么用?PHP type::additional使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在type的用法示例。


示例1: ViewClient

 private function ViewClient($client)
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     $client_details_array['DATE'] = main::convertdate("n/d/Y", $client['signup']);
     $client_details_array['EMAIL'] = $client['email'];
     $client_details_array['UPGRADEINFO'] = "";
     $existing_upgrade = $dbh->select("upgrade", array("uid", "=", $client['id']));
     $all_packs_query = $dbh->select("packages", array("is_disabled", "=", "0"), array("type", "ASC"), 0, 1);
     while ($all_packs_data = $dbh->fetch_array($all_packs_query)) {
         $additional = type::additional($all_packs_data['id']);
         $monthly = $additional['monthly'];
         $signup = $additional['signup'];
         if ($all_packs_data['type'] == "p2h") {
             $info = "[Signup Posts: " . $signup . ", Monthly Posts: " . $monthly . "] ";
         } elseif ($all_packs_data['type'] == "paid") {
             $info = "[" . main::money($monthly) . "] ";
         $packages[] = array("[" . $all_packs_data['type'] . "] " . $info . $all_packs_data['name'], $all_packs_data['id']);
         if ($existing_upgrade && $existing_upgrade['newpack'] == $all_packs_data['id']) {
             if ($all_packs_data['admin']) {
                 $admin = " after you approve them";
             if ($existing_upgrade['flags'] && $existing_upgrade['flags'] < 5) {
                 $next_cycle = " next billing cycle";
             $client_details_array['UPGRADEINFO'] = "NOTE: This user is slated for an upgrade to \"" . $all_packs_data['name'] . "\"" . $next_cycle . $admin . ".<br><br>";
     $client_details_array['PACKAGE'] = main::dropdown("newpackage", $packages, $client['pid']);
     $client_details_array['USER'] = $client['user'];
     $client_details_array['DOMAIN'] = $client['domain'];
     $client_details_array['CLIENTIP'] = $client['ip'];
     $client_details_array['FIRSTNAME'] = $client['firstname'];
     $client_details_array['LASTNAME'] = $client['lastname'];
     $client_details_array['ADDRESS'] = $client['address'];
     $client_details_array['CITY'] = $client['city'];
     $client_details_array['STATE'] = $client['state'];
     $client_details_array['ZIP'] = $client['zip'];
     $client_details_array['COUNTRY'] = strtolower($client['country']);
     $client_details_array['FULLCOUNTRY'] = main::country_code_to_country($client['country']);
     $client_details_array['PHONE'] = $client['phone'];
     $where[] = array("uid", "=", $client['id'], "AND");
     $where[] = array("is_paid", "=", "0");
     $invoices_query = $dbh->select("invoices", $where, 0, 0, 1);
     $client_details_array['INVOICES'] = $dbh->num_rows($invoices_query);
     switch ($client['status']) {
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Other";
         case "1":
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Active";
         case "2":
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Suspended";
         case "3":
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Awaiting Validation";
         case "4":
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Awaiting Payment";
         case "5":
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Awaiting Email Confirmation";
         case "9":
             $client_details_array['STATUS'] = "Cancelled";
     $class = type::packagetype($client['pid']);
     $packtype = $instance->packtypes[$class];
     if (method_exists($packtype, "acpBox")) {
         $box = $packtype->acpBox();
         $clientview_array['BOX'] = main::sub($box[0], $box[1]);
     } else {
         $clientview_array['BOX'] = "";
     $clientview_array['CONTENT'] = style::replaceVar("tpl/admin/clients/client-details.tpl", $client_details_array);
     return $clientview_array;

示例2: do_upgrade

 public function do_upgrade($upgradeid, $mode, $no_errors_out = 0)
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     //Init   - When the upgrade info is added, we call this function.
     //Update - When cron or an admin does something with this function, we check to see if various tasks are ready to be performed.
     //Flag meaning:
     //0 - Upgrade is immediate.
     //5 - If admin approves the upgrade, then the upgrade will be immediate.
     //6 - If admin approves the upgrade, then the new account will be created on the new server and the
     //    admin will know that they are moving to a new server so they can manually close the old account
     //    when they're ready.
     //7 - The new account on the new server will be immediately created and the admin will be notified that
     //    the user is switching servers.
     //1 - Cron will upgrade them next month.
     //2 - If admin approves this, then it will be set to 1 for cron to upgrade them next month.
     //3 - The admin will be notified that the user wishes to be upgraded and if they approve it,
     //    then an account on the new server will be created so they can migrate to the new server.
     //    the admin can opt to switch the account over before next month if they both agree and the
     //    switch will be made in the admin area manually.
     //4 - Cron will create a new account on the new server next month and inform the admin that the
     //    user is changing to the new server.
     $upgrade_data = $dbh->select("upgrade", array("id", "=", $upgradeid));
     $userid = $upgrade_data['uid'];
     $newpack = $upgrade_data['newpack'];
     $flags = $upgrade_data['flags'];
     $created = $upgrade_data['created'];
     $coupcode = $upgrade_data['coupcode'];
     $user_data = main::uidtopack($userid);
     $current_pack_type = $user_data['packages']['type'];
     $current_pack_name = $user_data['packages']['name'];
     $current_pack_id = $user_data['packages']['id'];
     $user_info = $dbh->select("users", array("id", "=", $userid));
     $user_email = $user_info['email'];
     $username = $user_info['user'];
     $new_plan_data = $dbh->select("packages", array("id", "=", $newpack));
     $newpack_name = $new_plan_data['name'];
     $new_plan_additional = type::additional($newpack);
     $new_server_data = $dbh->select("servers", array("id", "=", $new_plan_data['server']));
     $new_server_name = $new_server_data['name'];
     $old_server_data = $dbh->select("servers", array("id", "=", $user_data['packages']['server']));
     $old_server_name = $old_server_data['name'];
     switch ($flags) {
         case "0":
             $upgrade = 1;
         case "1":
             $upgrade_today = self::upgrade_today($current_pack_type, $userid);
             if ($upgrade_today) {
                 $upgrade = 1;
         case "2":
             if ($mode = "Init") {
                 $admin_approval = 1;
             } else {
                 //If its already the day for the upgrade, then we can do the upgrade now.
                 $upgrade_today = self::upgrade_today($current_pack_type, $userid);
                 if ($upgrade_today) {
                     $upgrade = 1;
                 if (!$upgrade) {
                     $dbh->update("upgrade", array("flags" => "1"), array("id", "=", $upgradeid), "1");
         case "3":
             if ($mode = "Init") {
                 $admin_approval = 1;
                 $new_server = 1;
             } else {
                 //If its already the day for the upgrade, then we can do the upgrade now.
                 $upgrade_today = self::upgrade_today($current_pack_type, $userid);
                 if ($upgrade_today) {
                     $upgrade = 1;
                     $new_server = 1;
                 if (!$upgrade) {
                     $dbh->update("upgrade", array("flags", "=", "4"), array("id", "=", $upgradeid), "1");
         case "4":
             //If its already the day for the upgrade, then we can do the upgrade now.
             $upgrade_today = self::upgrade_today($current_pack_type, $userid);
             if ($upgrade_today) {
                 $upgrade = 1;
                 $new_server = 1;
                 $admin_inform = 1;

示例3: content

 public function content()
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     if (main::isint(str_replace("P2H-", "", $getvar['view']))) {
         //Display the invoice
         if (substr_count($getvar['view'], "P2H-")) {
             $p2hid = str_replace("P2H-", "", $getvar['view']);
             $userid = $dbh->select("users", array("id", "=", $p2hid));
             $userid = $userid['id'];
             $userdata = coupons::admin_userdata($userid);
         } else {
             $invoiceid = $getvar['view'];
             $invoice_data_top = $dbh->select("invoices", array("id", "=", $invoiceid));
             $pid = $invoice_data_top['pid'];
             $userid = $invoice_data_top['uid'];
             $uidtopack = main::uidtopack($userid, $pid);
             if (!$pid) {
                 $dbh->update("invoices", array("pid" => $uidtopack['pid']), array("id", "=", $invoice_data_top['id']));
             $userdata = coupons::admin_userdata($userid);
         if ($_POST['submitaddcoupon']) {
             if (!$postvar['addcoupon']) {
                 main::errors("Please enter a coupon code.");
             } else {
                 $coupcode = $postvar['addcoupon'];
                 $user = main::uname($userid);
                 $pack_data = main::uidtopack($userid, $pid);
                 $packid = $pack_data['packages']['id'];
                 $multi_coupons = $dbh->config("multicoupons");
                 if ($p2hid) {
                     $monthly = $pack_data['additional']['monthly'];
                     $monthly = coupons::get_discount("p2hmonthly", $monthly, $userid);
                     $total_posted = coupons::totalposts($userid);
                     $amt_owed = max(0, $monthly - $total_posted);
                 } else {
                     $invoice_info = $dbh->select("invoices", array("id", "=", $invoiceid));
                     if ($invoice_info['pid'] != $pack_data['pid']) {
                         $pack_data = upgrade::pidtobak($invoice_info['pid'], $invoice_info["uid"]);
                     $total_paid = coupons::totalpaid($invoiceid);
                     $amt_owed = max(0, $invoice_info['amount'] - $total_paid);
                 if ($amt_owed == 0) {
                     main::errors("The user's balance is already paid in full, so you can't add another coupon.");
                 } else {
                     $coupon_info = coupons::coupon_data($coupcode);
                     $coupid = $coupon_info['id'];
                     $use_coupon = coupons::use_coupon($coupid, $packid, $invoiceid, $userid);
                     if (!$use_coupon) {
                         if (!$multi_coupons) {
                             main::errors("Coupon code entered was invalid or user is already using a coupon.  You can give them a credit instead.");
                         } else {
                             main::errors("Coupon code entered was invalid or the user is already using this coupon.");
                     } else {
                         main::redirect("?page=invoices&view=" . $getvar['view']);
         if ($_POST['submitcredit']) {
             $postvar['credit'] = str_replace(array(" ", ","), array("", "."), $postvar['credit']);
             if (!is_numeric($postvar['credit'])) {
                 main::errors("Please enter the amount to be credited or debited.");
             } else {
                 if ($postvar['creditreason']) {
                     $creditreason = $postvar['creditreason'];
                     $creditreason = ' <a title="' . $creditreason . '" class="tooltip"><img src="<URL>themes/icons/information.png"></a>';
                     $creditreason = str_replace(",", "", $creditreason);
                     //Can't have commas, no way no how!  ;)  lol  We need to be able to explode(",", $invoice_info['txn']);
                 if ($p2hid) {
                     $credit_fee = $postvar['credit'];
                 } else {
                     $credit_fee = main::addzeros($postvar['credit']);
                 if ($credit_fee != 0) {
                     if (substr_count($credit_fee, "-")) {
                         $creditfee_lable = "CHARGE";
                     } else {
                         $creditfee_lable = "CREDIT";
                     $packinfo = main::uidtopack($userid, $pid);
                     if (!$packinfo['user_data']['pid'] && !$p2hid) {
                         $packinfo = upgrade::pidtobak($pid, $userid);
                     $monthly = $packinfo['additional']['monthly'];
                     if ($p2hid) {
                         $amt_owed = max(0, $monthly - coupons::totalposts($userid));
                     } else {
                         $amt_owed = max(0, $monthly - coupons::totalpaid($invoiceid));
                     if ($amt_owed == 0 && $creditfee_lable == "CREDIT") {
                         main::errors("The user's balance is already paid in full, so you can't add a credit.");
                     } else {
                         if ($p2hid) {
                             $p2h_info = $dbh->select("coupons_p2h", array("uid", "=", $userid));
                             if ($p2h_info['datepaid']) {
                                 $comma = ",";

示例4: uidtopack

 public function uidtopack($userid = "", $pid = "")
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     if (!$userid) {
         $userid = $_SESSION['cuser'];
     $userdata = $dbh->select("users", array("id", "=", $userid));
     if (empty($userdata)) {
         $package_data['removed'] = 1;
         if (!$pid) {
             $backup = "_bak";
             $userdata = $dbh->select("users_bak", array("id", "=", $userid));
         } else {
             $package_data = array_merge($package_data, upgrade::pidtobak($pid, $userid));
             return $package_data;
     } else {
         $package_data['removed'] = 0;
     if (!$pid) {
         $pid = $userdata['pid'];
     $packageinfo = $dbh->select("packages", array("id", "=", $pid));
     $additional = type::additional($pid);
     $uadditional = self::userAdditional($userdata['id'], $backup);
     $package_data['user_data'] = $userdata;
     $package_data['packages'] = $packageinfo;
     $package_data['additional'] = $additional;
     $package_data['uadditional'] = $uadditional;
     return $package_data;

示例5: userposts

 public function userposts($packid, $uid)
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     if ($postvar['fuser']) {
         $fuser = $postvar['fuser'];
     } else {
         $user = type::userAdditional($uid);
         $fuser = $user['fuser'];
     $forum = type::additional($packid, 'forum');
     if (!$forum) {
         $client = $dbh->client();
         $forum = type::additional($client['pid'], 'forum');
     if (!$forum) {
         //As a last resort, we assume the user doesn't have any posts as we couldn't connect to the DB using their current package's
         //details or the one for upgrading to.  This stops fatal errors as well.
         return 0;
     $fdetails = $this->forumdata($forum);
     $this->con = $this->forumCon($forum);
     $posts = $this->checkMonthly($fdetails['forumtype'], $fuser, $fdetails['prefix']);
     return $posts;

示例6: content

 public function content()
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     $upackinfo = main::uidtopack();
     $currentpack = $upackinfo['user_data']['pid'];
     $packsid = $postvar['packs'];
     if (!$packsid) {
         $packsid = $getvar['package'];
     if (is_numeric($packsid)) {
         $where[] = array("id", "=", $packsid, "AND");
     } else {
         $where[] = array("is_hidden", "=", "0", "AND");
     $where[] = array("is_disabled", "=", "0", "AND");
     $where[] = array("id", "!=", $currentpack);
     $packages_order[] = array("type", "ASC");
     $packages_order[] = array("name", "ASC");
     $packages_query = $dbh->select("packages", $where, $packages_order, 0, 1);
     $upgrade_array['PACK'] = "";
     while ($packages_data = $dbh->fetch_array($packages_query)) {
         $additional = type::additional($packages_data['id']);
         $monthly = $additional['monthly'];
         $signup = $additional['signup'];
         if ($packages_data['type'] == "p2h") {
             $info = "[Signup Posts: " . $signup . ", Monthly Posts: " . $monthly . "] ";
             $contribution = "<strong>Signup Posts:</strong> " . $signup . "<br><strong>Monthly Posts:</strong> " . $monthly;
         } elseif ($packages_data['type'] == "paid") {
             $info = "[" . main::money($monthly) . "] ";
             $contribution = main::money($monthly);
         } else {
             $contribution = "Free";
         $packages[] = array("[" . $packages_data['type'] . "] " . $info . $packages_data['name'], $packages_data['id']);
         if ($packsid && $packsid == $packages_data['id']) {
             $prorate = upgrade::prorate($packages_data['id'], $postvar['coupon']);
             $package_array['DISABLED'] = "";
             if ($prorate == "inelegible") {
                 main::errors("You are currently not elegible for the plan selected because you do not have enough posts.<br><br>");
                 $package_array['DISABLED'] = "disabled";
             if ($prorate == "owe") {
                 main::errors("You have outstanding charges on your account and can only upgrade your paid package.  Your charges are outstanding!  Keep up the good work.  lol<br><br>");
                 $package_array['DISABLED'] = "disabled";
             if ($prorate == "oweposts") {
                 main::errors("You still owe your required monthly posts and can only upgrade to a paid plan until you finish your posting quota.  Our forum is a lot of fun, so come join us!  =)<br><br>");
                 $package_array['DISABLED'] = "disabled";
             if ($prorate == "next" || $prorate == "check next") {
                 main::errors("If you choose this package, you'll be upgraded at the start of your next billing cycle.  If you do not wish to wait, please contact us.<br><br>");
                 $next_month = 1;
             if (is_numeric($prorate) && $prorate > 0) {
                 $contribution .= " (You pay only <font color = '#FF0055'>" . main::money($prorate) . "</font> more today to upgrade.)";
             if ($prorate == "check" || $prorate == "check next" || $prorate == "check now") {
                 $fuser = $postvar['fuser'];
                 $fpass = $postvar['fpass'];
                 $forum_credentials_array['FUSER'] = $fuser;
                 $forum_credentials_array['FPASS'] = $fpass;
                 $package_array['FORUMINFO'] = style::replaceVar("tpl/upgrade/forum-credentials.tpl", $forum_credentials_array);
             } else {
                 if ($packages_data['type'] == "p2h") {
                     $fuser = $upackinfo['uadditional']['fuser'];
                     $fpass = $upackinfo['uadditional']['fpass'];
                     $no_fcheck = 1;
                 $package_array['FORUMINFO'] = "";
             $coupon_entry_array['COUPCODE'] = "";
             $coupon_entry_array['COUPTEXT'] = "";
             $coupon_entry_array['COUPCODEVALID'] = "";
             if ($packages_data['type'] == "p2h" && $prorate != "owe") {
                 //Paid users can enter them when they pay the invoice and free users don't need coupons.
                 $coupcode = $postvar['coupon'];
                 $validcoupon = $postvar['validcoupon'];
                 if ($postvar['addcoupon']) {
                     $uname = main::uname($_SESSION['cuser']);
                     if ($coupcode) {
                         $response = coupons::validate_coupon($coupcode, "orders", $uname, $packsid);
                         if ($response) {
                             $coup_data = coupons::coupon_data($coupcode);
                             $discount = $coup_data['p2hinitdisc'];
                             $multi_coupons = $dbh->config("multicoupons");
                             if ($multi_coupons) {
                                 $discount = $discount + upgrade::get_init_discount();
                             $total_posts = coupons::totalposts($_SESSION['cuser'], $packages_data['id']) + $discount;
                             if ($total_posts < $signup) {
                                 $error = 1;
                                 main::errors("You are currently not elegible for the plan selected because you do not have enough posts.<br><br>");
                                 $package_array['DISABLED'] = "disabled";
                                 $coupon_entry_array['COUPCODEVALID'] = "";
                             } else {
                                 $prorate = upgrade::prorate($packages_data['id'], $coupcode);
                                 if ($prorate == "next" || $prorate == "check next" || $prorate == "inelegible") {
                                     //We know they're eligible or they wouldn't be at this stage.  It just doesn't check existing coupons.

示例7: cron

 public function cron()
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     $packages_query = $dbh->select("packages", array("type" => "paid"), 0, 0, 1);
     $packages_num_rows = $dbh->num_rows($packages_query);
     //Do we have paid packages?
     if ($packages_num_rows) {
         while ($packages_data = $dbh->fetch_array($packages_query)) {
             //Do we have multiple packages and aren't on the last one?
             if ($packages_data < $i) {
                 //Did we already pull one package?  If so, we don't set the flag for the parenthesis.
                 if ($pulled_one) {
                     $where[] = array("pid", "=", $packages_data['id'], "OR");
                     //We are on the first listing of the paid packages, so we set the flag for the opening parenthesis and mark it that we pulled one already.
                 } else {
                     $where[] = array("pid", "=", $packages_data['id'], "OR", 1);
                     $pulled_one = 1;
             } else {
                 //Are we on the last listing of paid listings?  If so, we close the parenthesis by setting that flag.
                 if ($pulled_one) {
                     $where[] = array("pid", "=", $packages_data['id'], "", 1);
                     //We only had one listing, so we don't use parenthesis and we don't use "OR."
                 } else {
                     $where[] = array("pid", "=", $packages_data['id']);
             //So we can later grab the package's information without needing to repull this data.
             $packages_info[$packages_data['id']] = $packages_data;
         $time = time();
         //Look at every last invoice.
         $invoices_query = $dbh->select("invoices");
         while ($invoices_data = $dbh->fetch_array($invoices_query)) {
             $uid = $invoices_data['uid'];
             $client = $dbh->client($uid);
             //Skip this invoice if it belongs to a user marked as a free user.
             if ($client['freeuser']) {
             //If the invoice is older than 30 days and we haven't issued a new invoice yet...  (This makes sure the user is still on the package
             //before issuing a new invoice for it.)
             if ($time > $invoices_data['created'] + 2592000 && !in_array($uid, $invoiced_to) && $invoices_data['pid'] == $client['pid']) {
                 $pack_additional = type::additional($client['pid']);
                 $amount = coupons::get_discount("paid", $pack_additional['monthly'], $client['user']);
                 invoice::create($uid, $amount, $time, "Your hosting package invoice for this billing cycle. Package: " . $packages_info[$client['pid']]['name']);
                 $invoiced_to[] = $uid;
                 //Track what clients have been sent a new invoice.
             $lastmonth = $time - 2592000;
             $suspenddays = $dbh->config('suspensiondays');
             $terminationdays = $suspenddays + $dbh->config('terminationdays');
             $suspendseconds = $suspenddays * 24 * 60 * 60;
             $terminateseconds = $dbh->config('terminationdays') * 24 * 60 * 60;
             //If we have an unpaid bill that's greater than $0 and it's past it's due date...
             if ($invoices_data['due'] < $time and $invoices_data['is_paid'] == 0 && $invoices_data['amount'] > 0) {
                 //If we have a bill that's overdue by $terminationdays + $suspenddays, then we terminate the account...
                 if ($time - $suspendseconds - $terminateseconds > $invoices_data['due']) {
                     server::terminate($uid, "Your account was overdue for more than " . $terminationdays . " days.");
                     $checked_term = 1;
                     //If we have a bill that's overdue by $suspenddays and the client is active, then we suspend them...
                     //Just an FYI, if I start(ed) charging for this script, check The Pirate Bay for this script as I always upload my payware stuff there since I know not everyone can afford to pay me.
                 } elseif ($time - $suspendseconds > $invoices_data['due'] && $client['status'] == '1') {
                     server::suspend($uid, "Your account is overdue.  Please log in and pay your invoice to bring your account out of suspension.");
         //If the user does not have an invoice yet and never had one, this will create one for them.  The portion above
         //handles creating NEW invoices.  (It checks for outdated ones and such.)
         $users_query = $dbh->select("users", $where, 0, 0, 1);
         while ($users_data = $dbh->fetch_array($users_query)) {
             //Skip this user if its marked as a free user.
             if ($users_data['freeuser']) {
             $invoice_data = $dbh->select("invoices", array("pid", "=", $users_data['pid']));
             if (!$invoice_data['id']) {
                 $monthly = type::additional($users_data['pid']);
                 $amount = $monthly['monthly'];
                 $amount = coupons::get_discount("paid", $amount, $users_data['id']);
                 invoice::create($users_data['id'], $amount, $time + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, "Your hosting package invoice for this billing cycle. Package: " . $packages_info[$users_data['pid']]['name']);
                 // Create Invoice +30 Days

示例8: validate_coupon

 public function validate_coupon($coupcode, $areaused, $uname, $package)
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     $userid = main::userid($uname);
     $coupon_info = self::coupon_data($coupcode);
     if (empty($coupon_info)) {
         return false;
     if ($coupon_info['expiredate'] != "99/99/9999") {
         $today = time();
         $coupon_expiry = explode("/", $coupon_info['expiredate']);
         $expiry_time = mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), ltrim($coupon_expiry[0]), ltrim($coupon_expiry[1]), $coupon_expiry[2]);
         if ($today >= $expiry_time) {
             return false;
     if ($coupon_info['area'] != "both" && $coupon_info['area'] != $areaused) {
         return false;
     if ($coupon_info['user'] != "all" && $coupon_info['user'] != $uname) {
         return false;
     if ($coupon_info['packages'] != "all") {
         $available_packs = explode(",", $coupon_info['packages']);
         if (!in_array($package, $available_packs)) {
             return false;
     if ($coupon_info['limited']) {
         $coupons_used_query = $dbh->select("coupons_used", array("coupcode", "=", $coupcode), 0, 0, 1);
         $coupons_used_rows = $dbh->num_rows($coupons_used_query);
         if ($coupons_used_rows >= $coupon_info['limited']) {
             return false;
     $coupon_used = self::user_coupon_data($userid, 0, $coupcode);
     if (!empty($coupon_used) && $coupon_used['disabled'] != '2') {
         return false;
     //All checks passed.
     //    en
     //        Eng
     //           lish
     //                   lol
     $package_type = type::packagetype($package);
     $package_info = type::additional($package);
     $package_monthly = $package_info['monthly'];
     $package_p2hinit = $package_info['signup'];
     $paidtype = $coupon_info['paidtype'];
     $p2hinittype = $coupon_info['p2hinittype'];
     $p2hmonthlytype = $coupon_info['p2hmonthlytype'];
     $coupon_info['paiddisc'] = self::percent_to_value("paid", $paidtype, $coupon_info['paiddisc'], $package_monthly);
     $coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] = self::percent_to_value("p2h", $p2hinittype, $coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'], $package_p2hinit);
     $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'] = self::percent_to_value("p2h", $p2hmonthlytype, $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'], $package_monthly);
     if ($package_type == "paid") {
         if ($coupon_info['paiddisc'] >= $package_monthly) {
             $coupon_text = "Free ";
         } else {
             $they_pay = $package_monthly - $coupon_info['paiddisc'];
             $currency = main::money($they_pay);
             $coupon_text = "Only pay " . $currency . " ";
             $pay_per_month = "/month";
     } else {
         $init_required = $package_p2hinit - $coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'];
         $monthly_required = $package_monthly - $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'];
         if ($init_required > 1) {
             $s = "s";
         if ($monthly_required > 1) {
             $s2 = "s";
         if ($coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] >= $package_p2hinit) {
             $coupon_p2hdisc = "0 Posts";
         } else {
             $coupon_p2hdisc = $init_required . " Post" . $s . " required";
         if ($coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'] >= $package_monthly) {
             $coupon_p2hmonth = "0 Posts";
         } else {
             $coupon_p2hmonth = $monthly_required . " Post" . $s2 . " required";
         if ($coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] > 0 && $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'] > 0) {
             $coupon_text = $coupon_p2hdisc . " to sign up and " . $coupon_p2hmonth . " for the month";
         } else {
             if ($coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] > 0) {
                 $coupon_text = $coupon_p2hdisc . " to sign up";
                 $no_goodfor = "1";
                 //YOU!  lol  Good for nothing?  lol
             } else {
                 $coupon_text = $coupon_p2hmonth . " for the month";
     if ($coupon_info['goodfor'] == "life") {
         $coupon_text .= $pay_per_month . " for the lifetime of the account.";
     if ($coupon_info['goodfor'] == "current") {

示例9: content

 public function content()
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     if (is_numeric($getvar['view'])) {
         //Show the invoice
         $where[] = array("uid", "=", $_SESSION['cuser'], "AND");
         $where[] = array("id", "=", $getvar['view']);
         $invoice_info_top = $dbh->select("invoices", $where);
         $pack_data_top = main::uidtopack();
         if (!$invoice_info_top['pid']) {
             $dbh->update("invoices", array("pid" => $pack_data_top['user_data']['pid']), array("id", "=", $invoice_info_top['id']));
             $invoice_info_top['pid'] = $pack_data_top['user_data']['pid'];
         if ($_POST['submitaddcoupon']) {
             if (!$postvar['addcoupon']) {
                 main::errors("Please enter a coupon code or click the checkout button.");
             } else {
                 $coupcode = $postvar['addcoupon'];
                 $user = main::uname($_SESSION['cuser']);
                 $pack_data = main::uidtopack();
                 if ($invoice_info_top['pid'] != $pack_data['user_data']['pid']) {
                     $pack_data = upgrade::pidtobak($invoice_info_top['pid']);
                 $packid = $pack_data['packages']['id'];
                 $multi_coupons = $dbh->config("multicoupons");
                 $coupon_info = coupons::coupon_data($coupcode);
                 $coupid = $coupon_info['id'];
                 $use_coupon = coupons::use_coupon($coupid, $packid, $getvar['view']);
                 if (!$use_coupon) {
                     if (!$multi_coupons) {
                         main::errors("Coupon code entered was invalid or you're already using a coupon.");
                     } else {
                         main::errors("Coupon code entered was invalid.");
                 } else {
                     main::redirect("?page=invoices&view=" . $getvar['view']);
         $where[] = array("uid", "=", $_SESSION['cuser'], "AND");
         $where[] = array("id", "=", $getvar['view']);
         $invoice_info = $dbh->select("invoices", $where);
         if (empty($invoice_info)) {
         $package = $dbh->select("packages", array("id", "=", $invoice_info['pid']));
         $monthly = type::additional($package['id']);
         $subtotal = $monthly['monthly'];
         if (is_numeric($getvar['remove'])) {
             $remove_id = $getvar['remove'];
             $remove = coupons::remove_coupon($remove_id, $package['id'], $invoice_info['id'], $_SESSION['cuser']);
             main::redirect("?page=invoices&view=" . $invoice_info['id']);
         $total_paid_real = coupons::totalpaid($getvar['view']);
         if ($total_paid_real < 0) {
             $total_paid = "0.00";
         } else {
             $total_paid = $total_paid_real;
         $acct_balance = coupons::get_discount("paid", $subtotal) - $total_paid_real;
         if ($acct_balance < 0) {
             $acct_balance = "0.00";
         $acct_balance = main::addzeros($acct_balance);
         if ($acct_balance == 0 && $invoice_info['is_paid'] == '0') {
             $dbh->update("invoices", array("is_paid" => "1"), array("id", "=", $invoice_info['id']), "1");
             main::redirect("?page=invoices&view=" . $invoice_info['id']);
         if ($acct_balance > 0 && $invoice_info['is_paid'] == '1') {
             $dbh->update("invoices", array("is_paid" => "0"), array("id", "=", $invoice_info['id']), "1");
             main::redirect("?page=invoices&view=" . $invoice_info['id']);
         if ($_POST['checkout']) {
             $postvar['paythis'] = str_replace(array(" ", ","), array("", "."), $postvar['paythis']);
             if (!is_numeric($postvar['paythis'])) {
                 main::errors("Please enter the amount you wish to pay today.");
             } else {
                 if ($postvar['paythis'] > $acct_balance || $acct_balance <= 0) {
                     main::errors("You can't pay more than you owe.  =)");
                 } else {
                     $dbh->update("invoices", array("pay_now" => $postvar['paythis']), array("id", "=", $getvar['view']));
                     main::redirect("?page=invoices&iid=" . $getvar['view']);
         $created = $invoice_info['created'];
         $thirty_days = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
         $orig_due = $created + $thirty_days;
         if (main::convertdate("n/d/Y", $invoice_info['due']) != main::convertdate("n/d/Y", $created + $thirty_days)) {
             $due_text = " (Originally " . main::convertdate("n/d/Y", $orig_due) . ")";
         $due = main::convertdate("n/d/Y", $invoice_info['due']);
         $client = $dbh->client($_SESSION['cuser']);
         $invoice_transactions_array['TOTALAMOUNT'] = main::money($acct_balance);
         $invoice_transactions_array['TOTALPAID'] = main::money($total_paid);

示例10: signup

 public function signup($data)
     global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance;
     $domain = $data['domain'];
     $username = $data['username'];
     $password = $data['password'];
     $user_email = $data['user_email'];
     $firstname = $data['firstname'];
     $lastname = $data['lastname'];
     $address = $data['address'];
     $city = $data['city'];
     $state = $data['state'];
     $zip = $data['zip'];
     $country = $data['country'];
     $phone = $data['phone'];
     $tzones = $data['tzones'];
     $coupon = $data['coupon'];
     $package = $data['package'];
     $domsub = $data['domsub'];
     $additional = $data['additional'];
     $subdomain = empty($data['subdomain']) ? 0 : $data['subdomain'];
     //Let's make sure we're actually receiving an integer as a string.
     if (!is_numeric($package) || strpos($package, ".") !== false) {
         return "The package specified is invalid.";
     //Check to see if we have a valid domain type.
     if ($domsub != "dom" && $domsub != "sub") {
         return "The domain/subdomain type is unspecified in the URL.";
     if ($domsub == "dom") {
         $cdom = $domain;
     } else {
         $csub2 = $domain;
         $csub = $subdomain;
     $where[] = array("id", "=", $package, "AND");
     $where[] = array("is_disabled", "=", "0");
     $packages_data = $dbh->select("packages", $where);
     if (!$packages_data['id']) {
         return "This package is disabled or doesn't exist.";
     $package_server = $packages_data['server'];
     if ($domsub == "dom") {
         $use_dom = $cdom;
     if ($domsub == "sub") {
         $where[] = array("server", "=", $package_server, "AND");
         $where[] = array("domain", "=", $csub2);
         $subdomains_data = $dbh->select("subdomains", $where, 0, "1");
         if (!$subdomains_data['id']) {
             return "The chosen domain for your subdomain is not in the allowed list of domains.";
         $use_dom = $csub . "." . $csub2;
     if ($coupon && $packages_data['type'] != 'free') {
         $coupon_response = coupons::validate_coupon($coupon, "orders", $username, $package);
         if (!$coupon_response) {
             return "Please enter a valid coupon.";
         } else {
             $coupon_info = coupons::coupon_data($coupon);
     $packtype_instance = $instance->packtypes[$packages_data['type']];
     if (method_exists($packtype_instance, "signup")) {
         $packtype_signup = $packtype_instance->signup();
         //If this gives any response, it means it failed to validate the signup.
         if ($packtype_signup) {
             return $packtype_signup;
     $server_package_name = type::packageBackend($package);
     $serverfile = self::createServer($package);
     $packages_data = $dbh->select("packages", array("id", "=", $package));
     $extra['firstname'] = $firstname;
     $extra['lastname'] = $lastname;
     $extra['address'] = $address;
     $extra['city'] = $city;
     $extra['state'] = $state;
     $extra['zip'] = $zip;
     $extra['country'] = strtoupper($country);
     $extra['phone'] = $phone;
     $server_response = $serverfile->signup(type::packageserver($package), $packages_data['reseller'], $username, $user_email, $password, $use_dom, $server_package_name, $extra, $use_dom);
     if ($server_response !== true) {
         return $server_response;
     } else {
         $time = time();
         $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         $salt = crypto::salt();
         $password_hash = crypto::passhash($password, $salt);
         if ($packages_data['admin'] == "1") {
             $status = "3";
         } else {
             if ($packages_data['type'] == "paid") {
                 $status = "4";
             } else {
                 $status = "1";
