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PHP eZContentObject::fetchList方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中eZContentObject::fetchList方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP eZContentObject::fetchList方法的具体用法?PHP eZContentObject::fetchList怎么用?PHP eZContentObject::fetchList使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在eZContentObject的用法示例。


示例1: clearContentCacheIfNeededBySectionID

 static function clearContentCacheIfNeededBySectionID($sectionID)
     // fetch all objects of this section
     $objectList = eZContentObject::fetchList(false, array('section_id' => "{$sectionID}"));
     // Clear cache
     $objectIDList = array();
     foreach ($objectList as $object) {
         $objectIDList[] = $object['id'];
     return true;

示例2: orderStatistics

 static function orderStatistics($year = false, $month = false)
     if ($year == false) {
         $startDate = 0;
         $stopDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, 2037);
     } else {
         if ($year != false and $month == false) {
             $startDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
             $stopDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year + 1);
         } else {
             if ($year != false and $month != false) {
                 $startDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
                 $stopDate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month + 1, 0, $year);
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $productArray = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT ezproductcollection_item.*,  ignore_vat, ezorder.created, currency_code FROM ezorder, ezproductcollection_item, ezproductcollection\n                                                WHERE ezproductcollection.id=ezproductcollection_item.productcollection_id\n                                                  AND ezproductcollection_item.productcollection_id=ezorder.productcollection_id\n                                                  AND is_temporary='0'\n                                                  AND ezorder.created >= '{$startDate}' AND ezorder.created < '{$stopDate}'\n                                             ORDER BY contentobject_id, currency_code");
     $currentContentObjectID = 0;
     $productItemArray = array();
     $itemCount = 0;
     $name = false;
     $productInfo = array();
     $totalSumInfo = array();
     $firstPass = true;
     // Hash of ContentObject ID, the value will be replaced by the correct object once all IDs are known.
     $contentObjectIDHash = array();
     foreach ($productArray as $productItem) {
         $contentObjectID = $productItem['contentobject_id'];
         if ($firstPass) {
             $contentObjectIDHash[$currentContentObjectID] = true;
             $currentContentObjectID = $contentObjectID;
             $firstPass = false;
         if ($currentContentObjectID != $contentObjectID && $itemCount != 1) {
             $productItemArray[] = array('name' => $name, 'product' => &$contentObjectIDHash[$currentContentObjectID], 'product_info' => $productInfo);
             $productInfo = array();
             $name = $productItem['name'];
             $currentContentObjectID = $contentObjectID;
             $contentObjectIDHash[$currentContentObjectID] = true;
         $currencyCode = $productItem['currency_code'];
         if ($currencyCode == '') {
             $currencyCode = eZOrder::fetchLocaleCurrencyCode();
         if (!isset($productInfo[$currencyCode])) {
             $productInfo[$currencyCode] = array('sum_count' => 0, 'sum_ex_vat' => 0, 'sum_inc_vat' => 0);
         if (!isset($totalSumInfo[$currencyCode])) {
             $totalSumInfo[$currencyCode] = array('sum_ex_vat' => 0, 'sum_inc_vat' => 0);
         if ($productItem['ignore_vat'] == true) {
             $vatValue = 0;
         } else {
             $vatValue = $productItem['vat_value'];
         $price = $productItem['price'];
         if ($productItem['is_vat_inc']) {
             $priceExVAT = $price / (100 + $vatValue) * 100;
             $priceIncVAT = $price;
         } else {
             $priceExVAT = $price;
             $priceIncVAT = $price * (100 + $vatValue) / 100;
         $count = $productItem['item_count'];
         $realPricePercent = (100 - $productItem['discount']) / 100;
         $totalPriceExVAT = round($count * $priceExVAT * $realPricePercent, 2);
         $totalPriceIncVAT = round($count * $priceIncVAT * $realPricePercent, 2);
         $totalSumInfo[$currencyCode]['sum_ex_vat'] += $totalPriceExVAT;
         $totalSumInfo[$currencyCode]['sum_inc_vat'] += $totalPriceIncVAT;
         $productInfo[$currencyCode]['sum_count'] += $count;
         $productInfo[$currencyCode]['sum_ex_vat'] += $totalPriceExVAT;
         $productInfo[$currencyCode]['sum_inc_vat'] += $totalPriceIncVAT;
     // add last product info
     if (!empty($productArray)) {
         $productItemArray[] = array('name' => $name, 'product' => &$contentObjectIDHash[$currentContentObjectID], 'product_info' => $productInfo);
         // Fetching all ContentObject ids in one query, filling the hash with the corresponding ContentObject
         foreach (eZContentObject::fetchList(true, array("id" => array(array_keys($contentObjectIDHash)))) as $contentObject) {
             $contentObjectIDHash[$contentObject->ID] = $contentObject;
     return array(array('product_list' => $productItemArray, 'total_sum_info' => $totalSumInfo));

示例3: contentObjectByName

    function contentObjectByName( $params )
        $objectName = $params['name'];
        $classID = isset( $params['class_id'] ) ? $params['class_id'] : false;

        //build up the conditions
        $conditions = array( 'name' => $objectName );

        if( $classID )
            array_merge( $conditions, array( 'contentclass_id' => $classID ) );

        $objectList = eZContentObject::fetchList( true, $conditions, 0, 1 );

        $object = false;
        if( count( $objectList ) > 0 )
            $object = $objectList[0];

        return $object;

示例4: testFetchListWithArchivedStatus

  * Test for eZContentObject::fetchList(), returning objects with archived status
 public function testFetchListWithArchivedStatus()
     $this->article->setAttribute('status', eZContentObject::STATUS_ARCHIVED);
     $eZContentObjectDefinition = eZContentObject::definition();
     $objects = eZContentObject::fetchList(true, array($eZContentObjectDefinition['name'] . ".id" => $this->article->id, 'status' => eZContentObject::STATUS_ARCHIVED));
     $this->assertSame(1, count($objects));

示例5: clearContentCacheIfNeededBySectionID

 static function clearContentCacheIfNeededBySectionID($sectionID)
     // fetch all objects of this section
     $objectList = eZContentObject::fetchList(false, array('section_id' => "{$sectionID}"));
     // Clear cache
     foreach ($objectList as $object) {
     return true;

示例6: getClassList

$options = $script->getOptions();
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
$affectedClasses = getClassList();
$languages = eZContentLanguage::fetchList();
if (count($languages) < 2) {
    $script->shutdown(0, "This upgrade script is only required for installations that have more than one language");
$totalUpdatedRelations = 0;
foreach ($affectedClasses as $affectedClassId => $classAttributeIdentifiers) {
    $count = eZContentObject::fetchListCount(array('contentclass_id' => $affectedClassId));
    if ($count > 0) {
        $done = 0;
        do {
            $objects = eZContentObject::fetchList(true, array('contentclass_id' => $affectedClassId), $done, 100);
            foreach ($objects as $object) {
                $updatedRelations = restoreXmlRelations($object, $classAttributeIdentifiers);
                if ($updatedRelations) {
                    $cli->output(str_repeat('.', $updatedRelations), false);
                $totalUpdatedRelations += $updatedRelations;
            $done += count($objects);
        } while ($done < $count);
if ($totalUpdatedRelations) {
    $cli->output("Restored {$totalUpdatedRelations} relations");

示例7: modify

  * @param $tpl eZTemplate
  * @param $operatorName array
  * @param $operatorParameters array
  * @param $rootNamespace string
  * @param $currentNamespace string
  * @param $operatorValue mixed
  * @param $namedParameters array
  * @return mixed
 function modify(&$tpl, &$operatorName, &$operatorParameters, &$rootNamespace, &$currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, &$namedParameters)
     $ini = eZINI::instance('ocoperatorscollection.ini');
     $appini = eZINI::instance('app.ini');
     switch ($operatorName) {
         case 'related_attribute_objects':
             $object = $operatorValue;
             $identifier = $namedParameters['identifier'];
             $dataMap = $object instanceof eZContentObject || $object instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode ? $object->attribute('data_map') : array();
             $data = array();
             if (isset($dataMap[$identifier])) {
                 $ids = $dataMap[$identifier] instanceof eZContentObjectAttribute ? explode('-', $dataMap[$identifier]->toString()) : array();
                 if (!empty($ids)) {
                     $data = eZContentObject::fetchList(true, array("id" => array($ids)));
             $operatorValue = $data;
         case 'smart_override':
             $identifier = $namedParameters['identifier'];
             $view = $namedParameters['view'];
             $node = $operatorValue;
             $operatorValue = $this->findSmartTemplate($identifier, $view, $node);
         case 'parse_link_href':
             $href = $operatorValue;
             $hrefParts = explode(':', $href);
             $hrefFirst = array_shift($hrefParts);
             if (!in_array($hrefFirst, array('http', 'https', 'file', 'mailto', 'ftp'))) {
                 if (!empty($hrefFirst)) {
                     $nodeID = eZURLAliasML::fetchNodeIDByPath('/' . $hrefFirst);
                     if ($nodeID) {
                         $contentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($nodeID);
                         if ($contentNode instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode) {
                             $keyArray = array(array('node', $contentNode->attribute('node_id')), array('object', $contentNode->attribute('contentobject_id')), array('class_identifier', $contentNode->attribute('class_identifier')), array('class_group', $contentNode->attribute('object')->attribute('content_class')->attribute('match_ingroup_id_list')));
                             $tpl = new eZTemplate();
                             $ini = eZINI::instance();
                             $autoLoadPathList = $ini->variable('TemplateSettings', 'AutoloadPathList');
                             $extensionAutoloadPath = $ini->variable('TemplateSettings', 'ExtensionAutoloadPath');
                             $extensionPathList = eZExtension::expandedPathList($extensionAutoloadPath, 'autoloads/');
                             $autoLoadPathList = array_unique(array_merge($autoLoadPathList, $extensionPathList));
                             $tpl->setVariable('node', $contentNode);
                             $tpl->setVariable('object', $contentNode->attribute('object'));
                             $tpl->setVariable('original_href', $href);
                             $res = new eZTemplateDesignResource();
                             $result = trim($tpl->fetch('design:link/href.tpl'));
                             if (!empty($result)) {
                                 $href = $result;
             return $operatorValue = $href;
         case 'gmap_static_image':
             try {
                 $cacheFileNames = array();
                 $operatorValue = OCOperatorsCollectionsTools::gmapStaticImage($namedParameters['parameters'], $namedParameters['attribute'], $cacheFileNames);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 eZDebug::writeError($e->getMessage(), 'gmap_static_image');
         case 'fa_class_icon':
             $faIconIni = eZINI::instance('fa_icons.ini');
             $node = $operatorValue;
             $data = $namedParameters['fallback'] != '' ? $namedParameters['fallback'] : $faIconIni->variable('ClassIcons', '_fallback');
             if ($node instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode) {
                 if ($faIconIni->hasVariable('ClassIcons', $node->attribute('class_identifier'))) {
                     $data = $faIconIni->variable('ClassIcons', $node->attribute('class_identifier'));
             $operatorValue = $data;
         case 'fa_object_icon':
             $faIconIni = eZINI::instance('fa_icons.ini');
             $object = $operatorValue;
             $data = $namedParameters['fallback'] != '' ? $namedParameters['fallback'] : '';
             if ($object instanceof eZContentObject) {
                 if ($faIconIni->hasVariable('ObjectIcons', $object->attribute('id'))) {
                     $data = $faIconIni->variable('ObjectIcons', $object->attribute('id'));
             } else {
                 if ($faIconIni->hasVariable('ObjectIcons', $node)) {
