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PHP eZContentObject::copy方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中eZContentObject::copy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP eZContentObject::copy方法的具体用法?PHP eZContentObject::copy怎么用?PHP eZContentObject::copy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在eZContentObject的用法示例。


示例1: copyObject

  * Create a copy of an object.
  * The basis for this method is taken from kernel/content/copy.php
  * @todo Merge this method into kernel wrapper's object class.
  * @param eZContentObject $object
  * @param int $newParentNodeID
  * @return eZContentObject
 public static function copyObject($object, $newParentNodeID)
     $newParentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($newParentNodeID);
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $newObject = $object->copy(true);
     // We should reset section that will be updated in updateSectionID().
     // If sectionID is 0 than the object has been newly created
     $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
     $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
     $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
     $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
     // remove old node assignments
     foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
     // and create a new one
     $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $curVersion, 'parent_node' => $newParentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
     // publish the newly created object
     eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => $curVersion));
     // Update "is_invisible" attribute for the newly created node.
     $newNode = $newObject->attribute('main_node');
     eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility($newNode, $newParentNode);
     return $newObject;

示例2: copyObject

  * @param eZContentObject $object
  * @param bool $allVersions
  * @param int $newParentNodeID
  * @throws Exception
  * @return eZContentObject
 public static function copyObject(eZContentObject $object, $allVersions = false, $newParentNodeID = null)
     if (!$object instanceof eZContentObject) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Object not found');
     if (!$newParentNodeID) {
         $newParentNodeID = $object->attribute('main_parent_node_id');
     // check if we can create node under the specified parent node
     if (($newParentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($newParentNodeID)) === null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parent node not found');
     $classID = $object->attribute('contentclass_id');
     if (!$newParentNode->checkAccess('create', $classID)) {
         $objectID = $object->attribute('id');
         eZDebug::writeError("Cannot copy object {$objectID} to node {$newParentNodeID}, " . "the current user does not have create permission for class ID {$classID}", 'content/copy');
         throw new Exception('Object not found');
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $newObject = $object->copy($allVersions);
     // We should reset section that will be updated in updateSectionID().
     // If sectionID is 0 then the object has been newly created
     $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
     $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
     $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
     $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
     // remove old node assignments
     foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
         /** @var eZNodeAssignment $assignment */
     // and create a new one
     $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $curVersion, 'parent_node' => $newParentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
     return $newObject;

示例3: createCopy

  * Creates a copy of $sourceObject
  * @param eZContentObject $sourceObject
  * @return eZContentObject
 protected function createCopy(eZContentObject $sourceObject)
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $newObject = $sourceObject->copy();
     $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
     $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
     $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
     $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
     // remove old node assignments
     foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
     // and create a new one
     $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $curVersion, 'parent_node' => 2, 'is_main' => 1));
     // publish the newly created object
     eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => $curVersion));
     return $this->forceFetchContentObject($newObject->attribute('id'));
