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PHP ZipArchive::getStatusString方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中ZipArchive::getStatusString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ZipArchive::getStatusString方法的具体用法?PHP ZipArchive::getStatusString怎么用?PHP ZipArchive::getStatusString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ZipArchive的用法示例。


示例1: extractZip

function extractZip($zipFile, $extractTo)
    //set variables
    $path = $extractTo;
    $zip = $zipFile;
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    if ($zip->open('30 days in Sydney - Peter Carey.epub') === TRUE) {
        $zip->extractTo($path, 'content.opf');
        echo 'Achive has been unzipped to ' . $path;
    } else {
        echo $zip->getStatusString();

示例2: ziparchive_status

  * Output status of ZipArchive
  * @return bool
 private function ziparchive_status()
     if ($this->ziparchive->status == 0) {
         return TRUE;
     trigger_error(sprintf(_x('ZipArchive returns status: %s', 'Text of ZipArchive status Message', 'backwpup'), $this->ziparchive->getStatusString()), E_USER_ERROR);
     return FALSE;

示例3: extract

  * @param \SplFileInfo $directory
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function extract(\SplFileInfo $directory, \SplFileInfo $destination)
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     if (!$zip->open($directory->getPathname()) || !$zip->extractTo($destination->getPathname())) {
         throw new \Exception($zip->getStatusString());
     return true;

示例4: _zipFile

  * Archiving the file
  * @param unknown $filePath
  * @param string $preFix
  * @param string $debug
  * @throws Exception
 private static function _zipFile($filePath, $preFix = '', $debug = false)
     $start = self::_log('== Archiving the file: ' . $filePath, __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $preFix);
     if (!is_file($filePath)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid file: " . $filePath);
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zipFilePath = self::$_outputFileDir . '/' . UDate::now()->format('Y_m_d') . '.zip';
     if ($zip->open($zipFilePath, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
         throw new Exception("cannot open file<" . $zipFilePath . ">");
     if ($zip->addFile($filePath, '/' . basename($filePath) . '.' . UDate::now()->format('Y_m_d_H_i_s')) !== true) {
         throw new Exception('Failed add file(' . $filePath . ') to zip file:' . $zipFilePath);
     self::_log('Add file: ' . $filePath, '', $preFix . self::TAB);
     self::_log('Zip file (' . $zipFilePath . ') are now:', '', $preFix . self::TAB);
     self::_log('- Contains: ' . $zip->numFiles . ' file(s)', '', $preFix . self::TAB . self::TAB);
     self::_log('- Status: ' . $zip->getStatusString(), '', $preFix . self::TAB . self::TAB);
     if ($zip->close() !== true) {
         throw new Exception('Failed to save the zip file:' . $zipFilePath);
     self::_log('REMOVING the orginal file: ' . $filePath, '', $preFix . self::TAB);
     self::_log('REMOVED', '', $preFix . self::TAB . self::TAB);
     self::_log('== Archived', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $preFix, $start);

示例5: addFromString

 public function addFromString($localname, $contents)
     if (!$this->archive->addFromString($localname, $contents)) {
         throw new ArchiveException("Unable to add {$localname} into archive: " . $this->archive->getStatusString());

示例6: admin_install

  * Install action
 public function admin_install()
     $this->set('title_for_layout', __d('hurad', 'Add New Plugin'));
     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
         $upload = $this->request->data['Plugins']['plugin'];
         if ($upload['error']) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__d('hurad', 'File could not be uploaded. Please, try again.'), 'flash_message', ['class' => 'danger']);
             $this->redirect(['action' => 'install']);
         $folder = new Folder(__DIR__ . DS . '../tmp' . DS);
         if (!is_writable($folder->pwd())) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__d('hurad', '%s is not writable', $folder->pwd()), 'flash_message', ['class' => 'danger']);
             $this->redirect(['action' => 'install']);
         if ($upload['type'] != 'application/zip') {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__d('hurad', 'Just plugin with .zip extension is allowed.'), 'flash_message', ['class' => 'danger']);
             $this->redirect(['action' => 'install']);
         $zipHandler = new ZipArchive();
         if (($res = $zipHandler->open($upload['tmp_name'])) !== true) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__d('hurad', 'Zip extraction failed with error: ' . $zipHandler->getStatusString()), 'flash_message', ['class' => 'danger']);
             $this->redirect(['action' => 'install']);
         if ($zipHandler->extractTo(__DIR__ . DS . '../Plugin' . DS)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__d('hurad', 'Plugin installed successfully.'), 'flash_message', ['class' => 'success']);
             $this->redirect(['action' => 'install']);
         $this->Session->setFlash(__d('hurad', 'Plugin installation failed!'), 'flash_message', ['class' => 'danger']);
         $this->redirect(['action' => 'install']);

示例7: round

        $theDiv = $theFileSize / 1000000;
        $theFileSize = round($theDiv, 1) . " MB";
        //round($WhatToRound, $DecimalPlaces)
    } else {
        $theDiv = $theFileSize / 1000;
        $theFileSize = round($theDiv, 1) . " KB";
        //round($WhatToRound, $DecimalPlaces)
    if (!isZipExtension($uploadfile)) {
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $zip->open($hi_jobsdir . $zFile, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
        $zip->addFromString("pov.ini", "# povray ini file generated by upload.php\n+Iimg.pov\n+W1920\n+H1080\n+KFF2");
        $zip->addFile($uploadfile, "img.pov");
        echo "numfiles: " . $zip->numFiles . "\n";
        echo "status:" . $zip->getStatusString() . "\n";
    } else {
        if (!copy($uploadfile, $hi_jobsdir . $theFileName)) {
            die("failed to copy {$uploadfile} to {$hi_jobsdir}{$theFileName}\n");
        $zName = substr($theFileName, 0, strrpos($theFileName, '.'));
    $sqName = mysql_real_escape_string($zName);
    // TODO: Move job control to a separate tab.
    //$query = "INSERT INTO job(name, frames, sliced, rows, count, issued) VALUES ('$sqName', 1, 0, 1080, 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());";
    //$result = mysql_query($query);

<table cellpadding="5" width="100%"> 
<td align="Center" colspan="2"><b>Upload Successful</b></td> 

示例8: create_zip

function create_zip($files1 = array(), $files2 = array(), $files3 = array(), $destination = '', $overwrite = false, $lab_config_id)
    //if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false
    if (file_exists($destination) && !$overwrite) {
        return false;
    $valid_files1 = array();
    $valid_files2 = array();
    //if files were passed in...
    if (is_array($files1)) {
        //cycle through each file
        foreach ($files1 as $file) {
            //make sure the file exists
            if (file_exists($file)) {
                $valid_files1[] = $file;
    if (is_array($files2)) {
        //cycle through each file
        foreach ($files2 as $file) {
            //make sure the file exists
            if (file_exists($file)) {
                $valid_files2[] = $file;
    if (is_array($files3)) {
        //cycle through each file
        foreach ($files3 as $file) {
            //make sure the file exists
            if (file_exists($file)) {
                $valid_files3[] = $file;
    //create the archive
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    //if($zip->open($destination, $overwrite ? ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE : ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true)
    if ($zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) !== true) {
        return false;
    //if we have good files...
    if (count($valid_files1)) {
        //add the files
        foreach ($valid_files1 as $file) {
            $file_parts = explode("/", $file);
            $zip->addFile($file, "blis_" . $lab_config_id . "/" . $file_parts[4]);
    if (count($valid_files2)) {
        //add the files
        foreach ($valid_files2 as $file) {
            $file_parts = explode("/", $file);
            $zip->addFile($file, "blis_revamp/" . $file_parts[4]);
    if (count($valid_files3)) {
        //add the files
        foreach ($valid_files3 as $file) {
            $file_parts = explode("/", $file);
            $zip->addFile($file, "langdata/" . $file_parts[2]);
    $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i");
    $lab_config = LabConfig::getById($lab_config_id);
    $site_name = $lab_config->getSiteName();
    $readme_content = "";
    if ($_SESSION['locale'] != "fr") {
        $readme_content = <<<EOF
BLIS Data Backup
Facility: {$site_name} .
Backup date and time: {$timestamp} .
To restore data, copy and overwrite folders named "blis_revamp" and "blis_{$lab_config_id}" in "dbdir" directory.
To restore language translation values, copy and overwrite folder named "langdata" in "htdocs" directory.
    } else {
        $readme_content = <<<EOF
BLIS Data Backup
Facilité: {$site_name} .
Date de sauvegarde et de temps: {$timestamp} .
Pour restaurer les données, de copier et écraser les dossiers nommés "blis_revamp" et "blis_{$lab_config_id}" dans "dbdir" dossier".
Pour restaurer les valeurs de la traduction, copier le répertoire et remplacer le nom "langdata" dans "htdocs" dossier.
    $zip->addFromString('readme.txt', $readme_content);
    echo 'The zip archive contains ', $zip->numFiles, ' files with a status of ', $zip->getStatusString();
    //close the zip -- done!
    //check to make sure the file exists
    return file_exists($destination);

示例9: edih_ziptoarray

 * Function to deal with zip archives of uploaded files
 * This function examines the zip archive, checks for unwanted files, unpacks
 * the files to the IBR_UPLOAD_DIR, and creates an array of file paths by the
 * type of file
 * @uses ibr_upload_match_file()
 * @param string $zipfilename -- the $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
 * @param array $param_ar -- the parameters array, so we don't have to create it here
 * @param string &$html_str -- passed by reference for appending
 * @return array $f_ar -- paths to unpacked files accepted by this function
function edih_ziptoarray($zipfilename, $param_ar, $single = false)
    // note that this function moves files and set permissions, so platform issues may occur
    $html_str = '';
    $edih_upldir = csv_edih_tmpdir();
    $zip_obj = new ZipArchive();
    // open archive (ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS the ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE is supposedly necessary for microsoft)
    if ($zip_obj->open($zipfilename, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS) !== true) {
        //$html_str .= "Error: Could not open archive $zipfilename <br />" . PHP_EOL;
        csv_edihist_log('edih_ziptoarray: Error: Could not open archive ' . $zipfilename);
        $f_zr['reject'][] = array('name' => $zipfilename, 'comment' => 'Error: Could not open archive ' . $zipfilename);
        return $f_zr;
    if ($zip_obj->status != 0) {
        $err .= "Error code: " . $zip_obj->status . " " . $zip_obj->getStatusString() . "<br />" . PHP_EOL;
        csv_edihist_log('edih_ziptoarray: ' . $zipfilename . ' ' . $err);
        $f_zr['reject'][] = array('name' => $zipfilename, 'comment' => $err);
        return $f_zr;
    // initialize output array and counter
    $f_zr = array();
    $p_ct = 0;
    // get number of files
    $f_ct = $zip_obj->numFiles;
    if ($single && $f_ct > 1) {
        csv_edihist_log('edih_ziptoarray: Usage: only single zipped file accepted through this input');
        $f_zr['reject'][] = array('name' => $zipfilename, 'comment' => 'Usage: only single zipped file accepted through this input');
        return $f_zr;
    // get the file names
    for ($i = 0; $i < $f_ct; $i++) {
        $isOK = true;
        $fstr = "";
        $file = $zip_obj->statIndex($i);
        $name = $file['name'];
        $oldCrc = $file['crc'];
        // get file contents
        $fstr = stream_get_contents($zip_obj->getStream($name));
        if ($fstr) {
            // use only the file name
            $bnm = basename($name);
            $newname = tempnam($edih_upldir, 'edi');
            // extract the file to unzip tmp dir with read/write access
            $chrs = file_put_contents($newname, $fstr);
            // test crc
            $newCrc = hexdec(hash_file("crc32b", $newname));
            if ($newCrc !== $oldCrc && $oldCrc + 4294967296.0 !== $newCrc) {
                // failure case, mismatched crc file integrity values
                $html_str .= "CRC error: The files don't match! Removing file {$bnm} <br />" . PHP_EOL;
                $isGone = unlink($newname);
                if ($isGone) {
                    $is_tmpzip = false;
                    $html_str .= "File Removed {$bnm}<br />" . PHP_EOL;
                } else {
                    $html_str .= "Failed to removed file {$bnm}<br />" . PHP_EOL;
            } else {
                // passed the CRC test, now type and verify file
                $fzp['name'] = $bnm;
                $fzp['tmp_name'] = $newname;
                // verification checks special to our application
                $f_uplz = edih_upload_match_file($param_ar, $fzp, $html_str);
                if (is_array($f_uplz) && count($f_uplz)) {
                    if (isset($f_uplz['reject'])) {
                        $f_zr['reject'][] = $f_uplz['reject'];
                    } elseif (isset($f_uplz['name'])) {
                        $f_zr[$f_uplz['type']][] = $f_uplz['name'];
                } else {
                    // verification failed
                    $f_zr['reject'][] = array('name' => $fzp['name'], 'comment' => 'verification failed');
        } else {
            csv_edihist_log("Did not get file contents {$name}");
            $isOK = false;
    // end for ($i=0; $i<$numFiles; $i++)

示例10: downloadBankslipAction

  * @throws Exception
 public function downloadBankslipAction()
     $programmedPayments = $this->getRequest()->getParam('programmedPayment');
     $actualPayments = ActualPaymentQuery::create()->innerJoinFile()->addColumn('File.*')->whereAdd(ActualPayment::ID_PROGRAMMED_PAYMENT, $programmedPayments)->fetchAll();
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $tempdir = sys_get_temp_dir();
     $filePath = tempnam($tempdir, md5(rand()));
     $fileName = "bankslip.zip";
     $result = $zip->open($filePath, ZipArchive::CREATE);
     if ($result === true) {
         foreach ($actualPayments as $actualPayment) {
             //     			    		print_r($actualPayment['content']);die;
             if (file_exists($actualPayment['content'])) {
                 $file = end(explode('/', $actualPayment['content']));
                 if (!$zip->addFile($actualPayment['content'], $file)) {
                     throw new Exception("A file cannot be added to the zip folder");
         if (false !== fopen($filePath, 'r')) {
             $fileBytes = readfile($filePath);
             if (!$fileBytes) {
                 throw new Exception('The file is completly empty');
             header('Content-type: application/zip');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
         } else {
             throw new Exception('The ZIP file cannot be created');
     } else {
         echo $zip->getStatusString();
         throw new Exception($result);

示例11: csv_zip_dir

 * Creates a zip archive of the files in the $filename_ar array and
 * returns the path/name of the archive or FALSE on error
 * @param array $parameters array for file type from csv_parameters
 * @param array $filename_ar filenames to be archived
 * @param string $archive_date  date of archive to be incorporated in archive file name
 * @return mixed   either the name of the zip archive or FALSE in case or error
function csv_zip_dir($parameters, $filename_ar, $archive_date)
    // we deal with possible maximum files issues by chunking the $fn_ar array
    //$ulim = array();
    //exec("ulimit -a | grep 'open files'", $ulim);  open files  (-n) 1024
    $f_max = 200;
    $fn_ar2 = array();
    if (count($filename_ar) > $f_max) {
        $fn_ar2 = array_chunk($filename_ar, $f_max);
    } else {
        $fn_ar2[] = $filename_ar;
    $zpath = csv_edih_basedir();
    $ztemp = csv_edih_tmpdir();
    $zip_name = $zpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "archive" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $type . "_{$archive_date}.zip";
    $ftmpn = $ztemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    $fdir = $parameters['directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    $type = $parameters['type'];
    $zip_obj = new ZipArchive();
    foreach ($fn_ar2 as $fnz) {
        // reopen the zip archive on each loop so the open file count is controlled
        if (is_file($zip_name)) {
            $isOK = $zip_obj->open($zip_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS);
            $isNew = FALSE;
        } else {
            $isOK = $zip_obj->open($zip_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
            $isNew = $isOK;
        if ($isOK && $isNew) {
            $zip_obj->setArchiveComment("archive " . $fdir . "prior to {$archive_date}");
        if ($isOK) {
            // we are working with the open archive
            // now add the files to the archive
            foreach ($fnz as $fz) {
                if (is_file($fdir . $fz)) {
                    $iscp = copy($fdir . $fz, $ftmpn . $fz);
                    $isOK = $zip_obj->addFile($ftmpn . $fz, $type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fz);
                } else {
                    csv_edihist_log("csv_zip_dir: in record, but not in directory {$fz} ");
                    // possible that file is in csv table, but not in directory?
                if ($isOK && $iscp) {
                    // if we have added the file to the archive, remove it from the storage directory
                    // but keep the /tmp file copy for now
                    unlink($fdir . $fz);
                } else {
                    $msg = $zip_obj->getStatusString();
                    csv_edihist_log("csv_zip_dir: {$type} ZipArchive failed for {$fz}  {$msg}");
            // end foreach
        } else {
            // ZipArchive open() failed -- try to get the error message and return false
            $msg = $zip_obj->getStatusString();
            csv_edihist_log("csv_zip_dir: {$type} ZipArchive open() failed  {$msg}");
            return $isOK;
        // errors on close would be non-existing file added or something else
        $isOK = $zip_obj->close($zip_name);
        if (!$isOK) {
            $msg = $zip_obj->getStatusString();
            csv_edihist_log("csv_zip_dir: {$type} ZipArchive close() error for {$fz}  {$msg}");
            return $isOK;
    // end foreach($fn_ar2 as $fnz)
    return $isOK ? $zip_name : $isOK;

示例12: edih_archive_restore

 * Unpack an existing archive and restore it to current csv records
 * and replace the files in the respective directories
 * @uses edih_archive_csv_combine
 * @param string
 * @return string
function edih_archive_restore($archive_name)
    $str_out = '';
    $bdir = csv_edih_basedir();
    $tmpdir = csv_edih_tmpdir();
    $archdir = $bdir . DS . 'archive';
    if (is_file($archdir . DS . $archive_name)) {
        $arch = realpath($archdir . DS . $archive_name);
        $str_out .= "Archive: restoring {$archive_name}<br>";
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: restoring {$archive_name}");
    } else {
        $str_out = "Archive: restore archive bad file name {$archive_name} <br>";
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: restore archive bad file name {$archive_name}");
        return $str_out;
    $zip_obj = new ZipArchive();
    // open archive (ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS the ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE is supposedly necessary for microsoft)
    //$res = $zip_obj->open($arch, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS);
    if ($zip_obj->open($arch, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS) === true) {
        $f_ct = $zip_obj->numFiles;
        $str_out .= "Extracting {$f_ct} items from {$archive_name} <br>";
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: Extracting {$f_ct} items from {$archive_name}");
        $isOK = $zip_obj->extractTo($tmpdir);
        if (!$isOK) {
            $msg = $zip_obj->getStatusString();
            csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: error extracting archive");
            $str_out .= "Archive: error extracting archive {$archive_name} <br>";
            $str_out .= "zipArchive: {$msg} <br>";
            return $str_out;
    } else {
        $msg = $zip_obj->getStatusString();
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: error opening archive");
        $str_out .= "Archive: error opening archive <br>" . PHP_EOL;
        $str_out .= "zipArchive: {$msg} <br>";
        return $str_out;
    // now traverse the tmpdir and replace things
    // we should have tmp/csv/files_[ftype].csv  claims_[ftype].csv
    //                tmp/[ftype]/x12_filenames
    $arch_ar = scandir($tmpdir);
    $tpstr = '';
    foreach ($arch_ar as $fa) {
        if ($fa == '.' || $fa == '..') {
        if (is_dir($tmpdir . DS . $fa)) {
            if ($fa == 'csv') {
            // if a /history/ftype dir exists
            if (is_dir($bdir . DS . $fa)) {
                $type_ar[] = $fa;
                $tpstr .= "{$fa} ";
        } else {
    csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: types in archive {$tpstr}");
    $str_out .= "Archive: types in archive {$tpstr} <br>" . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($type_ar as $ft) {
        $str_out .= "Archive: now restoring {$ft}<br>" . PHP_EOL;
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: now restoring {$ft}");
        $frows = edih_archive_csv_combine($ft, 'file');
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: files_{$ft} csv combined rows {$frow}");
        $crows = edih_archive_csv_combine($ft, 'claim');
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: claims_{$ft} csv combined rows {$frow}");
        $file_ar = scandir($tmpdir . DS . $ft);
        foreach ($file_ar as $fn) {
            if ($fn == '.' || $fn == '..') {
            if (is_file($tmpdir . DS . $ft . DS . $fn)) {
                $rn = rename($tmpdir . DS . $ft . DS . $fn, $bdir . DS . $ft . DS . $fn);
                if (!$rn) {
                    $str_out .= " -- error restoring " . $ft . DS . $fn . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
                    csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: error restoring " . $ft . DS . $fn);
        // this will catch the csv files for the particulat type
        $str_out .= "Archive: now replacing csv tables for {$ft}<br>" . PHP_EOL;
        csv_edihist_log("edih_archive_restore: now replacing csv tables for {$ft}");

示例13: dirname


$dirname = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
$arch = new ZipArchive();
$arch->open($dirname . 'foo.zip', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
//delete an index that does not exist - trigger error
unlink($dirname . 'foo.zip');

示例14: ZipArchive

 function _unzip_file($zip)
     $myZip = new ZipArchive();
     if ($myZip->getStatusString() == 'No error') {
         $installDir = INSTALLER_DIR;
         $temporaryDir = explode('.', $zip);
         $temporaryDir = explode('/', $temporaryDir[0]);
         $temporaryDir = $temporaryDir[1];
         if (!is_dir($installDir . $temporaryDir)) {
             mkdir($installDir . $temporaryDir);
         if ($myZip->extractTo($installDir . $temporaryDir)) {
             // $notice	=	 is_file( $installDir . $temporaryDir . '/notice.html' ) ? fopen( $installDir . $temporaryDir . '/notice.html','r') : '';
             return array('temp_dir' => $temporaryDir, 'notice' => '');
         } else {
             $this->drop($installDir . $temporaryDir);
             return 'error-occured';
     if (is_file($zip)) {
     return 'CorruptedArchive';

示例15: _zipFiles

 private function _zipFiles($zipPath)
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $zlibTrue = extension_loaded('zlib') ? "true" : "false ";
     if ($zip->open($zipPath, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) !== true) {
         $error = $zip->getStatusString();
         throw new RuntimeException("ZipArchive cannot create '{$zipPath}': {$error}.");
     foreach ($this->_filePaths as $path) {
         if (preg_match('/.*\\-(part.+\\.pdf)/', $path, $matches)) {
             $toFilename = $matches[1];
         } else {
             $toFilename = basename($path);
         $zip->addFile($path, $toFilename);
         _log("Added '{$toFilename}' to zip '{$zipPath}'.");
     _log("Closing zip file.");
