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PHP ZipArchive::getArchiveComment方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中ZipArchive::getArchiveComment方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ZipArchive::getArchiveComment方法的具体用法?PHP ZipArchive::getArchiveComment怎么用?PHP ZipArchive::getArchiveComment使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ZipArchive的用法示例。


示例1: getComment

  * Get comment of archive or file.
  * @param string $mixed
  * @return bool @params mixed, string $mixed : comment by index(int), name(string), entire archive ('archive')
 function getComment($mixed = 'archive')
     if (strtolower($mixed) === 'archive') {
         return $this->zip->getArchiveComment($mixed);
     } else {
         $constant = is_string($mixed) ? 'Name' : 'Index';
         return $this->zip->{'getComment' . $constant}($mixed);

示例2: adminGenerator

 public function adminGenerator()
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     $root = $xml->createElement('backups');
     $root->appendChild($xml->createElement('suggest'))->nodeValue = date('YmdHis');
     $list = scandir(__DIR__ . '/data/');
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     foreach ($list as $filename) {
         if (pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'zip') {
             $zip->open(__DIR__ . '/data/' . $filename);
             $description = $zip->getArchiveComment();
             $desc_node = $xml->createElement('backup');
             $desc_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('filename'))->nodeValue = iconv('windows-1251', 'utf-8', $filename);
             $desc_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('filesize'))->nodeValue = $this->fileSizeDynamic(filesize(__DIR__ . '/data/' . $filename));
             $desc_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('description'))->nodeValue = $description;
     return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($root), __DIR__ . '/form.xsl');

示例3: ZipArchive

 function get_comment($zip_file)
     // Use ZipArchive if available
     if (in_array('ziparchive', $this->_zip_methods)) {
         // Make doubly sure it is available
         if (class_exists('ZipArchive', false)) {
             $za = new ZipArchive();
             $result = $za->open($zip_file);
             // Make sure that at least the zip file opened ok
             if ($result === true) {
                 // Get the comment or false on failure for some reason
                 $comment = $za->getArchiveComment();
                 // If we have a comment (even if empty) then return it
                 if ($comment !== false) {
                     // Note: new archives will return an empty comment if one was not added at creation
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('ZipArchive retrieved comment in file %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_file));
                     // Format has changed and no longer encoding as htmlemtities when setting comment
                     // For older backups may need to remove encoding - action _should_ be null if N/A
                     // Only spanner would be if someone had put an entity in their comment but that is
                     // really an outsider and in any case the correction is simply to edit and resave
                     // TODO: Remove this when new format has been in use for some time
                     $comment = html_entity_decode($comment);
                     return $comment;
                 } else {
                     // If we failed to get the commnent then log it (?) and drop through
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('ZipArchive failed to retrieve comment in file %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_file));
             } else {
                 // If we couldn't open the zip file then log it (?) and drop through
                 $error_string = $this->ziparchive_error_info($result);
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('ZipArchive failed to open file to retrieve comment in file %1$s - Error Info: %2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_file, $error_string));
         } else {
             // Something fishy - the methods indicated ziparchive but we couldn't find the class
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('ziparchive indicated as available method but ZipArchive class non-existent', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Dropped through because ZipArchive not available or failed for some reason
     if (in_array('pclzip', $this->_zip_methods)) {
         // Make sure we have it
         if (!class_exists('PclZip', false)) {
             // It's not already loaded so try and find/load it from possible locations
             if (file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php')) {
                 // Running under WordPress
                 @(include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php');
             } elseif (file_exists(pb_backupbuddy::plugin_path() . '/lib/pclzip/pclzip.php')) {
                 // Running Standalone (importbuddy)
                 @(include_once pb_backupbuddy::plugin_path() . '/lib/pclzip/pclzip.php');
         // Make sure we did load it
         if (class_exists('PclZip', false)) {
             $za = new PclZip($zip_file);
             // Make sure we opened the zip ok and it has properties
             if (($properties = $za->properties()) !== 0) {
                 // We got properties so should have a comment to return, even if empty
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('PclZip retrieved comment in file %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_file));
                 $comment = $properties['comment'];
                 // Format has changed and no longer encoding as htmlemtities when setting comment
                 // For older backups may need to remove encoding - action _should_ be null if N/A
                 // Only spanner would be if someone had put an entity in their comment but that is
                 // really an outsider and in any case the correction is simply to edit and resave
                 // TODO: Remove this when new format has been in use for some time
                 $comment = html_entity_decode($comment);
                 return $comment;
             } else {
                 // If we failed to get the commnent then log it (?) and drop through
                 $error_string = $za->errorInfo(true);
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('PclZip failed to retrieve comment in file %1$s - Error Info: %2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_file, $error_string));
         } else {
             // Something fishy - the methods indicated pclzip but we couldn't find the class
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('pclzip indicated as available method but class PclZip non-existent', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // We couldn't get a comment at all - either no available method or all methods failed
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Unable to get comment: No compatible zip method found.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     return false;

示例4: dirname

 $temp_file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
 // target path
 $modules_target_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . $ds . $modules_dir . $ds;
 // module file
 $module_zip = $modules_target_dir . $_FILES['file']['name'];
 // get extension
 $ext = pathinfo($module_zip, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
 if ($ext === 'zip') {
     // move upload file to modules/custom
     move_uploaded_file($temp_file, $module_zip);
     // create new zip archive instance
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     // open zip
     if ($zip->open($module_zip) === TRUE) {
         // get comment
         $comment = $zip->getArchiveComment();
         // check if it's a semplice module
         if ($comment === 'semplicelabs') {
             // extract zip
         // close zip
     } else {
         echo 'Module installation failed!';
     // delete zip
 } else {
     echo "Please upload a valid module zip file!";

示例5: dirname


$dirname = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
$file = $dirname . 'test_with_comment.zip';
include $dirname . 'utils.inc';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if (!$zip->open($file)) {
echo $zip->getArchiveComment() . "\n";
$idx = $zip->locateName('foo');
echo $zip->getCommentName('foo') . "\n";
echo $zip->getCommentIndex($idx);
echo $zip->getCommentName('') . "\n";
echo $zip->getCommentName() . "\n";

示例6: exit

if (!$zip->open($file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)) {
$zip->addFromString('entry1.txt', 'entry #1');
$zip->addFromString('entry2.txt', 'entry #2');
$zip->addFromString('dir/entry2d.txt', 'entry #2');
$zip->addFromString('entry4.txt', 'entry #1');
$zip->addFromString('entry5.txt', 'entry #2');
var_dump($zip->setCommentName('entry1.txt', 'entry1.txt'));
var_dump($zip->setCommentName('entry2.txt', 'entry2.txt'));
var_dump($zip->setCommentName('dir/entry2d.txt', 'dir/entry2d.txt'));
var_dump($zip->setCommentIndex(3, 'entry4.txt'));
var_dump($zip->setCommentIndex(4, 'entry5.txt'));
if (!$zip->status == ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OK) {
    echo "failed to write zip\n";
if (!$zip->open($file)) {

示例7: getBuildZipArchiveComment

  * @param  string $buildZipPath
  * @return boolean
 private function getBuildZipArchiveComment($buildZipPath)
     if (!file_exists($buildZipPath)) {
         return false;
     $buildZip = new \ZipArchive();
     if (!$buildZip->open($buildZipPath)) {
         return false;
     $buildZipComment = $buildZip->getArchiveComment();
     return $buildZipComment;

示例8: install

  * Motif install process.
  * 1. Extract files to the appropriate directory.
  * 2. If this is a cabin-specific motif, update motifs.json.
  *    Otherwise, it's a global Motif. Enable for all cabins.
  * 3. Create symbolic links.
  * 4. Clear cache files.
  * @param InstallFile $fileInfo
  * @return bool
 public function install(InstallFile $fileInfo) : bool
     $path = $fileInfo->getPath();
     $zip = new \ZipArchive();
     $res = $zip->open($path);
     if ($res !== true) {
         $this->log('Could not open the ZipArchive.', LogLevel::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Extraction destination directory
     $dir = \implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [ROOT, 'Motifs', $this->supplier->getName(), $this->package]);
     if (!\is_dir($dir)) {
         \mkdir($dir, 0775, true);
     // Grab metadata
     $metadata = \Airship\parseJSON($zip->getArchiveComment(\ZipArchive::FL_UNCHANGED), true);
     if (isset($metadata['cabin'])) {
         $cabin = $this->expandCabinName($metadata['cabin']);
         if (!\is_dir(ROOT . '/Cabin/' . $cabin)) {
             $this->log('Could not install; cabin "' . $cabin . '" is not installed.', LogLevel::ERROR);
             return false;
     } else {
         $cabin = null;
     // Extract the new files to the current directory
     if (!$zip->extractTo($dir)) {
         $this->log('Could not extract Motif to its destination.', LogLevel::ERROR);
         return false;
     // Add to the relevant motifs.json files
     if ($cabin) {
     } else {
         foreach (\glob(ROOT . '/Cabin/') as $cabin) {
             if (\is_dir($cabin)) {
     self::$continuumLogger->store(LogLevel::INFO, 'Motif install successful', $this->getLogContext($fileInfo));
     // Finally, nuke the cache:
     return $this->clearCache();
