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PHP WikiPage::newFromID方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中WikiPage::newFromID方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP WikiPage::newFromID方法的具体用法?PHP WikiPage::newFromID怎么用?PHP WikiPage::newFromID使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在WikiPage的用法示例。


示例1: doUpdate

  * Perform actual update for the entry
 public function doUpdate()
     global $wgDisableSearchUpdate;
     if ($wgDisableSearchUpdate || !$this->id) {
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($this->id, WikiPage::READ_LATEST);
     foreach (SearchEngine::getSearchTypes() as $type) {
         $search = SearchEngine::create($type);
         $indexTitle = $this->indexTitle($search);
         if (!$search->supports('search-update')) {
         $normalTitle = $search->normalizeText($indexTitle);
         if ($page === null) {
             $search->delete($this->id, $normalTitle);
         } elseif ($this->content === false) {
             $search->updateTitle($this->id, $normalTitle);
         $text = $search->getTextFromContent($this->title, $this->content);
         if (!$search->textAlreadyUpdatedForIndex()) {
             $text = self::updateText($text);
         # Perform the actual update
         $search->update($this->id, $normalTitle, $search->normalizeText($text));

示例2: extractTemplatesFromPage

 public function extractTemplatesFromPage($pageId, array $flagTypesToExtract)
     $app = \F::app();
     $wikiId = $this->getWikiId();
     $wikiPage = \WikiPage::newFromID($pageId);
     $app->wg->User = \User::newFromId($wikiPage->getUser());
     $content = $wikiPage->getText();
     $flagsExtractor = new FlagsExtractor();
      * Get the existing flags first
     $existingFlags = $app->sendRequest('FlagsApiController', 'getFlagsForPage', ['page_id' => $pageId])->getData()[\FlagsApiController::FLAGS_API_RESPONSE_DATA];
      * Prepare actions for the extraction and check which flags should be updated
     $actions = [FlagsExtractor::ACTION_REMOVE_ALL_FLAGS];
      * Check which flags should be added and which should be updated
     $flagsToAdd = $flagsToUpdate = [];
     foreach ($flagTypesToExtract as $flagType) {
         $actionParams = ['wiki_id' => $wikiId, 'page_id' => $pageId, 'flag_type_id' => $flagType['flag_type_id']];
         $flagsExtractor->init($content, $flagType['flag_view'], $actions, $actionParams);
         $template = $flagsExtractor->getTemplate()[0];
         if (isset($existingFlags[$flagType['flag_type_id']])) {
             $flagsToUpdate[] = ['flag_id' => $existingFlags[$flagType['flag_type_id']]['flag_id'], 'params' => $template['params']];
         } else {
             $flagsToAdd[] = ['flag_type_id' => $flagType['flag_type_id'], 'params' => $template['params']];
          * Modify the content for the next template
         $content = $flagsExtractor->getText();
      * Send requests
     if (!empty($flagsToAdd)) {
         $responseData = $app->sendRequest('FlagsApiController', 'addFlagsToPage', ['wiki_id' => $wikiId, 'page_id' => $pageId, 'flags' => $flagsToAdd])->getData();
         $this->actionsStatus = $responseData[\FlagsApiController::FLAGS_API_RESPONSE_STATUS];
         if ($this->actionsStatus !== true) {
             $this->error('The adding operation failed.');
     if (!empty($flagsToUpdate)) {
         $responseData = $app->sendRequest('FlagsApiController', 'updateFlagsForPage', ['wiki_id' => $wikiId, 'page_id' => $pageId, 'flags' => $flagsToUpdate])->getData();
         $this->actionsStatus = $responseData[\FlagsApiController::FLAGS_API_RESPONSE_STATUS];
         if ($this->actionsStatus !== true) {
             $this->error('The updating operation failed.');
      * If the actions succeeded - make the actual edit as WikiaBot
     if ($this->actionsStatus) {
         $user = \User::newFromName('WikiaBot');
         $wikiPage->doEdit($content, 'Templates converted to the new Flags feature.', EDIT_FORCE_BOT | EDIT_MINOR, false, $user);

示例3: run

 public function run()
     $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
     $lb = $lbFactory->getMainLB();
     $dbw = $lb->getConnection(DB_MASTER);
     $this->ticket = $lbFactory->getEmptyTransactionTicket(__METHOD__);
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($this->params['pageId'], WikiPage::READ_LATEST);
     if (!$page) {
         $this->setLastError("Could not find page #{$this->params['pageId']}");
         return false;
         // deleted?
     // Use a named lock so that jobs for this page see each others' changes
     $lockKey = "CategoryMembershipUpdates:{$page->getId()}";
     $scopedLock = $dbw->getScopedLockAndFlush($lockKey, __METHOD__, 3);
     if (!$scopedLock) {
         $this->setLastError("Could not acquire lock '{$lockKey}'");
         return false;
     $dbr = $lb->getConnection(DB_REPLICA, ['recentchanges']);
     // Wait till the replica DB is caught up so that jobs for this page see each others' changes
     if (!$lb->safeWaitForMasterPos($dbr)) {
         $this->setLastError("Timed out while waiting for replica DB to catch up");
         return false;
     // Clear any stale REPEATABLE-READ snapshot
     $cutoffUnix = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $this->params['revTimestamp']);
     // Using ENQUEUE_FUDGE_SEC handles jobs inserted out of revision order due to the delay
     // between COMMIT and actual enqueueing of the CategoryMembershipChangeJob job.
     $cutoffUnix -= self::ENQUEUE_FUDGE_SEC;
     // Get the newest revision that has a SRC_CATEGORIZE row...
     $row = $dbr->selectRow(['revision', 'recentchanges'], ['rev_timestamp', 'rev_id'], ['rev_page' => $page->getId(), 'rev_timestamp >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($dbr->timestamp($cutoffUnix))], __METHOD__, ['ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp DESC, rev_id DESC'], ['recentchanges' => ['INNER JOIN', ['rc_this_oldid = rev_id', 'rc_source' => RecentChange::SRC_CATEGORIZE, 'rc_cur_id = rev_page', 'rc_timestamp >= rev_timestamp']]]);
     // Only consider revisions newer than any such revision
     if ($row) {
         $cutoffUnix = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $row->rev_timestamp);
         $lastRevId = (int) $row->rev_id;
     } else {
         $lastRevId = 0;
     // Find revisions to this page made around and after this revision which lack category
     // notifications in recent changes. This lets jobs pick up were the last one left off.
     $encCutoff = $dbr->addQuotes($dbr->timestamp($cutoffUnix));
     $res = $dbr->select('revision', Revision::selectFields(), ['rev_page' => $page->getId(), "rev_timestamp > {$encCutoff}" . " OR (rev_timestamp = {$encCutoff} AND rev_id > {$lastRevId})"], __METHOD__, ['ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp ASC, rev_id ASC']);
     // Apply all category updates in revision timestamp order
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $this->notifyUpdatesForRevision($lbFactory, $page, Revision::newFromRow($row));
     return true;

示例4: purgeCache

  * Purge the cache for articles related to a given thread
  * @param int $threadId
 public static function purgeCache($threadId)
     $relatedPages = new WallRelatedPages();
     $ids = $relatedPages->getMessagesRelatedArticleIds($threadId, 'order_index', DB_MASTER);
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $key = wfMemcKey(__CLASS__, 'getData', $id);
         // VOLDEV-46: Update module by purging page, not via AJAX
         $wikiaPage = WikiPage::newFromID($id);
         if ($wikiaPage) {
         } else {
             self::logError("Found a null related wikipage on thread purge", ["articleID" => $id, "threadID" => $threadId]);

示例5: run

 public function run()
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($this->params['pageId'], WikiPage::READ_LATEST);
     if (!$page) {
         $this->setLastError("Could not find page #{$this->params['pageId']}");
         return false;
         // deleted?
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     // Use a named lock so that jobs for this page see each others' changes
     $fname = __METHOD__;
     $lockKey = "CategoryMembershipUpdates:{$page->getId()}";
     if (!$dbw->lock($lockKey, $fname, 10)) {
         $this->setLastError("Could not acquire lock '{$lockKey}'");
         return false;
     $unlocker = new ScopedCallback(function () use($dbw, $lockKey, $fname) {
         $dbw->unlock($lockKey, $fname);
     // Sanity: clear any DB transaction snapshot
     $dbw->commit(__METHOD__, 'flush');
     $cutoffUnix = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $this->params['revTimestamp']);
     // Using ENQUEUE_FUDGE_SEC handles jobs inserted out of revision order due to the delay
     // between COMMIT and actual enqueueing of the CategoryMembershipChangeJob job.
     $cutoffUnix -= self::ENQUEUE_FUDGE_SEC;
     // Get the newest revision that has a SRC_CATEGORIZE row...
     $row = $dbw->selectRow(array('revision', 'recentchanges'), array('rev_timestamp', 'rev_id'), array('rev_page' => $page->getId(), 'rev_timestamp >= ' . $dbw->addQuotes($dbw->timestamp($cutoffUnix))), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp DESC, rev_id DESC'), array('recentchanges' => array('INNER JOIN', array('rc_this_oldid = rev_id', 'rc_source' => RecentChange::SRC_CATEGORIZE, 'rc_cur_id = rev_page', 'rc_timestamp >= rev_timestamp'))));
     // Only consider revisions newer than any such revision
     if ($row) {
         $cutoffUnix = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $row->rev_timestamp);
         $lastRevId = (int) $row->rev_id;
     } else {
         $lastRevId = 0;
     // Find revisions to this page made around and after this revision which lack category
     // notifications in recent changes. This lets jobs pick up were the last one left off.
     $encCutoff = $dbw->addQuotes($dbw->timestamp($cutoffUnix));
     $res = $dbw->select('revision', Revision::selectFields(), array('rev_page' => $page->getId(), "rev_timestamp > {$encCutoff}" . " OR (rev_timestamp = {$encCutoff} AND rev_id > {$lastRevId})"), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp ASC, rev_id ASC'));
     // Apply all category updates in revision timestamp order
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $this->notifyUpdatesForRevision($page, Revision::newFromRow($row));
     return true;

示例6: run

 function run()
     if (is_null($this->title)) {
         $this->setLastError("deleteLinks: Invalid title");
         return false;
     $pageId = $this->params['pageId'];
     if (WikiPage::newFromID($pageId, WikiPage::READ_LATEST)) {
         // The page was restored somehow or something went wrong
         $this->setLastError("deleteLinks: Page #{$pageId} exists");
         return false;
     $page = WikiPage::factory($this->title);
     // title when deleted
     $update = new LinksDeletionUpdate($page, $pageId);
     return true;

示例7: onEditFormPreloadText

  * Triggered if a user edits a Draft subpage of a template.
  * It pre-fills the content of the Draft with a converted markup.
  * @param $text
  * @param Title $title
  * @return bool
 public static function onEditFormPreloadText(&$text, Title $title)
     $helper = new TemplateDraftHelper();
     if ($helper->isTitleNewDraft($title) && TemplateConverter::isConversion()) {
         $parentTitleId = $helper->getParentTitle($title)->getArticleID();
         if ($parentTitleId > 0) {
             $parentContent = WikiPage::newFromID($parentTitleId)->getText();
              * TODO: Introduce a parameter to modify conversion flags
              * If you want to perform different conversions, not only the infobox one,
              * you can introduce a URL parameter to control the binary sum of flags.
             $controller = new TemplateDraftController();
             $text = $controller->createDraftContent($title, $parentContent, TemplateClassificationController::TEMPLATE_INFOBOX);
     return true;

示例8: approveDraft

  * Overrides content of parent page with contents of draft page
  * @param Title $draftTitle Title object of sub page (draft)
  * @throws PermissionsException
 private function approveDraft(Title $draftTitle)
     // Get Title object of parent page
     $helper = new TemplateDraftHelper();
     $parentTitle = $helper->getParentTitle($draftTitle);
     // Check edit rights
     if (!$parentTitle->userCan('templatedraft')) {
         throw new PermissionsException('edit');
     // Get contents of draft page
     $article = Article::newFromId($draftTitle->getArticleID());
     $draftContent = $article->getContent();
     // Get WikiPage object of parent page
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($parentTitle->getArticleID());
     // Save to parent page
     $page->doEdit($draftContent, wfMessage('templatedraft-approval-summary')->inContentLanguage()->plain());
     // Remove Draft page
     $draftPage = WikiPage::newFromID($draftTitle->getArticleID());
     // Show a confirmation message to a user after redirect
     BannerNotificationsController::addConfirmation(wfMessage('templatedraft-approval-success-confirmation')->escaped(), BannerNotificationsController::CONFIRMATION_CONFIRM, true);

示例9: run

 function run()
     if (is_null($this->title)) {
         $this->setLastError("deleteLinks: Invalid title");
         return false;
     $pageId = $this->params['pageId'];
     // Serialize links updates by page ID so they see each others' changes
     $scopedLock = LinksUpdate::acquirePageLock(wfGetDB(DB_MASTER), $pageId, 'job');
     if (WikiPage::newFromID($pageId, WikiPage::READ_LATEST)) {
         // The page was restored somehow or something went wrong
         $this->setLastError("deleteLinks: Page #{$pageId} exists");
         return false;
     $factory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory();
     $timestamp = isset($this->params['timestamp']) ? $this->params['timestamp'] : null;
     $page = WikiPage::factory($this->title);
     // title when deleted
     $update = new LinksDeletionUpdate($page, $pageId, $timestamp);
     return true;

示例10: fixLinksFromArticle

  * Run LinksUpdate for all links on a given page_id
  * @param int $id The page_id
 public static function fixLinksFromArticle($id)
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($id);
     if ($page === null) {
     $content = $page->getContent(Revision::RAW);
     if ($content === null) {
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $updates = $content->getSecondaryDataUpdates($page->getTitle());

示例11: fixLinksFromArticle

  * Run LinksUpdate for all links on a given page_id
  * @param $id int The page_id
 public static function fixLinksFromArticle($id)
     global $wgParser, $wgContLang;
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($id);
     if ($page === null) {
     $text = $page->getRawText();
     if ($text === false) {
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $options = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang(new User(), $wgContLang);
     $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse($text, $page->getTitle(), $options, true, true, $page->getLatest());
     $update = new LinksUpdate($page->getTitle(), $parserOutput, false);

示例12: getTitleOrPageId

  * @param $params array
  * @param $load bool|string Whether load the object's state from the database:
  *        - false: don't load (if the pageid is given, it will still be loaded)
  *        - 'fromdb': load from a slave database
  *        - 'fromdbmaster': load from the master database
  * @return WikiPage
 public function getTitleOrPageId($params, $load = false)
     $this->requireOnlyOneParameter($params, 'title', 'pageid');
     $pageObj = null;
     if (isset($params['title'])) {
         $titleObj = Title::newFromText($params['title']);
         if (!$titleObj) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title']));
         $pageObj = WikiPage::factory($titleObj);
         if ($load !== false) {
     } elseif (isset($params['pageid'])) {
         if ($load === false) {
             $load = 'fromdb';
         $pageObj = WikiPage::newFromID($params['pageid'], $load);
         if (!$pageObj) {
             $this->dieUsageMsg(array('nosuchpageid', $params['pageid']));
     return $pageObj;

示例13: modifyFileLinks

  *  Called on BeforeParserFetchFileAndTitle hook
  *  Changes links and thumbnails of files to point to the approved revision in all cases except
  *  the primary file on file pages (e.g. the big image in the top left on File:My File.png). To
  *  modify that image see self::onImagePageFindFile()
 public static function modifyFileLinks($parser, Title $fileTitle, &$options, &$query)
     if ($fileTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIA) {
         $fileTitle = Title::makeTitle(NS_FILE, $fileTitle->getDBkey());
         // avoid extra queries
         // Media link redirects don't get caught by the normal redirect check, so this
         // extra check is required
         if ($temp = WikiPage::newFromID($fileTitle->getArticleID())->getRedirectTarget()) {
             $fileTitle = $temp;
     if ($fileTitle->isRedirect()) {
         $page = WikiPage::newFromID($fileTitle->getArticleID());
         $fileTitle = $page->getRedirectTarget();
         // avoid extra queries
     # Tell Parser what file version to use
     list($approvedRevTimestamp, $approvedRevSha1) = ApprovedRevs::getApprovedFileInfo($fileTitle);
     // no valid approved timestamp or sha1, so don't modify image or image link
     if (!$approvedRevTimestamp || !$approvedRevSha1) {
         return true;
     $options['time'] = wfTimestampOrNull(TS_MW, $approvedRevTimestamp);
     $options['sha1'] = $approvedRevSha1;
     // $options['broken'] = true; // breaks the link? was in FlaggedRevs...why would we want to do this?
     # Stabilize the file link
     if ($query != '') {
         $query .= '&';
     $query .= "filetimestamp=" . urlencode(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $approvedRevTimestamp));
     return true;

示例14: fixLinksFromArticle

  * Run LinksUpdate for all links on a given page_id
  * @param int $id The page_id
  * @param int|bool $ns Only fix links if it is in this namespace
 public static function fixLinksFromArticle($id, $ns = false)
     $page = WikiPage::newFromID($id);
     if ($page === null) {
     } elseif ($ns !== false && !$page->getTitle()->inNamespace($ns)) {
     $content = $page->getContent(Revision::RAW);
     if ($content === null) {
     foreach ($content->getSecondaryDataUpdates($page->getTitle()) as $update) {

示例15: prepareTextForIndex

  * Generates plain text content of a given wiki page without WikiText or HTML tags
  * @param object $oTitle Title object
  * @return string Plain text content
 public function prepareTextForIndex(Title $oTitle)
     $sText = WikiPage::newFromID($oTitle->getArticleID())->getContent()->getParserOutput($oTitle)->getText();
     $sText = Sanitizer::stripAllTags($sText);
     $sText = str_replace($this->aFragsToBeReplaced, ' ', $sText);
     $sText = html_entity_decode($sText);
     return $sText;
