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PHP WikiPage::getTitle方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中WikiPage::getTitle方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP WikiPage::getTitle方法的具体用法?PHP WikiPage::getTitle怎么用?PHP WikiPage::getTitle使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在WikiPage的用法示例。


示例1: performUpdate

 protected function performUpdate()
     $applicationFactory = ApplicationFactory::getInstance();
     $parserData = $applicationFactory->newParserData($this->wikiPage->getTitle(), $this->parserOutput);
     $pageInfoProvider = $applicationFactory->newMwCollaboratorFactory()->newPageInfoProvider($this->wikiPage, $this->revision, $this->user);
     $propertyAnnotator = $applicationFactory->newPropertyAnnotatorFactory()->newPredefinedPropertyAnnotator($parserData->getSemanticData(), $pageInfoProvider);
     return true;

示例2: protectMessageInPrNamespaces

  * Protects a message entry in the PRAd namespace.
  * The protection lasts for infinity and acts for group
  * @ref $wgPromoterProtectGroup
  * This really is intended only for use on the original source language
  * because those messages are set via the PR UI; not the translate UI.
  * @param WikiPage $page Page containing the message to protect
  * @param User     $user User doing the protection (ie: the last one to edit the page)
 protected function protectMessageInPrNamespaces($page, $user)
     global $wgPromoterProtectGroup;
     if (!$page->getTitle()->getRestrictions('edit')) {
         $var = false;
         $page->doUpdateRestrictions(array('edit' => $wgPromoterProtectGroup, 'move' => $wgPromoterProtectGroup), array('edit' => 'infinity', 'move' => 'infinity'), $var, 'Auto protected by Promoter -- Only edit via Special:Promoter.', $user);

示例3: ClearParentNotification

  * Clears notification for parent pages if:
  * - User is NOT watching currently viewed subpage
  * - User is watching parent page
  * - User has 'watchlistsubpages' turned on
  * @param $article WikiPage object ( subpage )
  * @author Jakub Kurcek <jakub@wikia-inc.com>
 public static function ClearParentNotification(WikiPage $page)
     global $wgUser;
     if ($wgUser->getBoolOption(self::PREFERENCES_ENTRY)) {
         if (!$page->getTitle()->userIsWatching()) {
             $tmpDBkey = $page->getTitle()->getDBkey();
             $arrTitle = explode('/', $tmpDBkey);
             if (count($arrTitle > 1)) {
                 $parentTitle = Title::newFromDBkey($arrTitle[0]);
                 if ($parentTitle->userIsWatching()) {
     return true;

示例4: testGetContentHandler

  * @covers WikiPage::getContentHandler
 public function testGetContentHandler()
     $page = $this->createPage("WikiPageTest_testGetContentHandler", "some text", CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT);
     // NOTE: since the content model is not recorded in the database,
     //       we expect to get the default, namely CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT
     $page = new WikiPage($page->getTitle());
     $this->assertEquals('WikitextContentHandler', get_class($page->getContentHandler()));

示例5: newFromTitle

 static function newFromTitle($title)
     // see if we already have this as our main instance...
     if (self::$instance && self::$instance->mTitle == $title) {
         return self::$instance;
     $wikiPage = new WikiPage($title);
     if (!$wikiPage) {
         return null;
     $whow = new WikihowArticleEditor();
     $whow->mTitleObj = $wikiPage->getTitle();
     $whow->mWikiPage = $wikiPage;
     $whow->mTitle = $wikiPage->getTitle()->getText();
     $text = ContentHandler::getContentText($wikiPage->getContent(Revision::RAW));
     return $whow;

示例6: doDelete

  * Delete $page
 protected function doDelete($page)
     if ($page instanceof Title) {
         $page = new WikiPage($page);
     if ($this->logActions) {
         print "Delete " . $page->getTitle() . " = " . $page->getId() . "\n";

示例7: onPageContentSave

 static function onPageContentSave(WikiPage &$wikiPage, User &$user, Content &$content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, &$flags, Status &$status)
     // get the current tags from the page
     preg_match_all(self::GetLabelsRegex, $wikiPage->getText(), $matches);
     // build it as a "set"
     foreach (array_merge($matches[2], $matches[3]) as $toAdd) {
         if ($toAdd != '') {
             $CurrentReferences[$toAdd] = 1;
     // get the old tags from the database
     if (($rev = $wikiPage->getRevision()) != null && ($prevRev = $rev->getPrevious()) != null) {
         preg_match_all(self::GetLabelsRegex, $prevRev->getText(), $matches);
         // build it as a "set"
         foreach (array_merge($matches[2], $matches[3]) as $toAdd) {
             if ($toAdd != '') {
                 $OldReferences[$toAdd] = 1;
     // Resolve differences
     $DB = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     // start a transaction
     // start with the newOnes and make sure that the database is compatable, and remove them
     foreach (array_keys($CurrentReferences) as $RefToMakeSureExists) {
         if (isset($OldReferences[$RefToMakeSureExists])) {
             // if it is already in the array, then we don't have to worry about it; delete it
         } else {
             // if it doesn't exist, we need to add it
             try {
                 $DB->insert(ContentReferencerTableName, array('reference_name' => $RefToMakeSureExists, 'reference_page_name' => (string) $wikiPage->getTitle()));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     // now, anything left in $OldReferences has been deleted. Let's remove it from the database
     foreach (array_keys($OldReferences) as $RefToDelete) {
         try {
             $DB->delete(ContentReferencerTableName, "reference_name='{$RefToDelete}'");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // end the transaction

示例8: onArticlePurge

  * Hook: Clear cache (videos by category) when the category page is purged
  * @param WikiPage $page
  * @return true
 public static function onArticlePurge(WikiPage &$page)
     $title = $page->getTitle();
     if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) {
         $helper = new VideoPageToolHelper();
     return true;

示例9: getParserOutput

 protected function getParserOutput(WikiPage $wp, ParserOptions $parserOptions)
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     if (!isset($params['text'])) {
         throw new Exception('Must specify page text');
     $parser = new Parser();
     $po = $parser->parse($params['text'], $wp->getTitle(), $parserOptions);
     $po->setText(str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $po->getText()));
     return $po;

示例10: doExtendParserOutput

 private function doExtendParserOutput($parserOutput)
     $applicationFactory = ApplicationFactory::getInstance();
     $title = $this->wikiPage->getTitle();
     $parserData = $applicationFactory->newParserData($title, $parserOutput);
     $pageInfoProvider = $applicationFactory->newMwCollaboratorFactory()->newPageInfoProvider($this->wikiPage, $this->revision, $this->user);
     $propertyAnnotatorFactory = $applicationFactory->singleton('PropertyAnnotatorFactory');
     $propertyAnnotator = $propertyAnnotatorFactory->newNullPropertyAnnotator($parserData->getSemanticData());
     $propertyAnnotator = $propertyAnnotatorFactory->newPredefinedPropertyAnnotator($propertyAnnotator, $pageInfoProvider);

示例11: doWork

  * @return bool
 public function doWork()
     global $wgUseFileCache;
     // @todo several of the methods called on $this->page are not declared in Page, but present
     //        in WikiPage and delegated by Article.
     $isCurrent = $this->revid === $this->page->getLatest();
     if ($this->content !== null) {
         $content = $this->content;
     } elseif ($isCurrent) {
         // XXX: why use RAW audience here, and PUBLIC (default) below?
         $content = $this->page->getContent(Revision::RAW);
     } else {
         $rev = Revision::newFromTitle($this->page->getTitle(), $this->revid);
         if ($rev === null) {
             $content = null;
         } else {
             // XXX: why use PUBLIC audience here (default), and RAW above?
             $content = $rev->getContent();
     if ($content === null) {
         return false;
     // Reduce effects of race conditions for slow parses (bug 46014)
     $cacheTime = wfTimestampNow();
     $time = -microtime(true);
     $this->parserOutput = $content->getParserOutput($this->page->getTitle(), $this->revid, $this->parserOptions);
     $time += microtime(true);
     // Timing hack
     if ($time > 3) {
         // TODO: Use Parser's logger (once it has one)
         $logger = MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance('slow-parse');
         $logger->info('{time} {title}', ['time' => number_format($time, 2), 'title' => $this->page->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey(), 'trigger' => 'view']);
     if ($this->cacheable && $this->parserOutput->isCacheable() && $isCurrent) {
         ParserCache::singleton()->save($this->parserOutput, $this->page, $this->parserOptions, $cacheTime, $this->revid);
     // Make sure file cache is not used on uncacheable content.
     // Output that has magic words in it can still use the parser cache
     // (if enabled), though it will generally expire sooner.
     if (!$this->parserOutput->isCacheable()) {
         $wgUseFileCache = false;
     if ($isCurrent) {
     return true;

示例12: onPageContentSaveComplete

  * @param WikiPage $article
  * @param User $user
  * @param $content
  * @param $summary
  * @param Bool $isMinor
  * @param Bool $isWatch
  * @param $section
  * @param $flags
  * @param Revision $revision
  * @param $status
  * @param $baseRevId
  * @return bool
 public static function onPageContentSaveComplete(WikiPage $article, User $user, $content, $summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $revision, $status, $baseRevId)
     if (is_null($revision)) {
         // Ignore null edits
         return true;
     $title = $article->getTitle();
     $oldRevisionId = $revision->getParentId();
     if ($oldRevisionId !== null && ApprovedRevs::isAssignedToProject($title) && ApprovedRevs::getApprovedRevID($title) === $oldRevisionId) {
         if ($user->isAllowed('auto-reapproval-on-save')) {
             ApprovedRevs::performAutoReapproval($title, $revision->getId());
         } else {
             ApprovedRevs::logUnapprovedSave($title, $user, $revision->getId());
     return true;

示例13: onArticleDelete

  * MediaWiki ArticleDelete hook. Prevent users from deleting stylometricanalysis pages they have not uploaded (except for sysops)
 public function onArticleDelete(WikiPage &$wikiPage, User &$user, &$reason, &$error)
     try {
         $title = $wikiPage->getTitle();
         if (!$this->isStylometricAnalysisNamespace($title)) {
             return true;
         if (!$this->currentUserIsASysop($user)) {
             $error = '<br>' . $this->getMessage('collatehooks-nodeletepermission') . '.';
             return false;
         $deleter = ObjectRegistry::getInstance()->getManuscriptDeskDeleter();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return true;
     return true;

示例14: onArticleSaveComplete

  * Purge RelatedVideos namespace article after an edit
  * @param WikiPage $article
 public static function onArticleSaveComplete(&$article, &$user, $text, $summary, $minoredit, $watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, $revision, &$status, $baseRevId)
     $title = $article->getTitle();
     if (!empty($title)) {
         switch ($title->getNamespace()) {
             case NS_RELATED_VIDEOS:
                 $relatedVideosNSData = RelatedVideosNamespaceData::newFromTitle($title);
             case NS_MEDIAWIKI:
                 if (empty(F::app()->wg->relatedVideosPartialRelease)) {
                     if ($title->getText() == RelatedVideosNamespaceData::GLOBAL_RV_LIST) {
                         $relatedVideosNSData = RelatedVideosNamespaceData::newFromTitle($title);
     return true;

示例15: savePage

 function savePage(WikiPage $p)
     $db = new DatabaseConnection();
     // Read values
     $ns = $p->getNs();
     $uri = $p->getUri();
     $title = $p->getTitle();
     $content = $p->getContent();
     $author = User::getActiveUserId();
     // Update
     try {
         // pull the latest revision of the page
         $rs = $db->getSingleRow('SELECT MAX(revision) AS latest FROM wiki WHERE ns=\'%s\' AND uri=\'%s\'', $ns, $uri);
         $currev = $rs ? $rs['latest'] : 0;
         // set to 0 if no record returned
         // bump revision (if no record, 0 becomes 1)
         // and insert the new data
         $db->updateRow("INSERT INTO wiki SET content='%s',revision='%d',title='%s',ns='%s',uri='%s',lastedit=NOW(),author='%d'", $content, $currev, $title, $ns, $uri, $author);
     } catch (DBXException $e) {
         throw $e;
