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PHP Translation::generateFileTranslationMafe方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Translation::generateFileTranslationMafe方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Translation::generateFileTranslationMafe方法的具体用法?PHP Translation::generateFileTranslationMafe怎么用?PHP Translation::generateFileTranslationMafe使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Translation的用法示例。


示例1: import

             //define locale
             $LOCALE = "{$languageID}-{$countryID}";
         } else {
             $LOCALE = $languageID;
         $oTranslation = new Translation();
         $countItems = 0;
         $countItemsSuccess = 0;
         $errorMsg = '';
         while ($rowTranslation = $POFile->getTranslation()) {
             if (!isset($POFile->translatorComments[0]) || !isset($POFile->translatorComments[1]) || !isset($POFile->references[0])) {
                 throw new Exception('The .po file doesn\'t have valid directives for Processmaker!');
             foreach ($POFile->translatorComments as $a => $aux) {
                 $aux = trim($aux);
                 if ($aux == 'TRANSLATION') {
                     $identifier = $aux;
                 } else {
                     $var = explode('/', $aux);
                     if ($var[0] == 'LABEL') {
                         $context = $aux;
                     if ($var[0] == 'JAVASCRIPT') {
                         $context = $aux;
                 if (preg_match('/^([\\w-]+)\\/([\\w-]+\\/*[\\w-]*\\.xml\\?)/', $aux, $match)) {
                     $identifier = $aux;
                 } else {
                     if (preg_match('/^([\\w-]+)\\/([\\w-]+\\/*[\\w-]*\\.xml$)/', $aux, $match)) {
                         $context = $aux;
             $reference = $POFile->references[0];
             // it is a Sql insert on TRANSLATIONS TAble
             if ($identifier == 'TRANSLATION') {
                 if ($updateDB) {
                     list($category, $id) = explode('/', $context);
                     $result = $oTranslation->addTranslation($category, $id, $LOCALE, trim(stripcslashes(str_replace(chr(10), '', $rowTranslation['msgstr']))));
                     if ($result['codError'] == 0) {
                     } else {
                         $errorMsg .= $id . ': ' . $result['message'] . "\n";
             } elseif ($updateXml) {
                 $xmlForm = $context;
                 //erik: expresion to prevent and hable correctly dropdown values like -1, -2 etc.
                 preg_match('/^([\\w_]+)\\s-\\s([\\w_]+)\\s*-*\\s*([\\w\\W]*)$/', $reference, $match);
                 if (!file_exists(PATH_XMLFORM . $xmlForm)) {
                     $errorMsg .= 'file doesn\'t exist: ' . PATH_XMLFORM . $xmlForm . "\n";
                 if (count($match) < 4) {
                     $near = isset($rowTranslation['msgid']) ? $rowTranslation['msgid'] : (isset($rowTranslation['msgstr']) ? $rowTranslation['msgstr'] : '');
                     $errorMsg .= "Invalid Translation reference: \"{$reference}\",  near -> " . strip_tags($near) . "\n";
                 $dynaform = new dynaFormHandler(PATH_XMLFORM . $xmlForm);
                 $fieldName = $match[2];
                 $codes = explode('-', $reference);
                 if (sizeof($codes) == 2) {
                     //is a normal node
                     $dynaform->addChilds($fieldName, array($LOCALE => stripcslashes(str_replace(chr(10), '', $rowTranslation['msgstr']))));
                 } elseif (sizeof($codes) > 2) {
                     //is a node child for a language node
                     $name = $match[3] == "''" ? '' : $match[3];
                     $childNode = array(array('name' => 'option', 'value' => $rowTranslation['msgstr'], 'attributes' => array('name' => $name)));
                     $dynaform->addChilds($fieldName, array($LOCALE => null), $childNode);
         $oLanguage = new Language();
         $oLanguage->update(array('LAN_ID' => $languageID, 'LAN_ENABLED' => '1'));
         if ($updateXml) {
             $trn = new Translation();
             $trn->addTranslationEnvironment($LOCALE, $POHeaders, $countItemsSuccess);
         if ($generateMafe) {
             $trn = new Translation();
         //fill the results
         $results = new stdClass();
         $results->recordsCount = $countItems;
         $results->recordsCountSuccess = $countItemsSuccess;
         $results->lang = $languageID;
         $results->headers = $POHeaders;
         $results->errMsg = $errorMsg;
         G::auditLog("UploadLanguage", "Language: " . $languageID);
         return $results;
     } catch (Exception $oError) {
         throw $oError;

示例2: index


        $this->setVar('isDebugMode', $debug);

        $this->setVar("distribution", $distribution);

        if ($debug) {

            if (! file_exists(PATH_HTML . "lib-dev/pmUI/build.cache")) {

                throw new RuntimeException("Development JS Files were are not generated!.\nPlease execute: \$>rake pmBuildDebug in pmUI project");


            if (! file_exists(PATH_HTML . "lib-dev/mafe/build.cache")) {

                throw new RuntimeException("Development JS Files were are not generated!.\nPlease execute: \$>rake pmBuildDebug in MichelangeloFE project");


            $mafeFiles = file(PATH_HTML . "lib-dev/mafe/build.cache", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);

            $mafeCssFiles = array();

            $mafeJsFiles = array();

            foreach ($mafeFiles as $file) {

                if (substr($file, -3) == ".js") {

                    $mafeJsFiles[] = $file;

                } else {

                    $mafeCssFiles[] = $file;



            $this->setVar('pmuiJsCacheFile', file(PATH_HTML . "lib-dev/pmUI/build.cache", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES));

            $this->setVar('pmuiCssCacheFile', file(PATH_HTML . "lib-dev/pmUI/css.cache", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES));

            $this->setVar('designerCacheFile', file(PATH_HTML . "lib-dev/mafe/applications.cache", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES));

            $this->setVar('mafeJsFiles', $mafeJsFiles);

            $this->setVar('mafeCssFiles', $mafeCssFiles);

        } else {

            $buildhashFile = PATH_HTML . "lib/buildhash";

            if (! file_exists($buildhashFile)) {

                throw new RuntimeException("CSS and JS Files were are not generated!.\nPlease review install process");


            $buildhash = file_get_contents($buildhashFile);

            $this->setVar('buildhash', $buildhash);


        $translationMafe = "/translations/translationsMafe.js";

        $this->setVar('translationMafe', $translationMafe);

        if (!file_exists(PATH_HTML . "translations" . PATH_SEP. 'translationsMafe' . ".js")) {

            $translation = new Translation();




        $this->setVar('sys_skin', SYS_SKIN);



