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PHP Translation::checkTranslation方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Translation::checkTranslation方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Translation::checkTranslation方法的具体用法?PHP Translation::checkTranslation怎么用?PHP Translation::checkTranslation使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Translation的用法示例。


示例1: Connection

 function get_Schedule($id, $ident)
     global $globalDebug;
     // Get schedule here, so it's done only one time
     $Connection = new Connection();
     $dbc = $Connection->db;
     $Spotter = new Spotter($dbc);
     $Schedule = new Schedule($dbc);
     $Translation = new Translation($dbc);
     $operator = $Spotter->getOperator($ident);
     if ($Schedule->checkSchedule($operator) == 0) {
         $operator = $Translation->checkTranslation($ident);
         if ($Schedule->checkSchedule($operator) == 0) {
             $schedule = $Schedule->fetchSchedule($operator);
             if (count($schedule) > 0) {
                 if ($globalDebug) {
                     echo "-> Schedule info for " . $operator . " (" . $ident . ")\n";
                 $this->all_flights[$id] = array_merge($this->all_flights[$id], array('departure_airport_time' => $schedule['DepartureTime']));
                 $this->all_flights[$id] = array_merge($this->all_flights[$id], array('arrival_airport_time' => $schedule['ArrivalTime']));
                 // FIXME : Check if route schedule = route from DB
                 if ($schedule['DepartureAirportIATA'] != '') {
                     if ($this->all_flights[$id]['departure_airport'] != $Spotter->getAirportIcao($schedule['DepartureAirportIATA'])) {
                         $airport_icao = $Spotter->getAirportIcao($schedule['DepartureAirportIATA']);
                         if ($airport_icao != '') {
                             $this->all_flights[$id]['departure_airport'] = $airport_icao;
                             if ($globalDebug) {
                                 echo "-> Change departure airport to " . $airport_icao . " for " . $ident . "\n";
                 if ($schedule['ArrivalAirportIATA'] != '') {
                     if ($this->all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport'] != $Spotter->getAirportIcao($schedule['ArrivalAirportIATA'])) {
                         $airport_icao = $Spotter->getAirportIcao($schedule['ArrivalAirportIATA']);
                         if ($airport_icao != '') {
                             $this->all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport'] = $airport_icao;
                             if ($globalDebug) {
                                 echo "-> Change arrival airport to " . $airport_icao . " for " . $ident . "\n";
                 $Schedule->addSchedule($operator, $this->all_flights[$id]['departure_airport'], $this->all_flights[$id]['departure_airport_time'], $this->all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport'], $this->all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport_time'], $schedule['Source']);
     //$Connection->db = null;

示例2: get_Schedule

 static function get_Schedule($id, $ident)
     global $globalDebug;
     // Get schedule here, so it's done only one time
     $operator = Spotter::getOperator($ident);
     if (Schedule::checkSchedule($operator) == 0) {
         $operator = Translation::checkTranslation($ident);
         if (Schedule::checkSchedule($operator) == 0) {
             $schedule = Schedule::fetchSchedule($operator);
             if (count($schedule) > 0) {
                 if ($globalDebug) {
                     echo "-> Schedule info for " . $operator . " (" . $ident . ")\n";
                 self::$all_flights[$id] = array_merge(self::$all_flights[$id], array('departure_airport_time' => $schedule['DepartureTime']));
                 self::$all_flights[$id] = array_merge(self::$all_flights[$id], array('arrival_airport_time' => $schedule['ArrivalTime']));
                 // FIXME : Check if route schedule = route from DB
                 if ($schedule['DepartureAirportIATA'] != '') {
                     if (self::$all_flights[$id]['departure_airport'] != Spotter::getAirportIcao($schedule['DepartureAirportIATA'])) {
                         $airport_icao = Spotter::getAirportIcao($schedule['DepartureAirportIATA']);
                         if ($airport_icao != '') {
                             self::$all_flights[$id]['departure_airport'] = $airport_icao;
                             if ($globalDebug) {
                                 echo "-> Change departure airport to " . $airport_icao . " for " . $ident . "\n";
                 if ($schedule['ArrivalAirportIATA'] != '') {
                     if (self::$all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport'] != Spotter::getAirportIcao($schedule['ArrivalAirportIATA'])) {
                         $airport_icao = Spotter::getAirportIcao($schedule['ArrivalAirportIATA']);
                         if ($airport_icao != '') {
                             self::$all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport'] = $airport_icao;
                             if ($globalDebug) {
                                 echo "-> Change arrival airport to " . $airport_icao . " for " . $ident . "\n";
                 Schedule::addSchedule($operator, self::$all_flights[$id]['departure_airport'], self::$all_flights[$id]['departure_airport_time'], self::$all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport'], self::$all_flights[$id]['arrival_airport_time'], $schedule['Source']);

示例3: getSchedule

 public function getSchedule($ident)
     //$query = "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE ident = :ident LIMIT 1";
     $Translation = new Translation();
     $operator = $Translation->checkTranslation($ident, false);
     if ($ident != $operator) {
         $query = "SELECT FromAirport_ICAO as departure_airport_icao, ToAirport_ICAO as arrival_airport_icao, FromAirport_Time as departure_airport_time, ToAirport_Time as arrival_airport_time FROM routes WHERE CallSign = :operator OR CallSign = :ident LIMIT 1";
         $query_values = array(':ident' => $ident, 'operator' => $operator);
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT FromAirport_ICAO as departure_airport_icao, ToAirport_ICAO as arrival_airport_icao, FromAirport_Time as departure_airport_time, ToAirport_Time as arrival_airport_time FROM routes WHERE CallSign = :ident LIMIT 1";
         $query_values = array(':ident' => $ident);
     try {
         $sth = $this->db->prepare($query);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
     $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (count($row) > 0) {
         return $row;
     } else {
         return array();

示例4: addModeSData

  * Add ModeS data to DB
  * @param String $ident ident
  * @param String $registration Registration of the aircraft
  * @param String $icao
  * @param String $ICAOTypeCode
 public function addModeSData($ident, $registration, $icao = '', $ICAOTypeCode = '')
     global $globalDebug, $globalDBdriver;
     $ident = trim($ident);
     $Translation = new Translation();
     $Spotter = new Spotter();
     if ($globalDebug) {
         echo "Test if we add ModeS data...";
     //if ($icao == '') $icao = ACARS->ident2icao($ident);
     if ($icao == '') {
         $icao = $Translation->checkTranslation($ident);
     if ($globalDebug) {
         echo '- Ident : ' . $icao . ' - ';
     if ($ident == '' || $registration == '') {
         if ($globalDebug) {
             echo "Ident or registration null, exit\n";
         return '';
     $registration = str_replace('.', '', $registration);
     $ident = $Translation->ident2icao($ident);
     // Check if a flight with same registration is flying now, if ok check if callsign = name in ACARS, else add it to translation
     if ($globalDebug) {
         echo "Check if needed to add translation " . $ident . '... ';
     $querysi = "SELECT ident FROM spotter_live s,aircraft_modes a WHERE a.ModeS = s.ModeS AND a.Registration = :registration LIMIT 1";
     $querysi_values = array(':registration' => $registration);
     try {
         $sthsi = $this->db->prepare($querysi);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($globalDebug) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
         return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
     $resultsi = $sthsi->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (count($resultsi) > 0 && $resultsi['ident'] != $ident && $resultsi['ident'] != '') {
         $Translation = new Translation();
         $trans_ident = $Translation->getOperator($resultsi['ident']);
         if ($globalDebug) {
             echo 'Add translation to table : ' . $ident . ' -> ' . $resultsi['ident'] . ' ';
         if ($ident != $trans_ident) {
             $Translation->addOperator($resultsi['ident'], $ident, 'ACARS');
         } elseif ($trans_ident == $ident) {
             $Translation->updateOperator($resultsi['ident'], $ident, 'ACARS');
     if ($globalDebug) {
         echo 'Done' . "\n";
     $query = "SELECT flightaware_id, ModeS FROM spotter_output WHERE ident =  :ident ORDER BY spotter_id DESC LIMIT 1";
     $query_values = array(':ident' => $icao);
     try {
         $sth = $this->db->prepare($query);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($globalDebug) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
         return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
     $result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (isset($result['flightaware_id'])) {
         if (isset($result['ModeS'])) {
             $ModeS = $result['ModeS'];
         } else {
             $ModeS = '';
         if ($ModeS == '') {
             $id = explode('-', $result['flightaware_id']);
             $ModeS = $id[0];
         if ($ModeS != '') {
             $country = $Spotter->countryFromAircraftRegistration($registration);
             $queryc = "SELECT * FROM aircraft_modes WHERE ModeS = :modes LIMIT 1";
             $queryc_values = array(':modes' => $ModeS);
             try {
                 $sthc = $this->db->prepare($queryc);
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($globalDebug) {
                     echo $e->getMessage();
                 return "error : " . $e->getMessage();

示例5: addModeSData

  * Add ModeS data to DB
  * @param String $ident ident
  * @param String $registration Registration of the aircraft
  * @param String $icao
  * @param String $ICAOTypeCode
 public function addModeSData($ident, $registration, $icao = '', $ICAOTypeCode = '')
     global $globalDebug;
     $Translation = new Translation();
     $Spotter = new Spotter();
     if ($globalDebug) {
         echo "Test if we add ModeS data...";
     //if ($icao == '') $icao = ACARS->ident2icao($ident);
     if ($icao == '') {
         $icao = $Translation->checkTranslation($ident);
     if ($globalDebug) {
         echo '- Ident : ' . $icao . ' - ';
     if ($ident == '' || $registration == '') {
         if ($globalDebug) {
             echo "Ident or registration null, exit\n";
         return '';
     $query = "SELECT flightaware_id, ModeS FROM spotter_output WHERE ident =  :ident ORDER BY spotter_id DESC LIMIT 1";
     $query_values = array(':ident' => $icao);
     try {
         $sth = $this->db->prepare($query);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($globalDebug) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
         return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
     $result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (isset($result['flightaware_id'])) {
         $ModeS = $result['ModeS'];
         if ($ModeS == '') {
             $id = explode('-', $result['flightaware_id']);
             $ModeS = $id[0];
         if ($ModeS != '') {
             $country = $Spotter->countryFromAircraftRegistration($registration);
             $queryc = "SELECT * FROM aircraft_modes WHERE ModeS = :modes LIMIT 1";
             $queryc_values = array(':modes' => $ModeS);
             try {
                 $sthc = $this->db->prepare($queryc);
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($globalDebug) {
                     echo $e->getMessage();
                 return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
             $row = $sthc->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             if (count($row) == 0) {
                 if ($globalDebug) {
                     echo " Add to ModeS table - ";
                 $queryi = "INSERT INTO aircraft_modes (ModeS,ModeSCountry,Registration,ICAOTypeCode,Source) VALUES (:ModeS,:ModeSCountry,:Registration, :ICAOTypeCode,'ACARS')";
                 $queryi_values = array(':ModeS' => $ModeS, ':ModeSCountry' => $country, ':Registration' => $registration, ':ICAOTypeCode' => $ICAOTypeCode);
                 try {
                     $sthi = $this->db->prepare($queryi);
                 } catch (PDOException $e) {
                     if ($globalDebug) {
                         echo $e->getMessage();
                     return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
             } else {
                 if ($globalDebug) {
                     echo " Update ModeS table - ";
                 if ($ICAOTypeCode != '') {
                     $queryi = "UPDATE aircraft_modes SET ModeSCountry = :ModeSCountry,Registration = :Registration,ICAOTypeCode = :ICAOTypeCode,Source = 'ACARS',LastModified = NOW() WHERE ModeS = :ModeS";
                     $queryi_values = array(':ModeS' => $ModeS, ':ModeSCountry' => $country, ':Registration' => $registration, ':ICAOTypeCode' => $ICAOTypeCode);
                 } else {
                     $queryi = "UPDATE aircraft_modes SET ModeSCountry = :ModeSCountry,Registration = :Registration,Source = 'ACARS',LastModified = NOW() WHERE ModeS = :ModeS";
                     $queryi_values = array(':ModeS' => $ModeS, ':ModeSCountry' => $country, ':Registration' => $registration);
                 try {
                     $sthi = $this->db->prepare($queryi);
                 } catch (PDOException $e) {
                     if ($globalDebug) {
                         echo $e->getMessage();
                     return "error : " . $e->getMessage();
             if ($globalDebug) {
                 echo " Update Spotter_live table - ";
