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PHP Theme::getThemeImage方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Theme::getThemeImage方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Theme::getThemeImage方法的具体用法?PHP Theme::getThemeImage怎么用?PHP Theme::getThemeImage使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Theme的用法示例。


示例1: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the right block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema.
  * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     //Crea el contenedor del right_block
     $ret_val = container();
     //Vamos a ir creando los distintos elementos (Estos a su vez son tambiÈn contenedores) del contenedor principal.
     //hr es una linea horizontal de HTML.
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2);
     //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal
     //Crea un bloque div y le asigna la clase ul-big del CSS
     $div = html_div('ul-big');
     //Añade una imagen del tema
     //Incluimos texto en negrita
     //Ahora dos retornos de carro
     $div = html_div('medium-text');
     if ($this->getViewVariable('bol_cuestion')) {
         //Incluye en el Div un texto. Usa la funciÛn agt('etiqueta') para internacionalizar
         //Añadimos al contenedor principal el formulario de entrada de datos
         $ret_val->add($this->addForm('todo', 'miguel_todoForm'));
     } else {
         //Muestra en el Div el texto con los datos insertados
         //getContextValue obtiene un par·metro de config.xml
         $table =& html_table(Session::getContextValue("mainInterfaceWidth"), 0, 2, 2);
         //add_row aÒade una fila a la tabla, html_td crea un contenedor celda de la fila
         $table->add_row(html_td("", "", container(html_b(agt('miguelTodoNombre')), $this->getViewVariable('sug_nombre'))));
         $table->add_row(html_td("", "", container(html_b(agt('miguelTodoMail')), $this->getViewVariable('sug_email'))));
         $table->add_row(html_td("", "", container(html_b(agt('miguelTodoComment')), html_br(), $this->getViewVariable('sug_comentario'))));
         //AÒade al contenedor principal un formulario
         $ret_val->add($this->addForm('common', 'miguel_navForm'));
     //EnvÌa el contenedor del bloque right para que sea renderizado por el sistema
     return $ret_val;

示例2: add_sectionHead

 function add_sectionHead($strName, $strIcon)
     $table =& html_table(Session::getContextValue('mainInterfaceWidth'), 0, 2, 2);
     $row = html_tr();
     $name = html_td("", "", html_b($strName));
     $name->set_tag_attribute("width", "30%");
     $icon = html_td("", "", Theme::getThemeImage($strIcon));
     $icon->set_tag_attribute("width", "70%");
     $icon->set_tag_attribute("align", "right");
     return $table;

示例3: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the left block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     $ret_val = container();
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2);
     $div = html_div("ul-big");
     $navinfo = $this->getSessionElement('navinfo', 'institution_id');
     if (isset($navinfo) && $navinfo != '') {
         $div->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("newCourse/index.php"), Theme::getThemeImage('menu/addcourse.png', 'miguel_newCourse')));
         $div->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("newCourse/index.php"), agt('miguel_newCourse')));
     } else {
     return $ret_val;

示例4: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the right block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * Solo se define right_block porque heredamos de VMenu y el left_block se encuentra ya definido por defecto con el men˙ del sistema.
  * Si heredara de miguel_VPage entonces habrÌa que definir de igual forma right_block y main_block. Esta ˙ltima es un contenedor de left_block y right_block
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     //Crea el contenedor del right_block
     $ret_val = container();
     //Vamos a ir creando los distintos elementos (Estos a su vez son tambiÈn contenedores) del contenedor principal.
     //hr es una linea horizontal de HTML.
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute('size', 2);
     //Añade la linea horizontal al contenedor principal
     //Crea un bloque div y le asigna la clase ul-big del CSS
     $div = html_div();
     //Añade una imagen del tema
     //Incluimos texto en negrita
     $div->add(html_b('Tabl�n de anuncios'));
     //Ahora dos retornos de carro
     //$div = html_div('medium-text');
     $status = $this->getViewVariable('status');
     switch ($status) {
         case 'menu':
             $div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('notice/index.php', 'status=new'), Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/announces.png'), 'Nuevo Mensaje'));
             $div->add($this->icon_link(Util::format_URLPath('notice/index.php', 'status=list'), Theme::getThemeImagePath('modules/announces.png'), 'Ver Mensajes'));
         case 'new':
             //Incluye en el Div un texto. Usa la funciÛn agt('etiqueta') para internacionalizar
             //Añadimos al contenedor principal el formulario de entrada de datos
             $ret_val->add($this->addForm('notice', 'miguel_noticeForm'));
         case 'list':
             $notice_array = $this->getViewVariable('notice_array');
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($notice_array); $i++) {
                 $div->add($this->add_notice($notice_array[$i]['notice.author'], $notice_array[$i]['notice.subject'], $notice_array[$i]['notice.time'], $notice_array[$i]['notice.notice_id']));
         case 'show':
     //EnvÌa el contenedor del bloque right para que sea renderizado por el sistema
     return $ret_val;

示例5: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the left block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     $ret_val = container();
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2);
     $div = html_div("ul-big");
     //      $div->add( $this->_categoryTable());
     return $ret_val;

示例6: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the left block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     $ret_val = container();
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2);
     $div = html_div("ul-big");
     $course = $this->getViewVariable("arr_courses");
     $ul = html_ul();
     if ($course[0]['course_id'] != '') {
         $countCourse = count($course);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $countCourse; $i++) {
             $elem = container();
             $link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath("course/index.php", "course=" . $course[$i]["course_id"]), $course[$i]["course_name"], null, "_top");
             $link->set_tag_attribute('tabindex', $i + 7);
             $mailLink = Theme::getMailURL($course[$i]['course_email'], Session::getValue('migueloo_userinfo_user_id'));
             $elem->add(html_b(agt('miguel_responsable') . ' '), html_a($mailLink, $course[$i]["course_responsable"]));
             $elem->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("unsubscribe/index.php", "course_id=" . $course[$i]["course_id"]), agt('miguel_unsubscribe'), null, '_top'));
     return $ret_val;

示例7: form

 function form()
     $div =& html_div_center();
      * Add folder path to id inside a span
     $path = html_div();
     $link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=list&amp;current_folder_id=0"), "/", NULL, '_top', agt('accessfolder'));
     $path->add(agt("fd_folder:"), $link);
     foreach ($this->FolderDeeps as $FolderElement) {
         $link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=list&amp;current_folder_id=" . $FolderElement['folder_id']), $FolderElement['folder_name'], NULL, '_top', agt('accessfolder'));
      * Now we create a table into the div that'll contain folders & files list
     $tableFolder =& html_table();
      * Header
      * The next lines allow the user order folders & documents
      * clicking in any of the header th titles
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->fdOrderbyArray as $orderb) {
         $fd_orderb_link = '';
         if ($orderb != "id") {
             if ($this->orderby == $orderb) {
                 $orderhow2 = $this->orderhow == 1 ? 0 : 1;
                 $fd_orderb_link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=list&amp;current_folder_id=" . $this->FolderProperties['folder_id'] . "&amp;orderby={$orderb}&amp;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\torderhow={$orderhow2}"), NULL, NULL, '_top', agt("fd_orderby") . _HTML_SPACE . agt($orderb));
                 $fd_orderb_image = $this->orderhow == 1 ? Theme::getThemeImage('up.png') : Theme::getThemeImage('down.png');
                 $fd_orderb_link->add(agt("fd_{$orderb}"), _HTML_SPACE, $fd_orderb_image);
             } else {
                 $fd_orderb_link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=list&amp;current_folder_id=" . $this->FolderProperties['folder_id'] . "&amp;orderby={$orderb}&amp;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\torderhow=0"), agt("fd_{$orderb}"), NULL, '_top', agt("fd_orderby") . _HTML_SPACE . agt($orderb));
             $fd_orderb[$i] = html_th($fd_orderb_link);
             if ($orderb == "name") {
                 $fd_orderb[$i]->set_tag_attribute('colspan', 2);
     $tableFolder->add($fd_orderb[0], $fd_orderb[1], $fd_orderb[2], $fd_orderb[3], $fd_orderb[4], $fd_orderb[5], $fd_orderb[6]);
      * checkbox index
     $i = 0;
      * initial cell color
     $altcellcolor = "altcellcolor2";
      * Now we'll add the folder list to the table
     foreach ($this->FolderList as $FolderElement) {
          * Alternate cell color
         $altcellcolor = $altcellcolor == "altcellcolor1" ? "altcellcolor2" : "altcellcolor1";
         if ($FolderElement['shared'] == 1) {
             $folderImage = Theme::getThemeImage("modules/links.png");
         } else {
             $folderImage = Theme::getThemeImage("filemanager/folder.png");
          * Now depending on enviromental permissions, we'll add possible actions:
         $actions = "";
         if ($FolderElement['folder_perms']['w']) {
              * Add edit action
             $actions = html_div();
             $actions->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=send_folder&amp;current_folder_id=" . $FolderElement['folder_id']), Theme::getThemeImage("edit.png"), NULL, '_top', agt('editfolder')));
              * Add delete action
             $actions->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=delete&amp;what=folder&amp;current_folder_id=" . $FolderElement['folder_id']), Theme::getThemeImage("delete.png"), NULL, '_top', agt('deletefolder')));
             if (!$FolderElement['shared']) {
                  * Add share action
                 $actions->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=send_folder&amp;submit=1&amp;shared=1" . "&amp;folder_id=" . $FolderElement['folder_id'] . "&amp;current_folder_id=" . $FolderProperties['folder_id'] . "&amp;folder_name=" . $FolderElement['folder_name'] . "&amp;folder_comment=" . $FolderElement['folder_comment'] . "&amp;folder_perms=" . $FolderElement['folder_perms2']), Theme::getThemeImage("modules/links.png"), NULL, '_top', agt('sharefolder')));
          * Now we'll set the folder name element, which will be a
          * link to access to the folder. It will have the number of
          * direct folder and files it has in brakets.
         $link = html_a(Util::format_URLPath('authortool/index.php', "status=list&amp;current_folder_id=" . $FolderElement['folder_id']), $FolderElement['folder_name'], NULL, '_top', agt('accessfolder'));
         $count_element = " (" . $FolderElement['folder_count_element'] . ")";
         $link_td = html_td($altcellcolor == "altcellcolor2" ? $altcellcolor : NULL, NULL);
         $link_td->add($link, $count_element);

示例8: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the left block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     $ret_val = container();
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2);
     $div = html_div("ul-big");
     //Muestra las instituciones
     return $ret_val;

示例9: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the left block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     $ret_val = container();
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2);
     $div = html_div("ul-big");
     $course = $this->getViewVariable("arr_courses");
     $ul = html_ul();
     $countCourse = count($course);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $countCourse; $i++) {
         $elem = container();
         $elem->add(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("course/index.php", "course=" . $course[$i]["course_id"]), $course[$i]["course_name"], null, "_top"));
     return $ret_val;

示例10: right_block

  * this function returns the contents
  * of the left block.  It is already wrapped
  * in a TD
  * @return HTMLTag object
 function right_block()
     $ret_val = container();
     $hr = html_hr();
     $hr->set_tag_attribute("size", 2);
     $div = html_div();
     $infoCourse = $this->getViewVariable('infoCourse');
     $path_arr = $infoCourse['path'];
     $strPath = $path_arr['institution'];
     if ($path_arr['faculty'] != '') {
         $strPath .= '&nbsp;>&nbsp;';
     $strPath .= $path_arr['faculty'];
     if ($path_arr['department'] != '') {
         $strPath .= '&nbsp;>&nbsp;';
     $strPath .= $path_arr['department'];
     if ($path_arr['area'] != '') {
         $strPath .= '&nbsp;>&nbsp;';
     $strPath .= $path_arr['area'];
     $div->add(Theme::getThemeImage('info.png', $infoCourse['name']));
     $div->add(html_b(html_a(Util::format_URLPath("course/index.php", 'course=' . $infoCourse['course_id']), $infoCourse['name'])));
     $mailLink = Theme::getMailURL($infoCourse['email'], Session::getValue('migueloo_userinfo_user_id'));
     $div->add(html_b(agt('miguel_responsable') . ' '), html_a($mailLink, $infoCourse['user_responsable']));
     $table = html_table("100%", 0, 8, 0);
     $table->set_tag_attribute("valign", "top");
     /*$arr_elem = $this->_getModuleElements();
             $int_elem = count($arr_elem);
             for($i=0; $i<$int_elem; $i = $i+2){
                 $row = html_tr();
     			$col = html_td("","left"); 
                 $col->add( $this->imag_ref( Util::format_URLPath( $arr_elem[$i][0]), Theme::getThemeImagePath( $arr_elem[$i][1] ), agt('miguel_Module' . $arr_elem[$i][2]) ) );
                 $col = html_td("","left");
                 if ( $arr_elem[$i+1][0] != ''  ){
     			        $col->add( $this->imag_ref(Util::format_URLPath( $arr_elem[$i+1][0]), Theme::getThemeImagePath( $arr_elem[$i+1][1] ), agt( 'miguel_Module' . $arr_elem[$i+1][2]) ));
     $is_admin = $this->getViewVariable('isCourseAdmin');
     $arr_elem = $this->getViewVariable('visual_array');
     //Debug::oneVar($arr_elem, __FILE__,__LINE__);
     $int_elem = count($arr_elem);
     $bol_row = true;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $int_elem; $i++) {
         $item = $i + 1;
         if ($bol_row) {
             $row = html_tr();
             $bol_row_add = false;
         $row->add($this->_formatRowElement($arr_elem[$i], $item, $is_admin));
         $bol_row = $bol_row ? false : true;
         if ($bol_row) {
             $bol_row_add = true;
     if (!$bol_row_add) {
     return $ret_val;
