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PHP Theme::Set方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Theme::Set方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Theme::Set方法的具体用法?PHP Theme::Set怎么用?PHP Theme::Set使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Theme的用法示例。


示例1: EditForm

  * Return the Edit Form as HTML
  * @return
 public function EditForm()
     $this->response = new ResponseManager();
     $db =& $this->db;
     $layoutid = $this->layoutid;
     $regionid = $this->regionid;
     $mediaid = $this->mediaid;
     // Permissions
     if (!$this->auth->edit) {
         $this->response->SetError('You do not have permission to edit this assignment.');
         $this->response->keepOpen = true;
         return $this->response;
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'ModuleForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=module&mod=' . $this->type . '&q=Exec&method=EditMedia');
     Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" name="layoutid" value="' . $layoutid . '"><input type="hidden" id="iRegionId" name="regionid" value="' . $regionid . '"><input type="hidden" name="showRegionOptions" value="' . $this->showRegionOptions . '" /><input type="hidden" id="mediaid" name="mediaid" value="' . $mediaid . '">');
     $formFields = array();
     $formFields[] = FormManager::AddText('windowsCommand', __('Windows Command'), htmlentities(urldecode($this->GetOption('windowsCommand'))), __('Enter a Windows Command Line compatible command'), 'w');
     $formFields[] = FormManager::AddText('linuxCommand', __('Android / Linux Command'), htmlentities(urldecode($this->GetOption('linuxCommand'))), __('Enter an Android / Linux Command Line compatible command'), 'l');
     Theme::Set('form_fields', $formFields);
     if ($this->showRegionOptions) {
         $this->response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboSwapDialog("index.php?p=timeline&layoutid=' . $layoutid . '&regionid=' . $regionid . '&q=RegionOptions")');
     } else {
         $this->response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboDialogClose()');
     $this->response->html = Theme::RenderReturn('form_render');
     $this->response->AddButton(__('Save'), '$("#ModuleForm").submit()');
     $this->response->dialogTitle = __('Edit Shell Command');
     $this->response->dialogSize = true;
     $this->response->dialogWidth = '450px';
     $this->response->dialogHeight = '250px';
     return $this->response;

示例2: DisplayList

  * Shows a list of displays
 public function DisplayList()
     $user =& $this->user;
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     $displayGroupIDs = Kit::GetParam('DisplayGroupIDs', _SESSION, _ARRAY);
     $filter_name = Kit::GetParam('filter_name', _POST, _STRING);
     // Build 2 lists
     $groups = array();
     $displays = array();
     foreach ($user->DisplayGroupList(0, $filter_name) as $display) {
         $display['checked_text'] = in_array($display['displaygroupid'], $displayGroupIDs) ? 'checked' : '';
         if ($display['isdisplayspecific'] == 1) {
             $displays[] = $display;
         } else {
             $groups[] = $display;
     Theme::Set('id', 'DisplayList');
     Theme::Set('group_list_items', $groups);
     Theme::Set('display_list_items', $displays);
     $output = Theme::RenderReturn('schedule_page_display_list');
     $response->callBack = 'DisplayListRender';

示例3: displayPage

 function displayPage()
     Theme::Set('version', VERSION);
     Theme::Set('text', Theme::RenderReturn('about_text'));
     // Render the Theme and output

示例4: displayPage

 function displayPage()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $user =& $this->user;
     $error = Kit::GetParam('ErrorMessage', _SESSION, _HTMLSTRING, __('Unknown Error'));
     Theme::Set('ErrorMessage', $error);

示例5: displayPage

 function displayPage()
     // Set some information about the form
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'SettingsForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=group&q=Delete');
     Theme::Set('settings_help_button_url', HelpManager::Link('Content', 'Config'));
     Theme::Set('settings_form', $this->display_settings());
     // Render the Theme and output

示例6: displayPage

 function displayPage()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $user =& $this->user;
     $config = new Config();
     // Configure the theme
     Theme::Set('environment_check', $config->CheckEnvironment());
     Theme::Set('collect_data_url', 'index.php?p=fault&q=CollectData');
     // Render the Theme and output

示例7: attempt_login

  * Validate the User is Logged In
  * @param $ajax Object[optional] Indicates if this request came from an AJAX call or otherwise
 function attempt_login($ajax = false)
     $db =& $this->db;
     $userid = Kit::GetParam('userid', _SESSION, _INT);
     // Referring Page is anything after the ?
     $requestUri = rawurlencode(Kit::GetCurrentPage());
     if (!$this->checkforUserid()) {
         // Log out the user
         if ($userid != 0) {
             $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE user SET loggedin = 0 WHERE userid = %d ", $userid));
         // AJAX calls that fail the login test cause a page redirect
         if ($ajax) {
             //create the AJAX request object
             $response = new ResponseManager();
         } else {
             Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . CreateFormToken() . '" />');
             Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?q=login&referingPage=' . $requestUri);
             Theme::Set('about_url', 'index.php?p=index&q=About');
             Theme::Set('source_url', 'https://launchpad.net/xibo/1.6');
             // Message (either from the URL or the session)
             $message = Kit::GetParam('message', _GET, _STRING, Kit::GetParam('message', _SESSION, _STRING, ''));
             Theme::Set('login_message', $message);
             // Clear the session message
             $_SESSION['message'] = '';
         return false;
     } else {
         //write out to the db that the logged in user has accessed the page still
         $SQL = sprintf("UPDATE user SET lastaccessed = '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "', loggedin = 1 WHERE userid = %d ", $userid);
         $results = $db->query($SQL) or trigger_error("Can not write last accessed info.", E_USER_ERROR);
         // Load the information about this user
         return true;

示例8: StatsGrid

  * Shows the stats grid
 public function StatsGrid()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $user =& $this->user;
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     $fromDt = Kit::GetParam('fromdt', _POST, _STRING);
     $toDt = Kit::GetParam('todt', _POST, _STRING);
     $displayId = Kit::GetParam('displayid', _POST, _INT);
     $mediaId = Kit::GetParam('mediaid', _POST, _INT);
     // What if the fromdt and todt are exactly the same?
     // in this case assume an entire day from midnight on the fromdt to midnight on the todt (i.e. add a day to the todt)
     if ($fromDt == $toDt) {
         $toDt = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($toDt) + 86399);
     Theme::Set('form_action', '');
     Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" name="p" value="stats"/><input type="hidden" name="q" value="OutputCSV"/><input type="hidden" name="displayid" value="' . $displayId . '" /><input type="hidden" name="fromdt" value="' . $fromDt . '" /><input type="hidden" name="todt" value="' . $toDt . '" />');
     // Get an array of display id this user has access to.
     $displays = $this->user->DisplayList();
     $display_ids = array();
     foreach ($displays as $display) {
         $display_ids[] = $display['displayid'];
     if (count($display_ids) <= 0) {
         trigger_error(__('No displays with View permissions'), E_USER_ERROR);
     // 3 grids showing different stats.
     // Layouts Ran
     $SQL = 'SELECT display.Display, layout.Layout, COUNT(StatID) AS NumberPlays, SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(end, start))) AS Duration, MIN(start) AS MinStart, MAX(end) AS MaxEnd ';
     $SQL .= '  FROM stat ';
     $SQL .= '  INNER JOIN layout ON layout.LayoutID = stat.LayoutID ';
     $SQL .= '  INNER JOIN display ON stat.DisplayID = display.DisplayID ';
     $SQL .= " WHERE stat.type = 'layout' ";
     $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.end > '%s' ", $fromDt);
     $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.start <= '%s' ", $toDt);
     $SQL .= ' AND stat.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $display_ids) . ') ';
     if ($displayId != 0) {
         $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.displayID = %d ", $displayId);
     $SQL .= 'GROUP BY display.Display, layout.Layout ';
     $SQL .= 'ORDER BY display.Display, layout.Layout';
     if (!($results = $this->db->query($SQL))) {
         trigger_error(__('Unable to get Layouts Shown'), E_USER_ERROR);
     $rows = array();
     while ($row = $db->get_assoc_row($results)) {
         $row['Display'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['Display'], _STRING);
         $row['Layout'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['Layout'], _STRING);
         $row['NumberPlays'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['NumberPlays'], _INT);
         $row['DurationSec'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['Duration'], _INT);
         $row['Duration'] = sec2hms(Kit::ValidateParam($row['Duration'], _INT));
         $row['MinStart'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['MinStart'], _STRING);
         $row['MaxEnd'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['MaxEnd'], _STRING);
         $rows[] = $row;
     Theme::Set('table_layouts_shown', $rows);
     // Media Ran
     $SQL = 'SELECT display.Display, media.Name, COUNT(StatID) AS NumberPlays, SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(end, start))) AS Duration, MIN(start) AS MinStart, MAX(end) AS MaxEnd ';
     $SQL .= '  FROM stat ';
     $SQL .= '  INNER JOIN display ON stat.DisplayID = display.DisplayID ';
     $SQL .= '  INNER JOIN  media ON media.MediaID = stat.MediaID ';
     $SQL .= " WHERE stat.type = 'media' ";
     $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.end > '%s' ", $fromDt);
     $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.start <= '%s' ", $toDt);
     $SQL .= ' AND stat.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $display_ids) . ') ';
     if ($mediaId != 0) {
         $SQL .= sprintf("  AND media.MediaID = %d ", $mediaId);
     if ($displayId != 0) {
         $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.displayID = %d ", $displayId);
     $SQL .= 'GROUP BY display.Display, media.Name ';
     $SQL .= 'ORDER BY display.Display, media.Name';
     if (!($results = $this->db->query($SQL))) {
         trigger_error(__('Unable to get Library Media Ran'), E_USER_ERROR);
     $rows = array();
     while ($row = $db->get_assoc_row($results)) {
         $row['Display'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['Display'], _STRING);
         $row['Media'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['Name'], _STRING);
         $row['NumberPlays'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['NumberPlays'], _INT);
         $row['DurationSec'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['Duration'], _INT);
         $row['Duration'] = sec2hms(Kit::ValidateParam($row['Duration'], _INT));
         $row['MinStart'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['MinStart'], _STRING);
         $row['MaxEnd'] = Kit::ValidateParam($row['MaxEnd'], _STRING);
         $rows[] = $row;
     Theme::Set('table_media_shown', $rows);
     // Media on Layouts Ran
     $SQL = "SELECT display.Display, layout.Layout, IFNULL(media.Name, 'Text/Rss/Webpage') AS Name, COUNT(StatID) AS NumberPlays, SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(end, start))) AS Duration, MIN(start) AS MinStart, MAX(end) AS MaxEnd ";
     $SQL .= '  FROM stat ';
     $SQL .= '  INNER JOIN display ON stat.DisplayID = display.DisplayID ';
     $SQL .= '  INNER JOIN layout ON layout.LayoutID = stat.LayoutID ';
     $SQL .= '  LEFT OUTER JOIN media ON media.MediaID = stat.MediaID ';
     $SQL .= " WHERE stat.type = 'media' ";
     $SQL .= sprintf("  AND stat.end > '%s' ", $fromDt);

示例9: About

  * Shows information about Xibo
  * @return 
 function About()
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     Theme::Set('version', VERSION);
     // Render the Theme and output
     $output = Theme::RenderReturn('about_text');
     $response->SetFormRequestResponse($output, __('About'), '500', '500');
     $response->AddButton(__('Close'), 'XiboDialogClose()');

示例10: ImportForm

 public function ImportForm()
     global $session;
     $db =& $this->db;
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     // Set the Session / Security information
     $sessionId = session_id();
     $securityToken = CreateFormToken();
     // Find the max file size
     $maxFileSizeBytes = convertBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
     // Set some information about the form
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'LayoutImportForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=layout&q=Import');
     Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" id="txtFileName" name="txtFileName" readonly="true" /><input type="hidden" name="hidFileID" id="hidFileID" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="template" value="' . Kit::GetParam('template', _GET, _STRING, 'false') . '" />');
     Theme::Set('form_upload_id', 'file_upload');
     Theme::Set('form_upload_action', 'index.php?p=content&q=FileUpload');
     Theme::Set('form_upload_meta', '<input type="hidden" id="PHPSESSID" value="' . $sessionId . '" /><input type="hidden" id="SecurityToken" value="' . $securityToken . '" /><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="' . $maxFileSizeBytes . '" />');
     Theme::Set('prepend', Theme::RenderReturn('form_file_upload_single'));
     $formFields = array();
     $formFields[] = FormManager::AddText('layout', __('Name'), NULL, __('The Name of the Layout - (1 - 50 characters). Leave blank to use the name from the import.'), 'n');
     $formFields[] = FormManager::AddCheckbox('replaceExisting', __('Replace Existing Media?'), NULL, __('If the import finds existing media with the same name, should it be replaced in the Layout or should the Layout use that media.'), 'r');
     if (Kit::GetParam('template', _GET, _STRING, 'false') != 'true') {
         $formFields[] = FormManager::AddCheckbox('importTags', __('Import Tags?'), NULL, __('Would you like to import any tags contained on the layout.'), 't');
     Theme::Set('form_fields', $formFields);
     $response->SetFormRequestResponse(NULL, __('Import Layout'), '350px', '200px');
     $response->AddButton(__('Help'), 'XiboHelpRender("' . HelpManager::Link('DataSet', 'ImportCsv') . '")');
     $response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboDialogClose()');
     $response->AddButton(__('Import'), '$("#LayoutImportForm").submit()');

示例11: PermissionsForm

  * Permissions form
 public function PermissionsForm()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $user =& $this->user;
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     $helpManager = new HelpManager($db, $user);
     $templateId = Kit::GetParam('templateid', _GET, _INT);
     if ($templateId == 0) {
         trigger_error(__('No template selected'), E_USER_ERROR);
     // Is this user allowed to delete this template?
     $auth = $this->user->TemplateAuth($templateId, true);
     // Set some information about the form
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'TemplatePermissionsForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=template&q=Permissions');
     Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" name="templateid" value="' . $templateId . '" />');
     // List of all Groups with a view/edit/delete checkbox
     $SQL = '';
     $SQL .= 'SELECT `group`.GroupID, `group`.`Group`, View, Edit, Del, `group`.IsUserSpecific ';
     $SQL .= '  FROM `group` ';
     $SQL .= '   LEFT OUTER JOIN lktemplategroup ';
     $SQL .= '   ON lktemplategroup.GroupID = group.GroupID ';
     $SQL .= '       AND lktemplategroup.TemplateID = %d ';
     $SQL .= ' WHERE `group`.GroupID <> %d ';
     $SQL .= 'ORDER BY `group`.IsEveryone DESC, `group`.IsUserSpecific, `group`.`Group` ';
     $SQL = sprintf($SQL, $templateId, $user->getGroupFromId($user->userid, true));
     if (!($results = $db->query($SQL))) {
         trigger_error(__('Unable to get permissions for this template'), E_USER_ERROR);
     $checkboxes = array();
     while ($row = $db->get_assoc_row($results)) {
         $groupId = $row['GroupID'];
         $rowClass = $row['IsUserSpecific'] == 0 ? 'strong_text' : '';
         $checkbox = array('id' => $groupId, 'name' => Kit::ValidateParam($row['Group'], _STRING), 'class' => $rowClass, 'value_view' => $groupId . '_view', 'value_view_checked' => $row['View'] == 1 ? 'checked' : '', 'value_edit' => $groupId . '_edit', 'value_edit_checked' => $row['Edit'] == 1 ? 'checked' : '', 'value_del' => $groupId . '_del', 'value_del_checked' => $row['Del'] == 1 ? 'checked' : '');
         $checkboxes[] = $checkbox;
     Theme::Set('form_rows', $checkboxes);
     $form = Theme::RenderReturn('campaign_form_permissions');
     $response->SetFormRequestResponse($form, __('Permissions'), '350px', '500px');
     $response->AddButton(__('Help'), 'XiboHelpRender("' . $helpManager->Link('Template', 'Permissions') . '")');
     $response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboDialogClose()');
     $response->AddButton(__('Save'), '$("#TemplatePermissionsForm").submit()');

示例12: LibraryAssignView

  * Show the library
  * @return 
 function LibraryAssignView()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $user =& $this->user;
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     //Input vars
     $mediatype = Kit::GetParam('filter_type', _POST, _STRING);
     $name = Kit::GetParam('filter_name', _POST, _STRING);
     // Get a list of media
     $mediaList = $user->MediaList($mediatype, $name);
     $rows = array();
     // Add some extra information
     foreach ($mediaList as $row) {
         $row['duration_text'] = sec2hms($row['duration']);
         $row['list_id'] = 'MediaID_' . $row['mediaid'];
         $rows[] = $row;
     Theme::Set('table_rows', $rows);
     // Render the Theme
     $response->callBack = 'LibraryAssignCallback';
     $response->pageSize = 5;

示例13: DeleteForm

  * Delete Help Link Form
 public function DeleteForm()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     $helpId = Kit::GetParam('HelpID', _REQUEST, _INT);
     // Set some information about the form
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'HelpDeleteForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=help&q=Delete');
     Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" name="HelpID" value="' . $helpId . '" />');
     $form = Theme::RenderReturn('help_form_delete');
     $response->SetFormRequestResponse($form, __('Delete Help Link'), '350px', '175px');
     $response->AddButton(__('No'), 'XiboDialogClose()');
     $response->AddButton(__('Yes'), '$("#HelpDeleteForm").submit()');

示例14: tidyLibraryForm

 public function tidyLibraryForm()
     $response = new ResponseManager();
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'TidyLibraryForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=content&q=tidyLibrary');
     $formFields = array();
     $formFields[] = FormManager::AddMessage(__('Tidying your Library will delete any media that is not currently in use.'));
     // Work out how many files there are
     $media = Media::entriesUnusedForUser($this->user->userid);
     $formFields[] = FormManager::AddMessage(sprintf(__('There is %s of data stored in %d files . Are you sure you want to proceed?', Kit::formatBytes(array_sum(array_map(function ($element) {
         return $element['fileSize'];
     }, $media))), count($media))));
     Theme::Set('form_fields', $formFields);
     $response->SetFormRequestResponse(NULL, __('Tidy Library'), '350px', '275px');
     $response->AddButton(__('Help'), 'XiboHelpRender("' . HelpManager::Link('Content', 'TidyLibrary') . '")');
     $response->AddButton(__('No'), 'XiboDialogClose()');
     $response->AddButton(__('Yes'), '$("#TidyLibraryForm").submit()');

示例15: EditForm

  * Return the Edit Form as HTML
  * @return 
 public function EditForm()
     $db =& $this->db;
     $layoutid = $this->layoutid;
     $regionid = $this->regionid;
     $mediaid = $this->mediaid;
     // Can this user edit?
     if (!$this->auth->edit) {
         $this->response->SetError('You do not have permission to edit this media.');
         $this->response->keepOpen = false;
         return $this->response;
     Theme::Set('form_id', 'ModuleForm');
     Theme::Set('form_action', 'index.php?p=module&mod=' . $this->type . '&q=Exec&method=EditMedia');
     Theme::Set('form_meta', '<input type="hidden" name="layoutid" value="' . $layoutid . '"><input type="hidden" id="iRegionId" name="regionid" value="' . $regionid . '"><input type="hidden" name="showRegionOptions" value="' . $this->showRegionOptions . '" /><input type="hidden" id="mediaid" name="mediaid" value="' . $mediaid . '">');
     // Get the embedded HTML out of RAW
     $rawXml = new DOMDocument();
     Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'Raw XML returned: ' . $this->GetRaw());
     // Get the HTML Node out of this
     $textNodes = $rawXml->getElementsByTagName('embedHtml');
     $textNode = $textNodes->item(0);
     Theme::Set('embedHtml', $textNode->nodeValue);
     $textNodes = $rawXml->getElementsByTagName('embedScript');
     $textNode = $textNodes->item(0);
     Theme::Set('embedScript', $textNode->nodeValue);
     Theme::Set('duration', $this->duration);
     Theme::Set('durationFieldEnabled', $this->auth->modifyPermissions ? '' : ' readonly');
     // Is the transparency option set?
     if ($this->GetOption('transparency')) {
         Theme::Set('transparency_checked', 'checked');
     //Output the form
     $form = Theme::RenderReturn('media_form_embedded_edit');
     if ($this->showRegionOptions) {
         $this->response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboSwapDialog("index.php?p=timeline&layoutid=' . $layoutid . '&regionid=' . $regionid . '&q=RegionOptions")');
     } else {
         $this->response->AddButton(__('Cancel'), 'XiboDialogClose()');
     $this->response->html = $form;
     $this->response->dialogTitle = 'Edit Embedded HTML';
     $this->response->dialogSize = true;
     $this->response->dialogWidth = '650px';
     $this->response->dialogHeight = '450px';
     $this->response->AddButton(__('Save'), '$("#ModuleForm").submit()');
     return $this->response;
