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PHP Queue::pushOn方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Queue::pushOn方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Queue::pushOn方法的具体用法?PHP Queue::pushOn怎么用?PHP Queue::pushOn使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Queue的用法示例。


示例1: queueBuild

 public static function queueBuild($id)
     // If already queued, dont queue again
     if (self::find($id)->queued) {
     // Update queued flag
     self::find($id)->update(['queued' => 1]);
     $repo = \Apigenci\Model\Repo::find($id);
     \Queue::pushOn('low', new BuildDocuments($repo));

示例2: handleMediaUpload

 protected function handleMediaUpload($request, $inputName)
     if ($request->hasFile($inputName)) {
         $upload = $request->file($inputName);
         $folderName = date('Y/m');
         $dest = 'assets/uploads/' . $folderName . '/';
         if (!file_exists($dest)) {
             mkdir($dest, 0777, TRUE);
         $extension = $upload->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $mime = $upload->getMimeType();
         $filename = md5(time() . $upload->getClientOriginalName());
         $type = 'file';
         if ($mime == 'application/pdf') {
             $type = 'pdf';
         } else {
             if (strpos($mime, 'image/') !== FALSE) {
                 $type = 'image';
         $status = $upload->move($dest, $filename . '_o.' . $extension);
         if ($status) {
             $media = new \App\Models\Media();
             $media->type = $type;
             $media->path = $dest;
             $media->name = $filename;
             $media->ext = $extension;
             $media->third_party_type = '';
             $media->third_party_thumbnail = '';
             $media->third_party_id = '';
             if ($type == 'image') {
                 // Add image to queue for processing
                 \Queue::pushOn('media-fpassets-' . \App::environment(), new \App\Commands\ProcessImage($media));
             return $media;
         echo 'asdf';
     return null;

示例3: catch

    try {
    } catch (\exception $ex) {
        // Prevent updating the PK
Route::post('repo/{id}/disable', function ($id) {
    $id = \Apigenci\Model::repoDecodeWeb($id);
    $repo = \Apigenci\Model\Repo::find($id);
    $repo->update(['enabled' => 0, 'queued' => 0, 'failed' => 0, 'built' => 0]);
    \Queue::pushOn('low', new \App\Jobs\Apigenci\DeleteGeneratedHtml($repo));
Route::get('github/{owner}/{repo}', function ($owner, $repo) {
    return view('apigenci.github.invite', ['owner' => $owner, 'repo' => $repo]);
Route::get('github/{owner}/{repo}/tag/{tag}', function ($owner, $repo, $tag) {
    // Make sure repo exists, redirect to invite if not
    if (!\Apigenci\Model::localRepoExists($owner, $repo)) {
        return \Redirect::away("/github/{$owner}/{$repo}");
    return view('apigenci.github.tag', ['owner' => $owner, 'repo' => $repo, 'tag' => $tag]);
Route::get('privacy', function () {
    return view('apigenci.privacy');
Route::any('webhook', function () {

示例4: function

        Route::get('/', 'TalkingController@index');
        // Route::post('/save','WeiboController@save');
        // Route::resource('/', 'AboutController');
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'setting'], function () {
        Route::get('/', 'SettingController@index');
        // Route::post('/save','WeiboController@save');
        // Route::resource('/', 'AboutController');
    // Route::any('/main','MainController@index');
    // Route::group(['prefix'=>'Guest','namespace'=>'\Guest'],function(){
    //     Route::get('/','GuestController@index');
    // });
Queue::pushOn('/queue_mail', new \App\Commands\SendEmail());
Route::get('/weibo/show', 'Admin\\WeiboController@show');
Route::get('/weibo/show/{id}', 'Admin\\WeiboController@show_id');
Route::post('/music/search', 'Admin\\MusicController@search');
Route::get('/', 'Index\\IndexController@index');
Route::get('/home', 'Index\\IndexController@index');
Route::get('/home/{user_id}', 'Index\\IndexController@index_id');
Route::get('/{nav}', 'Index\\IndexController@nav_index');
Route::get('/{nav}/{user_id}', 'Index\\IndexController@nav_id');
//测试  工作上的小查询
// Route::get('/test','TestController@index');
// Route::get('/test/excel','TestController@excel');
// Route::get('/test/mobile','TestController@mobile');
// Route::get('/test/mobile/excel','TestController@mobile_excel');

示例5: upload

  * Upload & Resize the file from \File or url
  * @param string $type 
  * @param string $input 
  * @param string $name 
  * @param array|null $crop 
  * @param array|null $rotate 
  * @return ImageFile instance
 public function upload($type, $input, $name, $crop = null, $rotate = null, $override_config = [])
     if (strlen($name) > 255) {
         throw new \TarunMangukiya\ImageResizer\Exception\TooLongFileNameException("Error Processing Request", 1);
     // Get Config for the current Image type
     $type_config = ImageResizerConfig::getTypeConfig($type, $override_config);
     $crop_enabled = $type_config['crop']['enabled'];
     // Get the original save location according to config
     if ($crop_enabled && null !== $crop) {
         $original_location = array_key_exists('uncropped_image', $type_config['crop']) ? $type_config['crop']['uncropped_image'] : $type_config['original'];
     } else {
         $original_location = $type_config['original'];
     // Check input type is $_FILES input name or local file or url
     // Check for Input File
     if (\Request::hasFile($input)) {
         $original_file = $this->moveUploadedFile($input, $name, $original_location);
     } elseif (file_exists($input)) {
         $original_file = $this->copyFile($input, $name, $original_location);
     } elseif (filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== FALSE) {
         $original_file = $this->transferURLFile($input, $name, $original_location);
     } else {
         throw new \TarunMangukiya\ImageResizer\Exception\InvalidInputException("Invalid Input for Image Resizer.");
     // crop the image if enabled
     if ($crop_enabled && null !== $crop) {
         $file = $this->transformImage($original_file, $type_config, $crop, $rotate);
     } else {
         $file = $original_file;
     // Check if there is no resize of files
     if (count($type_config['sizes'])) {
         $job = new ResizeImages($file, $type_config);
         // Check if we have to queue the resize of the image
         if ($this->config['queue']) {
             \Queue::pushOn($this->config['queue_name'], $job);
         } else {
     return $file;
