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PHP IEM::userLogout方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中IEM::userLogout方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP IEM::userLogout方法的具体用法?PHP IEM::userLogout怎么用?PHP IEM::userLogout使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在IEM的用法示例。


示例1: Process

	* Process
	* Logs you out and redirects you back to the login page.
	* @see Login::Process
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Unsets session variables, removes the "remember me" cookie if it's set and redirects you back to the login page.
	function Process()
		$sessionuser = IEM::getCurrentUser();

		if (substr($url, -1, 1) != '/') {
			$url .= '/';
		$url .= 'admin/index.php';

		header("Location: {$url}");

示例2: ProcessJob

	* ProcessJob
	* Processes an autoresponder queue
	* Checks a queue for duplicates, makes sure the queue is present and has recipients in it and then calls ActionJob to handle the rest
	* @param Int $queueid Autoresponder queue to process. This is passed to ActionJob
	* @see GetUser
	* @see RemoveDuplicatesInQueue
	* @see QueueSize
	* @see ActionJob
	* @see UnprocessQueue
	* @return True Always returns true
	function ProcessJob($queueid=0)
		$queueid = (int)$queueid;

		$this->user = GetUser($this->jobowner);
		IEM::userLogin($this->jobowner, false);

		$queuesize = $this->QueueSize($queueid, 'autoresponder');

		if ($this->Debug) {
			error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "queuesize: " . $queuesize . " for queueid " . $queueid . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);

		$jobid_query = "SELECT jobid FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "jobs WHERE queueid='" . $queueid . "'";
		$jobid_result = $this->Db->Query($jobid_query);
		$jobid = $this->Db->FetchOne($jobid_result, 'jobid');

		if (!$jobid) {
			if ($this->Debug) {
				error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "no jobid (result " . gettype($jobid_result) . "; " . $jobid_result . ")" . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);
				error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "Returning" . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);
			return true;

		$timenow = $this->GetServerTime();
		$query = "UPDATE " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "jobs SET lastupdatetime=" . $timenow . " WHERE jobid='" . $jobid . "'";
		$update_job_result = $this->Db->Query($query);

		if ($queuesize <= 0) {
			if ($this->Debug) {
				error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "Deleting job " . $jobid . " and then returning" . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);
			$this->Db->Query("DELETE FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "jobs WHERE jobid='" . $jobid . "'");
			return true;

		if ($this->Debug) {
			error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "Actioning jobid " . $jobid . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);

		$finished = $this->ActionJob($queueid, $jobid);

		if ($this->Debug) {
			error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "Finished: " . $finished . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);

		// we need to turn 'processed' emails back to normal so we can check them next time.

		if ($this->Debug) {
			error_log(time() . "\t" . __FILE__ . "\t" . __LINE__ . "\t" . "Deleting jobid " . $jobid . "\n", 3, $this->LogFile);

		$this->Db->Query('DELETE FROM ' . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . 'jobs_lists WHERE jobid=' . intval($jobid));
		$this->Db->Query("DELETE FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "jobs WHERE jobid=" . intval($jobid));

		return true;

示例3: eventLinkClicked

		 * eventLinkClicked
		 * This is a listener for "IEM_STATSAPI_RECORDLINKCLICK" event.
		 * It allows trigger email to capture "Newsletter Opened" and "Link Clicked"
		 * @param EventData_IEM_STATSAPI_RECORDLINKCLICK $eventData Event data object
		 * @return Void Returns nothing
		static public function eventLinkClicked(EventData_IEM_STATSAPI_RECORDLINKCLICK $eventData)
			// Only intrested if it is a newsletter
			if ($eventData->statstype != 'newsletter') {

			// If this click has been recorded previously, ignore it
			if ($eventData->have_been_recorded) {

			$api = new TriggerEmails_API();
			$linkid = intval($eventData->click_details['linkid']);
			$statid = intval($eventData->click_details['statid']);
			$triggerrecords = $api->GetRecordByAssociatedLinkIDStatID($linkid, $statid);

			// If no trigger records are found, return from function
			if (!$triggerrecords || !is_array($triggerrecords) || !isset($triggerrecords['triggeremails']) || empty($triggerrecords['triggeremails'])) {

			$recipients = $api->_getSubscriberIDSFromList($eventData->click_details['subscriberid'], array_keys($triggerrecords['lists']));

			foreach ($triggerrecords['triggeremails'] as $trigger) {
				// If receipients has been added to the send queue or have been sent an email for this particular trigger, do not re-add the subscriber again
				if (!$api->CanAddToQueue($trigger['triggeremailsid'], $eventData->click_details['subscriberid'], $trigger['queueid'])) {

				$schedule = time() + ($trigger['triggerhours'] * 3600);

				IEM::userLogin($trigger['ownerid'], false);
				$api->AddToQueue($trigger['queueid'], 'triggeremail', $recipients, $schedule);


示例4: ProcessJob


            $this->Subscriber_API->RemoveDuplicatesInQueue($sendqueue, 'send', $this->jobdetails['Lists']);

            $this->Subscriber_API->RemoveBannedEmails($this->jobdetails['Lists'], $sendqueue, 'send');

            $this->Subscriber_API->RemoveUnsubscribedEmails($this->jobdetails['Lists'], $sendqueue, 'send');

            $queueid = $sendqueue;

            $newsletterstats = $this->jobdetails;
            $newsletterstats['Job'] = $jobid;
            $newsletterstats['Queue'] = $sendqueue;
            $newsletterstats['SentBy'] = $queueinfo['ownerid'];

            $real_queuesize = $this->Subscriber_API->QueueSize($queueid, 'send');

            $newsletterstats['SendSize'] = $real_queuesize;

            $statid = $this->Stats_API->SaveNewsletterStats($newsletterstats);

             * Process tracker request where because cron was not enabled, we need to parse the option straight away
             * @todo Result for the call to module_Tracker::ParseOptionsForAllTracker() is not being processed and being ignored
            $tempAPIFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/module_trackerfactory.php';
            if (is_file($tempAPIFile)) {
                $temp = array_merge($this->jobdetails, array('statid' => $statid,
                    'stattype' => 'newsletter',
                    'newsletterid' => $this->jobdetails['Newsletter']));

                $status = module_Tracker::ParseOptionsForAllTracker($temp);
             * -----
             * So we can link user stats to send stats, we need to update it.
            $this->Stats_API->UpdateUserStats($queueinfo['ownerid'], $jobid, $statid);

             * The 'queuesize' in the stats_users table is updated by MarkNewsletterFinished in send.php
             * so we don't need to worry about it while setting up the send.
             * That takes into account whether some recipients were skipped because a html-only email was sent etc.
             * We re-check the user stats in case a bunch of subscribers have joined, or the user has done something like:
             * - create a list
             * - added a few subscribers
             * - scheduled a send
             * - added more subscribers
            $check_stats = $this->Stats_API->ReCheckUserStats($user, $original_queuesize, $real_queuesize, AdjustTime());

            list($ok_to_send, $not_ok_to_send_reason) = $check_stats;
            if (!$ok_to_send) {
                trigger_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " -- " . GetLang($not_ok_to_send_reason), E_USER_WARNING);
                return false;


        $this->statid = $this->LoadStats($jobid);
        if (empty($this->statid)) {
            trigger_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " -- Cannot find statid. Previous preliminary job process did not get finalized (either CRON died, or it hasn't finished processing the job). Ignoring this job: jobid {$jobid}.", E_USER_NOTICE);
            return false;

        $queuesize = $this->Subscriber_API->QueueSize($queueid, 'send');

        // used by send.php::CleanUp
        $this->queuesize = $this->jobdetails['SendSize'];

         * There's nothing left? Just mark it as done.
        if ($queuesize == 0) {
            $this->jobstatus = 'c';
            return true;

        $finished = $this->ActionJob($jobid, $queueid);

        if ($finished) {
            $this->jobstatus = 'c';

        return true;

示例5: _ProcessJob

             $this->_subscribers_api->GetSubscribers($send_criteria, array(), false, $queueinfo, $sendqueue);
         if (SENDSTUDIO_DATABASE_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
             $this->Db->OptimizeTable(SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "queues");
         $this->_subscribers_api->RemoveDuplicatesInQueue($sendqueue, 'splittest', $jobdetails['Lists']);
         $this->_subscribers_api->RemoveBannedEmails($jobdetails['Lists'], $sendqueue, 'splittest');
         $this->_subscribers_api->RemoveUnsubscribedEmails($jobdetails['Lists'], $sendqueue, 'splittest');
         if (SENDSTUDIO_DATABASE_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
             $this->Db->OptimizeTable(SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "queues");
         $jobdetails['SendSize'] = $this->_subscribers_api->QueueSize($sendqueue, 'splittest');
         $jobdetails['Stats'] = array();
         $jobdetails['SendQueue'] = $sendqueue;
          * Delete the old user stats allocations.
          * They were all allocated under one stat/job before so the user recorded their send info
          * so they couldn't set up split test sends and go over their send quota.
          * Now, we need to re-allocate them per newsletter being sent.
         $this->_stats_api->DeleteUserStats($jobinfo['ownerid'], $this->_jobid);
         $statids = array();
         foreach ($jobdetails['newsletters'] as $newsletterid) {
             $newsletterstats = $jobdetails;
             $newsletterstats['Job'] = $jobid;
             $newsletterstats['Queue'] = $sendqueue;
             $newsletterstats['SentBy'] = $queueinfo['ownerid'];
             $newsletterstats['SendType'] = 'splittest';
             $newsletterstats['Newsletter'] = $newsletterid;
             $newsletterstats['Lists'] = $jobdetails['sendingto']['Lists'];
             $newsletterstats['SendCriteria'] = $jobdetails['SendCriteria'];
             $statid = $this->_stats_api->SaveNewsletterStats($newsletterstats);
             $statids[] = $statid;
             $jobdetails['Stats'][$newsletterid] = $statid;
             $this->_stats_api->RecordUserStats($jobinfo['ownerid'], $this->_jobid, $jobdetails['SendSize'], $jobdetails['SendStartTime'], $statid);
         $this->SaveSplitStats($jobdetails['splitid'], $this->_jobid, $statids);
          * If it's a percentage send,
          * work out the number of emails to send for the first percentage
          * It gets stored in the jobdetails array so it can be saved in the database.
         if ($this->splitcampaign_details['splittype'] == 'percentage') {
             $max_to_email = ceil($this->splitcampaign_details['splitdetails']['percentage'] / 100 * $jobdetails['SendSize']);
             $jobdetails['percentage_send_maximum'] = $max_to_email;
          * Save the job stat details.
          * Otherwise we could potentially end up with a 'start'ed queue but no stats.
         $this->Set('jobdetails', $jobdetails);
          * This is to process the 'queueid' later in the code.
         $queueid = $sendqueue;
         // This will make sure that the credit warning emails are also being send out from splittest
     $this->Db->OptimizeTable(SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "queues");
     $queuesize = $this->_subscribers_api->QueueSize($queueid, 'splittest');
     $this->_queueid = $queueid;
      * If there is a "percentage_send_maximum" variable in the jobdetails array,
      * we are sending to the first part of a 'percentage' split test.
      * We have to send to the rest of the percentage maximum before we pause the job,
      * work out the "best" performing campaign and send to that.
     if (isset($jobdetails['percentage_send_maximum'])) {
         $this->_percentage_send_maximum = (int) $jobdetails['percentage_send_maximum'];
      * If the _percentage_send_maximum is 0, then "timeout" the job.
      * We must have hit "pause" right at the end of the initial send process or something.
     if ($this->_percentage_send_maximum !== null && $this->_percentage_send_maximum <= 0) {
         $this->TimeoutJob($jobid, $this->splitcampaign_details['splitid'], $this->splitcampaign_details['splitdetails']['hoursafter']);
         return true;
     $this->Set('statids', $jobdetails['Stats']);
     $this->Set('jobdetails', $jobdetails);
     $this->Set('jobowner', $jobinfo['ownerid']);
      * There's nothing left? Just mark it as done.
     if ($queuesize == 0) {
         return true;
     $finished = $this->_ActionJob($jobid, $queueid);
     if ($finished) {
     return true;
