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PHP IEM::logUserActivity方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中IEM::logUserActivity方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP IEM::logUserActivity方法的具体用法?PHP IEM::logUserActivity怎么用?PHP IEM::logUserActivity使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在IEM的用法示例。


示例1: EditNewsletter

     * EditNewsletter
     * Loads up stage 1 of editing a newsletter (choosing format, templates etc).
     * @param Int $newsletterid Newsletter to load up.
     * @see GetApi
     * @see GetTemplateList
     * @see Newsletter_API::Load
     * @see Newsletter_API::GetAllFormats
     * @return Void Prints out the form, doesn't return anything.
    function EditNewsletter($newsletterid=0) {
        $newsletter = $this->GetApi();

        if ($newsletterid <= 0 || !$newsletter->Load($newsletterid)) {
            $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToLoadNewsletter');
            $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

        // Log this to "User Activity Log"
        IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/newsletters_view.gif', $newsletter->name);

        $GLOBALS['Action'] = 'Edit&SubAction=Step2&id=' . $newsletterid;
        $GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('EditNewsletterCancelButton');
        $GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('EditNewsletter');
        $GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('EditNewsletterIntro');
        $GLOBALS['NewsletterDetails'] = GetLang('EditNewsletterHeading');

        $GLOBALS['FormatList'] = '';
        $allformats = $newsletter->GetAllFormats();
        foreach ($allformats as $id => $name) {
            $selected = '';
            if ($id == $newsletter->format) {
                $selected = ' SELECTED';

            if ($name == 'TextAndHTML') {
                $recommended = ' ' . GetLang('Recommended');
            } else {
                $recommended = '';

            $GLOBALS['FormatList'] .= '<option value="' . $id . '"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang('Format_' . $name) . $recommended . '</option>';

        $GLOBALS['Name'] = htmlspecialchars($newsletter->name, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

        $GLOBALS['DisplayTemplateList'] = 'none';


示例2: Process

				} else {

			case 'step2':
				$listid = 0;
				if (isset($_GET['list'])) {
					$listid = (int)$_GET['list'];


			case 'sendpreviewdisplay':

			case 'sendpreview':

			case 'view':
				$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;
				$type = strtolower(get_class($this));
				$autoresponderapi = $this->GetApi();
				if (!$autoresponderapi->Load($id)) {

				// Log this to "User Activity Log"
				$logURL = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/index.php?Page=' . __CLASS__ . '&Action=Edit&id=' . $_GET['id'];
				IEM::logUserActivity($logURL, 'images/autoresponders_view.gif', $autoresponderapi->name);

				$details = array();
				$details['htmlcontent'] = $autoresponderapi->GetBody('HTML');
				$details['textcontent'] = $autoresponderapi->GetBody('Text');
				$details['format'] = $autoresponderapi->format;

			case 'edit':
				$subaction = (isset($_GET['SubAction'])) ? strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) : false;

				switch ($subaction) {
					case 'save':
					case 'complete':
						$user = IEM::getCurrentUser();
						$session_autoresponder = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders');

						$listid = $session_autoresponder['list'];

						if (!$session_autoresponder || !isset($session_autoresponder['autoresponderid'])) {

						$text_unsubscribelink_found = true;
						$html_unsubscribelink_found = true;

						$id = $session_autoresponder['autoresponderid'];

						$autoapi = $this->GetApi();

示例3: ViewSubscriber

	* ViewSubscriber
	* Prints the 'view subscriber' page and all appropriate options including custom fields.
	* @param Int $listid The list the subscriber is on. This is checked to make sure the user has 'manage' access to the list before anything else.
	* @param Int $subscriberid The subscriberid to view.
	* @param Int $segmentid The ID of the segment that the subscriber is going to be fetched from
	* @param String $msgtype The heading to show when viewing a subscriber. This can be either error or success. Used with $msg to display something.
	* @param String $msg The message to display in the heading. If this is not present, no message is displayed.
	* @see GetApi
	* @see Subscribers_API::GetCustomFieldSettings
	* @see Lists_API::GetCustomFields
	* @see Lists_API::Load
	* @see Lists_API::GetListFormat
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Prints out the view form and that's it.
	function ViewSubscriber($listid = 0, $subscriberid = 0, $segmentid = 0, $msgtype = 'Error', $msg = false)
		$user = GetUser();
		$access = $user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Manage');
		if (!$access) {


		$search_info = IEM::sessionGet('Search_Subscribers');

		$GLOBALS['list'] = $listid;

		if ($msg && $msgtype) {
			switch (strtolower($msgtype)) {
				case 'success':
					$GLOBALS['Success'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false);
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

		$SubscriberApi = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');
		$subscriberinfo = false;

		 * Get Subscriber record from the database
			$adminAccess = false;

			// If this user is an admin/list admin/list admintype == a then give permission
			if ($user->Admin() || $user->ListAdminType() == 'a' || $user->ListAdmin()) {
				$adminAccess = true;

			// Get subscribers from list
			if ($segmentid == 0) {
				if (!$adminAccess && !$SubscriberApi->CheckPermission($user->userid, $subscriberid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberList($subscriberid, $listid);

			// Get subscribers from segment
			} else {
				if (!$adminAccess) {
					$segmentapi = $this->GetApi('Segment', true);

					if ($segmentapi->ownerid != $user->userid && !$user->HasAccess('Segments', 'View', $segmentid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberSegment($subscriberid, $segmentid);
		 * -----

		// hmm, the subscriber doesn't exist or can't be loaded? show an error.
		if (empty($subscriberinfo)) {
			$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('SubscriberDoesntExist_View');

		// Log this to "User Activity Log"
		$logURL = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Edit&List=' . $_GET['List'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'];
		IEM::logUserActivity($logURL, 'images/contacts_view.gif', $subscriberinfo['emailaddress']);

		$list_api = $this->GetApi('Lists');


示例4: EditCustomField

	* EditCustomField
	* Allows editing of a custom field. This also handles whether to show more options (if it's a checkbox/dropdown) and so on.
	* @param Int $fieldid Fieldid to load and edit.
	* @see GetApi
	* @see CustomFields_API::Load
	* @see CustomFields_API::Settings
	* @see MoreOptions
	* @see MoreOptionsToShow
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results.
	function EditCustomField($fieldid=0)
		if ($fieldid <= 0) {
			return false;

		$api = $this->GetApi();
		if (!$api->Load($fieldid)) {
			$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('CustomFieldDoesntExist');

		$fieldapi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields_' . $api->fieldtype);

		// Log this to "User Activity Log"
		IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/customfields.gif', $api->Settings['FieldName']);

		$GLOBALS['CustomFieldDetails'] = GetLang('EditCustomField');

		$GLOBALS['Action'] = 'Edit&SubAction=Update&id=' . $fieldid;
		$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('EditCustomField_CancelPrompt');
		$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('EditCustomField');
		$GLOBALS['Intro'] = GetLang('EditCustomFieldIntro');

		$type = $fieldapi->fieldtype;
		$GLOBALS['FieldType'] = GetLang('CustomFieldType_' . strtolower($type));

		$GLOBALS['FieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings['FieldName'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

		$fieldoptions = $fieldapi->GetOptions();

		foreach ($fieldoptions as $name => $val) {
			if (!is_array($fieldapi->Settings[$name])) {
				$GLOBALS[$name] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings[$name], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

			foreach ($fieldapi->Settings[$name] as $p => $pname) {
				$GLOBALS['Display'.$p] = htmlspecialchars($pname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

		$required = '';
		if ($fieldapi->Settings['FieldRequired']) {
			$required = ' CHECKED';

		$GLOBALS['FieldRequired'] = $required;

        if (isset($fieldapi->Settings['ApplyDefault'])) {
			$required = ' CHECKED';

		$GLOBALS['ApplyDefault'] = $required;

		$GLOBALS['CancelButton'] = GetLang('EditCustomField_CancelPrompt');

		$currentlist = '';
		$extralist = '';
		$extralistdisplay = 'none';
		$addmorelinkdisplay = '';

		if (in_array($fieldapi->fieldtype, $this->MoreOptions)) {
			$extralist_template = 'CustomField_Form_Step2_' . $fieldapi->fieldtype . '_list_edit';
			$keysize = sizeof($fieldapi->Settings['Key']);

			for ($i = 1; $i <= $keysize; $i++) {
				$GLOBALS['KeyNumber'] = $i;
				$GLOBALS['Key'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings['Key'][$i-1], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
				$GLOBALS['Value'] = htmlspecialchars($fieldapi->Settings['Value'][$i-1], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
				$currentlist .= $this->ParseTemplate($extralist_template, true, false);

			$end = $i;

			$GLOBALS['Key'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['Value'] = '';

			$GLOBALS['KeyNumber'] = $i;
			$extralist .= $this->ParseTemplate($extralist_template, true, false);

			$GLOBALS['CurrentSize'] = $i;


示例5: PrintEditForm

			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_import_emailtext');
			if (empty($GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'])) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'] = GetLang('AdminNotifications_Import_Email');

			$GLOBALS['SendLimit'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_send_threshold');
			$GLOBALS['ImportLimit'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_import_threshold');

			if (empty($GLOBALS['SendLimit'])) {
				$GLOBALS['SendLimit'] = 1000;
			if (empty($GLOBALS['ImportLimit'])) {
				$GLOBALS['ImportLimit'] = 1000;

			$admin_flag = $user->Get('adminnotify_send_flag');
			if ($user->Get('adminnotify_send_flag') == 1) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotificationsSend'] = 'CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifySend'] = '';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifySend'] = "style=display:none;";
			if ($user->Get('adminnotify_import_flag') == 1) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotificationsImport'] = 'CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifyImport'] = '';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifyImport'] = "style=display:none;";

			$GLOBALS['SmtpPort'] = $user->Get('smtpport');

			// Log this to "User Activity Log"
			IEM::logUserActivity(IEM::urlFor('users', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'UserID' => $userid)), 'images/user.gif', $user->username);

		} else {
			$timezone = (isset($details['timezone'])) ? $details['timezone'] : SENDSTUDIO_SERVERTIMEZONE;
			$GLOBALS['TimeZoneList'] = $this->TimeZoneList($timezone);

			$activity = $thisuser->defaultEventActivityType;
			if (!is_array($activity)) {
				$activity = array();
			$GLOBALS['EventActivityType'] = implode("\n", $activity);

			$GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'Action=Create';

			if (!empty($details)) {
				foreach ($details as $area => $val) {
					$GLOBALS[$area] = $val;
			$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('CreateUser');
			$GLOBALS['Help_Heading'] = GetLang('Help_CreateUser');

			$listadmintype = 'c';
			$segmentadmintype = 'c';
			$admintype = 'c';
			$templateadmintype = 'c';

			$GLOBALS['DisplayMaxLists'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerHour'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerMonth'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsMaxEmails'] = 'none';

			$GLOBALS['MaxLists'] = '0';

示例6: Process

					$usecaptcha = true;

				$formapi->Set('customfields', $field_order);

				$formapi->Set('design', $design);
				$formapi->Set('formtype', $formtype);
				$formapi->Set('chooseformat', $chooseformat);
				$formapi->Set('changeformat', $changeformat);
				$formapi->Set('usecaptcha', $usecaptcha);

				$html = $formapi->GetHTML(true);
				echo $html;

			case 'gethtml':

			case 'view':
				$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : false;

				$formapi = $this->GetApi();
				$loaded = $formapi->Load($id);

				if (!$id || !$loaded) {
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('NoSuchForm');
					$html = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);
				} else {
					// Log this to "User Activity Log"
					$logURL = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/index.php?Page=' . __CLASS__ . '&Action=Edit&id=' . $_GET['id'];
					IEM::logUserActivity($logURL, 'images/forms_view.gif', $formapi->name);

					$formtype = $formapi->Get('formtype');
					// if it's a 'm'odify-details form or 'f'riend form,
					// get the user modified html instead of the built in html.
					if (in_array($formtype, array('m', 'f'))) {
						$html = $formapi->Get('formhtml');

					} else {
						$html = $formapi->GetHTML(true);
				header('Content-type: text/html; charset="' . SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET . '"');
				print '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET.'"></head><body>';
				echo $html;
				print '</body></html>';

			case 'copy':
				$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0;
				$api = $this->GetApi();
				$result = $api->Copy($id);
				if (!$result) {
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('FormCopyFail');
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('FormCopySuccess');

示例7: ManageSubscribers_Step3


				$GLOBALS['AddButtonURL'] = 'index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Add&SubAction=Step2&list=' . $search_info['List'];
			} else {
				 * If we're viewing more than one list, use those id's.
				if (is_array($search_info['List'])) {
					$listids = $search_info['List'];
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageMultipleList');
				} else {
					 * The default is all of the users lists.
					$listids = array_keys($user_lists);
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageAnyList');

				 * Override the title if we're coming from a search result.
				if ($search_info['Source'] == 'search') {
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageSearchResult');

				$GLOBALS['AddButtonURL'] = 'index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Add';
				$GLOBALS['ColumnCount'] = 4;

		$GLOBALS['SubscribersManage'] = $title;

		// Log this to "User Activity Log" except when is deleting.
		if (!(isset($_GET['SubAction']) && strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) != "delete")) {
			IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/lists_view.gif', $title);

		if ($totalsubscribers < 1) {
			if ($subscriber_edited) {
				$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('SubscriberEditSuccess');
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('NoSubscribersMatch', true);

		if ($totalsubscribers == 1) {
			$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('Subscribers_' . $tempMessageStringSubfix . 'FoundOne');
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('Subscribers_' . $tempMessageStringSubfix . 'FoundMany', $GLOBALS['TotalSubscriberCount']);

		$CustomFieldsApi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields');
		$customfields_for_all_lists = $CustomFieldsApi->GetCustomFieldsForLists($listids, $visiblefields_set);
		$listNames = array();

		foreach ($listids as $listid) {
			array_push($listNames, $user_lists[$listid]['name']);

			foreach ($this->BuiltinFields as $key => $name) {
				if (in_array($key,$visiblefields_set) && !in_array($key,$visiblefields)) {
					if (!isset($visiblefields_lists[$key])) {
						$visiblefields_lists[$key] = array();
					$visiblefields_lists[$key][] = (int)$listid;

示例8: EditSubscriber

	* EditSubscriber
	* Prints the 'edit subscriber' form and all appropriate options including custom fields.
	* @param Int $listid The list the subscriber is on. This is checked to make sure the user has 'edit' access to the list before anything else.
	* @param Int $subscriberid The subscriberid to edit.
	* @param Int $segmentid The segment the subscriber is on.
	* @param String $msgtype The heading to show when editing a subscriber. This can be either error or success. Used with $msg to display something.
	* @param String $msg The message to display in the heading. If this is not present, no message is displayed.
	* @see GetApi
	* @see Subscribers_API::GetCustomFieldSettings
	* @see Lists_API::GetCustomFields
	* @see Lists_API::Load
	* @see Lists_API::GetListFormat
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Prints out the edit form and that's it.
	function EditSubscriber($listid = 0, $subscriberid = 0, $segmentid = 0, $msgtype = 'Error', $msg = false)
		$user = GetUser();
		$access = $user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Edit');
		if (!$access) {


		$search_info = IEM::sessionGet('Search_Subscribers');

		$GLOBALS['list'] = $listid;

		if ($msg && $msgtype) {
			switch (strtolower($msgtype)) {
				case 'success':
					$GLOBALS['Success'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false);
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

		$SubscriberApi = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');

		 * Get Subscriber record from the database
			$adminAccess = false;

			// If this user is an admin/list admin/list admintype == a then give permission
			if ($user->Admin() || $user->ListAdminType() == 'a' || $user->ListAdmin()) {
				$adminAccess = true;

			// Get subscribers from list
			if ($segmentid == 0) {
				if (!$adminAccess && !$SubscriberApi->CheckPermission($user->userid, $subscriberid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberList($subscriberid, $listid);

			// Get subscribers from segment
			} else {
				if (!$adminAccess) {
					$segmentapi = $this->GetApi('Segment', true);

					if ($segmentapi->ownerid != $user->userid && !$user->HasAccess('Segments', 'View', $segmentid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberSegment($subscriberid, $segmentid);
				$GLOBALS['SegmentID'] = $segmentid;
		 * -----

		// hmm, the subscriber doesn't exist or can't be loaded? show an error.
		if (empty($subscriberinfo)) {
			$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('SubscriberDoesntExist_Edit');

		$list_api = $this->GetApi('Lists');

		// Log this to "User Activity Log"
		if (IEM::requestGetGET('Action', '', 'strtolower') != 'save') {
			IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/contacts_view.gif', $subscriberinfo['emailaddress']);

示例9: _edit

	 * _edit
	 * Display the editor page foe editing existing record
	 * @param Array $parameters Any parameters that need to be parsed to this function (OPTIONAL)
	 * @return String Returns response string that can be outputted to the browser
	 * @uses SendStudio_Functions::_getGETRequest()
	 * @uses SendStudio_Functions::GetApi()
	 * @uses TriggerEmails_API::GetRecordByID()
	 * @uses TriggerEmails::_manage()
	 * @uses TriggerEmails::_getEditor()
	 * @uses FlashMessage()
	 * @test permission
	private function _edit($parameters = array())
		if (!$parameters['user']->HasAccess('triggeremails', 'edit')) {

		$id = intval($this->_getGETRequest('id', 0));

		if ($id == 0) {
			return $this->_manage($parameters);

		$api = $this->GetApi();

		if (!$parameters['user']->Admin() && !$api->IsOwner($id, $parameters['user']->userid)) {

		$record = $api->GetRecordByID($id);
		if ($record === false || empty($record)) {
			FlashMessage(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Cannot_Load_Record'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?Page=TriggerEmails');

		// ----- Fetch trigger data
			$tempData = $api->GetData($id);
			if ($tempData === false) {
				FlashMessage(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Cannot_Load_Record'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?Page=TriggerEmails');

			if (array_key_exists($id, $tempData)) {
				$record['data'] = $tempData[$id];

		// -----

		// ----- Fetch trigger actions
			$tempActions = $api->GetActions($id);
			if ($tempActions === false) {
				FlashMessage(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Cannot_Load_Record'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, 'index.php?Page=TriggerEmails');

			if (array_key_exists($id, $tempActions)) {
				$record['triggeractions'] = $tempActions[$id];

		// -----

		// Log this to "User Activity Log"
		IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/triggeremails_view.gif', $record['name']);

		return $this->_getEditor($parameters, $record);

示例10: TriggerEmailsStats_View

		 * TriggerEmailsStats_View
		 * Handle listing of the trigger emails statistics
		 * @return Void Prints output directly to stdout without returning anything.
		 * @uses Stats_API::GetTriggerEmailsStats()
		function TriggerEmailsStats_View()
			// ----- Sanitize and declare variables that is going to be used in this function
				$user = IEM::userGetCurrent();

				$id					= intval($this->_getGETRequest('id', ''));

				$record				= array();
				$triggerrecord		= array();

				$api				= $this->GetApi();
				$triggerapi			= $this->GetApi('TriggerEmails');

				$page = array(
					'messages'		=> GetFlashMessages(),
					'whichtab'		=> intval($this->_getGETRequest('tab', 1)),
					'unique_open'	=> ($this->_getGETRequest('Unique', false) ? true : false),
					'session_token'	=> md5(uniqid(rand()))

				$tabs				= array(
					'snapshot'		=> array(),
					'open'			=> array(),
					'links'			=> array(),
					'bounces'		=> array(),
					'unsubscribe'	=> array(),
					'forward'		=> array(),
					'recipients'	=> array()

			// ----

			if ($id == 0) {
				return $this->TriggerEmailsStats_List();

			// Make sure that user can access this particular trigger email statistics
			if (!$this->_TriggerEmailsStats_Access($id)) {
				return $this->TriggerEmailsStats_List();

			// ----- Load trigger emails statistics record
				$record = $api->GetTriggerEmailsStatsRecord($id);
				$triggerrecord = $triggerapi->GetRecordByID($id, true, true);

				if (!isset($triggerrecord['triggeractions']) || !is_array($triggerrecord['triggeractions'])) {
					$triggerrecord['triggeractions'] = array();

				if (!isset($triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send']) || !is_array($triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send'])) {
					$triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send'] = array();

				$temp = array('trackopens', 'tracklinks');
				foreach ($temp as $each) {
					if (!isset($triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send'][$each])) {
						$triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send'][$each] = 0;

				if (empty($record)) {
					return $this->TriggerEmailsStats_List();
			// -----

			// Log this to "User Activity Log"
			IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/chart_bar.gif', $record['triggeremailsname']);

			// ----- Calculate some common variables for the record
				$record['processed_totalsent'] = intval($record['htmlrecipients']) + intval($record['textrecipients']) + intval($record['multipartrecipients']);
				$record['processed_unopened'] = abs($record['processed_totalsent'] - $record['emailopens_unique']);
				$record['processed_totalbounced'] = intval($record['bouncecount_soft']) + intval($record['bouncecount_hard']) + intval($record['bouncecount_unknown']);

				if ($record['processed_totalsent'] != 0) {
					if ($triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send']['trackopens'] != 0) {
						$record['processed_timeframe_emailopens_total'] = intval($api->GetOpens($record['statid'], 1, 'all', $page['unique_open'], $this->CalendarRestrictions['opens'], true));
						$record['processed_timeframe_emailopens_unique'] = intval($api->GetOpens($record['statid'], 1, 'all', $page['unique_open'], $this->CalendarRestrictions['opens'], true));

					if ($triggerrecord['triggeractions']['send']['tracklinks'] != 0) {
						$record['processed_timeframe_linkclicks_total'] = intval($api->GetClicks($record['statid'], 1, 'all', 'a', $this->CalendarRestrictions['clicks'], true));
						$record['processed_timeframe_linkclicks_unique'] = intval($api->GetUniqueClicks($record['statid'], 'a', $this->CalendarRestrictions['clicks']));
						$record['processed_timeframe_linkclicks_individuals'] = intval($api->GetUniqueClickRecipients($record['statid'], $this->CalendarRestrictions['clicks'], 'a'));

					$record['processed_timeframe_bounces'] = intval($api->GetBounces($record['statid'], 1, 'all', 'any', $this->CalendarRestrictions['bounces'], true));

					$record['processed_timeframe_unsubscribes'] = intval($api->GetUnsubscribes($record['statid'], 1, 'all', $this->CalendarRestrictions['unsubscribes'], true));

					if (array_key_exists('forwards', $this->CalendarRestrictions) && !empty($this->CalendarRestrictions['forwards'])) {
						$record['processed_timeframe_forwards'] = intval($api->GetForwards($record['statid'], 1, 'all', $this->CalendarRestrictions['forwards'], true));
