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PHP DataObject::write方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中DataObject::write方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP DataObject::write方法的具体用法?PHP DataObject::write怎么用?PHP DataObject::write使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在DataObject的用法示例。


示例1: addToGroupByName

  * Add a member to a group.
  * @param DataObject $member
  * @param string $groupcode
 static function addToGroupByName($member, $groupcode)
     $group = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = '" . Convert::raw2sql($groupcode) . "'");
     if ($group) {

示例2: saveInto

 function saveInto(DataObject $record)
     $fieldName = $this->name;
     $fieldNameID = $fieldName . 'ID';
     $record->{$fieldNameID} = 0;
     if ($val = $this->value[$this->htmlListField]) {
         if ($val != 'undefined') {
             $record->{$fieldNameID} = $val;

示例3: doStep

  * record points in order object
  * or in case this is not selected, it will send a message to the shop admin only
  * The latter is useful in case the payment does not go through (and no receipt is received).
  * @param DataObject $order Order
  * @return Boolean
 public function doStep($order)
     if (!DataObject::get_one("OrderStep_RecordPoints_Log", "\"OrderID\" = " . $order->ID)) {
         if ($order->PointsTotal == 0) {
             $order->PointsTotal = $order->CalculatePointsTotal();
         if ($order->RewardsTotal == 0) {
             $order->RewardsTotal = $order->CalculateRewardsTotal();
         $log = new OrderStep_RecordPoints_Log();
         $log->PointsTotal = $order->PointsTotal;
         $log->RewardsTotal = $order->RewardsTotal;
         $log->OrderID = $order->ID;
         $log->MemberID = $order->MemberID;
     return true;

示例4: write

  * @param \DataObject $object
  * @param Field $field
  * @throws \ValidationException
  * @throws null
 public function write(\DataObject $object, Field $field)
     if ($object->has_extension('Versioned')) {
         $args = $field->options;
         $publish = isset($args['publish']) ? $args['publish'] : true;
         if ($publish) {
             $object->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     } else {
     if (!$object->isSeeded()) {
         $seed = new \SeedRecord();
         $seed->SeedClassName = $object->ClassName;
         $seed->SeedID = $object->ID;
         $seed->Key = $field->key;
         $seed->Root = $field->fieldType === Field::FT_ROOT;

示例5: doSave

 function doSave($data, $form)
     $new_record = $this->record->ID == 0;
     $controller = Controller::curr();
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
         $responseNegotiator = new PjaxResponseNegotiator(array('CurrentForm' => function () use(&$form) {
             return $form->forTemplate();
         }, 'default' => function () use(&$controller) {
             return $controller->redirectBack();
         if ($controller->getRequest()->isAjax()) {
             $controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'CurrentForm');
         return $responseNegotiator->respond($controller->getRequest());
     // TODO Save this item into the given relationship
     $message = sprintf(_t('GridFieldDetailForm.Saved', 'Saved %s %s'), $this->record->singular_name(), '<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"' . htmlspecialchars($this->record->Title, ENT_QUOTES) . '"</a>');
     $form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
     if ($new_record) {
         return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link());
     } elseif ($this->gridField->getList()->byId($this->record->ID)) {
         // Return new view, as we can't do a "virtual redirect" via the CMS Ajax
         // to the same URL (it assumes that its content is already current, and doesn't reload)
         return $this->edit(Controller::curr()->getRequest());
     } else {
         // Changes to the record properties might've excluded the record from
         // a filtered list, so return back to the main view if it can't be found
         $noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($data['url']);
         $controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
         return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);

示例6: write

 private function write(DataObject $dataObject)
     if ($dataObject instanceof SiteTree) {
         $dataObject->publish('Stage', 'Live');

示例7: newRecordJSTemplateData

  * Updates the Upload/Attach response from the UploadField
  * with the new DataObject records for the JS template
  * @param  DataObject $record Newly create DataObject record
  * @param  array $uploadResponse Upload or Attach response from UploadField
  * @return array                 Updated $uploadResponse with $record data
 protected function newRecordJSTemplateData(DataObject &$record, &$uploadResponse)
     // fetch uploadedFile record and sort out previewURL
     // update $uploadResponse datas in case changes happened onAfterWrite()
     $uploadedFile = DataObject::get_by_id($this->component->getFileRelationClassName($this->gridField), $uploadResponse['id']);
     if ($uploadedFile) {
         $uploadResponse['name'] = $uploadedFile->Name;
         $uploadResponse['url'] = $uploadedFile->getURL();
         if ($uploadedFile instanceof Image) {
             $uploadResponse['thumbnail_url'] = $uploadedFile->CroppedImage(30, 30)->getURL();
         } else {
             $uploadResponse['thumbnail_url'] = $uploadedFile->Icon();
         // check if our new record has a Title, if not create one automatically
         $title = $record->getTitle();
         if (!$title || $title === $record->ID) {
             if ($record->hasDatabaseField('Title')) {
                 $record->Title = $uploadedFile->Title;
             } else {
                 if ($record->hasDatabaseField('Name')) {
                     $record->Name = $uploadedFile->Title;
     // Collect all data for JS template
     $return = array_merge($uploadResponse, array('record' => array('id' => $record->ID)));
     return $return;

示例8: write

 public function write()
     SS_Log::log("Write Iteration " . $this->getWriteCount(), SS_Log::NOTICE);
     $cf = $this->getOriginalChangedFields();
     // Only Do 'Email Already Exists' Check If E-mail Has Changed
     if (isset($cf["Email"])) {
         // Check If The Updated E-mail Is In Use
         $dl = new DataList("MCSubscription");
         // DO Include Unsubscribed List Members As listSubscribe() Using An E-mail Address Still In The List (Even Unsubscribed From It) Errors
         $duplicate = $dl->where("\"MCListID\" = '" . $this->MCListID . "' && LOWER(\"Email\") = '" . strtolower($this->Email) . "' && \"ID\" != '" . $this->ID . "'")->first();
         if (!empty($duplicate)) {
             // Store Original (First Write) Change Fields For Use On Second Write
             $vr = new ValidationResult(false, "Error: This E-mail Is Already In Use Within This List!");
             throw new ValidationException($vr);
     // Ensure the MCSubscription object is always written twice as it is
     // the second write (for components) where our MCSync logic is called
     if ($this->getWriteCount() < 2) {
     if ($this->getForceAdditionalWrite()) {
         // If an additional write is being forced, ensure that DataObject::write()
         // doesnt decide nothing needs saving and fails to call onAfterWrite()
         $this->DummyField = time();
     // Do E-mail Comparison and related member setting AFTER 1st Write
     // Otherwise, when saving existing subscriptions, we Can Have All
     // Subscriber Data Fields (inc Forign Key Fields) Writen on the 1st Write,
     // Meaning when the second write() for components occours, DataObject::write()
     // determins that nothing on the record has changed and does not call
     // onAfterWrite() on the second write itteration meaning the MailChimp
     // Sync Logic Never Fires
     if (isset($cf["Email"])) {
         // Check For Related Member E-mails and Link to Member If Found
         $dl = new DataList("Member");
         $relatedMember = $dl->where("LOWER(\"Email\") = '" . strtolower($this->Email) . "'")->first();
         if (!empty($relatedMember->ID)) {
             $this->setField("MemberID", $relatedMember->ID);

示例9: write

  * Writes an object in a certain language. Use this instead of $object->write() if you want to write
  * an instance in a determinated language independently of the currently set working language
  * @param DataObject $object Object to be written
  * @param string $lang The name of the language
 static function write(DataObject $object, $lang)
     $oldLang = self::current_lang();
     $result = $object->write();

示例10: updateDataObject

  * Converts either the given HTTP Body into an array
  * (based on the DataFormatter instance), or returns
  * the POST variables.
  * Automatically filters out certain critical fields
  * that shouldn't be set by the client (e.g. ID).
  * @param DataObject $obj
  * @param DataFormatter $formatter
  * @return DataObject The passed object
 protected function updateDataObject($obj, $formatter)
     // if neither an http body nor POST data is present, return error
     $body = $this->request->getBody();
     if (!$body && !$this->request->postVars()) {
         // No Content
         return 'No Content';
     if (!empty($body)) {
         $data = $formatter->convertStringToArray($body);
     } else {
         // assume application/x-www-form-urlencoded which is automatically parsed by PHP
         $data = $this->request->postVars();
     // @todo Disallow editing of certain keys in database
     $data = array_diff_key($data, array('ID', 'Created'));
     $apiAccess = singleton($this->urlParams['ClassName'])->stat('api_access');
     if (is_array($apiAccess) && isset($apiAccess['edit'])) {
         $data = array_intersect_key($data, array_combine($apiAccess['edit'], $apiAccess['edit']));
     return $obj;

示例11: writeLanguageObject

  * Writes the given language object
  * @param DataObject $languageObj Language object to write
  * @param array      $mainRecord  Main record data of the multilingual DataObject
  * @return void 
  * @author Roland Lehmann <rlehmann@pixeltricks.de>
  * @since 04.01.2012
 public static function writeLanguageObject($languageObj, $mainRecord)
     $record = array();
     foreach ($languageObj->db() as $dbFieldName => $dbFieldType) {
         if (array_key_exists($dbFieldName, $mainRecord)) {
             $record[$dbFieldName] = $mainRecord[$dbFieldName];

示例12: updateLocaleAssetRelations

  * Update all has_ones that are linked to assets
  * @param \DataObject $localObject
  * @param \ArrayData $remoteObject
  * @return null
 protected function updateLocaleAssetRelations(\DataObject $localObject, \ArrayData $remoteObject)
     // Now update all has_one => file relations
     $changed = false;
     $relations = $localObject->has_one();
     if (empty($relations)) {
         $this->task->message(" ** No has_ones on {$localObject->Title}", 2);
     foreach ($relations as $relation => $class) {
         $this->task->message(" *** Checking relation name {$relation}", 3);
         // Link file
         if (!ImportHelper::is_a($class, 'File')) {
             $this->task->message(" **** {$relation} is not a File", 4);
         // Don't link folders
         if (ImportHelper::is_a($class, 'Folder')) {
             $this->task->message(" **** {$relation} is a folder", 4);
         // No need to import if found in a previous step
         $field = $relation . "ID";
         if ($localObject->{$field}) {
             $this->task->message(" **** {$relation} already has value {$localObject->{$field}} on local object", 4);
         // If the remote object doesn't have this field then can also skip it
         $remoteFileID = intval($remoteObject->{$field});
         if (empty($remoteFileID)) {
             $this->task->message(" **** {$relation} has no value on remote object", 4);
         // Find remote file with this ID
         $remoteFile = $this->findRemoteFile(array(sprintf('"ID" = %d', intval($remoteFileID))));
         if (!$remoteFile) {
             $this->task->error("Could not find {$relation} file with id {$remoteFileID}");
         // Ensure that this file has a valid name
         if (!$this->isValidFile($remoteFile->Name)) {
             $this->task->error("Remote {$relation} file does not have a valid name '" . $remoteFile->Name . "'");
         // Copy file to filesystem and save
         $localFile = $this->findOrImportFile($remoteFile);
         if (!$localFile) {
             $this->task->error("Failed to import {$relation} file '" . $remoteFile->Name . "'");
         // Save new file
         $changed = true;
         $this->task->message(" *** {$relation} assigned local value {$localFile->ID}", 3);
         $localObject->{$field} = $localFile->ID;
     if ($changed) {
     } else {
         $this->task->message(" ** No changes made to relations on {$localObject->Title}", 2);

示例13: saveInto

	 * Saves the data in this form field into a database record.
	 * @param DataObject $record The record being updated by the form
	public function saveInto(DataObject $record) {
		// Can't do has_many without a parent id
		if(!$record->isInDB()) {
		if(!$file_class = $this->getFileClass($record)) {
			return false;
		if(isset($_REQUEST[$this->name]) && is_array($_REQUEST[$this->name])) {
			if($relation_name = $this->getForeignRelationName($record)) {
				// Null out all the existing relations and reset.
				$currentComponentSet = $record->{$this->name}();
				// Assign all the new relations (may have already existed)
				foreach($_REQUEST[$this->name] as $id) {
					if($file = DataObject::get_by_id($this->baseFileClass, $id)) {
						$new = ($file_class != $this->baseFileClass) ? $file->newClassInstance($file_class) : $file;

示例14: write

 public function write()
     $id = parent::write();
     foreach (json_decode(SS_LANGUAGES) as $slang => $lang) {
         if (isset($this->record['Title-' . $slang])) {
             $existingTrans = BlockTranslation::get()->filter(['BlockID' => $id, 'Language' => $slang])->first();
             $trans = ['Language' => $slang];
             foreach ($this->record as $key => $value) {
                 if (strpos($key, $slang) !== false) {
                     $key = explode('-', $key);
                     $trans[$key[0]] = $value;
             if ($existingTrans) {
                 DB::query('UPDATE "BlockTranslation" SET "Title"=\'' . $trans['Title'] . '\', "Content"=\'' . pg_escape_string($trans['Content']) . '\' WHERE "ID" = ' . $existingTrans->ID . ';');
             } else {
                 $newTrans = BlockTranslation::create();
                 $newTrans->Title = $trans['Title'];
                 $newTrans->Content = $trans['Content'];
                 $newTrans->Language = $slang;
                 $newTrans->BlockID = $id;

示例15: doSave

 function doSave($data, $form)
     $new_record = $this->record->ID == 0;
     try {
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $form->sessionMessage($e->getResult()->message(), 'bad');
         return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
     // TODO Save this item into the given relationship
     $message = sprintf(_t('GridFieldDetailForm.Saved', 'Saved %s %s'), $this->record->singular_name(), '<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"' . htmlspecialchars($this->record->Title, ENT_QUOTES) . '"</a>');
     $form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
     return Controller::curr()->redirect($this->Link());
