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PHP DataObject::hasMethod方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中DataObject::hasMethod方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP DataObject::hasMethod方法的具体用法?PHP DataObject::hasMethod怎么用?PHP DataObject::hasMethod使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在DataObject的用法示例。


示例1: convert

 public function convert(DataObject $object)
     if ($object->hasMethod('toFilteredMap')) {
         return Convert::raw2json($object->toFilteredMap());
     return Convert::raw2json($object->toMap());

示例2: walkRelationshipChain

 protected function walkRelationshipChain(DataObject $from, ArrayList $list, array $parts, $lastPart, $lastItem)
     $part = array_shift($parts);
     if (!$from->hasMethod($part)) {
         // error, no such part of relationship chain
         return false;
     if (count($parts)) {
         foreach ($from->{$part}() as $item) {
             $this->walkRelationshipChain($item, $list, $parts, $part, $item);
     } else {
         $images = $from->{$part}()->toNestedArray();
         // mark the images with a source from relationship and ID
         /** @var Image $image */
         foreach ($images as &$image) {
             if ($lastItem instanceof Variation) {
                 $options = $lastItem->Options();
                 foreach ($options as $option) {
                     $image['ProductID'] = $lastItem->Product()->ID;
                     $image['VariationID'] = $lastItem->ID;
                     $image['OptionID'] = $option->ID;
                     $image['AttributeID'] = $option->AttributeID;
         $list->merge(new ArrayList($images));
     return true;

示例3: convertDataObjectToArray

  * @param DataObject $obj
  * @param array      $config
  * @return array|bool
 public function convertDataObjectToArray(DataObject $obj, $config = array())
     $content = array();
     $allowedFields = $obj instanceof FlexibleDataFormatterInterface ? $obj->getAllowedFields($config) : array_keys($obj->db());
     foreach ($allowedFields as $fieldName) {
         if ($obj->hasMethod($fieldName)) {
             $fieldValue = $obj->{$fieldName}();
         } else {
             $fieldValue = $obj->dbObject($fieldName);
             if (is_null($fieldValue)) {
                 $fieldValue = $obj->{$fieldName};
         if ($fieldValue instanceof Object) {
             switch (get_class($fieldValue)) {
                 case 'Boolean':
                     $content[$fieldName] = (bool) $fieldValue->getValue();
                 case 'PrimaryKey':
                     $content[$fieldName] = $obj->{$fieldName};
                 case 'HTMLText':
                     $content[$fieldName] = $fieldValue->forTemplate();
                     $content[$fieldName] = $fieldValue->getValue();
         } else {
             $content[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
     if ($obj instanceof FlexibleDataFormatterInterface) {
         foreach ($obj->getAllowedHasOneRelations($config) as $relName) {
             if ($obj->{$relName . 'ID'}) {
                 $content[$relName] = $this->convertDataObjectToArray($obj->{$relName}(), $config);
         foreach ($obj->getAllowedHasManyRelations($config) as $relName) {
             $items = $obj->{$relName}();
             if ($items instanceof SS_List && count($items) > 0) {
                 $content[$relName] = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $content[$relName][] = $this->convertDataObjectToArray($item, $config);
         foreach ($obj->getAllowedManyManyRelations($config) as $relName) {
             $items = $obj->{$relName}();
             if ($items instanceof SS_List && count($items) > 0) {
                 $content[$relName] = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $content[$relName][] = $this->convertDataObjectToArray($item, $config);
     return $content;

示例4: convert

 public function convert(DataObject $object)
     if ($object->hasMethod('toFilteredMap')) {
         $data = $object->toFilteredMap();
     } else {
         $data = $object->toMap();
     $converter = new ArrayToXml('item');
     return $converter->convertArray($data);

示例5: getColumnContent

  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     // No permission checks, handled through GridFieldDetailForm,
     // which can make the form readonly if no edit permissions are available.
     if ($record->hasMethod("CMSEditLink")) {
         $data = new ArrayData(array('Link' => Controller::join_links($record->CMSEditLink())));
         return $data->renderWith('GridFieldEditButtonInSiteTree');
     } else {
         return parent::getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName);

示例6: getPlaceholderImageRecursive

  * Recursivly search for a PlaceholderImage.
  * @param DataObject $object
  * @return Image | null
 protected function getPlaceholderImageRecursive(DataObject $object)
     if ($object->has_one('PlaceholderImage')) {
         $image = $object->getComponent('PlaceholderImage');
         if ($image->exists()) {
             return $image;
     $parentObject = $object->hasMethod('Parent') ? $object->Parent() : null;
     return isset($parentObject) && $parentObject->exists() ? $this->getPlaceholderImageRecursive($parentObject) : null;

示例7: trackInteraction

 public function trackInteraction($interactionType, DataObject $item = null, Member $user = null)
     if ($user == null) {
         $user = Member::currentUserID();
     // Create a new user interaction object to track the page count.
     $link = '#';
     if ($item->hasMethod('RelativeLink')) {
         $link = $item->RelativeLink();
     $interaction = UserInteraction::create(array('Title' => $item->Title, 'Type' => $interactionType, 'ItemClass' => get_class($item), 'ItemID' => $item->ID, 'URL' => $link, 'MemberID' => $user));

示例8: setValue

  * Sets the value of the form field. 
  * @param mixed $value If numeric, get the file by ID, otherwise, introspect the $data object
  * @param DataObject $data The record associated with the parent form
 public function setValue($value = null, $data = null)
     if (!is_numeric($value)) {
         if ($id = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->requestVar($this->Name() . "ID")) {
             $value = $id;
         } elseif (!$value && $data && $data instanceof DataObject && $data->hasMethod($this->name)) {
             $funcName = $this->name;
             if ($obj = $data->{$funcName}()) {
                 if ($obj instanceof File || $obj instanceof S3File) {
                     $value = $obj->ID;
     parent::setValue($value, $data);

示例9: getDefinitionFor

  * Gets the workflow definition for a given dataobject, if there is one
  * Will recursively query parent elements until it finds one, if available
  * @param DataObject $dataObject
 public function getDefinitionFor(DataObject $dataObject)
     if ($dataObject->hasExtension('WorkflowApplicable') || $dataObject->hasExtension('FileWorkflowApplicable')) {
         if ($dataObject->WorkflowDefinitionID) {
             return DataObject::get_by_id('WorkflowDefinition', $dataObject->WorkflowDefinitionID);
         if ($dataObject->ParentID) {
             return $this->getDefinitionFor($dataObject->Parent());
         if ($dataObject->hasMethod('workflowParent')) {
             $obj = $dataObject->workflowParent();
             if ($obj) {
                 return $this->getDefinitionFor($obj);
     return null;

示例10: model2cacheable

  * Dynamically augments any $cacheableClass object with 
  * methods and properties of $model.
  * Warning: Uses PHP magic methods __get() and __set().
  * @param DataObject $model
  * @param string $cacheableClass
  * @return ViewableData $cacheable
 public static function model2cacheable(DataObject $model, $cacheableClass = null)
     if (!$cacheableClass) {
         $cacheableClass = "Cacheable" . $model->ClassName;
     $cacheable = $cacheableClass::create();
     $cacheable_fields = $cacheable->get_cacheable_fields();
     foreach ($cacheable_fields as $field) {
         $cacheable->__set($field, $model->__get($field));
     $cacheable_functions = $cacheable->get_cacheable_functions();
     foreach ($cacheable_functions as $function) {
          * Running tests inside a project with its own YML config for 
          * cacheable_fields and cacheable_functions will fail if we don't check first
         if ($model->hasMethod($function)) {
             $cacheable->__set($function, $model->{$function}());
     return $cacheable;

示例11: saveInto

  * Save the results into the form
  * Calls function $record->onChange($items) before saving to the assummed 
  * Component set.
 function saveInto(DataObject $record)
     // Detect whether this field has actually been updated
     if ($this->value !== 'unchanged') {
         $fieldName = $this->name;
         $saveDest = $record->{$fieldName}();
         if (!$saveDest) {
             user_error("TreeMultiselectField::saveInto() Field '{$fieldName}' not found on {$record->class}.{$record->ID}", E_USER_ERROR);
         if ($this->value) {
             $items = split(" *, *", trim($this->value));
         // Allows you to modify the items on your object before save
         $funcName = "onChange{$fieldName}";
         if ($record->hasMethod($funcName)) {
             $result = $record->{$funcName}($items);
             if (!$result) {

示例12: getWriterFor

  * Gets a writer for a DataObject
  * If the field already has a value, a writer is created matching that 
  * identifier. Otherwise, a new writer is created based on either 
  * - The $type passed in 
  * - whether the $object class specifies a prefered storage type via 
  *   getEffectiveContentStore
  * - what the `defaultStore` is set to for the content service
  * @param DataObject $object
  *				The object to get a writer for
  * @param String $field
  *				The field being written to 
  * @param String $type
  *				Explicitly state what the content store type will be
  * @return ContentWriter
 public function getWriterFor(DataObject $object = null, $field = 'FilePointer', $type = null)
     if ($object && $field && $object->hasField($field)) {
         $val = $object->{$field};
         if (strlen($val)) {
             $reader = $this->getReader($val);
             if ($reader && $reader->isReadable()) {
                 return $reader->getWriter();
     if (!$type) {
         // specifically expecting to be handling File objects, but allows other
         // objects to play too
         if ($object && $object->hasMethod('getEffectiveContentStore')) {
             $type = $object->getEffectiveContentStore();
         } else {
             $type = $this->defaultStore;
     // looks like we're getting a writer with no underlying file (as yet)
     return $this->getWriter($type);

示例13: getFileEditValidator

  * Determines the validator to use for the edit form
  * @example 'getCMSValidator'
  * @param DataObject $file File context to generate validator from
  * @return Validator Validator object
 public function getFileEditValidator(DataObject $file)
     // Empty validator
     if (empty($this->fileEditValidator)) {
         return null;
     // Validator instance
     if ($this->fileEditValidator instanceof Validator) {
         return $this->fileEditValidator;
     // Method to call on the given file
     if ($file->hasMethod($this->fileEditValidator)) {
         return $file->{$this->fileEditValidator}();
     user_error("Invalid value for UploadField::fileEditValidator", E_USER_ERROR);

示例14: markChildren

  * Mark all children of the given node that match the marking filter.
  * @param DataObject $node              Parent node
  * @param mixed      $context
  * @param string     $childrenMethod    The name of the instance method to call to get the object's list of children
  * @param string     $numChildrenMethod The name of the instance method to call to count the object's children
  * @return DataList
 public function markChildren($node, $context = null, $childrenMethod = "AllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $numChildrenMethod = "numChildren")
     if ($node->hasMethod($childrenMethod)) {
         $children = $node->{$childrenMethod}($context);
     } else {
         user_error(sprintf("Can't find the method '%s' on class '%s' for getting tree children", $childrenMethod, get_class($node)), E_USER_ERROR);
     if ($children) {
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $markingMatches = $this->markingFilterMatches($child);
             if ($markingMatches) {
                 // Mark a child node as unexpanded if it has children and has not already been expanded
                 if ($child->{$numChildrenMethod}() && !$child->isExpanded()) {
                 } else {
                 $this->markedNodes[$child->ID] = $child;
     return $children;

示例15: getObjectRelationQuery

  * @param DataObject $obj
  * @param array $params
  * @param int|array $sort
  * @param int|array $limit
  * @param string $relationName
  * @return SQLQuery|boolean
 protected function getObjectRelationQuery($obj, $params, $sort, $limit, $relationName)
     if ($obj->hasMethod("{$relationName}Query")) {
         // @todo HACK Switch to ComponentSet->getQuery() once we implement it (and lazy loading)
         $query = $obj->{"{$relationName}Query"}(null, $sort, null, $limit);
         $relationClass = $obj->{"{$relationName}Class"}();
     } elseif ($relationClass = $obj->many_many($relationName)) {
         // many_many() returns different notation
         $relationClass = $relationClass[1];
         $query = $obj->getManyManyComponentsQuery($relationName);
     } elseif ($relationClass = $obj->has_many($relationName)) {
         $query = $obj->getComponentsQuery($relationName);
     } elseif ($relationClass = $obj->has_one($relationName)) {
         $query = null;
     } else {
         return false;
     // get all results
     return $this->getSearchQuery($relationClass, $params, $sort, $limit, $query);
