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PHP Archive_Tar::extract方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Archive_Tar::extract方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Archive_Tar::extract方法的具体用法?PHP Archive_Tar::extract怎么用?PHP Archive_Tar::extract使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Archive_Tar的用法示例。


示例1: inflate

 public static function inflate($file, $outputPath)
     // Sanity
     if (!file_exists($file) || !is_file($file) || strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) != 'tar') {
         throw new Engine_Package_Exception('File does not exist or is not a tar file');
     if (!file_exists($outputPath) || !is_dir($outputPath) || !is_writeable($outputPath)) {
         throw new Engine_Package_Exception('Output path does not exist, is not a directory, or is not writeable');
     // Make other paths
     $outputSubPath = substr(basename($file), 0, strrpos(basename($file), '.'));
     $outputFullPath = rtrim($outputPath, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $outputSubPath;
     // If output path already exists, remove
     if (file_exists($outputFullPath)) {
         self::_rmdirRecursive($outputFullPath, true);
     // Try to make full output path
     if (!is_dir($outputFullPath)) {
         if (!mkdir($outputFullPath, 0777, true)) {
             throw new Engine_Package_Exception('Unable to create output folder');
     // Extract
     $archive = new Archive_Tar($file);
     $rval = $archive->extract($outputFullPath);
     // Throw error if failed
     if ($archive->isError($rval)) {
         throw new Engine_Package_Exception('Error in archive: ' . $rval->getMessage());
     return $outputFullPath;

示例2: shakeDown

 public function shakeDown()
     $this->logTo = "echo";
     $s3 = Mage::helper('cloudbackup')->getS3Client();
     // Create the backup and send it to Amazon - don't clean up, otherwise they WILL be different...
     list($bucket_name, $key_name) = $this->createBackup(true, false);
     // Download it again - save it in /tmp
     $s3->getObject($bucket_name, $key_name, "/tmp" . DS . $key_name);
     // Extract it in /tmp
     $tar = new Archive_Tar("/tmp" . DS . $key_name);
     $tar->extract("/tmp/test") or die("Could not extract files!");
     // Diff it to check all the files are there - ignore errors about symlinks etc
     // TODO: why do we need to remove var/*
     // because cache and log entries can change during the running of this test...
     $output = exec("diff -rq . /tmp/test 2> /dev/null | grep -v var/");
     // We expect only the uploaded backup to be different - because we do cleanup=false
     if ($output == "Only in .: " . $key_name) {
         echo "test passed\n";
         //clean up tmp we're all good
         exec("rm -f /tmp" . DS . $key_name);
         exec("rm -rf /tmp/test");
     } else {
         echo "test failed\n";
         // We don't clean up after a failure - so we can investigate...

示例3: install

function install($file)
    G::LoadThirdParty("pear/Archive", "Tar");
    $result = array();
    $status = 1;
    try {
        $tar = new Archive_Tar($file);
        $swTar = $tar->extract(PATH_OUTTRUNK);
        //true on success, false on error. //directory for extract
        //$swTar = $tar->extract(PATH_PLUGINS);
        if (!$swTar) {
            throw new Exception("Could not extract file.");
        $option = array("http" => array("method" => "POST"));
        // Proxy settings
        $sysConf = System::getSystemConfiguration();
        if (isset($sysConf['proxy_host'])) {
            if ($sysConf['proxy_host'] != '') {
                if (!is_array($option['http'])) {
                    $option['http'] = array();
                $option['http']['request_fulluri'] = true;
                $option['http']['proxy'] = 'tcp://' . $sysConf['proxy_host'] . ($sysConf['proxy_port'] != '' ? ':' . $sysConf['proxy_port'] : '');
                if ($sysConf['proxy_user'] != '') {
                    if (!isset($option['http']['header'])) {
                        $option['http']['header'] = '';
                    $option['http']['header'] .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($sysConf['proxy_user'] . ($sysConf['proxy_pass'] != '' ? ':' . $sysConf['proxy_pass'] : ''));
        $context = stream_context_create($option);
        $fileData = @fopen(EnterpriseUtils::getUrlServerName() . "/sys" . SYS_SYS . "/" . SYS_LANG . "/" . SYS_SKIN . "/enterprise/services/processMakerUpgrade", "rb", false, $context);
        if ($fileData === false) {
            throw new Exception("Could not open services url.");
        $resultAux = G::json_decode(stream_get_contents($fileData));
        if ($resultAux->status == "OK") {
            $result["status"] = $resultAux->status;
            $result["message"] = $resultAux->message;
        } else {
            throw new Exception($resultAux->message);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $result["message"] = $e->getMessage();
        $status = 0;
    if ($status == 0) {
        $result["status"] = "ERROR";
    return $result;

示例4: expand

 public static function expand($path)
     $path = realpath($path);
     $dir = dirname($path);
     #print ">> $path\n";
     $arch = new Archive_Tar($path, true);
     if (false === $arch->extract($dir)) {
         throw new Pfw_Exception_Script(Pfw_Exception_Script::E_ARCHIVE_UNKNOWN);

示例5: array

 function archive_extract($path, $archive_dir, $config = array())
     $result = FALSE;
     if (class_exists('Archive_Tar')) {
         if (file_safe(path_concat($archive_dir, 'file.txt'), $config)) {
             $tar = new Archive_Tar($path);
             $result = file_exists($archive_dir);
     return $result;

示例6: extract_archive

function extract_archive($path, $archive_dir)
    $result = FALSE;
    if (class_exists('Archive_Tar')) {
        if (safe_path($archive_dir)) {
            $tar = new Archive_Tar($path);
            $result = file_exists($archive_dir);
    return $result;

示例7: installFromFile

 public function installFromFile($file)
     require_once "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/papyrine/libraries/PEAR.php";
     require_once "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/papyrine/libraries/Archive_Tar.php";
     $tar = new Archive_Tar($file, 'bz2');
     $about = $tar->extractInString("about.xml");
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($about);
     $dir = "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/papyrine/data/plugins/tmp/" . $xml->id . "/";
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {

示例8: extract

  * Method to extract an archived and/or compressed file
  * @param  string $to
  * @return void
 public function extract($to = null)
     if ($this->compression == 'bz') {
         $this->path = Compress\Bzip2::decompress($this->path);
         $this->archive = new \Archive_Tar($this->path);
     } else {
         if ($this->compression == 'gz') {
             $this->path = Compress\Gzip::decompress($this->path);
             $this->archive = new \Archive_Tar($this->path);
     $this->archive->extract(null !== $to ? $to : './');

示例9: _untarIntoTemp

 protected function _untarIntoTemp($path)
     $original_dir = getcwd();
     //create a temp file, turn it into a directory
     $dir = tempnam('/tmp', 'mt2c');
     $tar = new Archive_Tar($path);
     return $dir;

示例10: install

 static function install($source, $filename)
     $target = SIMPLE_EXT . substr($filename, 0, -3);
     setup::out("{t}Download{/t}: " . $source . " ...");
     if ($fz = gzopen($source, "r") and $fp = fopen($target, "w")) {
         $i = 0;
         while (!gzeof($fz)) {
             setup::out(".", false);
             if ($i % 160 == 0) {
             fwrite($fp, gzread($fz, 16384));
     } else {
         sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: gzopen [2] " . $source);
     if (!file_exists($target) or filesize($target) == 0 or filesize($target) % 10240 != 0) {
         sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: file-check [3] Filesize: " . filesize($target) . " " . $target);
     setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", basename($target)));
     $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($target);
     $file_list = $tar_object->ListContent();
     if (!is_array($file_list) or !isset($file_list[0]["filename"]) or !is_dir(SIMPLE_EXT . $file_list[0]["filename"])) {
         sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: tar [4] " . $target);
     $ext_folder = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "id", "anchor=@anchor@", array("anchor" => "extensions"));
     foreach ($file_list as $file) {
         sys_chmod(SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"]);
         setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"]));
         if (basename($file["filename"]) == "install.php") {
             require SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"];
         if (basename($file["filename"]) == "readme.txt") {
             $data = file_get_contents(SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"]);
             setup::out(nl2br("\n" . q($data) . "\n"));
         if (!empty($ext_folder) and basename($file["filename"]) == "folders.xml") {
             setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", "folder structure"));
             folders::create_default_folders(SIMPLE_EXT . $file["filename"], $ext_folder, false);

示例11: extract

 static function extract($target, $folder)
     setup::out(sprintf("{t}Processing %s ...{/t}", basename($target)));
     $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($target);
     $file_list = $tar_object->ListContent();
     if (!is_array($file_list) or !isset($file_list[0]["filename"]) or !is_dir($folder . $file_list[0]["filename"])) {
         sys_die("{t}Error{/t}: tar [3] " . $target);
     foreach ($file_list as $file) {
         sys_chmod($folder . $file["filename"]);
     return $folder . $file_list[0]["filename"];

示例12: prepare

  *  preprocess Index action.
  *  @access    public
  *  @return    string  Forward name (null if no errors.)
 function prepare()
     if ($this->af->validate() == 0) {
         list($package, $version) = explode('@', $this->af->get('target_package'));
         $data_file = $this->backend->ctl->package2dataFile($package, $version);
         require_once 'Archive/Tar.php';
         $tar = new Archive_Tar($data_file, 'gz');
         $status = $tar->extract(dirname($data_file));
         /*			chdir(BASE.'/tmp');
         			exec('which tar', $which, $status);
         			$command = sprintf('%s xzf %s', $which[0], $data_file);
         			exec($command, $result, $status); */
         if ($status == 1) {
             return null;
         $this->ae->add('extract_error', _('file extract error') . sprintf('[STATUS: %s]', $status));
     return 'json_error_reload';

示例13: extract

  * @param	string	The name of the archive file
  * @param	string	Directory to unpack into
  * @return	boolean	True for success
 function extract($archivename, $extractdir)
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/file.php';
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/folder.php';
     $untar = false;
     $result = false;
     $ext = extFile::getExt(strtolower($archivename));
     // check if a tar is embedded...gzip/bzip2 can just be plain files!
     if (extFile::getExt(extFile::stripExt(strtolower($archivename))) == 'tar') {
         $untar = true;
     switch ($ext) {
         case 'tar':
         case 'tgz':
         case 'gz':
             // This may just be an individual file (e.g. sql script)
         // This may just be an individual file (e.g. sql script)
         case 'gzip':
         case 'tbz':
         case 'tbz2':
         case 'bz2':
             // This may just be an individual file (e.g. sql script)
         // This may just be an individual file (e.g. sql script)
         case 'bzip2':
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Tar.php';
             $archive = new Archive_Tar($archivename);
             $result = $archive->extract($extractdir);
             			default :
             				$adapter = & extArchive::getAdapter( $ext ) ;
             				if( $adapter ) {
             					$result = $adapter->extract( $archivename, $extractdir ) ;
             				} else {
             					return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown Archive Type: '.$ext );
             			break ;
     return $result;

示例14: nc_tgz_extract

function nc_tgz_extract($archive_name, $dst_path)
    global $DOCUMENT_ROOT;
    if (SYSTEM_TAR) {
        exec("cd {$DOCUMENT_ROOT}; tar -zxf {$archive_name} -C {$dst_path} 2>&1", $output, $err_code);
        if ($err_code && !strpos($output[0], "time")) {
            // ignore "can't utime, permission denied"
            trigger_error("{$output['0']}", E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        $current_dir = realpath('.');
        $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($archive_name, "gz");
        $result = $tar_object->extract($dst_path);
        return $result;

示例15: extractTar

 protected function extractTar($extractLocation)
     if (!class_exists('Archive_Tar')) {
         return Result::errorMissingPackage($this, 'Archive_Tar', 'pear/archive_tar');
     $tar_object = new \Archive_Tar($this->filename);
     if (!$tar_object->extract($extractLocation)) {
         return Result::error($this, "Could not extract tar archive {$this->filename}");
     return Result::success($this);
