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PHP Archive_Tar::_extractList方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Archive_Tar::_extractList方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Archive_Tar::_extractList方法的具体用法?PHP Archive_Tar::_extractList怎么用?PHP Archive_Tar::_extractList使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Archive_Tar的用法示例。



 function _extractList($p_path, &$p_list_detail, $p_mode, $p_file_list, $p_remove_path)
     if ($p_mode == 'complete') {
         $this->target_path = $p_path;
     return parent::_extractList($p_path, $p_list_detail, $p_mode, $p_file_list, $p_remove_path);

示例2: step2

function step2($file = "")
    global $_CONFIG, $filepath;
    $DBcreated = $_REQUEST[DBcreated];
    if ($DBcreated == 'on') {
        $DBhostname = $_REQUEST['mysql_server'];
        $DBuserName = $_REQUEST['mysql_username'];
        $DBpassword = $_REQUEST['mysql_pass'];
        $DBname = $_REQUEST['mysql_db'];
        $_CONFIG['mysqli'] = new mysqli($DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword, $DBname);
        /* check connection */
        if ($_CONFIG['mysqli']->connect_errno) {
            printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $_CONFIG['mysqli']->connect_error);
        $_CONFIG['mysqli']->query("SET sql_mode='';");
        $_CONFIG['mysqli']->query("SET foreign_key_checks = 0;");
        if ($_REQUEST['charset_of_file'] != "") {
            $_CONFIG['mysqli']->query("SET NAMES " . $_REQUEST['charset_of_file'] . "");
        } else {
            $_CONFIG['mysqli']->query("SET NAMES utf8;");
    if ($_REQUEST['do_database'] != 1) {
        ############ DATABASE ONLY RESTRICTION##################################################
        ########################### START FTP MODE #################################
        if ($_REQUEST[transfer_mode] == 2) {
            $_CONFIG[output_path] = $_CONFIG[output_path] . "/archive_tmp/";
            // set up basic connection
            $conn_id = @ftp_connect($_REQUEST[ftp_server], $_REQUEST[ftp_port]) or die("<span class='error'>Could not connect to {$_REQUEST['ftp_server']} on port {$_REQUEST['ftp_port']}! Ftp connection has failed!</span>");
            // login with username and password
            $login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $_REQUEST[ftp_user], $_REQUEST[ftp_pass]) or die("<span class='error'>Could not login to ftp server for user {$_REQUEST['ftp_user']} and provided pass! Ftp connection has failed!</span>");
            // check connection
            if (!$conn_id || !$login_result) {
                echo "<b  style='color:red'>FTP connection has failed!</b>";
                echo "<b  style='color:red'>Attempted to connect to " . $_REQUEST[ftp_server] . ":" . $_REQUEST[ftp_port] . " for user " . $_REQUEST[ftp_user] . "</b>";
            } else {
                echo "<br />Connected to {$_REQUEST['ftp_server']}, for user {$_REQUEST['ftp_user']}, starting transfer...<br />";
            $ftp_dir_original = ftp_pwd($conn_id);
            @ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $_REQUEST[ftp_path]);
            // try to change the directory to somedir
            if (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $_REQUEST[ftp_path])) {
                echo "Current directory is now: <b>" . ftp_pwd($conn_id) . "</b>\n";
            } else {
                echo "<b  style='color:red'>Couldn't change directory to <b>{$_REQUEST['ftp_path']}</b>, please verify that the ftp location exists or use the \"Install files directly\" option!</b><br />\n";
            @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_dir_original);
        ########################## END FTP MODE ######################################
        ##### START extract ######
        if ($_REQUEST['refresh'] < 1) {
            $ext = substr($file, strlen($file) - 4, strlen($file));
            if ($_REQUEST['file_utilities'] != '1') {
                $tar_object = new Archive_Tar($file);
                if ($_REQUEST['manual_ftp']) {
                    fseek($tar_object->_file, $_CONFIG['seek']);
                    $seek = $tar_object->_extractList($_CONFIG['output_path'], $return, "partial", "", "", $_CONFIG['filesLimit']);
                    $seek = $seek - 512;
                    //reverse 512 bytes
                    if ($seek > 0) {
                        $backupSize = filesize($file);
                        $rurl = rurl($seek, $backupSize);
                        $percent = sprintf("%.2f", $seek * 100 / $backupSize);
                        echo "<h3>Processing files - " . $percent . "%</h3>";
                        echo "<script> document.location='" . $rurl . "'</script>";
                    $_REQUEST['fpos'] = 0;
                    $_REQUEST['chunk'] = 0;
                } else {
                    #$tar_object->extractList("backups/perm.txt", $_CONFIG['output_path']);
            } else {
                if ($ext == '.tgz') {
                    $compress = 'z';
                } else {
                    $compress = '';
                shell_exec("tar -x" . $compress . "pf {$file} -C {$_CONFIG['output_path']}");
        ##### END extract ######
        $new_arr = array();
        #@chmod($_CONFIG[output_path], 0777);
        $tran_file = $_CONFIG[output_path] . "/transfer.txt";
        if ($_REQUEST[transfer_mode] == 2) {
            # initialise list arrays, directories and files separately and array counters for them
            $excludedFolders = array();
            $d_arr = array();
            $d = 0;
            $ds_arr = array();
            $f_arr = array();
            $f = 0;
            $s_arr = array();
