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Java OAuthMessage.requireParameters方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.oauth.OAuthMessage.requireParameters方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java OAuthMessage.requireParameters方法的具体用法?Java OAuthMessage.requireParameters怎么用?Java OAuthMessage.requireParameters使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.oauth.OAuthMessage的用法示例。


示例1: validate

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Check whether the message has a valid signature.
 * @throws URISyntaxException 
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the signature is invalid
public void validate(OAuthMessage message)
throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    String signature = message.getSignature();
    String baseString = getBaseString(message);
    if (!isValid(signature, baseString)) {

 // *LAMS* added by LAMS
 log.debug("Error. Signature invalid. oauth_signature=" + signature + ", oauth_signature_base_string="
  + baseString + ", oauth_signature_method=" + message.getSignatureMethod());
        OAuthProblemException problem = new OAuthProblemException(
        problem.setParameter("oauth_signature", signature);
        problem.setParameter("oauth_signature_base_string", baseString);
        problem.setParameter("oauth_signature_method", message
        throw problem;

示例2: validateAndAuthorize

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private ParticipantId validateAndAuthorize(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
  OAuthMessage message = new HttpRequestMessage(req, req.getRequestURL().toString());

  OAuthAccessor accessor;
  try {
    accessor = tokenContainer.getAccessTokenAccessor(message.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN));
  } catch (OAuthProblemException e) {
    LOG.info("No valid OAuth token present", e);
    // Have to set status here manually, cannot use e.getHttpStatusCode
    // because message.requireParameters doesn't set it in the exception.
    resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, e.getMessage());
    return null;
  if (!validateMessage(req, accessor)) {
    return null;
  return (ParticipantId) accessor.getProperty(DataApiTokenContainer.USER_PROPERTY_NAME);

示例3: getAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
    * Get an access token from the service provider, in exchange for an
    * authorized request token.
    * @param accessor
    *            should contain a non-null requestToken and tokenSecret, and a
    *            consumer that contains a consumerKey and consumerSecret. Also,
    *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL should be the
    *            URL (determined by the service provider) for getting an access
    *            token.
    * @param httpMethod
    *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
    *            use the default method.
    * @param parameters
    *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
    *            that there are no additional parameters.
    * @throws OAuthProblemException
    *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getAccessToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
           Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
       if (accessor.requestToken != null) {
           if (parameters == null) {
               parameters = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken);
           } else if (!OAuth.newMap(parameters).containsKey(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN)) {
               List<Map.Entry> p = new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
               p.add(new OAuth.Parameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken));
               parameters = p;
       OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
               accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL, parameters);
       response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
       accessor.accessToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
       accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
       return response;

示例4: validate

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Check whether the message has a valid signature.
 * @throws URISyntaxException 
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the signature is invalid
public void validate(OAuthMessage message)
throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    String signature = message.getSignature();
    String baseString = getBaseString(message);
    if (!isValid(signature, baseString)) {
        OAuthProblemException problem = new OAuthProblemException(
        problem.setParameter("oauth_signature", signature);
        problem.setParameter("oauth_signature_base_string", baseString);
        problem.setParameter("oauth_signature_method", message
        throw problem;

示例5: doPost

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Entry point for the Data API Calls.
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
  OAuthMessage message = new HttpRequestMessage(req, req.getRequestURL().toString());

  OAuthAccessor accessor;
  try {
    accessor = tokenContainer.getAccessTokenAccessor(message.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN));
  } catch (OAuthProblemException e) {
    LOG.info("No valid OAuth token present", e);
    // Have to set status here manually, cannot use e.getHttpStatusCode
    // because message.requireParameters doesn't set it in the exception.
    resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, e.getMessage());
  ParticipantId participant =
      (ParticipantId) accessor.getProperty(DataApiTokenContainer.USER_PROPERTY_NAME);
  processOpsRequest(req, resp, message, accessor, participant);

示例6: getAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get an access token from the service provider, in exchange for an
 * authorized request token.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a non-null requestToken and tokenSecret, and a
 *            consumer that contains a consumerKey and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL should be the
 *            URL (determined by the service provider) for getting an access
 *            token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @return the response from the service provider
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getAccessToken(OAuthAccessor accessor,
		String httpMethod, Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters)
		throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
	if (accessor.requestToken != null) {
		if (parameters == null) {
			parameters = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN,
		} else if (!OAuth.newMap(parameters).containsKey(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN)) {
			List<Map.Entry> p = new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
			p.add(new OAuth.Parameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN,
			parameters = p;
	OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
			accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL, parameters);
	response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	accessor.accessToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
	accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	return response;

示例7: validateTimestampAndNonce

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Throw an exception if the timestamp is out of range or the nonce has been
 * validated previously.
private void validateTimestampAndNonce(OAuthMessage message) throws IOException, net.oauth.OAuthException
	message.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TIMESTAMP, OAuth.OAUTH_NONCE);
	long timestamp = Long.parseLong(message.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TIMESTAMP));
	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
	validateTimestamp(timestamp, now);

示例8: newSigner

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static OAuthSignatureMethod newSigner(OAuthMessage message,
        OAuthAccessor accessor) throws IOException, OAuthException {
    OAuthSignatureMethod signer = newMethod(message.getSignatureMethod(),
    return signer;

示例9: getRequestToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
    * @param accessor
    *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
    *            and consumerSecret. Also,
    *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
    *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
    *            request token.
    * @param httpMethod
    *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
    *            use the default method.
    * @param parameters
    *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
    *            that there are no additional parameters.
    * @throws OAuthProblemException
    *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public void getRequestToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
           Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException,
           OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
       accessor.accessToken = null;
       accessor.tokenSecret = null;
           // This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
           // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
           Object accessorSecret = accessor
           if (accessorSecret != null) {
               List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
                       : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
               p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
               parameters = p;
               // But don't modify the caller's parameters.
       OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
               accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
       accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
       accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
       response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);

示例10: validate

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
    * Check whether the message has a valid signature.
    * @throws URISyntaxException 
    * @throws OAuthProblemException
    *             the signature is invalid
   public void validate(OAuthMessage message)
   throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
       String signature = message.getSignature();
       String baseString = getBaseString(message);
       String otherBaseString = null;

// Allow for some confusion coming through load balancers
if ( baseString.startsWith(POST_HTTP) ) { 
	otherBaseString = baseString.replaceFirst("^"+POST_HTTP,POST_SECURE);
} else if ( baseString.startsWith(POST_SECURE) ) { 
	otherBaseString = baseString.replaceFirst("^"+POST_SECURE, POST_HTTP);
} else if ( baseString.startsWith(GET_HTTP) ) { 
	otherBaseString = baseString.replaceFirst("^"+GET_HTTP,GET_SECURE);
} else if ( baseString.startsWith(GET_SECURE) ) { 
	otherBaseString = baseString.replaceFirst("^"+GET_SECURE, GET_HTTP);

boolean valid = isValid(signature, baseString);
if ( ! valid && otherBaseString != null ) valid = isValid(signature, otherBaseString);

       if (!valid) {
           OAuthProblemException problem = new OAuthProblemException(
           problem.setParameter("oauth_signature", signature);
           problem.setParameter("oauth_signature_base_string", baseString);
           problem.setParameter("oauth_signature_method", message
           throw problem;

示例11: getRequestToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
 *            and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
 *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
 *            request token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public void getRequestToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
        Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException,
        OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    accessor.accessToken = null;
    accessor.tokenSecret = null;
        // This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
        // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
        Object accessorSecret = accessor
        if (accessorSecret != null) {
            List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
                    : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
            p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
            parameters = p;
            // But don't modify the caller's parameters.
    OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
    accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
    accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);

示例12: getRequestTokenResponse

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
 *            and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
 *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
 *            request token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @return the response from the service provider
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getRequestTokenResponse(OAuthAccessor accessor,
		String httpMethod, Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters)
		throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
	accessor.accessToken = null;
	accessor.tokenSecret = null;
		// This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
		// described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
		Object accessorSecret = accessor
		if (accessorSecret != null) {
			List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
					1) : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
			p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
			parameters = p;
			// But don't modify the caller's parameters.
	OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
			accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
	accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
	accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	return response;

示例13: getRequestTokenResponse

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
 *            and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
 *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
 *            request token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @return the response from the service provider
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getRequestTokenResponse(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
        Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters)
    throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException
    accessor.accessToken = null;
    accessor.tokenSecret = null;
        // This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
        // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
        Object accessorSecret = accessor
        if (accessorSecret != null) {
            List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
                    : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
            p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
            parameters = p;
            // But don't modify the caller's parameters.
    OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
    accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
    accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    return response;

示例14: validateSignature

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void validateSignature(OAuthMessage message, OAuthAccessor accessor)
	throws net.oauth.OAuthException, IOException, URISyntaxException
	OAuthSignatureMethod.newSigner(message, accessor).validate(message);

示例15: getAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get an access token from the service provider, in exchange for an
 * authorized request token.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a non-null requestToken and tokenSecret, and a
 *            consumer that contains a consumerKey and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL should be the
 *            URL (determined by the service provider) for getting an access
 *            token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getAccessToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
        Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    if (accessor.requestToken != null) {
        if (parameters == null) {
            parameters = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken);
        } else if (!OAuth.newMap(parameters).containsKey(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN)) {
            List<Map.Entry> p = new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
            p.add(new OAuth.Parameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken));
            parameters = p;
    OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL, parameters);
    response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    accessor.accessToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
    accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    return response;
