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Java OAuthMessage.getParameter方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.oauth.OAuthMessage.getParameter方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java OAuthMessage.getParameter方法的具体用法?Java OAuthMessage.getParameter怎么用?Java OAuthMessage.getParameter使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.oauth.OAuthMessage的用法示例。


示例1: getAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
    * Get an access token from the service provider, in exchange for an
    * authorized request token.
    * @param accessor
    *            should contain a non-null requestToken and tokenSecret, and a
    *            consumer that contains a consumerKey and consumerSecret. Also,
    *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL should be the
    *            URL (determined by the service provider) for getting an access
    *            token.
    * @param httpMethod
    *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
    *            use the default method.
    * @param parameters
    *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
    *            that there are no additional parameters.
    * @throws OAuthProblemException
    *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getAccessToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
           Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
       if (accessor.requestToken != null) {
           if (parameters == null) {
               parameters = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken);
           } else if (!OAuth.newMap(parameters).containsKey(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN)) {
               List<Map.Entry> p = new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
               p.add(new OAuth.Parameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken));
               parameters = p;
       OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
               accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL, parameters);
       response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
       accessor.accessToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
       accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
       return response;

示例2: authenticate

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String authenticate(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, OAuthException,
    URISyntaxException {
  OAuthMessage message = OAuthServlet.getMessage(request, null);

  // Retrieve and set the user info with the OAuth parameters
  Map<UserInfoProperties, Object> oauthParams = new HashMap<UserInfoProperties, Object>();
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.APPLICATION_ID, message.getParameter("opensocial_app_id"));
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.APPLICATION_URL, message.getParameter("opensocial_app_url"));

  UserInfo userInfo = new HashMapBasedUserInfo(oauthParams);
  request.setAttribute(AbstractManagedCollectionAdapter.USER_INFO, userInfo);

  return message.getParameter("opensocial_viewer_id");

示例3: getAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get an access token from the service provider, in exchange for an
 * authorized request token.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a non-null requestToken and tokenSecret, and a
 *            consumer that contains a consumerKey and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL should be the
 *            URL (determined by the service provider) for getting an access
 *            token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @return the response from the service provider
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getAccessToken(OAuthAccessor accessor,
		String httpMethod, Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters)
		throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
	if (accessor.requestToken != null) {
		if (parameters == null) {
			parameters = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN,
		} else if (!OAuth.newMap(parameters).containsKey(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN)) {
			List<Map.Entry> p = new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
			p.add(new OAuth.Parameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN,
			parameters = p;
	OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
			accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.accessTokenURL, parameters);
	response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	accessor.accessToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
	accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	return response;

示例4: validateVersion

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void validateVersion(OAuthMessage message) throws net.oauth.OAuthException, IOException
	// Checks OAuth is version 1
	String versionString = message.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_VERSION);
	if( versionString != null )
		double version = Double.parseDouble(versionString);
		if( version < 1.0 || 1.0 < version )
			OAuthProblemException problem = new OAuthProblemException(OAuth.Problems.VERSION_REJECTED);
			problem.setParameter(OAuth.Problems.OAUTH_ACCEPTABLE_VERSIONS, 1.0 + "-" + 1.0);
			throw problem;

示例5: validateNonce

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Check if Nonce has been used previously and throw an exception if it has
 * otherwise store it
 * @throws IOException, net.oauth.OAuthException
private void validateNonce(OAuthMessage message) throws net.oauth.OAuthException, IOException
	// Check if OAuth nonce is used...
	String nonce = message.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_NONCE);
	if( oAuthNonceCache.get(nonce).isPresent() )
		throw new OAuthProblemException(OAuth.Problems.NONCE_USED);

	oAuthNonceCache.put(nonce, Boolean.TRUE);

示例6: getRequestToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
    * @param accessor
    *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
    *            and consumerSecret. Also,
    *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
    *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
    *            request token.
    * @param httpMethod
    *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
    *            use the default method.
    * @param parameters
    *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
    *            that there are no additional parameters.
    * @throws OAuthProblemException
    *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public void getRequestToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
           Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException,
           OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
       accessor.accessToken = null;
       accessor.tokenSecret = null;
           // This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
           // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
           Object accessorSecret = accessor
           if (accessorSecret != null) {
               List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
                       : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
               p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
               parameters = p;
               // But don't modify the caller's parameters.
       OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
               accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
       accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
       accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
       response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);

示例7: authenticate

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String authenticate(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, OAuthException,
    URISyntaxException {

  OAuthMessage message = OAuthServlet.getMessage(request, null);
  String consumerKey = message.getConsumerKey();
  String signatureMethod = message.getSignatureMethod();
  OAuthConsumer consumer = keyManager.getOAuthConsumer(provider, consumerKey, signatureMethod);
  if (null == consumer) {
    logger.info("signed fetch verification failed: consumer is null");
    throw new OAuthException("Unauthorized");
  OAuthAccessor accessor = new OAuthAccessor(consumer);
  message.validateMessage(accessor, validator);

  String viewerEmail = message.getParameter("opensocial_viewer_email");
  if (viewerEmail == null) {
    logger.info("signed fetch verification failed: viewer email is null");
    throw new OAuthException("Missing user identity opensocial_viewer_email");

  // Retrieve and set the user info with the OAuth parameters
  Map<UserInfoProperties, Object> oauthParams = new HashMap<UserInfoProperties, Object>();
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.EMAIL, urlDecode(viewerEmail));
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.VIEWER_ID, message.getParameter("opensocial_viewer_id"));
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.OWNER_ID, message.getParameter("opensocial_owner_id"));
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.APPLICATION_ID, message.getParameter("opensocial_app_id"));
  oauthParams.put(UserInfoProperties.APPLICATION_URL, message.getParameter("opensocial_app_url"));

  UserInfo userInfo = new HashMapBasedUserInfo(oauthParams);
  request.setAttribute(AbstractManagedCollectionAdapter.USER_INFO, userInfo);

  logger.info("signed fetch verified: " + viewerEmail);
  return message.getParameter("opensocial_viewer_id");

示例8: getRequestToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
 *            and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
 *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
 *            request token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public void getRequestToken(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
        Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters) throws IOException,
        OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    accessor.accessToken = null;
    accessor.tokenSecret = null;
        // This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
        // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
        Object accessorSecret = accessor
        if (accessorSecret != null) {
            List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
                    : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
            p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
            parameters = p;
            // But don't modify the caller's parameters.
    OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
    accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
    accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);

示例9: createRequestToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void createRequestToken(ContextResource contextResource) throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    OAuthMessage requestMessage = getOAuthMessage(contextResource.getRequest());

    String consumerKey = requestMessage.getConsumerKey();
    if (consumerKey == null) {
        OAuthProblemException e = new OAuthProblemException(OAuth.Problems.PARAMETER_ABSENT);
        e.setParameter(OAuth.Problems.OAUTH_PARAMETERS_ABSENT, OAuth.OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY);
        throw e;
    OAuthConsumer consumer = dataStore.getConsumer(consumerKey);

    if (consumer == null) {
        throw new OAuthProblemException(OAuth.Problems.CONSUMER_KEY_UNKNOWN);

    OAuthAccessor accessor = new OAuthAccessor(consumer);
    VALIDATOR.validateMessage(requestMessage, accessor);

    String callback = requestMessage.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK);

    if (callback == null) {
        // see if the consumer has a callback
        callback = consumer.callbackURL;
    if (callback == null) {
        callback = "oob";

    // generate request_token and secret
    OAuthEntry entry = dataStore.generateRequestToken(consumerKey, requestMessage.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_VERSION), callback);

    List<Parameter> responseParams = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, entry.getToken(), OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET, entry.getTokenSecret());
    if (callback != null) {
        responseParams.add(new Parameter(OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK_CONFIRMED, "true"));
    sendResponse(contextResource, responseParams);

示例10: createAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void createAccessToken(ContextResource contextResource) throws ServletException, IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
    OAuthMessage requestMessage = getOAuthMessage(getRequest());

    OAuthEntry entry = getValidatedEntry(requestMessage);
    if (entry == null) {
        throw new OAuthProblemException(OAuth.Problems.TOKEN_REJECTED);

    if (entry.getCallbackToken() != null) {
        // We're using the fixed protocol
        String clientCallbackToken = requestMessage.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER);
        if (!entry.getCallbackToken().equals(clientCallbackToken)) {
            sendError(contextResource, Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN, "This token is not authorized");
    } else if (!entry.isAuthorized()) {
        // Old protocol.  Catch consumers trying to convert a token to one that's not authorized
        sendError(contextResource, Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN, "This token is not authorized");

    // turn request token into access token
    OAuthEntry accessEntry = dataStore.convertToAccessToken(entry);

    sendResponse(contextResource, OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessEntry.getToken(), OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET,
            accessEntry.getTokenSecret(), "user_id", entry.getUserId()));

示例11: getRequestTokenResponse

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
 *            and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
 *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
 *            request token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @return the response from the service provider
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getRequestTokenResponse(OAuthAccessor accessor,
		String httpMethod, Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters)
		throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
	accessor.accessToken = null;
	accessor.tokenSecret = null;
		// This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
		// described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
		Object accessorSecret = accessor
		if (accessorSecret != null) {
			List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
					1) : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
			p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
			parameters = p;
			// But don't modify the caller's parameters.
	OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
			accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
	accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
	accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
	return response;

示例12: getAccessToken

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get a fresh access token from the service provider.
 * @throws IOException 
 * @throws URISyntaxException 
 * @throws RedirectException
 *             to obtain authorization
private static void getAccessToken(HttpServletRequest request,
        CookieMap cookies, OAuthAccessor accessor)
    throws OAuthException, IOException, URISyntaxException
    final String consumerName = (String) accessor.consumer.getProperty("name");
    final String callbackURL = getCallbackURL(request, consumerName);
    List<OAuth.Parameter> parameters = OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK, callbackURL);
    // Google needs to know what you intend to do with the access token:
    Object scope = accessor.consumer.getProperty("request.scope");
    if (scope != null) {
        parameters.add(new OAuth.Parameter("scope", scope.toString()));
    OAuthMessage response = CLIENT.getRequestTokenResponse(accessor, null, parameters);
    cookies.put(consumerName + ".requestToken", accessor.requestToken);
    cookies.put(consumerName + ".tokenSecret", accessor.tokenSecret);
    String authorizationURL = accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.userAuthorizationURL;
    if (authorizationURL.startsWith("/")) {
        authorizationURL = (new URL(new URL(request.getRequestURL()
                .toString()), request.getContextPath() + authorizationURL))
    authorizationURL = OAuth.addParameters(authorizationURL //
            , OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken);
    if (response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK_CONFIRMED) == null) {
        authorizationURL = OAuth.addParameters(authorizationURL //
                , OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK, callbackURL);
    throw new RedirectException(authorizationURL);

示例13: processRequest

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException {

    try {
        OAuthMessage requestMessage = OAuthServlet.getMessage(request, null);
        OAuthConsumer consumer = SampleOAuthProvider.getConsumer(requestMessage);
        OAuthAccessor accessor = new OAuthAccessor(consumer);
        SampleOAuthProvider.VALIDATOR.validateMessage(requestMessage, accessor);
            // Support the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
            // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
            String secret = requestMessage.getParameter("oauth_accessor_secret");
            if (secret != null) {
                accessor.setProperty(OAuthConsumer.ACCESSOR_SECRET, secret);
        // generate request_token and secret
        OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
        OAuth.formEncode(OAuth.newList("oauth_token", accessor.requestToken,
                                       "oauth_token_secret", accessor.tokenSecret),
    } catch (Exception e){
        SampleOAuthProvider.handleException(e, request, response, true);

示例14: getRequestTokenResponse

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Get a fresh request token from the service provider.
 * @param accessor
 *            should contain a consumer that contains a non-null consumerKey
 *            and consumerSecret. Also,
 *            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL should be
 *            the URL (determined by the service provider) for getting a
 *            request token.
 * @param httpMethod
 *            typically OAuthMessage.POST or OAuthMessage.GET, or null to
 *            use the default method.
 * @param parameters
 *            additional parameters for this request, or null to indicate
 *            that there are no additional parameters.
 * @return the response from the service provider
 * @throws OAuthProblemException
 *             the HTTP response status code was not 200 (OK)
public OAuthMessage getRequestTokenResponse(OAuthAccessor accessor, String httpMethod,
        Collection<? extends Map.Entry> parameters)
    throws IOException, OAuthException, URISyntaxException
    accessor.accessToken = null;
    accessor.tokenSecret = null;
        // This code supports the 'Variable Accessor Secret' extension
        // described in http://oauth.pbwiki.com/AccessorSecret
        Object accessorSecret = accessor
        if (accessorSecret != null) {
            List<Map.Entry> p = (parameters == null) ? new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(
                    : new ArrayList<Map.Entry>(parameters);
            p.add(new OAuth.Parameter("oauth_accessor_secret",
            parameters = p;
            // But don't modify the caller's parameters.
    OAuthMessage response = invoke(accessor, httpMethod,
            accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.requestTokenURL, parameters);
    accessor.requestToken = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN);
    accessor.tokenSecret = response.getParameter(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    response.requireParameters(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
    return response;

示例15: getParameter

import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static String getParameter(OAuthMessage message, String name) {
  try {
    return message.getParameter(name);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
