本文整理汇总了Java中javax.media.j3d.LineArray.setCoordinate方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java LineArray.setCoordinate方法的具体用法?Java LineArray.setCoordinate怎么用?Java LineArray.setCoordinate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类javax.media.j3d.LineArray
示例1: makeLineGeometry
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
LineArray makeLineGeometry( Strut strut, AlgebraicField field, Embedding embedding )
LineArray result = new LineArray( 2, GeometryArray.COORDINATES );
Point3d pt = null;
AlgebraicVector gv = null;
RealVector v = null;
gv = strut .getLocation();
v = embedding .embedInR3( gv );
pt = new Point3d();
pt.x = v.x; pt.y = v.y; pt.z = v.z;
result .setCoordinate( 0, pt );
gv = strut .getEnd();
v = embedding .embedInR3( gv );
pt = new Point3d();
pt.x = v.x; pt.y = v.y; pt.z = v.z;
result .setCoordinate( 1, pt );
return result;
示例2: addScaleBarToSceneGraph
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* add a 100 µm scale bar to the BranchGroup
* @param scene
* the BranchGroup
public static void addScaleBarToSceneGraph(TransformGroup scene, Point3f scaleBarPos, float scale) {
if (scaleBarPos == null) {
scaleBarPos = new Point3f();
float barPos = -150.0f * scale;
float hight = 100.0f * scale;
//logger.info("scaleBarPos: " + scaleBarPos.toString());
LineArray la = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
//la.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(scaleBarPos.x + 0.7f, scaleBarPos.y + 0.0f, scaleBarPos.z + 0.9f));
//la.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(scaleBarPos.x + 0.7f, scaleBarPos.y + 0.0f, scaleBarPos.z + 1.0f));
la.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(barPos, scaleBarPos.y, scaleBarPos.z));
la.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(barPos, scaleBarPos.y, scaleBarPos.z + hight));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la.setColor(i, grey);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la));
Text3D text3d = new Text3D(new Font3D(new Font("plain", java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 1), new FontExtrusion()), "100 µm");
Shape3D text3dShape3d = new Shape3D(text3d);
Appearance appearance = new Appearance();
ColoringAttributes ca = new ColoringAttributes();
TransformGroup tg = new TransformGroup();
Transform3D t3d = new Transform3D();
t3d.rotX(Math.PI / 2);
float textScale = 30f * scale;
t3d.setTranslation(new Vector3f((barPos + (barPos/10.0f)), scaleBarPos.y, scaleBarPos.z + hight/2.0f));
// scene.addChild(text3dShape3d);
示例3: createLineArrayFromPoints
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private LineArray createLineArrayFromPoints(Point3d p1, Point3d p2) {
LineArray la = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la.setCoordinate(0, p1);
la.setCoordinate(1, p2);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la.setColor(i, lineColor);
return la;
示例4: addCoordinateSphereAxesToSceneGraph
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Function to add a white sphere and axes at the origin of the
* coordinate system for better orientation. The z-axis is in black.
public static void addCoordinateSphereAxesToSceneGraph(BranchGroup scene, float radius) {
float rad = (radius <= 0.0f) ? 0.1f : radius;
Appearance ap = new Appearance();
ColoringAttributes ca = new ColoringAttributes();
scene.addChild(new Sphere(rad, ap));
LineArray la1 = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la1.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f());
la1.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(5.0f * rad, 0.0f, 0.0f));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la1.setColor(i, white);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la1));
LineArray la2 = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la2.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f());
la2.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 5.0f * rad, 0.0f));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la2.setColor(i, white);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la2));
LineArray la3 = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la3.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f());
la3.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f * rad));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la3.setColor(i, black);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la3));
示例5: Axis
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Axis() {
axisBG = new BranchGroup();
// Geometry�̐���
LineArray axisX = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
LineArray axisY = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
LineArray axisZ = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
// ���_�̃Z�b�g
Color3f red = new Color3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f green = new Color3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f blue = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
axisX.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
axisX.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
axisX.setColor(0, red);
axisX.setColor(1, red);
axisY.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
axisY.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
axisY.setColor(0, green);
axisY.setColor(1, green);
axisZ.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));
axisZ.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
axisZ.setColor(0, blue);
axisZ.setColor(1, blue);
// BG�ɒlj�
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisX));
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisY));
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisZ));
示例6: Axis
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Axis() {
axisBG = new BranchGroup();
// Geometry�̐���
LineArray axisX = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES
| LineArray.COLOR_3);
LineArray axisY = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES
| LineArray.COLOR_3);
LineArray axisZ = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES
| LineArray.COLOR_3);
// ���_�̃Z�b�g
Color3f red = new Color3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f green = new Color3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f blue = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
axisX.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(-10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
axisX.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
axisX.setColor(0, red);
axisX.setColor(1, red);
axisY.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(0.0f, -10.0f, 0.0f));
axisY.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f));
axisY.setColor(0, green);
axisY.setColor(1, green);
axisZ.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f));
axisZ.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f));
axisZ.setColor(0, blue);
axisZ.setColor(1, blue);
// axisBG�ɒlj�
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisX));
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisY));
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisZ));
示例7: renderNormals
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static LineArray renderNormals( IndexedGeometryArray array , float scale )
final Point3f[ ] coordinates = copyCoordinates3f( array );
final Vector3f[ ] normals = copyNormals3f( array );
final int[ ] coordinateIndices = copyCoordinateIndices( array );
final int[ ] normalIndices = copyNormalIndices( array );
if( coordinates == null || normals == null || coordinateIndices == null || normalIndices == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to get necessary information from the geometry" );
final int vertexCount = coordinateIndices.length * 2;
final Point3f temp = new Point3f( );
final LineArray result = new LineArray( vertexCount , GeometryArray.COORDINATES );
int k = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < coordinateIndices.length ; i++ )
final Point3f coordinate = coordinates[ coordinateIndices[ i ] ];
final Vector3f normal = normals[ normalIndices[ i ] ];
result.setCoordinate( k++ , coordinate );
temp.scaleAdd( scale , normal , coordinate );
result.setCoordinate( k++ , temp );
return result;
示例8: createAxis
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static BranchGroup createAxis()
BranchGroup axisBG = new BranchGroup();
// create line for X axis
LineArray axisXLines = new LineArray(2, GeometryArray.COORDINATES
| GeometryArray.COLOR_3);
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisXLines));
axisXLines.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
axisXLines.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Color3f red = new Color3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f green = new Color3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Color3f blue = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// create line for Y axis
LineArray axisYLines = new LineArray(2, GeometryArray.COORDINATES
| GeometryArray.COLOR_3);
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisYLines));
axisYLines.setCoordinate(0, new Point3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
axisYLines.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
axisYLines.setColor(0, green);
axisYLines.setColor(1, blue);
// create line for Z axis
Point3f z1 = new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
Point3f z2 = new Point3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
LineArray axisZLines = new LineArray(10, GeometryArray.COORDINATES
| GeometryArray.COLOR_3);
axisBG.addChild(new Shape3D(axisZLines));
axisZLines.setCoordinate(0, z1);
axisZLines.setCoordinate(1, z2);
axisZLines.setCoordinate(2, z2);
axisZLines.setCoordinate(3, new Point3f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f));
axisZLines.setCoordinate(4, z2);
axisZLines.setCoordinate(5, new Point3f(-0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f));
axisZLines.setCoordinate(6, z2);
axisZLines.setCoordinate(7, new Point3f(0.1f, -0.1f, 0.9f));
axisZLines.setCoordinate(8, z2);
axisZLines.setCoordinate(9, new Point3f(-0.1f, -0.1f, 0.9f));
Color3f colors[] = new Color3f[9];
colors[0] = new Color3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
for (int v = 0; v < 9; v++)
colors[v] = red;
axisZLines.setColors(1, colors);
return axisBG;
示例9: addCoordinateSphereAxesToSceneGraph
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Function to add a white sphere and axes at the origin of the
* coordinate system for better orientation. The z-axis is in black.
* @param scene
* @param radius
public static void addCoordinateSphereAxesToSceneGraph(TransformGroup scene, float scale, Point3f coordPos) {
if (coordPos == null) {
coordPos = new Point3f();
Transform3D t3d = new Transform3D();
Vector3f spherePos = new Vector3f(coordPos);
TransformGroup tg = new TransformGroup(t3d);
float rad = 10.0f * scale;
Appearance ap = new Appearance();
TransparencyAttributes myTA = new TransparencyAttributes();
ColoringAttributes ca = new ColoringAttributes();
tg.addChild(new Sphere(rad, ap));
LineArray la1 = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la1.setCoordinate(0, coordPos);
float axeSize = 100.0f * scale;
// la1.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(0.5f * rad, 0.0f, 0.0f));
la1.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(coordPos.x + axeSize, coordPos.y, coordPos.z));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la1.setColor(i, yellow);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la1));
LineArray la2 = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la2.setCoordinate(0, coordPos);
la2.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(coordPos.x, coordPos.y + axeSize, coordPos.z));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la2.setColor(i, red);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la2));
LineArray la3 = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la3.setCoordinate(0, coordPos);
la3.setCoordinate(1, new Point3f(coordPos.x, coordPos.y, coordPos.z + axeSize));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
la3.setColor(i, blue);
scene.addChild(new Shape3D(la3));
示例10: addAxons
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void addAxons(TransformGroup objRoot) {
ngView.outPrintln(" processing axons geometry\n");
Appearance appearance = new Appearance();
float width = 1.0f;
boolean antialias = false;
appearance.setLineAttributes(new LineAttributes(width, LineAttributes.PATTERN_SOLID, antialias));
TransparencyAttributes myTA = new TransparencyAttributes();
axonsShape3D = new Shape3D();
int cAx = 0, totalNumberOfAxonalSegments;
totalNumberOfAxonalSegments = net.getTotalNumOfAxonalSegments();
//logger.debug("totalNumberOfAxonalSegments: " + totalNumberOfAxonalSegments);
for (Neuron neuron : net.getNeuronList()) {
if (!neuron.collide() && collide) {
Section firstSection = neuron.getAxon().getFirstSection();
if (firstSection != null) {
Section.Iterator secIterator = firstSection.getIterator();
while (secIterator.hasNext()) {
Section section = secIterator.next();
Section.SectionType secType = section.getSectionType();
for (Segment segment : section.getSegments()) {
Point3f segStart = new Point3f(segment.getStart());
Point3f segEnd = new Point3f(segment.getEnd());
LineArray la = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la.setCoordinate(0, segStart);
la.setCoordinate(1, segEnd);
/* old color
la.setColor(0, new Color3f(0.25f, 0.41f, 0.88f));
la.setColor(1, new Color3f(0.25f, 0.41f, 0.88f));
Color3f color;// = Utils3D.darkgreyblue;
if (secType == Section.SectionType.MYELINIZED) {
//color = Utils3D.darkgreyblue;
color = Utils3D.darkOrange;
} else {
//color = Utils3D.turquoise1;
color = Utils3D.darkSalmon;
la.setColor(0, color);
la.setColor(1, color);
if (totalNumberOfAxonalSegments > 0) {
task.setMyProgress(0.3f + cAx * 0.2f / totalNumberOfAxonalSegments);
示例11: addDendrites
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void addDendrites(TransformGroup objRoot) {
ngView.outPrintln(" processing dendrites geometry\n");
Appearance appearance = new Appearance();
//float width = 1.0f * scale;
//boolean antialias = true;
//appearance.setLineAttributes(new LineAttributes(width, LineAttributes.PATTERN_SOLID, antialias));
dendritesShape3D = new Shape3D();
TransparencyAttributes myTA = new TransparencyAttributes();
int cDen = 0, totalNumberOfDenSegments;
totalNumberOfDenSegments = net.getTotalNumOfDenSegments();
//logger.info("total number of dendrite segments: " + totalNumberOfDenSegments);
for (Neuron neuron : net.getNeuronList()) {
if (!neuron.collide() && collide) {
for (Dendrite dendrite : neuron.getDendrites()) {
Section firstSection = dendrite.getFirstSection();
if (firstSection != null) {
Section.Iterator secIterator = firstSection.getIterator();
while (secIterator.hasNext()) {
Section section = secIterator.next();
Section.SectionType secType = section.getSectionType();
for (Segment segment : section.getSegments()) {
Point3f segStart = new Point3f(segment.getStart());
Point3f segEnd = new Point3f(segment.getEnd());
LineArray la = new LineArray(2, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
la.setCoordinate(0, segStart);
la.setCoordinate(1, segEnd);
Color3f denColor = Utils3D.darkOliveGreen3;
if (secType != null) {
if (secType.equals(Section.SectionType.APICAL)) {
//logger.info("this is an apical section");
denColor = Utils3D.magenta;
} else if (secType.equals(Section.SectionType.BASAL)) {
//logger.info("this is a basal section");
//denColor = Utils3D.mediumSpringGreen;
denColor = Utils3D.yellow;
} else if (secType.equals(Section.SectionType.OBLIQUE)) {
//logger.info("this is an oblique section");
denColor = Utils3D.brown1;
la.setColor(0, denColor);
la.setColor(1, denColor);
/* old color
la.setColor(0, new Color3f(0.93f, 0.87f, 0.51f));
la.setColor(1, new Color3f(0.93f, 0.87f, 0.51f));
if (totalNumberOfDenSegments > 0 && !Float.isInfinite(totalNumberOfDenSegments)) {
task.setMyProgress(0.5f + cDen * 0.3f / totalNumberOfDenSegments);
示例12: FrameLabels
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public FrameLabels() {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed">
LineArray frameEdges = new LineArray(24, LineArray.COORDINATES | LineArray.COLOR_3);
int nextEdge = 0;
addChild(new Shape3D(frameEdges));
String[] labels = {"-", "0", "+"};
Color3f frameColor = new Color3f(0.9f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
float scale = 30f;
for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) {
for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) {
for (int z = -1; z < 2; z++) {
if (x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0) {
int parity = (x + y + z) % 2;
String label = labels[x + 1] + labels[y + 1] + labels[z + 1];
Text2D text2D = new Text2D(label, frameColor, "Helvetica", 72, Font.PLAIN);
OrientedShape3D os3D = new OrientedShape3D();
Transform3D move = new Transform3D();
move.setTranslation(new Vector3d(scale * x, scale * y, scale * z));
TransformGroup tg = new TransformGroup(move);
if (parity == 0) {
// odd parity means this is an edge center, so let's render the edge of the cube
int zeroCoord = (x == 0) ? 0 : ((y == 0) ? 1 : 2);
float[] start = {scale * x, scale * y, scale * z};
float[] end = {scale * x, scale * y, scale * z};
start[zeroCoord] = scale;
end[zeroCoord] = -scale;
frameEdges.setCoordinate(nextEdge, new Point3f(start));
frameEdges.setColor(nextEdge++, frameColor);
frameEdges.setCoordinate(nextEdge, new Point3f(end));
frameEdges.setColor(nextEdge++, frameColor);
// </editor-fold>
示例13: setVector
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void setVector( Point3f location , Vector3f extent )
VecmathUtils.checkReal( location );
VecmathUtils.checkReal( extent );
VecmathUtils.checkNonzero( extent );
if( extent.length( ) == 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "extent must be nonzero" );
LineArray newArray = new LineArray( 6 , LineArray.COORDINATES );
synchronized( lock )
newArray.setCoordinate( 0 , location );
p1.add( extent , location );
newArray.setCoordinate( 1 , p1 );
newArray.setCoordinate( 3 , p1 );
newArray.setCoordinate( 5 , p1 );
// newArray.setCoordinate( 7 , p1 );
// newArray.setCoordinate( 9 , p1 );
v3.scale( -0.25f , extent );
p1.add( v3 );
if( v3.x == 0 && v3.y == 0 )
v1.set( 1 , 0 , 0 );
float xy = ( float ) Math.sqrt( v3.x * v3.x + v3.y * v3.y );
v1.x = -v3.z * v3.x / xy;
v1.y = -v3.z * v3.y / xy;
v1.z = xy;
v2.cross( v1 , v3 );
v2.scale( v3.length( ) / v2.length( ) );
p2.add( p1 , v1 );
newArray.setCoordinate( 2 , p2 );
p2.scaleAdd( -1 , v1 , p1 );
newArray.setCoordinate( 4 , p2 );
shape.setGeometry( newArray );
示例14: renderFronts
import javax.media.j3d.LineArray; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static LineArray renderFronts( IndexedGeometryArray geom , float scale )
List<Point3f> points = new ArrayList<Point3f>( );
Point3f[ ] coordinates = copyCoordinates3f( geom );
int[ ] indices = copyCoordinateIndices( geom );
Point3f t = new Point3f( );
Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f( );
Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f( );
Vector3f n = new Vector3f( );
int k;
for( k = 0 ; k < indices.length ; k += 3 )
Point3f a = coordinates[ indices[ k ] ];
Point3f b = coordinates[ indices[ k + 1 ] ];
Point3f c = coordinates[ indices[ k + 2 ] ];
v1.sub( b , a );
v2.sub( c , b );
n.cross( v2 , v1 );
n.normalize( );
t.add( a , b );
t.add( c );
t.scale( 1 / 3f );
points.add( new Point3f( t ) );
t.add( n );
points.add( new Point3f( t ) );
LineArray result = new LineArray( points.size( ) , GeometryArray.COORDINATES );
k = 0;
for( Point3f p : points )
result.setCoordinate( k++ , p );
return result;