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Java LocalDateTime.plusMinutes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.time.LocalDateTime.plusMinutes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java LocalDateTime.plusMinutes方法的具体用法?Java LocalDateTime.plusMinutes怎么用?Java LocalDateTime.plusMinutes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.time.LocalDateTime的用法示例。


示例1: testSetters

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testSetters() throws Exception {
	String timeValue = "2000-12-01 12:55";
	DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
	LocalDateTime timeStart = LocalDateTime.parse(timeValue, formatter);
	LocalDateTime timeStop = timeStart.plusMinutes(90);
	PSP.Phase phase = PSP.Phase.PostMortem;
	int interruption = 30;
	String comments = "this is a test";
	Assert.assertEquals(timeStart, testLog.getTimeStart());
	Assert.assertEquals(timeStop, testLog.getTimeStop());
	Assert.assertEquals(interruption, testLog.getInterruptionMin());
	Assert.assertEquals(phase, testLog.getPhase());
	Assert.assertEquals(comments, testLog.getComments());

示例2: getTimestamp

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Timestamp getTimestamp(String daysS, String hoursS, String minutesS){
	daysS = daysS==null || daysS.equals("") ? "0" : daysS;
	hoursS = hoursS==null || hoursS.equals("") ? "0" : hoursS;
	minutesS = minutesS==null || minutesS.equals("") ? "0" : minutesS;
	Integer days = Integer.parseInt(daysS);
	Integer hours = Integer.parseInt(hoursS);
	Integer minutes = Integer.parseInt(minutesS);
	if(days==0 && hours==0 && minutes==0){
		days = 10000;
		hours = 11;
		minutes = 59;
	days = days > 10000 ? 10000 : days;
	hours = hours%24;
	minutes = minutes%60;
	LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
	localDateTime = localDateTime.plusDays(days);
	localDateTime = localDateTime.plusHours(hours);
	localDateTime = localDateTime.plusMinutes(minutes);
	return Timestamp.valueOf(localDateTime);

示例3: test_plusMinutes_one

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void test_plusMinutes_one() {
    LocalDateTime t = TEST_2007_07_15_12_30_40_987654321.with(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);
    LocalDate d = t.toLocalDate();

    int hour = 0;
    int min = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
        t = t.plusMinutes(1);
        if (min == 60) {
            min = 0;

        assertEquals(t.toLocalDate(), d);
        assertEquals(t.getHour(), hour);
        assertEquals(t.getMinute(), min);

示例4: test_plusMinutes_fromZero

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void test_plusMinutes_fromZero() {
    LocalDateTime base = TEST_2007_07_15_12_30_40_987654321.with(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);
    LocalDate d = base.toLocalDate().minusDays(1);
    LocalTime t = LocalTime.of(22, 49);

    for (int i = -70; i < 70; i++) {
        LocalDateTime dt = base.plusMinutes(i);
        t = t.plusMinutes(1);

        if (t.equals(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT)) {
            d = d.plusDays(1);

        assertEquals(dt.toLocalDate(), d, String.valueOf(i));
        assertEquals(dt.toLocalTime(), t, String.valueOf(i));

示例5: raidsCollide

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void raidsCollide() throws Exception {
    final ClockService currentTimeService = new ClockService();
    currentTimeService.setMockTime(LocalTime.of(10, 0));
    LocalDateTime startOne = currentTimeService.getCurrentDateTime();
    LocalDateTime endOne = startOne.plusHours(1);
    LocalDateTime startTwo = currentTimeService.getCurrentDateTime().minusMinutes(1);
    LocalDateTime endTwo = startTwo.plusHours(1);
    assertThat(Utils.raidsCollide(endOne, false, endTwo, false), is(true));
    assertThat(Utils.raidsCollide(endTwo, false, endOne, false), is(true));

    startOne = currentTimeService.getCurrentDateTime();
    endOne = startOne.plusMinutes(10);
    startTwo = currentTimeService.getCurrentDateTime().plusMinutes(11);
    endTwo = startTwo.plusHours(1);
    assertThat(Utils.raidsCollide(endOne, false, endTwo, false), is(false));
    assertThat(Utils.raidsCollide(endTwo, false, endOne, false), is(false));

示例6: timeInRaidspan

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void timeInRaidspan() throws Exception {
    User user = mock(User.class);
    LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
    LocalDateTime same = localDateTime;
    LocalDateTime before = localDateTime.minusMinutes(1);
    LocalDateTime after = localDateTime.plusMinutes(1);
    LocalDateTime end = localDateTime.plusMinutes(Utils.RAID_DURATION_IN_MINUTES);
    LocalDateTime sameAsEnd = end;
    LocalDateTime beforeEnd = end.minusMinutes(1);
    LocalDateTime afterEnd = end.plusMinutes(1);
    final LocaleService localeService = mock(LocaleService.class);
    when(localeService.getMessageFor(any(), any(), any())).thenReturn("Mupp");
    Raid raid = new Raid(pokemonRepository.getByName("Tyranitar"), end,
            new Gym("Test", "id", "10", "10", null),
            localeService, "Test");
    checkWhetherAssertFails(user, same, localeService, raid, false);
    checkWhetherAssertFails(user, after, localeService, raid, false);
    checkWhetherAssertFails(user, before, localeService, raid, true);
    checkWhetherAssertFails(user, sameAsEnd, localeService, raid, false);
    checkWhetherAssertFails(user, afterEnd, localeService, raid, true);
    checkWhetherAssertFails(user, beforeEnd, localeService, raid, false);

示例7: getVehiclesByDatePage_NullParams

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * When you pass in null date and page, it should default to today and page 1,
 * so we're expecting to see a request from midnight today to midnight today +
 * 1 minute
public void getVehiclesByDatePage_NullParams() {

    LocalDateTime start = atMidnight(LocalDateTime.now());
    LocalDateTime end = start.plusMinutes(1); // pages are one minute in size

    Date startDate = localDateTimeToDate(start);
    Date endDate = localDateTimeToDate(end);

    tradeReadService.getVehiclesByDatePage(null, null);
    verify(tradeReadDaoMock).getVehiclesMotTestsByDateRange(startDate, endDate);

示例8: getLabelBatchHisto

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Renvoie le label d'historique
 * @param batchHisto
 * @return
private String getLabelBatchHisto(BatchHisto batchHisto){
	String txt = batchHisto.getStateBatchHisto()
			+" - "+applicationContext.getMessage("batch.histo.deb", new Object[]{batchHisto.getDateDebBatchHisto().format(formatterDateTime)}, UI.getCurrent().getLocale());
	if (batchHisto.getDateFinBatchHisto()!=null){
		LocalDateTime dateDeb = LocalDateTime.from(batchHisto.getDateDebBatchHisto());
		Long minutes = dateDeb.until(batchHisto.getDateFinBatchHisto(), ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
		dateDeb = dateDeb.plusMinutes(minutes);
		Long secondes = dateDeb.until(batchHisto.getDateFinBatchHisto(), ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
		txt += " - "+applicationContext.getMessage("batch.histo.fin", new Object[]{batchHisto.getDateFinBatchHisto().format(formatterDateTime)}, UI.getCurrent().getLocale());
		txt += " - "+applicationContext.getMessage("batch.histo.duree", new Object[]{getTimeFormated(minutes),getTimeFormated(secondes)}, UI.getCurrent().getLocale());
	return txt;

示例9: getVehiclesByDatePage_NullPage

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Ask for a date two weeks ago, but with a null page so it should default to
 * asking for that date and a date one minute later
public void getVehiclesByDatePage_NullPage() {

    LocalDateTime start = LocalDateTime.now().minusWeeks(2); // request for
    // two weeks ago
    LocalDateTime expectedStart = atMidnight(start);
    LocalDateTime expectedEnd = expectedStart.plusMinutes(1);

    tradeReadService.getVehiclesByDatePage(localDateTimeToDate(start), null);


示例10: getVehiclesByDatePage_DateAndPage

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Ask for a date two weeks ago and page 10, which should ask for that date +
 * 10 minutes to that date + 11 minutes.
public void getVehiclesByDatePage_DateAndPage() {

    LocalDateTime start = LocalDateTime.now().minusWeeks(2); // request for
    // two weeks ago
    LocalDateTime expectedStart = atMidnight(start).plusMinutes(9);
    LocalDateTime expectedEnd = expectedStart.plusMinutes(1);

    tradeReadService.getVehiclesByDatePage(localDateTimeToDate(start), 10);

示例11: computeFirstResetTime

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected static LocalDateTime computeFirstResetTime(LocalDateTime baseTime, int time, TimeUnit unit) {
    if (unit != TimeUnit.SECONDS && unit != TimeUnit.MINUTES && unit != TimeUnit.HOURS && unit != TimeUnit.DAYS) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    LocalDateTime t = baseTime;
    switch (unit) {
        case DAYS:
            t = t.plusDays(1).withHour(0).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0);
        case HOURS:
            if (24 % time == 0) {
                t = t.plusHours(time - t.getHour() % time);
            } else {
                t = t.plusHours(1);
            t = t.withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0);
        case MINUTES:
            if (60 % time == 0) {
                t = t.plusMinutes(time - t.getMinute() % time);
            } else {
                t = t.plusMinutes(1);
            t = t.withSecond(0).withNano(0);
        case SECONDS:
            if (60 % time == 0) {
                t = t.plusSeconds(time - t.getSecond() % time);
            } else {
                t = t.plusSeconds(1);
            t = t.withNano(0);
    return t;

示例12: testCreateGetAndDeleteGroup

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testCreateGetAndDeleteGroup() throws Exception {
    clockService.setMockTime(LocalTime.of(10, 0)); // We're not allowed to create signups at night, so mocking time
    final LocalDateTime now = clockService.getCurrentDateTime();
    final LocalTime nowTime = now.toLocalTime();
    LocalDateTime endOfRaid = now.plusMinutes(45);
    final Gym gym = gymRepository.findByName("Blenda", uppsalaRegion);
    Raid enteiRaid = new Raid(pokemonRepository.search("Entei", null), endOfRaid, gym, localeService, uppsalaRegion);
    String raidCreatorName = "testUser1";
    User user = mock(User.class);
    Guild guild = mock(Guild.class);
    Config config = mock(Config.class);
    Raid enteiRaid1 = enteiRaid;
    try {
        enteiRaid1 = repo.newRaid(user, enteiRaid1, guild, config, "test");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        fail("Could not save raid: " + e.getMessage());
    enteiRaid = enteiRaid1;
    User user2 = mock(User.class);
    String userName = "testUser2";
    LocalTime arrivalTime = nowTime.plusMinutes(30);
    RaidGroup group = new RaidGroup("testserver", "channel", "infoId", "emoteId", "userId",
            LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.now(), arrivalTime));
    group = repo.newGroupForRaid(user2, group, enteiRaid, guild, config);
    List<RaidGroup> groupsForServer = repo.getGroupsForServer("testserver");
    assertThat(group != null, is(true));
    assertThat(groupsForServer.size(), is(1));
    assertThat(groupsForServer.iterator().next(), is(group));

    RaidGroup deleted = repo.deleteGroup(enteiRaid.getId(), group.getId());
    assertThat(deleted != null, is(true));
    groupsForServer = repo.getGroupsForServer("testserver");
    assertThat(groupsForServer.size(), is(0));

示例13: testSignUp

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testSignUp() throws Exception {
    clockService.setMockTime(LocalTime.of(10, 0)); // We're not allowed to create signups at night, so mocking time
    final LocalDateTime now = clockService.getCurrentDateTime();
    final LocalTime nowTime = now.toLocalTime();
    LocalDateTime endOfRaid = now.plusMinutes(45);
    final Gym gym = gymRepository.findByName("Blenda", uppsalaRegion);
    Raid enteiRaid = new Raid(pokemonRepository.search("Entei", null), endOfRaid, gym, localeService, uppsalaRegion);
    String raidCreatorName = "testUser1";
    User user = mock(User.class);
    Guild guild = mock(Guild.class);
    Config config = mock(Config.class);

    try {
        repo.newRaid(user, enteiRaid, guild, config, "test");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        fail("Could not save raid: " + e.getMessage());
    User user2 = mock(User.class);
    String userName = "testUser2";
    Raid raid = repo.getActiveRaidOrFallbackToExRaid(gym, uppsalaRegion, user2);
    enteiRaid.setId(raid.getId()); // Set to same id for equals comparison
    enteiRaid.setCreator(raid.getCreator()); // Set creator to same for equals comparison
    assertThat(raid, is(enteiRaid));
    int howManyPeople = 3;
    LocalTime arrivalTime = nowTime.plusMinutes(30);
    raid.signUp(user2, howManyPeople, arrivalTime, repo);
    assertThat(raid.getSignUps().size(), is(1));
    assertThat(raid.getNumberOfPeopleSignedUp(), is(howManyPeople));

    final Raid raidFromDb = repo.getActiveRaidOrFallbackToExRaid(gym, uppsalaRegion, user2);
    assertThat(raidFromDb, is(raid));
    assertThat(raidFromDb.getSignUps().size(), is(1));

示例14: changePokemonWorks

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void changePokemonWorks() throws Exception {
    clockService.setMockTime(LocalTime.of(10, 0)); // We're not allowed to create signups at night, so mocking time
    final LocalDateTime now = clockService.getCurrentDateTime();
    final LocalTime nowTime = now.toLocalTime();
    LocalDateTime endOfRaid = now.plusMinutes(45);
    final Gym gym = gymRepository.findByName("Blenda", uppsalaRegion);
    Raid enteiRaid = new Raid(pokemonRepository.search("Entei", null), endOfRaid, gym, localeService, uppsalaRegion);
    String raidCreatorName = "testUser1";
    User user = mock(User.class);
    Guild guild = mock(Guild.class);
    Config config = mock(Config.class);

    try {
        repo.newRaid(user, enteiRaid, guild, config, "test");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        fail("Could not save raid: " + e.getMessage());

    Raid raid = repo.getActiveRaidOrFallbackToExRaid(gym, uppsalaRegion, user);
    Raid changedRaid = repo.changePokemon(raid, pokemonRepository.search("Mewtwo", user), guild,
            config, user, "test");
    assertThat(raid.getEndOfRaid(), is(changedRaid.getEndOfRaid()));
    assertThat(raid.getGym(), is(changedRaid.getGym()));
    assertThat(raid.getSignUps(), is(changedRaid.getSignUps()));
    assertThat(raid.getRegion(), is(changedRaid.getRegion()));
    assertThat(raid.getPokemon().getName(), is("Entei"));
    assertThat(changedRaid.getPokemon().getName(), is("Mewtwo"));

示例15: getVehiclesByDatePageTestHelper

import java.time.LocalDateTime; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Run a common format page capping test on getVehiclesByDatePage
private void getVehiclesByDatePageTestHelper(int pageToRequest, int pageExpected) {

    LocalDateTime start = LocalDateTime.now().minusWeeks(2);
    LocalDateTime expectedStart = atMidnight(start).plusMinutes(pageExpected - 1);
    LocalDateTime expectedEnd = expectedStart.plusMinutes(1);

    tradeReadService.getVehiclesByDatePage(localDateTimeToDate(start), pageToRequest);
