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Java FloatMatrix类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.jblas.FloatMatrix的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java FloatMatrix类的具体用法?Java FloatMatrix怎么用?Java FloatMatrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: compute

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Computes the output of the GRU layer
public void compute(Layer input) {
    //Temporary variable to calculate the updateGate, for input x and previous activation h, calculates updateW*x+updateU*h
    FloatMatrix updateTemp = this.updateW.mmul(input.output);
    this.updateGate = this.updateActivation.apply(updateTemp);
    // Temporary variable to calculate the resetGate, for input x and previous activation h, calculates resetW*x+resetU*h
    FloatMatrix resetTemp = this.resetW.mmul(input.output);
    this.resetGate = this.resetActivation.apply(resetTemp);
    // Temporary variable which holds the linear combination of input and hidden activation to calculate the candidate activation
    FloatMatrix candidateActivation = this.hiddenU.mmul(this.resetGate.mul(this.output));
    // Temporary variable which holds the linear combination of input and candidate activation to calculate the final activation
    FloatMatrix outputTemp = this.updateGate.mul(-1);
    this.output = outputTemp.add(this.updateGate.mul(this.output));

示例2: initialize

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Initializes the GRU layer
 * @param hiddenW1 multiplies x_t in the expression to calculate candidate activation
 * @param hiddenU1 multiplies r_t.h_t-1 in the expression to calculate candidate activation
 * @param updateW1 multiplies x_t in the expression to calculate update gate
 * @param updateU1 multiplies h_t-1 in the expression to calculate update gate
 * @param resetW1 multiplies x_t in the expression to calculate reset gate
 * @param resetU1 multiplies h_t-1 in the expression to calculate reset gate
 * @param hiddenBias1 bias values of the neurons to calculate the candidate activation
 * @param updateBias1 bias values of the neurons to calculate the update gate
 * @param resetBias1 bias values of the neurons to calculate the reset gate
 * @param activationFunction1 activation function to calculate the candidate activation
 * @param updateActivation1 activation function to calculate the update gate
 * @param resetActivation1 activation function to calculate the reset gate
public void initialize(float[][] hiddenW1, float[][] hiddenU1, float[][] updateW1, float[][] updateU1, float[][] resetW1, float[][] resetU1, float[] hiddenBias1, float[] updateBias1, float[] resetBias1, Activation activationFunction1, Activation updateActivation1, Activation resetActivation1) {
    this.hiddenW = new FloatMatrix(hiddenW1);
    this.hiddenU = new FloatMatrix(hiddenU1);
    this.resetW = new FloatMatrix(resetW1);
    this.resetU = new FloatMatrix(resetU1);
    this.updateW = new FloatMatrix(updateW1);
    this.updateU = new FloatMatrix(updateU1);
    this.hiddenBias = new FloatMatrix(hiddenBias1);
    this.updateBias = new FloatMatrix(updateBias1);
    this.resetBias = new FloatMatrix(resetBias1);
    this.output = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.hiddenU.rows);
    this.activationFunction = activationFunction1;
    this.updateActivation = updateActivation1;
    this.resetActivation = resetActivation1;
    this.updateGate = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.hiddenBias.length);
    this.resetGate = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.hiddenBias.length);            

示例3: sumLatentVectors

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void sumLatentVectors() {
    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> latentA = new HashMap<>();
    latentA.put(1, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{1, 3, 4}));
    latentA.put(2, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{2, 2, 4}));
    latentA.put(3, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{1, 3, 4}));

    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> latentB = new HashMap<>();
    latentB.put(1, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{3, 3, 5}));
    latentB.put(2, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{2, 2, 4}));

    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> got = DatasetGenerator.sumLatentVectors(latentA, latentB);
    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> expected = new HashMap<>();
    expected.put(1, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{4, 6, 9}));
    expected.put(2, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{4, 4, 8}));

    assertEquals(expected, got);

示例4: predict

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
public float predict(SparseVector sparseVector) {
    float predicted = 0.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < sparseVector.size(); ++i) {
        // linear term
        SparseVector.SparseEntry entryA = sparseVector.get(i);
        int keyA = entryA.key;
        float valueA = entryA.value;
        FloatMatrix vectorA = latentVectors[keyA];
        predicted += valueA * biases.get(keyA);

        // quadratic term
        // XXX(od): do not include quadratic features
        for (int j = i + 1; j < sparseVector.size(); ++j) {
            SparseVector.SparseEntry entryB = sparseVector.get(j);
            int keyB = entryB.key;
            float valueB = entryB.value;
            FloatMatrix vectorB = latentVectors[keyB];
            predicted += valueA * valueB * vectorA.dot(vectorB);
    return predicted;

示例5: processRNNList

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Process the RNN in a batch manner
public void processRNNList() {
    if (this.binnedDataList.isEmpty()) {
    FloatMatrix tempOutput;
    tempOutput = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.getnChannels());
    for (float[] currentBinnedData : this.binnedDataList) {
        tempOutput = this.rnnetwork.output(currentBinnedData);
    this.networkOutput = RNNfilterExpFeatures.DMToFloat(tempOutput);
    this.label = RNNfilterExpFeatures.indexOfMaxValue(this.networkOutput);

示例6: processRNN

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Processes the RNN network for continuous recording setting
 * @param timeStamp - the timestamp of the present event
public void processRNN(int timeStamp) {
    for (int i = 0; i < this.binnedData.length; i++) {
        this.binnedData[i] /= this.binEventCount;
    FloatMatrix tempOutput = this.rnnetwork.output(this.binnedData);
    this.networkOutput = RNNfilterExpFeatures.DMToFloat(tempOutput);
    if (chip.getCanvas().getDisplayMethod() instanceof RollingCochleaGramDisplayMethod) {
        if (!addedDisplayMethodPropertyChangeListener) {
            addedDisplayMethodPropertyChangeListener = true;
        // save outputs for rendering
        if (screenCleared) {
            // reset memory
        // save results

    this.label = RNNfilterExpFeatures.indexOfMaxValue(this.networkOutput);
    this.lastBinCompleteTime += this.getBinTimeLength();
    // if the present timeStamp is very far from the last time RNN was processed, that means an appropriate number
    // of zero bins have to be sent to the network
    while (timeStamp > (this.lastBinCompleteTime + this.getBinTimeLength())) {
        tempOutput = this.rnnetwork.output(this.binnedData);
        this.networkOutput = RNNfilterExpFeatures.DMToFloat(tempOutput);
        this.label = RNNfilterExpFeatures.indexOfMaxValue(this.networkOutput);
        this.lastBinCompleteTime += this.getBinTimeLength();

示例7: DMToFloat

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Copies a 1 dimensional FloatMatrix (jblas) into a 1 dimensional float
 * array
 * @param floatMatrix - 1 dimensional float matrix, there is no check make
 * sure the input is indeed 1 dimensional
 * @return 1 dimensional float array
public static float[] DMToFloat(FloatMatrix floatMatrix) {
    int length = floatMatrix.length;
    float[] floatArray = new float[length];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        floatArray[i] = floatMatrix.get(i);
    return floatArray;

示例8: output

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Computes the output of the network when given an input frame
 * @param input - A one dimensional float array as the input frame
 * @return - the activation of the last layer as a DoubleMatrix (jblas)
public FloatMatrix output(float[] input) {
    FloatMatrix tempOutput = new FloatMatrix(input);
    for(int i=1;i<this.nLayers;i++) {
    return this.layers[this.nLayers-1].output;

示例9: apply

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
public FloatMatrix apply(FloatMatrix input) {
    FloatMatrix denom = new FloatMatrix().copy(input);
    FloatMatrix num = FloatMatrix.ones(denom.rows, denom.columns);
    return num.divi(denom);

示例10: sumLatentVectors

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Sums up two latent vector mappings. The factorization machines model will return a latent vector for each
 * additional item feature. This function is used to sum all of them in order to get a single embedding for each
 * item.
 * @param latentA A mapping from item id to a latent vector
 * @param latentB A mapping from item id to a latent vector
 * @return A mapping where corresponding item latent vectors have been summed up.
public static Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> sumLatentVectors(Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> latentA, Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> latentB) {
    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> result = new HashMap<>();
    latentA.forEach((keyA, vectorA) -> {
                FloatMatrix vectorB = latentB.get(keyA);
                if (vectorB != null)
                    result.put(keyA, vectorA.add(vectorB));
    return result;

示例11: write

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Writes a vector of biases to an output file.
 * @param w1 One dimensionsal vector containing biases of a model.
 * @param writer A writer to write to
 * @throws IOException if writer is not writable
public static void write(FloatMatrix w1, Writer writer) throws IOException {
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(writer), false);
    for (int i = 0; i < w1.length; ++i)
        printWriter.println(String.format("%.4f ", w1.get(i)));

示例12: processRNN

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Processes the RNN network for continuous recording setting
 * @param timeStamp - the timestamp of the present event
public void processRNN(int timeStamp) {
    long now = System.nanoTime();
    FloatMatrix tempOutput = this.rnnetwork.output(RNNfilter.intToFloat(this.binnedData));
    long dt = System.nanoTime() - now;
    // log.log(Level.INFO, String.format("%d nanoseconds for one frame computation", dt));
    this.networkOutput = RNNfilter.DMToFloat(tempOutput);
    if (chip.getCanvas().getDisplayMethod() instanceof RollingCochleaGramDisplayMethod) {
        if (!addedDisplayMethodPropertyChangeListener) {
            addedDisplayMethodPropertyChangeListener = true;
        // save outputs for rendering
        if (screenCleared) {
            // reset memory
        // save results

    this.label = RNNfilter.indexOfMaxValue(this.networkOutput);
    this.lastBinCompleteTime += this.getBinTimeLength();
    // if the present timeStamp is very far from the last time RNN was processed, that means an appropriate number
    // of zero bins have to be sent to the network
    while (timeStamp > (this.lastBinCompleteTime + this.getBinTimeLength())) {
        tempOutput = this.rnnetwork.output(RNNfilter.intToFloat(this.binnedData));
        this.networkOutput = RNNfilter.DMToFloat(tempOutput);
        this.label = RNNfilter.indexOfMaxValue(this.networkOutput);
        this.lastBinCompleteTime += this.getBinTimeLength();

示例13: initParameters

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Init context, item and feature latent vectors with a normal distribution and
 * set biases to 0.
 * @param numFeatures number of additional features
 * @param dimensions number of latent factors
public void initParameters(int numFeatures, int dimensions) {
    logger.info("initializing parameters...");
    biases = FloatMatrix.zeros(numFeatures);
    latentVectors = new FloatMatrix[numFeatures];
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; ++i)
        latentVectors[i] = gaussVector(dimensions).divi(dimensions);

示例14: readLatentVectors

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void readLatentVectors() throws IOException {
    String input = "10 1.0 2.0 3.0\n20 2.0 3.0 4.0";
    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> got = DatasetIO.readLatentVectors(new StringReader(input));
    Map<Integer, FloatMatrix> expected = new HashMap<>();
    expected.put(10, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{1, 2, 3}));
    expected.put(20, new FloatMatrix(new float[]{2, 3, 4}));
    assertEquals(expected, got);

示例15: resetLayer

import org.jblas.FloatMatrix; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void resetLayer() {
    this.output = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.Uo.rows);
    this.memoryCell = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.Uc.rows);
    this.forgetGate = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.Uf.rows);
    this.inputGate = FloatMatrix.zeros(this.Ui.rows);
