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Java ProgressObserver类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ProgressObserver类的具体用法?Java ProgressObserver怎么用?Java ProgressObserver使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: clearModels

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Clears the models and rereads them if requested.
 * @param rereadModels reread the models or just clear
public static void clearModels(boolean rereadModels) {
    if (null != modelsLocation) {
        try {
            ModelInitializer.removeLocation(modelsLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
        } catch (ModelManagementException e) {
            getLogger().error("Clearing models: " + e.getMessage());
        modelsLocation = null;
    if (rereadModels) {

示例2: instantiateSelf

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Instantiates the given project.
 * The project must:
 * <ul>
 * <li>be a valid EASy project with the usual configuration files and folders.</li>
 * <li>contain a frozen configuration</li>
 * <li>contain VIL script which can be applied to itself</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param project The toplevel absolute folder of the project (must have a valid EASy structure)
 * @param arguments a name-element mapping specifying the top-level parameter of a VIL instantiation (may 
 *   be <b>null</b>)
 * @throws PersistenceException Will be thrown if the project could not be loaded, e.g. if the project has no
 *     valid EASy structure.
 * @throws VilException In case that artifact operations or script execution fails
public static void instantiateSelf(File project, Map<String, Object> arguments) 
    throws PersistenceException, VilException {
    // This is the usual way:
    VilArgumentProvider provider = createArgumentProvider(arguments);
    String projectName = ProjectNameMapper.getInstance().getName(project);
    PLPInfo plp = LowlevelCommands.getProject(projectName);
    if (null != plp) {
        InstantiationListener listener = new InstantiationListener();
        plp.instantiate(ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER, true);
        if (null != listener.exc) {
            throw listener.exc; 
    } else {
        throw new PersistenceException("Project \"" + projectName + "\" could not be loaded.");
    VilArgumentProvider.remove(provider); // works with null as argument

示例3: instantiateEASyProjects

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Instantiates the project <tt>projectTarget</tt>, while using source files (and IVML/VIL information) provided
 * by <tt>projectSource</tt>.
 * The following conditions must be hold:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Both projects must exist and have a valid EASy project structure with the usual configuration files, IDs,
 *     and folders.</li>
 * <li><tt>projectTarget</tt> must contain a contain a frozen configuration.</li>
 * <li><tt>projectTarget</tt> must contain VIL script.</li>
 * <li><tt>projectSource</tt> must contain a infrastructure, which cen be instantiated, e.g. annotated source files.
 *     </li>
 * </ul>
 * @param projectSource The toplevel absolute folder of an EASy project (must have a valid EASy structure), which 
 *     serves as a basis for instantiation.
 * @param projectTarget The toplevel absolute folder of an EASy project (must have a valid EASy structure), which 
 *     should be instantiated.
 * @param arguments a name-element mapping specifying the top-level parameter of a VIL instantiation (may 
 *   be <b>null</b>)
 * @throws PersistenceException Will be thrown if one of the projects could not be loaded,
 *     e.g. if the project has no valid EASy structure.
 * @throws VilException In case that artifact operations or script execution fails
private static void instantiateEASyProjects(File projectSource, File projectTarget, Map<String, Object> arguments) 
    throws PersistenceException, VilException {
    VilArgumentProvider provider = createArgumentProvider(arguments);
    // This is the usual way:
    String projectName =  ProjectNameMapper.getInstance().getName(projectTarget);
    PLPInfo plp = LowlevelCommands.getProject(projectName);
    if (null != plp) {
        InstantiationListener listener = new InstantiationListener();
        plp.instantiate(ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER, true);
        if (null != listener.exc) {
            throw listener.exc; 
    } else {
        throw new PersistenceException("Project \"" + projectName + "\" could not be loaded.");
    VilArgumentProvider.remove(provider); // works with null as argument

示例4: scanAll

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Scans the entire environment starting at <code>root</code>.
 * @param observer the observer to be notified in case of progress, use 
 *   {@link ProgressObserver#NO_OBSERVER} if progress shall not be monitored
 * @throws VilException in case that creating / obtaining artifacts fails
public void scanAll(ProgressObserver observer) throws VilException {
    if (null != base) {
        ITask task = observer.registerTask("creating complete artifact model for " + base.getAbsolutePath());
        int count = 0;
        if (ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER != observer) {
            count = scanAll(base, 0, null, null, null);
        observer.notifyProgress(task, 0, count);
        List<VilException> errors = new ArrayList<VilException>();
        scanAll(base, 0, observer, task, errors);
        if (errors.size() > 0) {
            throw new VilException(errors);

示例5: runReasoner

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Runs the reasoner for the specified project.
 * @param projectP1 Project to reason on.
 * @return number of failed constraints.
private int runReasoner(Project projectP1) {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP1, false);        
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    // Perform reasoning
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP1, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
    // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
    int failedConstraints = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < result.getMessageCount(); i++) {
        if (result.getMessage(i).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {
            failedConstraints = failedConstraints + result.getMessage(i).getConflicts().size();
    return failedConstraints;

示例6: testUnloading

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Tries unloading <code>projectName</code> and tests for <code>expectedUnloaded</code>.
 * @param loader the model loader
 * @param projectName the project to be unloaded
 * @param expectedUnloaded the names of the models to be unloaded with <code>projectName</code>
 * @throws ModelManagementException in case of VarModel errors
private static void testUnloading(UnloadTestModelLoader loader, String projectName, 
    String... expectedUnloaded) throws ModelManagementException {
    //System.out.println("unloading " + projectName + " expecting " + Arrays.toString(expectedUnloaded));
    ModelInfo<Project> info = loader.getProjectInfo(projectName);
    Assert.assertNotNull("project information object for '" + projectName + "' does not exist", info);
    Assert.assertNotNull("project '" + projectName + "' is not resolved" + info.getResolved());
    int count = VarModel.INSTANCE.getModelCount();
    HashSet<String> pNames = new HashSet<String>(count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    Assert.assertEquals("expected number of unloaded projects is not met", expectedUnloaded.length, 
        VarModel.INSTANCE.unload(info.getResolved(), ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER));
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedUnloaded.length; i++) {
        Assert.assertNull("project '" + expectedUnloaded[i] + "' is still resolved", 
        Assert.assertNotNull("project '" + expectedUnloaded[i] + "' does not exist", 
    for (int i = 0; i < VarModel.INSTANCE.getModelCount(); i++) { // varModel may have changed
    Assert.assertTrue("model name mismatch", pNames.isEmpty());

示例7: startInstantiation

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Starts the execution of the underlying VIL script ({@link PLPInfo#getBuildScript()}) in an own thread. 
 * @param observer The observer to inform about the current progress (in case of <tt>null</tt>
 * {@link ProgressObserver#NO_OBSERVER} will be used).
 * @param waitFor <tt>true</tt> This method will wait until the script was processed completely (blocking method),
 *   <tt>false</tt> script will be processed in an asynchronous manner (usually used in an GUI environment).
 * @see #abortInstantiation()
public void startInstantiation(ProgressObserver observer, boolean waitFor) {
    if (null == executor) {
        successful = true;
        this.observer = (observer != null) ? observer : ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER;
        executor = createExecutor();
        Thread executionThread = new Thread(this);
        if (waitFor) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

示例8: resultHandler

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Method for handling reasoning result.
 * @param expectedFailedConstraints Number of constraints that are expected to fa
 * @param projectP1 Project to reason on.
private void resultHandler(int expectedFailedConstraints, Project projectP1) {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP1, false);        
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    // Perform reasoning
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP1, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
    // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
    int failedConstraints = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < result.getMessageCount(); i++) {
        if (result.getMessage(i).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {
            failedConstraints = failedConstraints + result.getMessage(i).getConflicts().size();
    Assert.assertEquals("Failed constraints: ", expectedFailedConstraints, failedConstraints);


示例9: testResolveOfIntegers

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Tests whether integer variables are resolved correctly.
 * This tests includes:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Imports</li>
 * <li>Assignments</li>
 * <li>Defaults</li>
 * <li>Re-Assignments</li>
 * </ul>
public void testResolveOfIntegers() {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP2, false);
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP2, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    assertVariable(config, declA, 2, AssignmentState.DERIVED);
    assertVariable(config, declB, 2, AssignmentState.DERIVED);
    assertVariable(config, declC, 3, AssignmentState.DERIVED);
    assertVariable(config, declD, 5, AssignmentState.DERIVED);

示例10: resultComparer

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Method for comparing reasoning result.
 * @param expectedFailedConstraints Number of expected failed constraints.
 * @param expectedReevaluationCount Number of expected reevaluations.
 * @param projectP1 Project to reason on.
public static void resultComparer(int expectedFailedConstraints, int expectedReevaluationCount, Project projectP1) {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP1, false);        
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();

    // Perform reasoning
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP1, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
    // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
    int failedConstraints = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < result.getMessageCount(); i++) {
        if (result.getMessage(i).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {
            failedConstraints = failedConstraints + result.getMessage(i).getConflicts().size();
    Assert.assertEquals("Failed constraints: ", expectedFailedConstraints, failedConstraints);
    // Test whether reasoning is done in correct reevalustion steps  
    Assert.assertTrue("Reevaluation count mismatch. Result: " + engine.getReevaluationCount()
        + " Expected: " + expectedReevaluationCount, engine.getReevaluationCount() == expectedReevaluationCount);

示例11: tearDown

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Executed after a single test.
 * @throws ModelManagementException shall not occur
public void tearDown() throws ModelManagementException {

示例12: main

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
     * Executes the test.
     * @param args the first argument shall be the model location
     * @throws ModelManagementException in case that obtaining the models fails
     * @throws IOException if file operations fail
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ModelManagementException, IOException {
        if (0 == args.length) {
            System.out.println("qualimaster.profile: <model location>");
        } else {
            Properties prop = new Properties();
            CoordinationConfiguration.configure(prop, false);
            File tmp = new File(FileUtils.getTempDirectory(), "qmDebugProfile");

            File modelLocation = new File(args[0]);
            if (!modelLocation.exists()) {
                System.out.println("model location " + modelLocation + " does not exist");
            ModelInitializer.addLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
            Project project = RepositoryHelper.obtainModel(VarModel.INSTANCE, "QM", null);
            // create descriptor before clearing the location - in infrastructure pass vil directly/resolve VIL
            Configuration monConfig = RepositoryHelper.createConfiguration(project, "MONITORING");
            QmProjectDescriptor source = new QmProjectDescriptor(tmp);
            try {
                ProfileData data = AlgorithmProfileHelper.createProfilePipeline(monConfig, "ProfileTestPip", 
                    "fCorrelationFinancial", "TopoSoftwareCorrelationFinancial", source);
//                  "fPreprocessor", "Preprocessor", source);
                System.out.println("Creation successful. " + data.getPipeline());
            } catch (VilException e) {
            ModelInitializer.removeLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);

示例13: main

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Executes the test in sequence. Please adjust your model location and the files to be analyzed.
 * @param args location of the model, requested functionality (none: just load the model, monitor: process 
 *   file/monitoring_ in sequence, adapt: process file/adaptation_ in sequence)
 * @throws ModelManagementException shall not occur
public static void main(String[] args) throws ModelManagementException {
    if (0 == args.length) {
        System.out.println("qualimaster.debug: <model location> [monitor|adapt]");
    } else {
        File modelLocation = new File(args[0]);
        if (!modelLocation.exists()) {
            System.out.println("model location " + modelLocation + " does not exist");
        String prefix = null;
        if (args.length > 1) {
            if ("monitor".equals(args[1])) {
                prefix = "monitoring_";     
            } else if ("adapt".equals(args[1])) {
                prefix = "adaptation_";

        ModelInitializer.addLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
        Project project = RepositoryHelper.obtainModel(VarModel.INSTANCE, "QM", null);
        Script rtVilModel = RepositoryHelper.obtainModel(RtVilModel.INSTANCE, "QM", null);
        Configuration config = RepositoryHelper.createConfiguration(project, "TESTING");
        System.out.println("Model loaded...");
        if (null != prefix) {
            process(prefix, config, rtVilModel);

示例14: run

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void run() {
    while (count.getAndDecrement() > 0) {
        System.out.println("> " + name);
        try {
            ReasonerFrontend.getInstance().propagate(cfg.getProject(), cfg, RCFG, 
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("< " + name);

示例15: main

import net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Executes the test.
 * @param args the first argument shall be the model location
 * @throws ModelManagementException in case that obtaining the models fails
public static void main(String[] args) throws ModelManagementException {
    if (0 == args.length) {
        System.out.println("qualimaster.debug: <model location> [monitor|adapt]");
    } else {
        File modelLocation = new File(args[0]);
        if (!modelLocation.exists()) {
            System.out.println("model location " + modelLocation + " does not exist");
        ModelInitializer.addLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
        Project project = RepositoryHelper.obtainModel(VarModel.INSTANCE, "QM", null);
        Configuration monConfig = RepositoryHelper.createConfiguration(project, "MONITORING");
        ModelInitializer.removeLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);

        ModelInitializer.addLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
        project = RepositoryHelper.obtainModel(VarModel.INSTANCE, "QM", null);
        //Script rtVilModel = RepositoryHelper.obtainModel(RtVilModel.INSTANCE, "QM", null);
        Configuration adaptConfig = RepositoryHelper.createConfiguration(project, "ADAPTATION");
        ModelInitializer.removeLocation(modelLocation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);

        ReasoningRunnable r1 = new ReasoningRunnable("Monitoring", monConfig);
        ReasoningRunnable r2 = new ReasoningRunnable("Adaptation", adaptConfig);
        Thread t1 = new Thread(r1);
        Thread t2 = new Thread(r2);
        while (count.get() > 0) {
