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Java ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER属性的具体用法?Java ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER怎么用?Java ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在net.ssehub.easy.basics.progress.ProgressObserver的用法示例。


示例1: EclipsePersistencer

 * This constructor can be used if a project shall be/is stored outside the workspace (e.g. is only linked).
 * @param projectFolder The top level folder of the project.
 * @param monitor A progress monitor, or <tt>null</tt> if progress reporting is not desired
public EclipsePersistencer(File projectFolder, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    this.projectFolder = projectFolder;
    String projectName = projectFolder.getName();
    project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
    PathEnvironment pathEnv = PathEnvironmentFactory.createPathEnvironment(project);
    File projectFolder2 = new File(pathEnv.getBaseFolder(), projectName);
    File storageFile = PersistenceUtils.getLocationFile(projectFolder2, PathKind.IVML);
    persistencer = new Persistencer(pathEnv, projectFolder2, 
        storageFile.getAbsolutePath(), ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    if (null == monitor) {
        this.monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
    } else {
        this.monitor = monitor;            

示例2: scanAll

 * Scans the entire environment starting at <code>root</code>.
 * @param observer the observer to be notified in case of progress, use 
 *   {@link ProgressObserver#NO_OBSERVER} if progress shall not be monitored
 * @throws VilException in case that creating / obtaining artifacts fails
public void scanAll(ProgressObserver observer) throws VilException {
    if (null != base) {
        ITask task = observer.registerTask("creating complete artifact model for " + base.getAbsolutePath());
        int count = 0;
        if (ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER != observer) {
            count = scanAll(base, 0, null, null, null);
        observer.notifyProgress(task, 0, count);
        List<VilException> errors = new ArrayList<VilException>();
        scanAll(base, 0, observer, task, errors);
        if (errors.size() > 0) {
            throw new VilException(errors);

示例3: testCreation

 * Tests whether a new {@link PLPInfo} can be created and saved.
 * @throws PersistenceException If the files could not be written/created to the file system.
public void testCreation() throws PersistenceException {
    // Test that no data exists at the desired location
    // Create and save new project.
    PathEnvironment projectsWorkspace = new PathEnvironment(TEST_PROJECT_CREATION.getParentFile());
    File easyConfigFile = PersistenceUtils.getLocationFile(TEST_PROJECT_CREATION, PathKind.IVML);
    IPersistencer persistencer = new Persistencer(projectsWorkspace, TEST_PROJECT_CREATION,
        easyConfigFile.getAbsolutePath(), ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    IProjectCreationResult result = persistencer.createProject(TEST_PROJECT_CREATION.getName(),
        TEST_PROJECT_CREATION.getParentFile(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), false);
    PLPInfo plp = new PLPInfoLoader(result);
    // Test whether project was saved correctly
    Assert.assertEquals(TEST_PROJECT_CREATION, plp.getProjectLocation());

示例4: testFileUpgrader

 * Test {@link FileUpgrader}.
public void testFileUpgrader() {
    try {
        Map<String, String> fileMapping = Collections.unmodifiableMap(FILE_MAPPING);
        String location = IUpgrader.toBundleLocation(targetDir);
        FileUpgrader upgrader = new FileUpgrader(sourceDir.toURI(), 
            location, fileMapping, null, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
        assertResult(upgrader.upgrade(), fileMapping);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        Assert.fail("URL: " + e.getMessage());

示例5: resultHandler

 * Method for handling reasoning result.
 * @param expectedFailedConstraints Number of constraints that are expected to fa
 * @param projectP1 Project to reason on.
private void resultHandler(int expectedFailedConstraints, Project projectP1) {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP1, false);        
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    // Perform reasoning
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP1, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
    // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
    int failedConstraints = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < result.getMessageCount(); i++) {
        if (result.getMessage(i).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {
            failedConstraints = failedConstraints + result.getMessage(i).getConflicts().size();
    Assert.assertEquals("Failed constraints: ", expectedFailedConstraints, failedConstraints);


示例6: resultHandler

 * Method for handling reasoning result.
 * @param expectedFailedConstraints Number of constraints that are expected to fa
 * @param projectP1 Project to reason on.
public static void resultHandler(int expectedFailedConstraints, Project projectP1) {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP1, false);        
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();

    // Perform reasoning
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP1, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
    // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
    int failedConstraints = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < result.getMessageCount(); i++) {
        if (result.getMessage(i).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {
            failedConstraints = failedConstraints + result.getMessage(i).getConflicts().size();
    Assert.assertEquals("Failed constraints: ", expectedFailedConstraints, failedConstraints);

示例7: testResolveOfIntegers

 * Tests whether integer variables are resolved correctly.
 * This tests includes:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Imports</li>
 * <li>Assignments</li>
 * <li>Defaults</li>
 * <li>Re-Assignments</li>
 * </ul>
public void testResolveOfIntegers() {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP2, false);
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP2, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    assertVariable(config, declA, 2, AssignmentState.DERIVED);
    assertVariable(config, declB, 2, AssignmentState.DERIVED);
    assertVariable(config, declC, 3, AssignmentState.DERIVED);
    assertVariable(config, declD, 5, AssignmentState.DERIVED);

示例8: runReasoner

 * Runs the reasoner for the specified project.
 * @param projectP1 Project to reason on.
 * @return number of failed constraints.
private int runReasoner(Project projectP1) {
    Configuration config = new Configuration(projectP1, false);        
    ReasonerConfiguration rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    // Perform reasoning
    Engine engine = new Engine(projectP1, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
    // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
    int failedConstraints = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < result.getMessageCount(); i++) {
        if (result.getMessage(i).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {
            failedConstraints = failedConstraints + result.getMessage(i).getConflicts().size();
    return failedConstraints;

示例9: createProjectInstance

 * Creates a project instance for <code>folder</code>.
 * @param folder the folder to create the project on
 * @return the created project instance
private static Project createProjectInstance(File folder) {
    Project result = null;
    try {
        result = new Project(folder, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    } catch (VilException e) {
        Assert.fail("unexpected exeption: " + e);
    return result;

示例10: createReasoningProcess

 * Creates a reasoning process.
 * @param desiredOperation  Specifies which reasoning operation should be performed.
 * @param listener listener A listener which will be called after the reasoning has been finished.
 *     Can be <tt>null</tt>, if no action shall be executed after the reasoning is finished.
 * @return A {@link ReasoningProcess} which can be used for reasoning (cf. {@link ReasoningProcess#run()}). 
protected final ReasoningProcess createReasoningProcess(ReasoningOperation desiredOperation,
    IReasonerListener listener) {
    ReasoningProcess process = null;
    if (desiredOperation == ReasoningOperation.CONSITENCY_CHECK) {
        process = new ReasoningProcess(getProject(), getReasonerConfig(), listener, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    } else {
        process = new ReasoningProcess(desiredOperation, getConfiguration(), getReasonerConfig(), listener,
    return process;

示例11: loadPLPInfo

 * Helping method for loading projects from the testdata folder.
 * @param projectFolder The toplevel folder of a saved {@link PLPInfo} which should be used for testing.
 * @return A {@link PLPInfo} which was loaded from the given location.
 * @throws PersistenceException Must not occur, otherwise the config files inside the toplevel location are corrupt.
protected static PLPInfo loadPLPInfo(File projectFolder) throws PersistenceException {
    // Create Persistencer for loading a PLP
    PathEnvironment projectsWorkspace = new PathEnvironment(projectFolder.getParentFile());
    File easyConfigFile = PersistenceUtils.getLocationFile(projectFolder, PathKind.IVML);
    IPersistencer persistencer = new Persistencer(projectsWorkspace, projectFolder,
        easyConfigFile.getAbsolutePath(), ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: Persistencer could not be created.", persistencer);
    // Load PLP
    PersistentProject project  = persistencer.load();
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: Information could not be loaded.", project);
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: IVML could not be loaded.", project.getProject());
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: VIL could not be loaded.", project.getMainBuildScript());
    PLPInfo plp = new PLPInfoLoader(project);
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: PLP could not be created.", plp);
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: IVML could not be loaded.", plp.getProject());
    Assert.assertNotNull("Error: VIL could not be loaded.", plp.getBuildScript());

    PersistentProject2PLPConverter converter = new PersistentProject2PLPConverter(persistencer, project);
    return plp;

示例12: getPersistencer

 * Creates an {@link IPersistencer} instance.
 * @param projectFolder The toplevel folder of the complete project.
 * @return An {@link IPersistencer} depending on whether Eclipse is running or not.
public static IPersistencer getPersistencer(File projectFolder) {
    IPersistencer persistencer = null;
    if (Environment.runsInEclipse()) {
        persistencer = new EclipsePersistencer(projectFolder, null);
    } else {
        PathEnvironment projectsWorkspace = new PathEnvironment(projectFolder.getParentFile());
        File easyConfigFile = PersistenceUtils.getLocationFile(projectFolder, PathKind.IVML);
        persistencer = new Persistencer(projectsWorkspace, projectFolder, easyConfigFile.getAbsolutePath(),
    return persistencer;

示例13: reasoningTest

     * Method to test whether different types of variables and constraints could be translated correctly
     * into rules and reasoned on without any errors. 
     * @param ivmlFile IVML file to translate and reason on.
     * @param operation {@link ReasoningOperation} to be performed.
     * @param expectedFailedConstraints Number of constraints that are expected to fail.
    public void reasoningTest(String ivmlFile, ReasoningOperation operation, int expectedFailedConstraints) {
        // Get project
        Project project = loadProject(ivmlFile);
        Configuration config = new Configuration(project);
        ReasonerModel model = new ReasonerModel(config, null);
        // Perform reasoning
        DroolsEngine engine = new DroolsEngine(model, operation, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);
        ReasoningResult result = engine.reason();
        // Test whether reasoning detected correct result  
        int failedConstraints = 0;
        if (result.getMessageCount() > 0 && result.getMessage(0).getStatus() == Status.ERROR) {            
            net.ssehub.easy.reasoning.core.reasoner.Message cause = result.getMessage(0);
            failedConstraints = Math.max(cause.getConflicts().size(), result.getMessageCount());
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed constraints: ", expectedFailedConstraints, failedConstraints);
//        Integer i = 0;
//        Integer count = model.getNormalConstraintCount();
//        Set<ReasonerVariable> usedVariables =
//                model.getVariablesUsedInConstraints();
//        for (ReasonerVariable reasonerVariable : usedVariables) {
//            i++;
//            LOGGER.debug(reasonerVariable.getName().toString() 
//                    + " : "
//                    + " rmodel: "
//                    + reasonerVariable.getReasoningState().toString() + " "
//                    + reasonerVariable.getValue()
//                    + " varmodel: "
//                    + reasonerVariable.getDecisionVariable().getState().toString() + " "
//                    + reasonerVariable.getDecisionVariable().getValue());
//        }

示例14: createObserver

public ProgressObserver createObserver() {
    return ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER; // TODO check, preliminary

示例15: createSimpleProject

 * Creates a simple test project and performs reasoning.
 * @throws ValueDoesNotMatchTypeException Must not occur otherwise there is a failure inside the
 * {@link ValueFactory}.
 * @throws CSTSemanticException  Must not occur otherwise there is a failure inside the constraint syntax trees.
public void createSimpleProject() throws ValueDoesNotMatchTypeException, CSTSemanticException {
    // Create project and variables
    project = new Project("SimpleTestProject");
    declA = new DecisionVariableDeclaration("intA", IntegerType.TYPE, project);
    declB = new DecisionVariableDeclaration("intB", IntegerType.TYPE, project);
    declC = new DecisionVariableDeclaration("intC", IntegerType.TYPE, project);
    // Create assignment
    Value valA = ValueFactory.createValue(declA.getType(), 31);
    Variable varA = new Variable(declA);
    ConstantValue constValA = new ConstantValue(valA);
    OCLFeatureCall assignmentA = new OCLFeatureCall(varA, OclKeyWords.ASSIGNMENT, constValA);
    Constraint assignmentConstraint = new Constraint(project);
    // Create implies constraint
    Value valB = ValueFactory.createValue(declB.getType(), 37);
    ConstantValue constValB = new ConstantValue(valB);
    Value valC = ValueFactory.createValue(declC.getType(), 40);
    ConstantValue constValC = new ConstantValue(valC);
    OCLFeatureCall equalsA = new OCLFeatureCall(varA, OclKeyWords.EQUALS, constValA);
    OCLFeatureCall equalsB = new OCLFeatureCall(new Variable(declB), OclKeyWords.EQUALS, constValB);
    OCLFeatureCall equalsC = new OCLFeatureCall(new Variable(declC), OclKeyWords.EQUALS, constValC);
    OCLFeatureCall implies = new OCLFeatureCall(equalsA, OclKeyWords.IMPLIES, equalsB);
    OCLFeatureCall impliesFail = new OCLFeatureCall(equalsA, OclKeyWords.IMPLIES, equalsC);
    Constraint impliesConstaint = new Constraint(project);
    Constraint impliesConstaintFail = new Constraint(project);
    // debugging
    // Create Configuration (will also start AssignmentResolver)
    config = new Configuration(project, true);        
    rConfig = new ReasonerConfiguration();
    Engine engine = new Engine(project, config, rConfig, ProgressObserver.NO_OBSERVER);

