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Java Matrix.MTRANS_Y属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中android.graphics.Matrix.MTRANS_Y属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Matrix.MTRANS_Y属性的具体用法?Java Matrix.MTRANS_Y怎么用?Java Matrix.MTRANS_Y使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在android.graphics.Matrix的用法示例。


示例1: fitScreen

 * Resets all zooming and dragging and makes the chart fit exactly it's
 * bounds.  Output Matrix is available for those who wish to cache the object.
public void fitScreen(Matrix outputMatrix) {
    mMinScaleX = 1f;
    mMinScaleY = 1f;


    float[] vals = valsBufferForFitScreen;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        vals[i] = 0;


    // reset all translations and scaling
    vals[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = 0f;
    vals[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = 0f;
    vals[Matrix.MSCALE_X] = 1f;
    vals[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] = 1f;


示例2: transformCoordTouchToBitmap

 * This function will transform the coordinates in the touch event to the coordinate
 * system of the drawable that the imageview contain
 * @param x x-coordinate of touch event
 * @param y y-coordinate of touch event
 * @param clipToBitmap Touch event may occur within view, but outside image content. True, to clip return value
 * 			to the bounds of the bitmap size.
 * @return Coordinates of the point touched, in the coordinate system of the original drawable.
private PointF transformCoordTouchToBitmap(float x, float y, boolean clipToBitmap) {
    float origW = getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
    float origH = getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
    float transX = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
    float transY = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
    float finalX = ((x - transX) * origW) / getImageWidth();
    float finalY = ((y - transY) * origH) / getImageHeight();

    if (clipToBitmap) {
        finalX = Math.min(Math.max(finalX, 0), origW);
        finalY = Math.min(Math.max(finalY, 0), origH);

    return new PointF(finalX , finalY);

示例3: transformCoordTouchToBitmap

 * This function will transform the coordinates in the touch event to the coordinate
 * system of the drawable that the imageview contain
 * @param x            x-coordinate of touch event
 * @param y            y-coordinate of touch event
 * @param clipToBitmap Touch event may occur within view, but outside image content. True, to clip return value
 *                     to the bounds of the bitmap size.
 * @return Coordinates of the point touched, in the coordinate system of the original drawable.
private PointF transformCoordTouchToBitmap(float x, float y, boolean clipToBitmap) {
    float origW = getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
    float origH = getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
    float transX = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
    float transY = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
    float finalX = ((x - transX) * origW) / getImageWidth();
    float finalY = ((y - transY) * origH) / getImageHeight();

    if (clipToBitmap) {
        finalX = Math.min(Math.max(finalX, 0), origW);
        finalY = Math.min(Math.max(finalY, 0), origH);

    return new PointF(finalX, finalY);

示例4: performAbsoluteCorrections

public void performAbsoluteCorrections() {
	// Calculate the image's new dimensions

	// Correct scale
	//values[Matrix.MSCALE_X] = values[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] = correctAbsolute(Matrix.MSCALE_X, values[Matrix.MSCALE_X]);

	// Correct the translations
	float[] values = getValues();
	values[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = correctAbsolute(Matrix.MTRANS_X, values[Matrix.MTRANS_X]);
	values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = correctAbsolute(Matrix.MTRANS_Y, values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]);

	// Update the matrix

示例5: setZoom

 * Set zoom to the specified scale. Image will be centered around the point
 * (focusX, focusY). These floats range from 0 to 1 and denote the focus point
 * as a fraction from the left and top of the view. For example, the top left 
 * corner of the image would be (0, 0). And the bottom right corner would be (1, 1).
 * @param scale
 * @param focusX
 * @param focusY
 * @param scaleType
public void setZoom(float scale, float focusX, float focusY, ScaleType scaleType) {
	// setZoom can be called before the image is on the screen, but at this point, 
	// image and view sizes have not yet been calculated in onMeasure. Thus, we should
	// delay calling setZoom until the view has been measured.
	if (!onDrawReady) {
		delayedZoomVariables = new ZoomVariables(scale, focusX, focusY, scaleType);
	if (scaleType != mScaleType) {
	scaleImage(scale, viewWidth / 2, viewHeight / 2, true);
	m[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = -((focusX * getImageWidth()) - (viewWidth * 0.5f));
	m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = -((focusY * getImageHeight()) - (viewHeight * 0.5f));

示例6: initData

 *   初始化模板Matrix和图片的其他数据
private void initData() {
    float[] values=new float[9];

    initX = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
    initY = values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
    currentBitmapWidth = mImageWidth*values[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
    currentBitmapHeight = mImageHeight*values[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];


示例7: transformCoordBitmapToTouch

 * Inverse of transformCoordTouchToBitmap. This function will transform the coordinates in the
 * drawable's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
 * @param bx x-coordinate in original bitmap coordinate system
 * @param by y-coordinate in original bitmap coordinate system
 * @return Coordinates of the point in the view's coordinate system.
private PointF transformCoordBitmapToTouch(float bx, float by) {
    float origW = getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
    float origH = getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
    float px = bx / origW;
    float py = by / origH;
    float finalX = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X] + getImageWidth() * px;
    float finalY = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] + getImageHeight() * py;
    return new PointF(finalX , finalY);

示例8: adjustPhotoRotation

public static Bitmap adjustPhotoRotation(Bitmap bm, final int orientationDegree)
	Matrix m = new Matrix();
	m.setRotate(orientationDegree, (float) bm.getWidth() / 2, (float) bm.getHeight() / 2);
	float targetX, targetY;
	if (orientationDegree == 90) {
		targetX = bm.getHeight();
		targetY = 0;
	} else {
		targetX = bm.getHeight();
		targetY = bm.getWidth();

	final float[] values = new float[9];

	float x1 = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
	float y1 = values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];

	m.postTranslate(targetX - x1, targetY - y1);
	Bitmap bm1 = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
	Paint paint = new Paint();
	Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bm1);
	canvas.drawBitmap(bm, m, paint);

	return bm1;

示例9: transformCoordBitmapToTouch

 * Inverse of transformCoordTouchToBitmap. This function will transform the coordinates in the
 * drawable's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
 * @param bx x-coordinate in original bitmap coordinate system
 * @param by y-coordinate in original bitmap coordinate system
 * @return Coordinates of the point in the view's coordinate system.
private PointF transformCoordBitmapToTouch(float bx, float by) {
    float origW = getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
    float origH = getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
    float px = bx / origW;
    float py = by / origH;
    float finalX = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X] + getImageWidth() * px;
    float finalY = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] + getImageHeight() * py;
    return new PointF(finalX, finalY);

示例10: fixScaleTrans

 * When transitioning from zooming from focus to zoom from center (or vice versa)
 * the image can become unaligned within the view. This is apparent when zooming
 * quickly. When the content size is less than the view size, the content will often
 * be centered incorrectly within the view. fixScaleTrans first calls fixTrans() and
 * then makes sure the image is centered correctly within the view.
private void fixScaleTrans() {
    if (getImageWidth() < viewWidth) {
        m[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = (viewWidth - getImageWidth()) / 2;

    if (getImageHeight() < viewHeight) {
        m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = (viewHeight - getImageHeight()) / 2;

示例11: adjustPhotoRotation

public static Bitmap adjustPhotoRotation(Bitmap inputBitmap, int orientationDegree) {
    if (inputBitmap == null) {
        return null;

    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.setRotate(orientationDegree, (float) inputBitmap.getWidth() / 2, (float) inputBitmap.getHeight() / 2);
    float outputX, outputY;
    if (orientationDegree == 90) {
        outputX = inputBitmap.getHeight();
        outputY = 0;
    } else {
        outputX = inputBitmap.getHeight();
        outputY = inputBitmap.getWidth();

    final float[] values = new float[9];
    float x1 = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
    float y1 = values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
    matrix.postTranslate(outputX - x1, outputY - y1);
    Bitmap outputBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(inputBitmap.getHeight(), inputBitmap.getWidth(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Paint paint = new Paint();
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(outputBitmap);
    canvas.drawBitmap(inputBitmap, matrix, paint);
    return outputBitmap;

示例12: fixTrans

 * Performs boundary checking and fixes the image matrix if it is out of
 * bounds.
private void fixTrans() {
	float transX = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
	float transY = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];

	float fixTransX = getFixTrans(transX, viewWidth, getImageWidth());
	float fixTransY = getFixTrans(transY, viewHeight, getImageHeight());

	if (fixTransX != 0 || fixTransY != 0) {
		matrix.postTranslate(fixTransX, fixTransY);

示例13: Fling

Fling(int velocityX, int velocityY) {
	scroller = new CompatScroller(context);
	int startX = (int) m[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
	int startY = (int) m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
	int minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
	if (getImageWidth() > viewWidth) {
		minX = viewWidth - (int) getImageWidth();
		maxX = 0;
	} else {
		minX = maxX = startX;
	if (getImageHeight() > viewHeight) {
		minY = viewHeight - (int) getImageHeight();
		maxY = 0;
	} else {
		minY = maxY = startY;
	scroller.fling(startX, startY, (int) velocityX, (int) velocityY, minX,
               maxX, minY, maxY);
	currX = startX;
	currY = startY;

示例14: fixTrans

 * Performs boundary checking and fixes the image matrix if it
 * is out of bounds.
private void fixTrans() {
    float transX = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
    float transY = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];

    float fixTransX = getFixTrans(transX, viewWidth, getImageWidth());
    float fixTransY = getFixTrans(transY, viewHeight, getImageHeight());

    if (fixTransX != 0 || fixTransY != 0) {
        matrix.postTranslate(fixTransX, fixTransY);

示例15: checkDyBound

 *  和当前矩阵对比,检验dy,使图像移动后不会超出ImageView边界
 *  @param values
 *  @param dy
 *  @return
private float checkDyBound(float[] values, float dy) {
    float height=getHeight();
        return 0;
    else if(values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]+dy<-(mImageHeight*values[Matrix.MSCALE_Y]-height))
    return dy;
