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C# Random.NextDouble方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Random.NextDouble方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Random.NextDouble方法的具体用法?C# Random.NextDouble怎么用?C# Random.NextDouble使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Random的用法示例。


示例1: RunIntNDoubleRandoms

// Example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( ) 
// method.
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class RandomObjectDemo  
    // Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
    static void RunIntNDoubleRandoms( Random randObj )
        // Generate the first six random integers.
        for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
            Console.Write( " {0,10} ", randObj.Next( ) );
        Console.WriteLine( );

        // Generate the first six random doubles.
        for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
            Console.Write( " {0:F8} ", randObj.NextDouble( ) );
        Console.WriteLine( );

    // Create a Random object with the specified seed.
    static void FixedSeedRandoms( int seed )
            "\nRandom numbers from a Random object with " +
            "seed = {0}:", seed );
        Random fixRand = new Random( seed );

        RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand );

    // Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
    static void AutoSeedRandoms( )
        // Wait to allow the timer to advance.
        Thread.Sleep( 1 );

            "\nRandom numbers from a Random object " +
            "with an auto-generated seed:" );
        Random autoRand = new Random( );

        RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand );

    static void Main( )
            "This example of the Random class constructors and " +
            "Random.NextDouble( ) \n" +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
            "Create Random objects, and then generate and " +
            "display six integers and \nsix doubles from each.");

        FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
        FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );

        FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
        FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );

        AutoSeedRandoms( );
        AutoSeedRandoms( );
        AutoSeedRandoms( );


Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers and
six doubles from each.

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
 2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
 0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
 2114319875  1949518561  1596751841  1742987178  1586516133   103755708
 0.01700087  0.14935942  0.19470390  0.63008947  0.90976122  0.49519146

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
 2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
 0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170

Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
 2044805024  1323311594  1087799997  1907260840   179380355   120870348
 0.21988117  0.21026556  0.39236514  0.42420498  0.24102703  0.47310170

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
  380213349   127379247  1969091178  1983029819  1963098450  1648433124
 0.08824121  0.41249688  0.36445811  0.05637512  0.62702451  0.49595560

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
  861793304  2133528783  1947358439   124230908   921262645  1087892791
 0.56880819  0.42934091  0.60162512  0.74388610  0.99432979  0.30310005

Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
 1343373259  1992194672  1925625700   412915644  2026910487   527352458
 0.04937517  0.44618494  0.83879212  0.43139707  0.36163507  0.11024451

示例2: Random

int[] frequency = new int[10];
double number;
Random rnd = new Random();

for (int ctr = 0; ctr <= 99; ctr++) {
   number = rnd.NextDouble();
   frequency[(int) Math.Floor(number*10)] ++;
Console.WriteLine("Distribution of Random Numbers:");
for (int ctr = frequency.GetLowerBound(0); ctr <= frequency.GetUpperBound(0); ctr++)
   Console.WriteLine("0.{0}0-0.{0}9       {1}", ctr, frequency[ctr]);

// The following example displays output similar to the following:
//       Distribution of Random Numbers:
//       0.00-0.09       16
//       0.10-0.19       8
//       0.20-0.29       8
//       0.30-0.39       11
//       0.40-0.49       9
//       0.50-0.59       6
//       0.60-0.69       13
//       0.70-0.79       6
//       0.80-0.89       9
//       0.90-0.99       14

示例3: Random.NextDouble()

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;

public class Test {
  static void Main() {
      Random roller = new Random();
      double toHit = roller.NextDouble();
