本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Terrain.AddTreeInstance方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Terrain.AddTreeInstance方法的具体用法?C# Terrain.AddTreeInstance怎么用?C# Terrain.AddTreeInstance使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.Terrain
示例1: PlaceTrees
public static void PlaceTrees(Terrain terrain, float xBase, float yBase)
if (terrain.terrainData.treePrototypes.Length == 0)
TreePainter.selectedTree = Mathf.Min(TerrainInspectorUtil.GetPrototypeCount(terrain.terrainData) - 1, TreePainter.selectedTree);
if (!TerrainInspectorUtil.PrototypeIsRenderable(terrain.terrainData, TreePainter.selectedTree))
int num = 0;
TreeInstance instance = default(TreeInstance);
instance.position = new Vector3(xBase, 0f, yBase);
instance.color = TreePainter.GetTreeColor();
instance.lightmapColor = Color.white;
instance.prototypeIndex = TreePainter.selectedTree;
instance.heightScale = TreePainter.GetTreeHeight();
instance.widthScale = ((!TreePainter.lockWidthToHeight) ? TreePainter.GetTreeWidth() : instance.heightScale);
instance.rotation = TreePainter.GetTreeRotation();
bool flag = Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag || TreePainter.brushSize > 1f;
if (!flag || TerrainInspectorUtil.CheckTreeDistance(terrain.terrainData, instance.position, instance.prototypeIndex, TreePainter.spacing))
Vector3 prototypeExtent = TerrainInspectorUtil.GetPrototypeExtent(terrain.terrainData, TreePainter.selectedTree);
prototypeExtent.y = 0f;
float num2 = TreePainter.brushSize / (prototypeExtent.magnitude * TreePainter.spacing * 0.5f);
int num3 = (int)(num2 * num2 * 0.5f);
num3 = Mathf.Clamp(num3, 0, 100);
int num4 = 1;
while (num4 < num3 && num < num3)
Vector2 insideUnitCircle = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle;
insideUnitCircle.x *= TreePainter.brushSize / terrain.terrainData.size.x;
insideUnitCircle.y *= TreePainter.brushSize / terrain.terrainData.size.z;
Vector3 position = new Vector3(xBase + insideUnitCircle.x, 0f, yBase + insideUnitCircle.y);
if (position.x >= 0f && position.x <= 1f && position.z >= 0f && position.z <= 1f && TerrainInspectorUtil.CheckTreeDistance(terrain.terrainData, position, TreePainter.selectedTree, TreePainter.spacing * 0.5f))
instance = default(TreeInstance);
instance.position = position;
instance.color = TreePainter.GetTreeColor();
instance.lightmapColor = Color.white;
instance.prototypeIndex = TreePainter.selectedTree;
instance.heightScale = TreePainter.GetTreeHeight();
instance.widthScale = ((!TreePainter.lockWidthToHeight) ? TreePainter.GetTreeWidth() : instance.heightScale);
instance.rotation = TreePainter.GetTreeRotation();
示例2: PlaceTrees
public static void PlaceTrees(Terrain terrain, float xBase, float yBase)
int prototypeCount = TerrainInspectorUtil.GetPrototypeCount(terrain.terrainData);
if (TreePainter.selectedTree == -1 || TreePainter.selectedTree >= prototypeCount || !TerrainInspectorUtil.PrototypeIsRenderable(terrain.terrainData, TreePainter.selectedTree))
int num1 = 0;
TreeInstance instance = new TreeInstance();
instance.position = new Vector3(xBase, 0.0f, yBase);
instance.color = (Color32) TreePainter.GetTreeColor();
instance.lightmapColor = (Color32) Color.white;
instance.prototypeIndex = TreePainter.selectedTree;
instance.heightScale = TreePainter.GetTreeHeight();
instance.widthScale = !TreePainter.lockWidthToHeight ? TreePainter.GetTreeWidth() : instance.heightScale;
instance.rotation = TreePainter.GetTreeRotation();
if (Event.current.type != EventType.MouseDrag && (double) TreePainter.brushSize <= 1.0 || TerrainInspectorUtil.CheckTreeDistance(terrain.terrainData, instance.position, instance.prototypeIndex, TreePainter.spacing))
Vector3 prototypeExtent = TerrainInspectorUtil.GetPrototypeExtent(terrain.terrainData, TreePainter.selectedTree);
prototypeExtent.y = 0.0f;
float num2 = TreePainter.brushSize / (float) ((double) prototypeExtent.magnitude * (double) TreePainter.spacing * 0.5);
int num3 = Mathf.Clamp((int) ((double) num2 * (double) num2 * 0.5), 0, 100);
for (int index = 1; index < num3 && num1 < num3; ++index)
Vector2 insideUnitCircle = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle;
insideUnitCircle.x *= TreePainter.brushSize / terrain.terrainData.size.x;
insideUnitCircle.y *= TreePainter.brushSize / terrain.terrainData.size.z;
Vector3 position = new Vector3(xBase + insideUnitCircle.x, 0.0f, yBase + insideUnitCircle.y);
if ((double) position.x >= 0.0 && (double) position.x <= 1.0 && ((double) position.z >= 0.0 && (double) position.z <= 1.0) && TerrainInspectorUtil.CheckTreeDistance(terrain.terrainData, position, TreePainter.selectedTree, TreePainter.spacing * 0.5f))
instance = new TreeInstance();
instance.position = position;
instance.color = (Color32) TreePainter.GetTreeColor();
instance.lightmapColor = (Color32) Color.white;
instance.prototypeIndex = TreePainter.selectedTree;
instance.heightScale = TreePainter.GetTreeHeight();
instance.widthScale = !TreePainter.lockWidthToHeight ? TreePainter.GetTreeWidth() : instance.heightScale;
instance.rotation = TreePainter.GetTreeRotation();
示例3: FillTreeInstances
void FillTreeInstances(Terrain terrain, int tileX, int tileZ)
Random.seed = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < m_terrainSize; x += m_treeSpacing)
for (int z = 0; z < m_terrainSize; z += m_treeSpacing)
float unit = 1.0f / (m_terrainSize - 1);
float offsetX = Random.value * unit * m_treeSpacing;
float offsetZ = Random.value * unit * m_treeSpacing;
float normX = x * unit + offsetX;
float normZ = z * unit + offsetZ;
// Get the steepness value at the normalized coordinate.
float angle = terrain.terrainData.GetSteepness(normX, normZ);
// Steepness is given as an angle, 0..90 degrees. Divide
// by 90 to get an alpha blending value in the range 0..1.
float frac = angle / 90.0f;
if(frac < 0.5f) //make sure tree are not on steep slopes
float worldPosX = x+tileX*(m_terrainSize-1);
float worldPosZ = z+tileZ*(m_terrainSize-1);
float noise = m_treeNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 3, m_treeFrq, 1.0f);
float ht = terrain.terrainData.GetInterpolatedHeight(normX, normZ);
if(noise > 0.0f && ht < m_terrainHeight*0.4f)
TreeInstance temp = new TreeInstance();
temp.position = new Vector3(normX,ht,normZ);
temp.prototypeIndex = Random.Range(0, 3);
temp.widthScale = 1;
temp.heightScale = 1;
temp.color = Color.white;
temp.lightmapColor = Color.white;
terrain.treeDistance = m_treeDistance;
terrain.treeBillboardDistance = m_treeBillboardDistance;
terrain.treeCrossFadeLength = m_treeCrossFadeLength;
terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_treeMaximumFullLODCount;
示例4: SetTerrainTrees
void SetTerrainTrees(Terrain terrain)
terrain.terrainData.treeInstances = new TreeInstance[0];
for (int x = 0; x < resolution; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < resolution; y+=20)
float height = terrain.terrainData.GetHeight(x, y);
float steepness = terrain.terrainData.GetSteepness((float)x / (float)resolution, (float)(y) / (float)resolution);
if (Random.value > (0.3f + (steepness / 30)) && height >= waterThreshold - 10)
TreeInstance instance = new TreeInstance();
instance.prototypeIndex = 0;
instance.position = new Vector3((float)x / (float)resolution, 0, (float)(y + Random.Range(0,10)) / (float)resolution);
instance.widthScale = 1.0f;
instance.heightScale = 1.0f;
instance.color = Color.white;
instance.rotation = 0.0f;
x += 20;
示例5: TreeGenerator
void TreeGenerator(Terrain terrain, int tileX, int tileZ)
Random.seed = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < TamañoDelTerreno; x += EspaciadoMinimo)
for (int z = 0; z < TamañoDelTerreno; z += EspaciadoMinimo)
float unit = 1.0f / (TamañoDelTerreno - 1);
float offsetX = Random.value * unit * EspaciadoMinimo;
float offsetZ = Random.value * unit * EspaciadoMinimo;
float normX = x * unit + offsetX;
float normZ = z * unit + offsetZ;
float inclinacion = terrain.terrainData.GetSteepness(normX, normZ);
float angulo = inclinacion / 90.0f;
if (angulo < 0.5f)//Que no estén a más de 50º
float PosX = x + tileX * (TamañoDelTerreno - 1);
float PosZ = z + tileZ * (TamañoDelTerreno - 1);
float ruido = ruidoarbol.FractalNoise2D(PosX, PosZ, 3, RuidoDeArboles, 1.0f);
float altura = terrain.terrainData.GetInterpolatedHeight(normX, normZ);
if (ruido > 0.0f && altura < AlturaMaxima * AlturaDeArboles)
TreeInstance arbolitos = new TreeInstance();
arbolitos.position = new Vector3(normX, altura, normZ);
arbolitos.prototypeIndex = Random.Range(0, 3);
arbolitos.widthScale = 1;
arbolitos.heightScale = 1;
arbolitos.color = Color.white;
arbolitos.lightmapColor = Color.white;
terrain.treeDistance = dist_arboles;
terrain.treeBillboardDistance = dist_bill_arboles;
terrain.treeCrossFadeLength = trans_arboles;
terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = max_arboles;
示例6: FillTreeInstancesBiomes
void FillTreeInstancesBiomes(Terrain terrain){
Random.seed = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < m_terrainSize; x ++)
for (int z = 0; z < m_terrainSize; z ++)
float ratio = (float)(m_heightMapSize-1)/m_terrainSize;
Center.BiomeTypes biome = getCenter[(int)(x*ratio),(int)(z*ratio)].biome;
//int space=0;
int tree = 10;
if ((int)biome == 4) {tree = 0;}
if ((int)biome ==9) {tree = 1;}
if ((int)biome == 10) { tree = 2;}
if ((int)biome == 11 ){ tree =3; }
if( (int) biome==13) { tree =4; }
float unit = 1.0f / (m_terrainSize - 1);
//float offsetX = Random.value * unit * m_treeSpacing;
//float offsetZ = Random.value * unit * m_treeSpacing;
float normX = x * unit;// + offsetX;
float normZ = z * unit;// + offsetZ;
// Get the steepness value at the normalized coordinate.
float angle = terrain.terrainData.GetSteepness(normX, normZ);
// Steepness is given as an angle, 0..90 degrees. Divide
// by 90 to get an alpha blending value in the range 0..1.
float frac = angle / 90.0f;
float height = htmap[z*m_heightMapSize/m_terrainSize,x*m_heightMapSize/m_terrainSize];
float fracHeight = (height-heightMinimum)/(heightMaximum-heightMinimum);
if (tree<10)
if(frac < 0.5f && fracHeight> waterLimit+0.005f && Random.Range(0,m_treeSpacing[tree]) == 0) //make sure tree are not on steep slopes & in the sea
float worldPosX = x+(m_terrainSize-1);
float worldPosZ = z+(m_terrainSize-1);
float noise = m_treeNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 3, m_treeFrq, 1.0f);
float ht = terrain.terrainData.GetInterpolatedHeight(normX, normZ);
if( noise > 0 && ht < m_terrainHeight*0.4f )
RaycastHit hit;
Physics.Raycast(new Vector3(normX * m_terrainSize, 10000.0f, normZ*m_terrainSize), -Vector3.up, out hit);
if ( ! hit.transform.gameObject.CompareTag("ground")){
TreeInstance temp = new TreeInstance();
temp.position = new Vector3(normX,ht,normZ);
temp.prototypeIndex = tree;
temp.widthScale = 1;
temp.heightScale = 1;
temp.color = Color.white;
temp.lightmapColor = Color.white;
// if (tree==0)
// Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(x,0f,z), new Vector3(x,100f,z),Color.red,2600f);
terrain.treeBillboardDistance = m_treeBillboardDistance;
terrain.treeCrossFadeLength = m_treeCrossFadeLength;
terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_treeMaximumFullLODCount;
示例7: PlaceTrees
public static void PlaceTrees(Terrain terrain, float xBase, float yBase)
int prototypeCount = TerrainInspectorUtil.GetPrototypeCount(terrain.terrainData);
if (((selectedTree != -1) && (selectedTree < prototypeCount)) && TerrainInspectorUtil.PrototypeIsRenderable(terrain.terrainData, selectedTree))
TreeInstance instance;
int num2 = 0;
instance = new TreeInstance {
position = new Vector3(xBase, 0f, yBase),
color = GetTreeColor(),
lightmapColor = Color.white,
prototypeIndex = selectedTree,
heightScale = GetTreeHeight(),
widthScale = !lockWidthToHeight ? GetTreeWidth() : instance.heightScale,
rotation = GetTreeRotation()
if (((Event.current.type != EventType.MouseDrag) && (brushSize <= 1f)) || TerrainInspectorUtil.CheckTreeDistance(terrain.terrainData, instance.position, instance.prototypeIndex, spacing))
Vector3 prototypeExtent = TerrainInspectorUtil.GetPrototypeExtent(terrain.terrainData, selectedTree);
prototypeExtent.y = 0f;
float num3 = brushSize / ((prototypeExtent.magnitude * spacing) * 0.5f);
int num4 = (int) ((num3 * num3) * 0.5f);
num4 = Mathf.Clamp(num4, 0, 100);
for (int i = 1; (i < num4) && (num2 < num4); i++)
Vector2 insideUnitCircle = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle;
insideUnitCircle.x *= brushSize / terrain.terrainData.size.x;
insideUnitCircle.y *= brushSize / terrain.terrainData.size.z;
Vector3 position = new Vector3(xBase + insideUnitCircle.x, 0f, yBase + insideUnitCircle.y);
if ((((position.x >= 0f) && (position.x <= 1f)) && ((position.z >= 0f) && (position.z <= 1f))) && TerrainInspectorUtil.CheckTreeDistance(terrain.terrainData, position, selectedTree, spacing * 0.5f))
instance = new TreeInstance {
position = position,
color = GetTreeColor(),
lightmapColor = Color.white,
prototypeIndex = selectedTree,
heightScale = GetTreeHeight(),
widthScale = !lockWidthToHeight ? GetTreeWidth() : instance.heightScale,
rotation = GetTreeRotation()