本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Matrix4x4类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Matrix4x4类的具体用法?C# Matrix4x4怎么用?C# Matrix4x4使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: DrawBrush
public static void DrawBrush( Vector3 point,
Vector3 normal,
z_BrushSettings brushSettings,
Matrix4x4 matrix,
Color innerColor,
Color outerColor)
Vector3 p = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(point);
Vector3 n = matrix.MultiplyVector(normal).normalized;
/// radius
Handles.color = outerColor;
Handles.DrawWireDisc(p, n, brushSettings.radius);
/// falloff
Handles.color = innerColor;
Handles.DrawWireDisc(p, n, brushSettings.radius * brushSettings.falloff);
Handles.color = new Color( Mathf.Abs(n.x),
Handles.DrawLine(p, p + n.normalized * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(p));
示例2: GeometryMesh
public GeometryMesh(MeshData meshData, Transform meshTransform, Matrix4x4 worldToVesselMatrix, GeometryPartModule module)
Vector3[] untransformedVerts = meshData.vertices;
int[] triangles = meshData.triangles;
Bounds meshBounds = meshData.bounds;
vertices = new Vector3[untransformedVerts.Length];
this.thisToVesselMatrix = worldToVesselMatrix * meshTransform.localToWorldMatrix;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
//vertices[i] = thisToVesselMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(untransformedVerts[i]);
Vector3 v = untransformedVerts[i];
Vector3 vert = Vector3.zero;
vert.x = thisToVesselMatrix.m00 * v.x + thisToVesselMatrix.m01 * v.y + thisToVesselMatrix.m02 * v.z + thisToVesselMatrix.m03;
vert.y = thisToVesselMatrix.m10 * v.x + thisToVesselMatrix.m11 * v.y + thisToVesselMatrix.m12 * v.z + thisToVesselMatrix.m13;
vert.z = thisToVesselMatrix.m20 * v.x + thisToVesselMatrix.m21 * v.y + thisToVesselMatrix.m22 * v.z + thisToVesselMatrix.m23;
vertices[i] = vert;
this.triangles = triangles;
this.meshTransform = meshTransform;
bounds = TransformBounds(meshBounds, thisToVesselMatrix);
this.module = module;
this.part = module.part;
if (!module.part.isMirrored)
invertXYZ = 1;
invertXYZ = -1;
示例3: DrawScatterBrush
public static void DrawScatterBrush(Vector3 point, Vector3 normal, z_BrushSettings settings, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix)
Vector3 p = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(point);
Vector3 n = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(normal).normalized;
float r = settings.radius;
Vector3 a = Vector3.zero;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normal, Vector3.up);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
a.x = Mathf.Cos(Random.Range(0f, 360f));
a.y = Mathf.Sin(Random.Range(0f, 360f));
a = a.normalized * Random.Range(0f, r);
Vector3 v = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(point + rotation * a);
Handles.DrawLine(v, v + (n * .5f));
Handles.CubeCap(i + 2302, v, Quaternion.identity, .01f);
/// radius
Handles.DrawWireDisc(p, n, settings.radius);
示例4: ExtractTranslationFromMatrix
/// <summary>
/// Extract translation from transform matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix">Transform matrix. This parameter is passed by reference
/// to improve performance; no changes will be made to it.</param>
/// <returns>
/// Translation offset.
/// </returns>
public static Vector3 ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref Matrix4x4 matrix) {
Vector3 translate;
translate.x = matrix.m03;
translate.y = matrix.m13;
translate.z = matrix.m23;
return translate;
示例5: OnPreCull
internal void OnPreCull()
if (HighLogic.LoadedScene != GameScenes.MAINMENU)
Matrix4x4 bodies = new Matrix4x4();
int i = 0;
foreach (CelestialBody cb in shadowList)
bodies.SetRow(i, cb.transform.position);
bodies[i, 3] = (float)(cb.Radius);
if (i == 4)
if (shadowMat != null)
shadowMat.SetVector(ShaderProperties._SunPos_PROPERTY, Sun.Instance.sun.transform.position);
shadowMat.SetMatrix(ShaderProperties._ShadowBodies_PROPERTY, bodies);
foreach (Transform child in body.transform)
Renderer cr = child.GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (cr != null)
cr.sharedMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderProperties._SunRadius_PROPERTY, (float)(Sun.Instance.sun.Radius));
cr.sharedMaterial.SetVector(ShaderProperties._SunPos_PROPERTY, Sun.Instance.sun.transform.position);
cr.sharedMaterial.SetMatrix(ShaderProperties._ShadowBodies_PROPERTY, bodies);
示例6: GetPartColliderBoundsInBasis
public static Bounds GetPartColliderBoundsInBasis(this Part part, Matrix4x4 worldToBasisMatrix, int excessiveVerts = 2500)
Transform[] transforms = part.FindModelComponents<Transform>();
Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Length; i++)
Transform t = transforms[i];
MeshCollider mc = t.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
Mesh m;
Matrix4x4 matrix = worldToBasisMatrix * t.localToWorldMatrix;
if (mc == null)
BoxCollider bc = t.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
if (bc != null)
m = mc.sharedMesh;
if (m == null)
return bounds;
示例7: AdjustMidpointHandleColor
private void AdjustMidpointHandleColor(Vector3 localPos, Vector3 localTangent, Vector3 localBinormal, Matrix4x4 transform, float alphaFactor)
float num;
Vector3 vector = transform.MultiplyPoint(localPos);
Vector3 lhs = transform.MultiplyVector(localTangent);
Vector3 rhs = transform.MultiplyVector(localBinormal);
Vector3 normalized = Vector3.Cross(lhs, rhs).normalized;
if (Camera.current.isOrthoGraphic)
num = Vector3.Dot(-Camera.current.transform.forward, normalized);
Vector3 vector6 = Camera.current.transform.position - vector;
num = Vector3.Dot(vector6.normalized, normalized);
if (num < -0.0001f)
alphaFactor *= 0.2f;
if (alphaFactor < 1f)
Handles.color = new Color(Handles.color.r, Handles.color.g, Handles.color.b, Handles.color.a * alphaFactor);
示例8: CalculateScaleTimeMatrix
public bool CalculateScaleTimeMatrix(float fromTime, float toTime, float offsetTime, float pivotTime, float frameRate, out Matrix4x4 transform, out bool flipKeys)
transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
flipKeys = false;
float num = !Mathf.Approximately(frameRate, 0f) ? (1f / frameRate) : 0.001f;
float f = toTime - pivotTime;
float num3 = fromTime - pivotTime;
if ((Mathf.Abs(f) - offsetTime) < 0f)
return false;
f = (Mathf.Sign(f) != Mathf.Sign(num3)) ? (f + offsetTime) : (f - offsetTime);
if (Mathf.Approximately(num3, 0f))
transform.SetTRS(new Vector3(f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
flipKeys = false;
return true;
if (Mathf.Abs(f) < num)
f = (f >= 0f) ? num : -num;
float x = f / num3;
transform.SetTRS(new Vector3(pivotTime, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
transform *= Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(x, 1f, 1f));
transform *= Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(-pivotTime, 0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
flipKeys = x < 0f;
return true;
示例9: IntersectRayMesh
public static bool IntersectRayMesh(Ray ray, Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, out RaycastHit hit)
var parameters = new object[]{ray,mesh,matrix,null};
bool result = (bool)meth_IntersectRayMesh.Invoke(null,parameters);
hit = (RaycastHit)parameters[3];
return result;
示例10: getUnityProjectionMatrix
/// <summary>
/// This function returns OpenGL style projection matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// output parametor.
/// </returns>
public Matrix4x4 getUnityProjectionMatrix()
Matrix4x4 mat=new Matrix4x4();
NyARFrustum.FrustumParam f=this.getFrustum().getFrustumParam(new NyARFrustum.FrustumParam());
NyARUnityUtil.toCameraFrustumRH(this._ref_param,1,f.near,f.far,ref mat);
return mat;
示例11: OnRenderImage
public void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
switch (colorBlindMode)
case ColorBlindMode.None:
filterMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
case ColorBlindMode.Protanopia:
filterMatrix.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(0.567f, 0.433f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(0.558f, 0.442f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.242f, 0.758f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
case ColorBlindMode.Deuteranopia:
filterMatrix.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(0.625f, 0.375f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(0.7f, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.3f, 0.7f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
case ColorBlindMode.Tritanopia:
filterMatrix.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(0.95f, 0.05f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.433f, 0.567f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.475f, 0.525f, 0.0f));
filterMatrix.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
FilterMaterial.SetMatrix("_Filter", filterMatrix);
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, FilterMaterial);
示例12: AdjustEdgeHandleColor
private void AdjustEdgeHandleColor(Vector3 handlePos, Vector3 slideDir1, Vector3 slideDir2, Matrix4x4 transform, float alphaFactor)
bool flag;
Vector3 inPoint = transform.MultiplyPoint(handlePos);
Vector3 normalized = transform.MultiplyVector(slideDir1).normalized;
Vector3 rhs = transform.MultiplyVector(slideDir2).normalized;
if (Camera.current.isOrthoGraphic)
flag = (Vector3.Dot(-Camera.current.transform.forward, normalized) < 0f) && (Vector3.Dot(-Camera.current.transform.forward, rhs) < 0f);
Plane plane = new Plane(normalized, inPoint);
Plane plane2 = new Plane(rhs, inPoint);
flag = !plane.GetSide(Camera.current.transform.position) && !plane2.GetSide(Camera.current.transform.position);
if (flag)
alphaFactor *= 0.2f;
if (alphaFactor < 1f)
Handles.color = new Color(Handles.color.r, Handles.color.g, Handles.color.b, Handles.color.a * alphaFactor);
示例13: DrawOrbit
private static void DrawOrbit(Orbit o, CelestialBody referenceBody, Matrix4x4 screenTransform, int numSegments)
if (!o.activePatch) {
double startTA;
double endTA;
double now = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
if (o.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL) {
startTA = o.TrueAnomalyAtUT(o.StartUT);
endTA = o.TrueAnomalyAtUT(o.EndUT);
if (endTA < startTA) {
endTA += 2.0 * Math.PI;
} else {
startTA = o.GetUTforTrueAnomaly(0.0, now);
endTA = startTA + 2.0 * Math.PI;
double dTheta = (endTA - startTA) / (double)numSegments;
double theta = startTA;
double timeAtTA = o.GetUTforTrueAnomaly(theta, now);
Vector3 lastVertex = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(o.getRelativePositionFromTrueAnomaly(theta).xzy + (o.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(timeAtTA)) - (referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(timeAtTA)));
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) {
GL.Vertex3(lastVertex.x, lastVertex.y, 0.0f);
theta += dTheta;
timeAtTA = o.GetUTforTrueAnomaly(theta, now);
Vector3 newVertex = screenTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(o.getRelativePositionFromTrueAnomaly(theta).xzy + (o.referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(timeAtTA)) - (referenceBody.getTruePositionAtUT(timeAtTA)));
GL.Vertex3(newVertex.x, newVertex.y, 0.0f);
lastVertex = newVertex;
示例14: IntakeCrossSectionAdjuster
public IntakeCrossSectionAdjuster(PartModule intake, Matrix4x4 worldToVesselMatrix)
this.part = intake.part;
intakeModule = intake as ModuleResourceIntake;
intakeTrans = intakeModule.intakeTransform;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(intakeModule.occludeNode))
node = intakeModule.node;
foreach (AttachNode candidateNode in part.attachNodes)
if (candidateNode.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Stack && Vector3.Dot(candidateNode.position, (part.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * intakeTrans.localToWorldMatrix).MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward)) > 0)
if (candidateNode == node)
nodeOffsetArea = candidateNode.size;
if (nodeOffsetArea == 0)
nodeOffsetArea = 0.5;
nodeOffsetArea *= 0.625; //scale it up as needed
nodeOffsetArea *= nodeOffsetArea;
nodeOffsetArea *= Math.PI; //calc area;
nodeOffsetArea *= -1; //and the adjustment area
thisToVesselMatrix = worldToVesselMatrix * intakeTrans.localToWorldMatrix;
vehicleBasisForwardVector = Vector3.forward;
vehicleBasisForwardVector = thisToVesselMatrix.MultiplyVector(vehicleBasisForwardVector);
Type intakeType = intake.GetType();
intakeArea = (float)intakeType.GetField("Area").GetValue(intake);
示例15: CalculateScaleValueMatrix
public bool CalculateScaleValueMatrix(float fromValue, float toValue, float offsetValue, float pivotValue, out Matrix4x4 transform, out bool flipKeys)
transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
flipKeys = false;
float num = 0.001f;
float f = toValue - pivotValue;
float num3 = fromValue - pivotValue;
if ((Mathf.Abs(f) - offsetValue) < 0f)
return false;
f = (Mathf.Sign(f) != Mathf.Sign(num3)) ? (f + offsetValue) : (f - offsetValue);
if (Mathf.Approximately(num3, 0f))
transform.SetTRS(new Vector3(0f, f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
flipKeys = false;
return true;
if (Mathf.Abs(f) < num)
f = (f >= 0f) ? num : -num;
float y = f / num3;
transform.SetTRS(new Vector3(0f, pivotValue, 0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
transform *= Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1f, y, 1f));
transform *= Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(0f, -pivotValue, 0f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
flipKeys = y < 0f;
return true;