本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.GUISkin.GetStyle方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# GUISkin.GetStyle方法的具体用法?C# GUISkin.GetStyle怎么用?C# GUISkin.GetStyle使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.GUISkin
示例1: drawShelfGroup
public void drawShelfGroup(Event e, float yCoord, int shelfGroupIndex, Rect viewRect, NodeGraph currentNodeGraph, GUISkin viewSkin)
if (isExpanded)
groupRect = new Rect(5f, yCoord, viewRect.width - 10f, getHeight());
GUI.Box(groupRect, groupName, viewSkin.GetStyle(("shelf_group_bg")));
int hiddenNodes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < shelfNodes.Count; i++)
if (!shelfNodes[i].isHidden)
shelfNodes[i].shelfNodeRect = new Rect(10f, yCoord + 40f + (50f * (i - hiddenNodes)), viewRect.width - 20f, 40f);
shelfNodes[i].drawNodeShelfGroupNode(e, yCoord, viewSkin);
groupRect = new Rect(5f, yCoord, viewRect.width - 10f, 40f);
GUI.Box(groupRect, groupName, viewSkin.GetStyle(("shelf_group_bg")));
ProcessEvent(e, currentNodeGraph);
示例2: DrawDragButton
public void DrawDragButton(Event e, Rect nodeRect, GUISkin guiSkin)
leftButtonRect = new Rect(nodeRect.x, nodeRect.y + nodeRect.height, 30f, 30f);
middleButtonRect = new Rect(nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width * 0.5f - 15f, nodeRect.y + nodeRect.height, 30f, 30f);
rightButtonRect = new Rect(nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width - 30f, nodeRect.y + nodeRect.height, 30f, 30f);
GUI.Box(leftButtonRect, "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_default"));
GUI.Box(rightButtonRect, "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_default"));
GUI.Box(middleButtonRect, "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_default"));
示例3: InitFromRemoteData
void InitFromRemoteData()
if (!RemoteData.DataValid) { // Подождать загрузки данных
RemoteData.AllComplete += InitFromRemoteData;
//Иначе данные уже загрузить, можно отписаться и проинициализароваться
RemoteData.AllComplete -= InitFromRemoteData;
// Инициализация объектов данными из удаленного источника и отписка:
_skin = RemoteData.RequiredAssets["MenuSkin"].obj as GUISkin;
_welcomLabel = _skin.GetStyle("Header");
示例4: UpdateNodeGUI
public override void UpdateNodeGUI(Event e, Rect viewRect, Rect workViewRect, GUISkin guiSkin)
base.UpdateNodeGUI(e, viewRect, workViewRect, guiSkin);
stringToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width * 0.5f + 8f, nodeRect.y + nodeRect.height * 0.5f - 10f, nodeRect.width * 0.4f, 20f), nodeValue.ToString(), 25);
nodeValue = float.Parse(stringToEdit); // TODO handle Exception from Bad Input
}catch(FormatException ex){ }
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width - 10f, nodeRect.y + nodeRect.height * 0.5f - 10f, 20f, 20f), "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_output")))
if (parentGraph != null)
parentGraph.wantsConnection = true;
parentGraph.connectionNode = this;
示例5: InstructionScreen
public InstructionScreen(GUISkin Skin, SpriteRenderer BackgroundRenderer, PauseMenu PauseMenu)
: base(Skin, BackgroundRenderer, PauseMenu)
Background = Resources.Load<Sprite>( "Sprites/GUI/Menu/Instructions_page" );
backStyle = Skin.GetStyle( "Pause-InsBack" );
backRect = new Rect( 656, 562, 150, 44 );
示例6: DrawFloatNodeProperties
private void DrawFloatNodeProperties(GUISkin guiSkin)
if(parameters != null)
parameters["value"].floatParam = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Float value", parameters["value"].floatParam, guiSkin.GetStyle("property_view"));
示例7: drawInputHandles
//Draws the Inputhandles of the Node (Leftside Red Handles)
public void drawInputHandles(GUISkin guiSkin)
if (multiInput)
//Multi Input Box
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nodeRect.x - 24f, nodeRect.y + ((nodeRect.height + 25f) * 0.5f) - 25f, 24f, 50f), "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_multiInput")))
if (parentGraph != null)
if (parentGraph.wantsConnection)
if (parentGraph.connectionOutputList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < parentGraph.connectionOutputList.Count; i++)
bool needsExpanding = true;
for (int k = 0; k < nodeInputs.Count; k++)
if (parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].outputNode == this)
Debug.Log("Connection impossible");
if (nodeInputs[k].inputNode == null && nodeInputs[k].isOccupied == false)
nodeInputs[k].inputNode = parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].outputNode;
nodeInputs[k].isOccupied = nodeInputs[k].inputNode != null;
nodeInputs[k].outputPos = parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].position;
nodeInputs[k].inputNode.nodeOutputs[nodeInputs[k].outputPos].connectedToNode = this;
parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].connectedToNode = this;
Debug.Log("Connected at: " + k);
needsExpanding = false;
needsExpanding = true;
if (numberOfInputs < nodeInputsMax && needsExpanding)
int t = nodeInputs.Count;
numberOfInputs = t + 1;
nodeInputs.Add(new NodeInput());
nodeInputs[t].inputNode = parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].outputNode;
nodeInputs[t].isOccupied = nodeInputs[t].inputNode != null;
nodeInputs[t].outputPos = parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].position;
nodeInputs[t].inputNode.nodeOutputs[nodeInputs[t].outputPos].connectedToNode = this;
parentGraph.connectionOutputList[i].connectedToNode = this;
Debug.Log("Increased Input and Connected");
parentGraph.wantsConnection = false;
parentGraph.connectionNode = null;
parentGraph.connectionOutputList = null;
for (int k = 0; k < nodeInputs.Count; k++)
if (parentGraph.connectionOutput.outputNode == this)
Debug.Log("Connection impossible");
if (nodeInputs[k].inputNode == null && nodeInputs[k].isOccupied == false)
nodeInputs[k].inputNode = parentGraph.connectionOutput.outputNode;
nodeInputs[k].isOccupied = nodeInputs[k].inputNode != null;
nodeInputs[k].outputPos = parentGraph.connectionOutput.position;
nodeInputs[k].inputNode.nodeOutputs[nodeInputs[k].outputPos].connectedToNode = this;
parentGraph.connectionOutput.connectedToNode = this;
parentGraph.wantsConnection = false;
parentGraph.connectionNode = null;
Debug.Log("Connected at: " + k);
if (numberOfInputs < nodeInputsMax)
int i = nodeInputs.Count;
numberOfInputs = i + 1;
nodeInputs.Add(new NodeInput());
示例8: UpdateNodeGUI
public virtual void UpdateNodeGUI(Event e, Rect viewRect, Rect workViewRect, GUISkin guiSkin)
ProcessEvents(e, viewRect, workViewRect);
nodeSkin = guiSkin;
viewPortRect = viewRect;
string currentStyle = isSelected ? "node_selected" : "node_default";
if (timePointer.isSelected)
currentStyle = "node_selected";
GUI.Box(nodeRect, nodeName, guiSkin.GetStyle(currentStyle));
GUI.Box(new Rect(nodeRect.x, nodeRect.y, nodeRect.width, 27f), nodeName, guiSkin.GetStyle((currentStyle + "_titlebar_" + titleBarColor)));
GUI.Box(new Rect(nodeRect.x, nodeRect.y + nodeRect.height - 27f, nodeRect.width, 27f), "", guiSkin.GetStyle(currentStyle));
if (timePointer != null)
timePointer.drawArrow(e, viewRect, workViewRect, guiSkin);
dragButton.DrawDragButton(e, nodeRect, guiSkin);
示例9: DrawDefaultProperties
private void DrawDefaultProperties(GUISkin guiSkin)
if (parameters != null)
foreach (var key in parameters.Keys)
if (parameters[key].getParameterType() == typeof(float))
parameters[key].floatParam = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(key, parameters[key].floatParam, guiSkin.GetStyle("property_view"));
else if (parameters[key].getParameterType() == typeof(bool))
parameters[key].boolParam = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(key, parameters[key].boolParam);
Debug.LogWarning("parameter type not supported: " + parameters[key].GetType());
示例10: DrawText
public static void DrawText ( GUISkin guiSkin, string text, Vector3 position, Color? color = null, int fontSize = 0, float yOffset = 0 ) {
var prevSkin = GUI.skin;
if ( guiSkin == null )
Debug.LogWarning ( "editor warning: guiSkin parameter is null" );
GUI.skin = guiSkin;
GUIContent textContent = new GUIContent ( text );
GUIStyle style = (guiSkin != null) ? new GUIStyle ( guiSkin.GetStyle ( "Label" ) ) : new GUIStyle ();
if ( color != null )
style.normal.textColor = (Color)color;
if ( fontSize > 0 )
style.fontSize = fontSize;
Vector2 textSize = style.CalcSize ( textContent );
Vector3 screenPoint = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint ( position );
if ( screenPoint.z > 0 ) // checks necessary to the text is not visible when the camera is pointed in the opposite direction relative to the object
var worldPosition = Camera.current.ScreenToWorldPoint ( new Vector3 ( screenPoint.x - textSize.x * 0.5f, screenPoint.y + textSize.y * 0.5f + yOffset, screenPoint.z ) );
UnityEditor.Handles.Label ( worldPosition, textContent, style );
GUI.skin = prevSkin;
示例11: drawOutputHandles
//Draws Outputhandles of the Node (Rightside Green Handles)
public void drawOutputHandles(GUISkin guiSkin)
if (multiOutput)
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width, nodeRect.y + ((nodeRect.height + 25f) * 0.5f) - 25f, 24f, 50f), "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_multiOutput")))
if (parentGraph != null)
parentGraph.wantsConnection = true;
parentGraph.connectionOutputList = new List<NodeOutput>();
foreach(NodeOutput n in nodeOutputs)
GUI.Label(new Rect(nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width , nodeRect.y + ((nodeRect.height + 25f) * 0.5f) - 10f, nodeRect.width * 0.2f - 10f, 20f), nodeOutputs.Count + "", guiSkin.GetStyle("std_whiteText"));
//Single Output Circles (green)
for (int i = 0; i < nodeOutputs.Count; i++)
nodeOutputs[i].rect.x = nodeRect.x + nodeRect.width - 10f;
nodeOutputs[i].rect.y = nodeRect.y + (nodeRect.height * (1f / (nodeOutputs.Count + 1))) * (i + 1) - 10f;
nodeOutputs[i].position = i;
if (GUI.Button(nodeOutputs[i].rect, "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_output")))
if (parentGraph != null)
if (nodeOutputs[i].connectedToNode == null)
if(nodeType == NodeType.Graph)
if (nodeOutputs[i].outputNode != null)
parentGraph.wantsConnection = true;
parentGraph.connectionNode = nodeOutputs[i].outputNode;
parentGraph.connectionOutput = nodeOutputs[i];
parentGraph.wantsConnection = true;
parentGraph.connectionNode = this;
parentGraph.connectionOutput = nodeOutputs[i];
nodeOutputs[i].connectedToNode = null;
nodeOutputs[i].isOccupied = false;
parentGraph.wantsConnection = true;
parentGraph.connectionNode = this;
parentGraph.connectionOutput = nodeOutputs[i];
//TODO disconnect the output from the input
Debug.Log("disconnect it!");
示例12: OnTextEditorGUI
public override void OnTextEditorGUI(int windowID)
this.windowID = windowID;
if (!show) return;
GUI.color = new Color(1,1,1,1);
if (!editor.TestClickBlockers(editor.windowMousePos,this)) {
if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) {
skin = editor.editorWindow.theme.skin;
textEditorRect = editor.GetTextEditorRect();
textEditorRect.y += editor.tabRect.height;
textEditorRect.height -= editor.tabRect.height;
textEditorRectZeroPos = textEditorRect;
textEditorRectZeroPos.x = 0;
textEditorRectZeroPos.y = 0;
GUI.skin = skin;
Rect winRect = rect;
winRect.x += textEditorRect.x;
winRect.y += textEditorRect.y;
Rect shadowClipRect = textEditorRect;
shadowClipRect.x = 0;
GUIStyle shadowStyle = skin.GetStyle("DropShadow");
if (shadowStyle != null) {
Rect shadowRect = rect;
shadowRect.x += editor.lineNumberWidth;
GUI.Window(windowID, winRect, DrawGUIWindow, "Find And Replace", new GUIStyle());
GUI.skin = null;
示例13: DrawNodeGraphOutputs
//Rightside Red
public void DrawNodeGraphOutputs(Rect viewRect, GUISkin guiSkin)
if (graphNode != null)
NodeBase mostOuterNode = getMostOuterNode();
if (ViewOptions.showShelf)
graphNodeRect = new Rect(viewRect.width - nodeShelfWidth - 32f, viewRect.y + (viewRect.height * 0.5f) - panY, 32f, 120f);
graphNodeRect = new Rect(viewRect.x + viewRect.width - 32f, viewRect.y + (viewRect.height * 0.5f) - panY, 32f, 120f);
graphNodeRect.x = graphNodeRect.x / zoom;
graphNodeRect.x = graphNodeRect.x - panX;
graphNodeRect.width = graphNodeRect.width / zoom;
if(mostOuterNode != null)
if (graphNodeRect.x < (mostOuterNode.nodeRect.x + mostOuterNode.nodeRect.width + 100))
graphNodeRect.x = mostOuterNode.nodeRect.x + mostOuterNode.nodeRect.width + 100;
if (GUI.Button(graphNodeRect, "", guiSkin.GetStyle("node_multiInput")))
if (wantsConnection)
for (int k = 0; k < graphNode.nodeOutputs.Count; k++)
if (graphNode.nodeOutputs[k].outputNode == null && graphNode.nodeOutputs[k].isOccupied == false)
graphNode.nodeOutputs[k].outputNode = connectionNode;
graphNode.nodeOutputs[k].isOccupied = graphNode.nodeOutputs[k].outputNode != null;
//graphNode.nodeOutputs[k].position = k;
wantsConnection = false;
connectionNode = null;
Debug.Log("Connected to GroupNode Output at: " + k);
if (graphNode.numberOfOutputs < graphNode.nodeOutputsMax)
int i = graphNode.nodeOutputs.Count;
graphNode.numberOfOutputs = i + 1;
graphNode.nodeOutputs.Add(new NodeOutput());
graphNode.nodeOutputs[i].outputNode = connectionNode;
graphNode.nodeOutputs[i].isOccupied = graphNode.nodeOutputs[i].outputNode != null;
Debug.Log("Increased Output of GroupNode and Connected");
wantsConnection = false;
connectionNode = null;
Debug.Log("Removing Group Node Outputs");
graphNode.nodeOutputs = new List<NodeOutput>();
graphNode.numberOfOutputs = graphNode.nodeOutputs.Count;
GUI.Label(graphNodeRect, graphNode.nodeOutputs.Count + "", guiSkin.GetStyle("std_whiteText"));
示例14: PlayModeScreen
public PlayModeScreen( GUISkin Skin, SpriteRenderer BackgroundRenderer, MainMenu MainMenu )
: base(Skin, BackgroundRenderer, MainMenu)
Background = Resources.Load<Sprite>( "Sprites/GUI/Menu/mainMenu-playmode" );
backRct = new Rect( 353, 562, 150, 44 );
coworkRct = new Rect( 70, 200, 355, 175 );
studentRct = new Rect( 430, 200, 355, 175 );
styleMap = new Dictionary<Option, string> ();
unselectedOptions = new Dictionary<Option, Texture2D>();
selectedOptions = new Dictionary<Option, Texture2D>();
styleMap.Add( Option.Coworker, "Coworker Opt" );
styleMap.Add( Option.Student , "Student Opt" );
unselectedOptions.Add( Option.Coworker, Resources.Load<Texture2D>( "Sprites/GUI/Menu/coworkerUnselected" ) );
unselectedOptions.Add( Option.Student , Resources.Load<Texture2D>( "Sprites/GUI/Menu/studentUnselected" ) );
selectedOptions.Add( Option.Coworker, Resources.Load<Texture2D>( "Sprites/GUI/Menu/coworkerSelected" ) );
selectedOptions.Add( Option.Student , Resources.Load<Texture2D>( "Sprites/GUI/Menu/studentSelected" ) );
currentSelection = Option.Coworker;
Skin.GetStyle( styleMap[ currentSelection ] ).normal.background = selectedOptions[ currentSelection ];
示例15: drawNodeShelfGroupNode
public void drawNodeShelfGroupNode(Event e, float yCoord, GUISkin viewSkin)
GUI.Box(shelfNodeRect, shelfNodeName, viewSkin.GetStyle(("node_default_titlebar_blue")));