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C# AndroidJavaClass.GetRawClass方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.AndroidJavaClass.GetRawClass方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# AndroidJavaClass.GetRawClass方法的具体用法?C# AndroidJavaClass.GetRawClass怎么用?C# AndroidJavaClass.GetRawClass使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UnityEngine.AndroidJavaClass的用法示例。


示例1: AGSAchievementsClient

    static AGSAchievementsClient(){
        JavaObject = new AmazonJavaWrapper(); 
        using( var PluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass( PROXY_CLASS_NAME ) ){
            if (PluginClass.GetRawClass() == IntPtr.Zero)
                AGSClient.LogGameCircleWarning(string.Format("No java class {0} present, can't use AGSAchievementsClient",PROXY_CLASS_NAME ));
            JavaObject.setAndroidJavaObject(PluginClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>( "getInstance" ));

示例2: AGSPlayerClient

    static AGSPlayerClient(){
        // find the plugin instance
        JavaObject = new AmazonJavaWrapper(); 
        using( var PluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass( PROXY_CLASS_NAME ) ){
            if (PluginClass.GetRawClass() == IntPtr.Zero)
                AGSClient.LogGameCircleWarning("No java class " + PROXY_CLASS_NAME + " present, can't use AGSPlayerClient" );
            JavaObject.setAndroidJavaObject(PluginClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>( "getInstance" ));

示例3: Awake

		//// -- UnityAndroid

		// Get the cameras
		OVRCamera[] ovrcameras = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCamera>( true );
		for (int i = 0; i < ovrcameras.Length; i++)
			// assign the right and left cameras, check the camera name for outdated prefabs
			if(ovrcameras[i].RightEye || ( string.Compare( ovrcameras[i].name, "cameraright", true ) == 0 ) )
				ovrcameras[i].RightEye = true;
				SetCameras(CameraLeft, ovrcameras[i].camera);
				SetCameras(ovrcameras[i].camera, CameraRight);

			if ( ( ovrcameras[i].camera.clearFlags == CameraClearFlags.Skybox ) && ( ( ovrcameras[i].gameObject.GetComponent<Skybox>() != null ) || ( RenderSettings.skybox != null ) ) )
				HasSkybox = true;
				Debug.Log ( "Skybox Clear Required" );

		if ((CameraLeft == null) || (CameraRight == null))
			Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: Unity Cameras in OVRCameraController not found!");

		// Disable screen dimming
		Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

		Application.targetFrameRate = 60;

		// don't allow the app to run in the background
		Application.runInBackground = false;

		// don't enable gyro, it is not used and triggers expensive display calls
		if ( Input.gyro.enabled )
			Debug.LogError( "*** Auto-disabling Gyroscope ***" );
			Input.gyro.enabled = false;

		// don't enable antiAliasing on the main window display, it may cause
		// bad behavior with various tiling controls.
		if ( QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 1 )
			Debug.LogError( "*** Main Display should have 0 samples ***" );

		// Only perform this check when the CameraController is enabled
		// to allow for toggling stereo / non-stero camers for testing.
		if ( this.enabled )
			// Make sure there isn't an OVRDistortion camera on Android
			// this is done primarly to clean up old camera controller prefabs
			Camera[] cameras = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Camera>();
			for (int i = 0; i < cameras.Length; i++)
				if ( (cameras[i] != CameraLeft) && ( cameras[i] != CameraRight ) )
					Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: Extra camera on OVRCameraController found!");
					cameras[i].cullingMask = 0;	// cull everything
					cameras[i].clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing;
					Destroy( cameras[i] );

		CameraLeft.depth = (int)RenderEventType.LeftEyeEndFrame;
		CameraRight.depth = (int)RenderEventType.RightEyeEndFrame;

		// When rendering monoscopic, we will use the left camera render
		// for both eyes.
		if ( Monoscopic )
			//CameraRight.enabled = false;
			CameraRight.cullingMask = 0;	// cull everything
			CameraRight.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing;

		if ( !androidJavaInit )
			AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
			activity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
			javaVrActivityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.oculusvr.vrlib.VrActivity");
			// Prepare for the RenderThreadInit()
			OVR_SetInitVariables( activity.GetRawObject(), javaVrActivityClass.GetRawClass() );

			androidJavaInit = true;


示例4: LaunchBridgeIntent

 // Must be launched from the game thread (otherwise the classloader cannot locate the unity
 // java classes we require).
 private void LaunchBridgeIntent(IntPtr bridgedIntent) {
     object[] objectArray = new object[2];
     jvalue[] jArgs = AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJNIArgArray(objectArray);
     try {
         using (var bridgeClass = new AndroidJavaClass(BridgeActivityClass)) {
             using (var currentActivity = GetActivity()) {
                 // Unity no longer supports constructing an AndroidJavaObject using an IntPtr,
                 // so I have to manually munge with JNI here.
                 IntPtr methodId = AndroidJNI.GetStaticMethodID(bridgeClass.GetRawClass(),
                 jArgs[0].l = currentActivity.GetRawObject();
                 jArgs[1].l = bridgedIntent;
                 AndroidJNI.CallStaticVoidMethod(bridgeClass.GetRawClass(), methodId, jArgs);
     } finally {
         AndroidJNIHelper.DeleteJNIArgArray(objectArray, jArgs);

示例5: IsAndroidJavaClassNull

	private static bool IsAndroidJavaClassNull(AndroidJavaClass androidJavaClass) {
		return androidJavaClass == null || 
			androidJavaClass.GetRawClass().ToInt32() == 0;

示例6: Awake

	private void Awake()
		// Only allow one instance at runtime.
		if (instance != null)
			enabled = false;

		instance = this;

		if (!ovrIsInitialized)

			ovrIsInitialized = true;

		var netVersion = new System.Version(Ovr.Hmd.OVR_VERSION_STRING);
		var ovrVersion = new System.Version(Ovr.Hmd.GetVersionString());
		if (netVersion > ovrVersion)
			Debug.LogWarning("Using an older version of LibOVR.");

        // Detect whether this platform is a supported platform
        RuntimePlatform currPlatform = Application.platform;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.Android;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer;
        if (!isSupportedPlatform)
            Debug.LogWarning("This platform is unsupported");

		// don't allow the application to run if orientation is not landscape left.
		if (Screen.orientation != ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
			Debug.LogError("***** Default screen orientation must be set to landscape left for VR.\n" +
			               "***** Stopping application.\n");


		// don't enable gyro, it is not used and triggers expensive display calls
		if (Input.gyro.enabled)
			Debug.LogError("*** Auto-disabling Gyroscope ***");
			Input.gyro.enabled = false;
		// NOTE: On Adreno Lollipop, it is an error to have antiAliasing set on the
		// main window surface with front buffer rendering enabled. The view will
		// render black.
		// On Adreno KitKat, some tiling control modes will cause the view to render
		// black.
		if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 1)
			Debug.LogError("*** Antialiasing must be disabled for Gear VR ***");

		// we sync in the TimeWarp, so we don't want unity
		// syncing elsewhere
		QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;

		// try to render at 60fps
		Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
		// don't allow the app to run in the background
		Application.runInBackground = false;
		// Disable screen dimming
		Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

		if (!androidJavaInit)
			AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
			activity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
			javaVrActivityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.oculusvr.vrlib.VrActivity");
			// Prepare for the RenderThreadInit()
			SetInitVariables(activity.GetRawObject(), javaVrActivityClass.GetRawClass());

			AndroidJavaObject entitlementChecker = new AndroidJavaObject("com.oculus.svclib.OVREntitlementChecker");
			entitlementChecker.CallStatic("doAutomatedCheck", activity);
			Debug.Log( "Inhibiting Entitlement Check!" );

			androidJavaInit = true;


示例7: Awake

	private void Awake()
		// Only allow one instance at runtime.
		if (instance != null)
			enabled = false;


		instance = this;

		var netVersion = new System.Version(Ovr.Hmd.OVR_VERSION_STRING);
		var ovrVersion = new System.Version(Ovr.Hmd.GetVersionString());
		if (netVersion > ovrVersion)
			Debug.LogWarning("Using an older version of LibOVR.");

        // Detect whether this platform is a supported platform
        RuntimePlatform currPlatform = Application.platform;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.Android;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer;
        if (!isSupportedPlatform)
            Debug.LogWarning("This platform is unsupported");

		Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
		// don't allow the app to run in the background
		Application.runInBackground = false;
		// Disable screen dimming
		Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

		if (!androidJavaInit)
			AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
			activity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
			javaVrActivityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.oculusvr.vrlib.VrActivity");
			// Prepare for the RenderThreadInit()
			SetInitVariables(activity.GetRawObject(), javaVrActivityClass.GetRawClass());
			androidJavaInit = true;

		// We want to set up our touchpad messaging system
		// This will trigger the init on the render thread

		if (display == null)
			display = new OVRDisplay();
		if (tracker == null)
			tracker = new OVRTracker();

		tracker.isEnabled = false;
		usePositionTracking = false;

		if (resetTrackerOnLoad)

		// Except for D3D9, SDK rendering forces vsync unless you pass ovrHmdCap_NoVSync to Hmd.SetEnabledCaps().
		if (timeWarp)
			bool useUnityVSync = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.Contains("Direct3D 9");
			QualitySettings.vSyncCount = useUnityVSync ? 1 : 0;

		bool unity_4_6 = false;
		bool unity_4_5_2 = false;
		bool unity_4_5_3 = false;
		bool unity_4_5_4 = false;
		bool unity_4_5_5 = false;

#if (UNITY_4_6)
		unity_4_6 = true;
#elif (UNITY_4_5_2)
		unity_4_5_2 = true;
#elif (UNITY_4_5_3)
		unity_4_5_3 = true;
#elif (UNITY_4_5_4)
		unity_4_5_4 = true;
#elif (UNITY_4_5_5)
		unity_4_5_5 = true;

		// Detect correct Unity releases which contain the fix for D3D11 exclusive mode.
		string version = Application.unityVersion;
		int releaseNumber;

示例8: Awake



		// don't enable gyro, it is not used and triggers expensive display calls
		if (Input.gyro.enabled)
			Debug.LogError("*** Auto-disabling Gyroscope ***");
			Input.gyro.enabled = false;
		// NOTE: On Adreno Lollipop, it is an error to have antiAliasing set on the
		// main window surface with front buffer rendering enabled. The view will
		// render black.
		// On Adreno KitKat, some tiling control modes will cause the view to render
		// black.
		if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 1)
			Debug.LogError("*** Antialiasing must be disabled for Gear VR ***");

		// we sync in the TimeWarp, so we don't want unity
		// syncing elsewhere
		QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;

		// try to render at 60fps
		Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
		// don't allow the app to run in the background
		Application.runInBackground = false;
		// Disable screen dimming
		Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

		if (!androidJavaInit)
			AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
			activity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
			javaVrActivityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.oculusvr.vrlib.VrActivity");
			// Prepare for the RenderThreadInit()
			SetInitVariables(activity.GetRawObject(), javaVrActivityClass.GetRawClass());

			AndroidJavaObject entitlementChecker = new AndroidJavaObject("com.oculus.svclib.OVREntitlementChecker");
			entitlementChecker.CallStatic("doAutomatedCheck", activity);
			Debug.Log( "Inhibiting Entitlement Check!" );

			androidJavaInit = true;

		// We want to set up our touchpad messaging system


		prevEyeTextureAntiAliasing = OVRManager.instance.eyeTextureAntiAliasing;
		prevEyeTextureDepth = OVRManager.instance.eyeTextureDepth;
		prevEyeTextureFormat = OVRManager.instance.eyeTextureFormat;
        prevNativeTextureScale = OVRManager.instance.nativeTextureScale;
        prevVirtualTextureScale = OVRManager.instance.virtualTextureScale;
        prevMonoscopic = OVRManager.instance.monoscopic;
        prevHdr = OVRManager.instance.hdr;

		if (display == null)
			display = new OVRDisplay();
		if (tracker == null)
			tracker = new OVRTracker();

		if (resetTrackerOnLoad)

		// Except for D3D9, SDK rendering forces vsync unless you pass ovrHmdCap_NoVSync to Hmd.SetEnabledCaps().
		if (timeWarp)
			bool useUnityVSync = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.Contains("Direct3D 9");
			QualitySettings.vSyncCount = useUnityVSync ? 1 : 0;

		if (!OVRUnityVersionChecker.hasD3D9ExclusiveModeSupport && !display.isDirectMode && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.Contains("Direct3D 9"))
			MessageBox(0, "Direct3D 9 extended mode is not supported in this configuration. "
				+ "Please use direct display mode, a different graphics API, or rebuild the application with a newer Unity version."
				, "VR Configuration Warning", 0);

		if (!OVRUnityVersionChecker.hasD3D11ExclusiveModeSupport && !display.isDirectMode && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.Contains("Direct3D 11"))
			MessageBox(0, "Direct3D 11 extended mode is not supported in this configuration. "
				+ "Please use direct display mode, a different graphics API, or rebuild the application with a newer Unity version."
				, "VR Configuration Warning", 0);

示例9: PlatformAndroid

            public PlatformAndroid(string version, int capacity, int trim, string gesture)
                pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass(PluginClassName);
                pluginClassRaw = pluginClass.GetRawClass();

                IntPtr methodInit = GetStaticMethod(pluginClassRaw, "init", "(Ljava.lang.String;IILjava.lang.String;)V");
                CallStaticVoidMethod(methodInit, new jvalue[] { jval(version), jval(capacity), jval(trim), jval(gesture) });

                methodLogMessage = GetStaticMethod(pluginClassRaw, "logMessage", "(Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;I)V");
                methodShowConsole = GetStaticMethod(pluginClassRaw, "show", "()V");
                methodHideConsole = GetStaticMethod(pluginClassRaw, "hide", "()V");

示例10: LaunchBridgeIntent

 // Must be launched from the game thread (otherwise the classloader cannot locate the unity
 // java classes we require).
 private static void LaunchBridgeIntent(IntPtr bridgedIntent)
     object[] objectArray = new object[2];
     jvalue[] jArgs = AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJNIArgArray(objectArray);
         using (var bridgeClass = new AndroidJavaClass(BridgeActivityClass))
             using (var currentActivity = AndroidTokenClient.GetActivity())
                 // Unity no longer supports constructing an AndroidJavaObject using an IntPtr,
                 // so I have to manually munge with JNI here.
                 IntPtr methodId = AndroidJNI.GetStaticMethodID(bridgeClass.GetRawClass(),
                 jArgs[0].l = currentActivity.GetRawObject();
                 jArgs[1].l = bridgedIntent;
                 AndroidJNI.CallStaticVoidMethod(bridgeClass.GetRawClass(), methodId, jArgs);
     catch (Exception e)
         GooglePlayGames.OurUtils.Logger.e("Exception launching bridge intent: " + e.Message);
         AndroidJNIHelper.DeleteJNIArgArray(objectArray, jArgs);

示例11: Awake

	private void Awake()
		// Only allow one instance at runtime.
		if (instance != null)
			enabled = false;

		instance = this;

		var netVersion = new System.Version(Ovr.Hmd.OVR_VERSION_STRING);
		var ovrVersion = new System.Version(Ovr.Hmd.GetVersionString());
		if (netVersion > ovrVersion)
			Debug.LogWarning("Using an older version of LibOVR.");

        // Detect whether this platform is a supported platform
        RuntimePlatform currPlatform = Application.platform;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.Android;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor;
        isSupportedPlatform |= currPlatform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer;
        if (!isSupportedPlatform)
            Debug.LogWarning("This platform is unsupported");

		Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
		// don't allow the app to run in the background
		Application.runInBackground = false;
		// Disable screen dimming
		Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

		if (!androidJavaInit)
			AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
			activity = unityPlayer.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
			javaVrActivityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.oculusvr.vrlib.VrActivity");
			// Prepare for the RenderThreadInit()
			SetInitVariables(activity.GetRawObject(), javaVrActivityClass.GetRawClass());
			androidJavaInit = true;

		// We want to set up our touchpad messaging system
		// This will trigger the init on the render thread

		display = new OVRDisplay();
		tracker = new OVRTracker();

		// Except for D3D9, SDK rendering forces vsync unless you pass ovrHmdCap_NoVSync to Hmd.SetEnabledCaps().
		if (timeWarp)
			bool useUnityVSync = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.Contains("Direct3D 9");
			QualitySettings.vSyncCount = useUnityVSync ? 1 : 0;
