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C# Editor.Repaint方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEditor.Editor.Repaint方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Editor.Repaint方法的具体用法?C# Editor.Repaint怎么用?C# Editor.Repaint使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UnityEditor.Editor的用法示例。


示例1: Update

            bool fullScreenButton = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_toolTiptext);

            Rect submitField = new Rect(original);
            submitField.xMin += !fullScreenButton ? (width * 0.68f) + _submitButtonWidth : 10 + _submitButtonWidth;
            submitField.xMax -= 10 - _submitButtonWidth;
            submitField.yMin += 20 + _submitButtonHeight;
            submitField.yMax -= 125 - _submitButtonHeight;

            Rect lerpSpeedLabel = new Rect(original);
            lerpSpeedLabel.xMin += 10;
            lerpSpeedLabel.xMax -= 10;
            lerpSpeedLabel.yMin += 62;
            lerpSpeedLabel.yMax -= 55;

            Rect distanceStopLabel = new Rect(original);
            distanceStopLabel.xMin += 10;
            distanceStopLabel.xMax -= 10;
            distanceStopLabel.yMin += 93;
            distanceStopLabel.yMax -= 25;

            Rect angleStopLabel = new Rect(original);
            angleStopLabel.xMin += 10;
            angleStopLabel.xMax -= 10;
            angleStopLabel.yMin += 125;
            angleStopLabel.yMax -= 25;

            Rect lerpSpeedField = new Rect(original);
            lerpSpeedField.xMin += (width * 0.25f) + _submitButtonWidth;
            lerpSpeedField.xMax -= 10 - _submitButtonWidth;
            lerpSpeedField.yMin += 75 + _submitButtonHeight;
            lerpSpeedField.yMax -= 75;

            Rect distanceStopField = new Rect(original);
            distanceStopField.xMin += (width * 0.25f) + _submitButtonWidth;
            distanceStopField.xMax -= 10 - _submitButtonWidth;
            distanceStopField.yMin += 107 + _submitButtonHeight;
            distanceStopField.yMax -= 45;

            Rect angleStopField = new Rect(original);
            angleStopField.xMin += (width * 0.25f) + _submitButtonWidth;
            angleStopField.xMax -= 10 - _submitButtonWidth;
            angleStopField.yMin += 140 + _submitButtonHeight;
            angleStopField.yMax -= 10;

            _submitButtonTitle = Interpolation ? "Disable" : "Enable";

            GUI.color = Interpolation ? Color.green : Color.gray;

            if (GUI.Button(submitField, _submitButtonTitle))
                Interpolation = !Interpolation;
                _submitButtonTitle = Interpolation ? "Disable" : "Enable";

                if (_submitButtonAction != null)
            GUI.color = Color.white;

            GUI.Label(lerpSpeedLabel, "Lerp Speed", fontStyle);

            GUI.Label(distanceStopLabel, "Distance Stop", fontStyle);

            GUI.Label(angleStopLabel, "Angle Stop", fontStyle);

            GUI.enabled = Interpolation;

            LerpSpeed = GUI.HorizontalSlider(lerpSpeedField, LerpSpeed, 0f, 1f);

            float tempLerpSpeed = LerpSpeed;
            if (float.TryParse(GUI.TextField(lerpSpeedLabelField, LerpSpeed.ToString()), out tempLerpSpeed))
                LerpSpeed = tempLerpSpeed;

            DistanceStop = GUI.HorizontalSlider(distanceStopField, DistanceStop, 0f, 1f);

            float tempDistanceStop = DistanceStop;
            if (float.TryParse(GUI.TextField(distanceStopLabelField, DistanceStop.ToString()), out tempDistanceStop))
                DistanceStop = tempDistanceStop;

            AngleStop = GUI.HorizontalSlider(angleStopField, AngleStop, 1f, 359.0f);

            float tempAngleStop = AngleStop;
            if (float.TryParse(GUI.TextField(angleStopLabelField, AngleStop.ToString()), out tempAngleStop))
                AngleStop = tempAngleStop;

            GUI.enabled = true;

        if (_prevTex != _activeTex)
            _prevTex = _activeTex;

示例2: BeginCommonArea

    public XArea BeginCommonArea(string id,string name,Editor editor,bool forceOpen)
        GUIStyle buttonStyle = EffectLayerCustom.Xbutton;
        GUIStyle style = EffectLayerCustom.XArea;

        if (!XAreas.ContainsKey(id))
            XAreas.Add(id,new XArea());

        //find my area.
        XArea m = XAreas[id];
        style.stretchWidth = true;
        Rect gotLastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (new GUIContent (),style,GUILayout.Height (m.LastRect.height));

        GUILayout.BeginArea (m.LastRect,style);
        Rect newRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical();

        //head bar

        m.Open = GUILayout.Toggle(m.Open,GUIContent.none,EffectLayerCustom.XToggle2, GUILayout.Width(18f),GUILayout.Height(18f));
        m.Enable = true;
        if (GUILayout.Button (name,buttonStyle,GUILayout.Height(20f)))
            m.Open = !m.Open;

        if (forceOpen)
            m.Open = true;

        //increase a bit, need to do this.
        newRect.height += 3f;

        GUI.enabled = m.Enable;
        if (!m.Open)
            newRect.height = MinHeight;

        //calculate area size.
        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint || Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) {
         newRect.x = gotLastRect.x;
         newRect.y = gotLastRect.y;
         newRect.width = gotLastRect.width;
         newRect.height += style.padding.top+ style.padding.bottom;

         if (m.LastRect != newRect) {
                m.LastRect = newRect;
                editor.Repaint ();

        return m;

示例3: RepaintIfUndoOrRedo

 public static void RepaintIfUndoOrRedo(Editor editor)
     if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand) {
         if (Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed") {

示例4: Enable

        public static void Enable(Editor inspector)
            var inspectorRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
            if (inspectorRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))

            _layoutOrigins = new Stack<Vector2>();

            TotalInspectorSpacing = 0;

示例5: SelectNode

        public void SelectNode(Node node)
            // Valid selection, but BTAsset is not selected in the project view, queue selection
            if (node != null && Selection.activeObject != btAsset) {
                QueuedSelectionFor = btAsset;
                QueuedSelectionGUID = node.GUID;
                Selection.activeObject = btAsset;

            selectedNode = node;

            // Node is null, deselecting
            if (node == null && btInspector != null) {
                nodeInspector = null;
                btInspector.Repaint ();

            // Node selected
            Editor newInspector = Editor.CreateEditor (node);
            if (newInspector != null) {
                nodeInspector = newInspector;
                nodeInspector.Repaint ();
